Tuesday, November 8, 2022

November 8

2:25 Dedată la diete și mai severe (atenție la coate) și un dinte puțin pilit.

7:44 Mda am postat-o pe Lia Georgina, azi au venit cu o știre despre Olguța Lia. Da e adevărat am avut-o în blogul asemănărilor din era pe care eu o numesc "asemănări romantice" când mergeam mai mult pe intuiție și am avut din păcate prea multe greșeli iar azi trebuie să o caut iar. 

Dar un lucru aș vrea să adaug. În afară de faptul că dacă cineva caută multe fotografii ale aceluiași politician rămâne mirat de numărul de fotografii pozate, unde există o colaborare clară între subiect și fotograf, și nu surprinse, cum ar trebui să fie la niște politicieni veșnic muncitori, am descoperit mai multe ciudățenii (peculiarities) la fețele șerpilor. Mulți din ei au gropiță în bărbie ca Becali (bine la el e ditamai șanțul), dar poate și mai mulți au o gropiță în... vârful nasului, care se manifestă la anumite vârste.

10:05 Unfortunately i had to go out tonight to buy stuff for the hungry fridge. 50 different people messed with me including blinding me, squeezing me at every bay and yelling after me in the store, the pepper nazi following me, a code service 1 when i turned around (like any time when i do that) cause i forgot an item that was at the beginning, and a fast moving light category warming up at the check stand first blocking the convener with a case of bear (they went back cause they forgot something) then humiliating me by handling one item (out of 100) i forgot on the cart because they distracted me, still i remained calm,

What i wanted to say. Biden waited 2 years to finally start his main campaign promise. This way, nobody can say he didn't but if Republicans win tonight, will they stop the 1 trillion infrastructure bill?

Though im afraid when i think what they did in t he last 10 years in Oregon. Showing good intentions, they messed lots of things. Smooth but wavy highways. Modern looking badly aligned medians and shoulder lines and intersections. Unseen unmarked curbs when least expected where shoulder lines should be. Still unsynced red lights leading to many stops and more fuel consumption and time wasted. In other words they can mess further the well done since 50 years ago American interstate system. Simply because the heroes and dreamers and generally America who built them don't exist anymore.

BTW just remembered something. Anybody ever calculated how many miles heating planet and how many hours Oregonians have to waste in a year having to drive to liquor stores instead of getting their liquor in grocery stores that also sell alcohol in the form of wine and beer? If they are so concerned about minors why not having locked bays in superstores like in Washington State?

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