Saturday, August 5, 2023

August 5th

12:16 I think she is the person who first interviewed me at ER room and told me to wait. There's got to be on cameras, they know have those everywhere.

9:30 Yoga la mânăstire. Dar nu numai asta.

9:42 Să fie oare chiar Traian ăla care îi rânjește lui Decebal pe columnă.

10:50 Da, bine dar ăla din capul scenei cine e, Darth Vader, Dracula, o combinație?

Friday, August 4, 2023

August 4th

12:05 (Noaptea la mine) Un documentar care mă fascinează. O privire în trecutul nostru foarte îndepărtat, din epoca de piatră sau mai înainte. Australia a fost un continent izolat pentru mai mult de 50000 de ani și populația fiind mult mai mică decât în Eurasia de exemplu, și nivelul de dezvoltare a rămas scăzut, până la venirea unui grup misterios din India sau Nepal, Pama Nyunga. Însă ei nu au stat pe continent, s-au deplasat în Africa și Europa după ce au preluat totuși niște tradiții locale.

Cel mai ușor de recunoscut și faimos loc din Australia este Muntele Attila. Mulți din ungurii de azi au figuri de aborigeni australieni.

Nu am văzut vârfuri la sulițe, nici măcar de piatră. Nu cunoșteau arcul dar puteau să-și construiască bumerange de lemn, cu care vânau păsări. Aveau reacții elementare, de supraviețuire și un limbaj foarte simplu. Deci nu poate fi vorba de fantezii. Pentru fantezii e nevoie de gândire conceptuală, limbaj evoluat, dialog cu sine, noțiunea de spațiu-timp și ceva ce noi numim imaginație.

Credința în vrăjitorie era un lucru foarte concret, foarte tangibil. Trebuia să fi fost ceva real în spatele lui. Și este. Vrăjitoria este mult mai simplă decât ne putem închipui și se bazează pe experimente întâmplătoare care au devenit la ei tradiție. Limba română conține o expresie. "a umbla cu lucruri necurate".

Multă lume ignoră relația biologică pe care oamenii o au cu mediul lor înconjurător. Organismul se adaptează continuu la orice schimbări microbiene de mediu și invers, contribuie la formarea lui. Parte din sistemul nostru imunitar se răspândește în mediu odată cu eliberarea intestinului dar și cu respirația, etc..

La unele specii de pradă, simbionții parazitari devin arme unelte (așa numitul marcaj teritorial cu care ei de fapt își infectează prada, făcându-o docilă). De aceea acești strămoși ai noștri își curățau locul și își îngropau fecalele, pentru că dușmanii lor și probabil unii din ei înșiși știau să folosească orice rămășite biologice și să le manipuleze pentru a-i îmbolnăvi.

Tradiție ce se continuă până în zilele noastre. Reprezentanți ai ordinului dominican vin în fiecare zi cu câinii care-și fac nevoile în jurul clădirii, în locuri alese special, de obicei în direcția vântului, curenților prin ferestruicile de aerisire a subsolului, cu câinii hrăniți special și urmând un anume ritual.

Trag de exemplu câinele de lesă în momentul în care acesta defechează pentru a-l stresa și a elibera uleiurile rău mirositoare din săculeții anali iar apoi pleacă și nu strâng. De asemene aruncă obiecte ce par la întâmplare, de obicei ambalaje cu resturi, care însă privite atent reprezintă dieta noastră din ultimele zile. Este imposibil să dovedești ceva, și apoi, cui.

Uneori, ca în seara asta, trebuie să merg pe afară să strâng tot felul de obiecte, pentru că altfel nu pot să dorm după ce mi-a fost rău toată ziua. De câte ori am ajuns la urgențe sau chiar în spital pentru chestiile astea iar pe atunci nu beam și nu aveam diabet, ceea ce m-a și ruinat financiar și profesional.

9:16 (Dimineața) În film, realizatorul interviului mai spune la un moment dat ceva. A avut impresia că Buckley sau acel Robinson Crusoe de Australia, un evadat care a trăit 32 cu un grup (mob) de localnici, nu îi spunea totul. Motivul. După 32 de ani, Buckely a devenit unul de-al lor.

Relatări moderne și chiar urmașii direcți ai grupului prezentat în documentar vorbesc despre un un câmp comunicațional, care ar fi fost și un sistem filozofic, juridic și religios numit dreaming.

Regăsim această idee în sistemul de arte marțiale ninjutsu din Japonia, unde se vorbește despre Shin Shin Shing Ghan, o formă de telepatie la care se poate ajunge prin antrenament. Ninja au fost mercenari feudali a căror misiune principală a fost de culegere de informații și influențare a dușmanilor celor care-i angajau, iar unii din ei petreceau o parte din viață infiltrați timp de decenii în taberele inamice. Citirea gândurilor subiecților (țintelor) ar fi fost pentru ei un mare avantaj.

Este vorba probabil de un mod de comunicație ancestral între toate ființele vii care a existat înainte de limbaj și orice formă de civilizație, fie ea doar la nivelul prezentat în documentar, ceva ce omul mai evoluat a pierdut prin folosirea limbajului verbal avansat dar la care se poate accede prin antrenament. O ipoteză ar fi comunicația vibrațională prezentă vertebrate.

Dar poate fi și ceva mai mult, o anumită parte a spectrului "electromagnetic" de foarte joasă frecvență.

Indienii americani (Native Americans) despre care eu cred că au venit și din Australia, au un fel de device pe care ei îl numesc "dream catcher" pe care îl pun în jurul copiilor mici când dorm ca să-i ferească de coșmaruri. Device-ul îmi amintește de un dipol circular în scurtcircuit care ar putea într-adevăr să scurtcircuiteze și  deci să diminueze anumite frecvențe de microunde, după diametru de ordinul de la 1 GHz la 5 GHz sau mai mult, mai ales când bețișorul de salcie din care e făcut este încă plin de sevă, deci conducător.

Timpul meu este foarte limitat și nu pot să-i caut pe toți însă sunt sigur că cei de la Metallica ca și toți artiștii de clasă internațională sunt tot unguri (care se poate vedea și după accentul cu care cântă în engleză). Să fie această melodie o exemplificare făcută de ei înșiși, aproape pe față, a ce am spus mai sus? "So close no matter  how far..."

9:55 Înapoi la timpuri moderne. Am re-postat acum câteva zile o asemănare greșită cu Biden. Mi-am dat seama și m-am apucat să caut din nou, ceea ce mi-a luat câteva zile (nu am putut să caut tot timpul). Între timp au venit cu un remediu. Re-acuzarea lui Trump, cu noi crime care s-a făcut exact în aceeași zi când l-am găsit pe scriitorul respectiv, mort din aprilie anul acesta.

Fiindcă au undeva pe un supercomputer un model cu felul în care gândesc, după ce au înregistrat tot ce am făcut spus și scris timp de decenii, unde pot simula și anticipa tot ce fac eu. Astfel, efectul psihologic ne-căutat de mine a fost exact invers, rușii, chinezii, sau cei care mă controlează au publicat asemănarea în ziua în care Trump a fost re-acuzat, ca o răzbunare a republicanilor evrei răi conspiratori vânduți rușilor și chinezilor pe care Trump îi reprezintă.

12:00 Am umblat în primele zile din săptămâna asta la mașina de spălat și printre altele am desfăcut furtunul de evacuare care avea în el o mâzgă lipicioasă (slime) din mizerie cu detergent veche de până la 20 de ani pe care am încercat s-o spăl, cu o perie circulară și detergent, inclusiv cu clor.

Ca rezultat aici miroase acum a vomă, deși am generator de ozon dat la maximum, iar mie mi-au apărut pe ambele mâini niște bubulițe care mă mănâncă fantastic, din care unele chiar peste cicatricea rănii pe care am postat-o acum câteva zile. 

Am dat cu antibiotic de pe vechea rețetă, Mupirocin, și mă aștept să-mi treacă în câteva zile fiindcă nu m-am scărpinat încă să găuresc pielea. Aceste mașini casnice (appliances) prin felul în care sunt gândite, cu aceste furtunuri de evacuare, uneori crețe (corrugated) sunt încă un pericol pentru sănătatea dvs.. Ar putea fi la originea misterioaselor "flesh eating bacteria" (necrotizing fasciitis) sau unor boli ca plantar fasciitis și poate chiar Alzheimer. De notat coincidența cu cuvântul fascism.

Sfatul meu. Nu încercați să le spălați. Schimbați-le cât mai des, dacă puteți și pe cele din interiorul mașinii.

Thursday, August 3, 2023

August 3rd

5:24 Aceeași aroganță sfidătoare cu care ne-au obișnuit de decenii. Au găsit o față necunoscută până acum, cea mai aproape de figura lui Nicu dintr-o poză (care nu seamănă cu toate celelalte) pentru a o supraimprima peste cea postată de mine. Prilejul. Discuția zilei.

Și scandalul cu pensiile speciale și cu taxele. În mod tradițional, hoții de stânga măresc taxele și impozitele iar aceștia abia ajunși la putere și-au început rolul.

Apropo nu vrea nimeni să se uite la buget. Am pus link-ul de atâta timp pe blog. Nimic. (Singura chestie e că dacă alegeți un minister din link, suma va apărea doar pe pagina a 2-a, prima sau a doua cifră dintr-un tabel, au știut ei cum să prezinte ca să facă pe omul obișnuit, necontabil, să renunțe să cerceteze).

Ministerul Dezvoltării (ce o fi aia, nu am văzut nici o dezvoltare până acum) are un buget astronomic pe anul ăsta de până la 94 miliarde de lei. 19 miliarde de euro. Ministerul Transporturilor. Până la 59 de miliarde sau 12 miliarde de euro. Să ne arate ce fac cu banii înainte de a ne cere alții. Sau mai bine nu. Vedem noi cu ochiul liber.

Agricultură, 28. Ăsta e cu subvențiile la fermieri (ca să avem mâncare ieftină LOL), dar chiar așa? 5 miliarde de euro? Alimentele nu vin gratuit din aceste subvenții, deși la suma repectivă așa ar trebui, le mai și plătim!

5:46 Am pus ieri două link-uri cu medicamente experimentale pentru cancer, cu rate de succes 100% dar va mai trece un secol sau un mileniu probabil până când FDA le va aproba. Posibile efecte secundare. Și ce. Chimioterapia cu medicamente aprobate de 50 de ani are efectele secundare cele mai devastatoare din toate medicamentele.

Și au venit ei cu o contră. Până mai ieri de Ozempic nu am auzit decât de bine. Acum, dintr-o dată, s-a scrântit. Și apropo. Dacă vomiți atât de mult, le mai iei? Și cum dreq poți să-ți pierzi dinții dacă vomiți?

5:54 Reacție la Crystal Geizer.

6:46 AM PDT După ce am citit știrile și m-am enervat și m-am zbârlit puțin aici m-am dus să-mi încălzesc pizza de ieri seară și mă tot gândeam la ce am citit și am ajuns la concluzia că și faza asta probabil complet regizată pare o contra la ce am postat acum două zile, tot din frustrare.

Concluzie. Ăștia cu media lor super profesionistă vă îmbârligă mințile de nu mai știți ce e cu voi. Iar politicienii crează show-urile pe care media le exploatează în timp ce grosul banilor dvs. din taxe se scurg undeva, poate chiar pe apa sâmbetei.

La fel cum faraonii, rasa supărată, whatever în Egipt i-au dus cu preșul pe ăia să construiască niște munți în deșert, așa ne duc și pe noi acum ne iau mințile de pe o zi pe alta, de la un an la altul, cu te miri ce, ca să mai încălzim puțin planeta.

7:04 Sau cum banii de la buget pentru programul rabla se scurg de fapt la alianța Renault Nissan Metsubushi, alții.

9:22 Still have the old pan under the water heater that is contaminated (or got re-contaminated, i have reasons to believe they have been in here when i was not home) that stinks. So this morning after i ate i got nauseated and i lost the bottle with charcoal caps so i decided to go to Walmart to get some. At the first intersection a blond gypsy lady coming from the opposite direction almost ran into me, had to pull right to avoid.

At Walmart they had none on the shelf though the site said they had two. So i moved forward to Grocery Outlet in Tigard some 5 miles away. A nice day to drive on Hwy 99. Only trouble was i had to pass twice through two red light cameras. And on the streets they come in hordes and they lay all kinda traps and distractions for me and all traffic is loaded with symbolism and directed by AI so they can easily trap me in all kinda situations.

Going downhill in another intersection with no camera doing 45 i saw yellow and thought i can't stop safely but red came too fast and i think i saw red before or right when i entered the intersection.

When i was coming back there was this younger guy with a long blond pony tail under is German war helmet on his Harley who first distracted me with his noise from behind when a Japanese driver in a van got a bit into my lane and then he squeezed between me and that van and had to slow down to let him pass.

Right at the last camera he took his German war helmet off, shook his long hair, i looked for a second and now i can't remember how i passed through that light though i saw after cars before and after me. That was the elaborate retaliation for the red light with no camera.

Don't know how many accidents and lives they saved with those but i know they are illegal. In fact it was when i wrote that post that i realized many things could be illegal around here. I mean, what can be more illegal than having as the chief of State Police an actor from Hungary?

9:48 I added a bit of garlic in the pizza last night now they flooded this whole part of the complex with garlic.

2:00 Sleepy and nauseated, i gathered all my will and went for a walk. Not before i realized something. The pan under the water heater was stinking again, though it wasn't yesterday and i think i know the reason. Last night i felt for hours the very pungent alchol like deodorant of drying laundry. But it was probably not washed enough.

Maybe the washer is like mine was, with a slippery clutch. Then outside i found a black one, stepped upon. Was thinking to pick it up but then i remembered about the UPS van on the road. And i forgot to turn on the ozone on the ozone generator which i just did.

Literally stumbling for the first 2 miles. Then i got a bit better. At the park, a woman, tall, with yellow T-shirt and an attitude got in front of me. Could not or din't want to stop to let her go a bit further. About 100 ft behind her when i passed the alley next to the park's lot that is comming from Stone's Throw. A Police like car, Dodge, white, unmarked, with yellow LPNs and a couple of big antennas was coming from the alley, waiting for me to pass.

Then it took a right and passed me on the street. I had a chance to look at the passenger when they passed, the car was very low for a Police car and there was this good looking Asian woman on the passenger side. Didn't see a number or anything on it.

Further, at the red light at the intersection with 65. There was this red Mazda with a Japanese driver coming from Nyberg ready to make a left turn. The weird part about that intersection is light turns green for that left turn coming from Nyberg before the count down for the cross walk stops. Like 25 seconds before. But i learned my lessons from the past, looked at him (dejavu) and he didn't start until i was like 6 ft away from my sidewalk.

As i crossed the bridge near the complex the big "sexy" woman slowed down (she was moving always in the same direction where i was going) as two Japanese gypsies, one holding a pizza, passed me.

2:15 This article from the Oregonian is contradicting self. Read this and this paragraph.

2:34 More garlic smell coming from somewhere that made me hungry. As i was thinking to warm up some pizza, the Japanese child actors came to camp in the yard.

2:43 Adevărat conflict de interes! Își votează păstrarea propriilor pensii.

5:47 In the opinion. Discretionary.

6:14 Doing some research on why cigarettes taste changed so dramatically since the 80s and so far i found some very interesting facts.

Kent believe this! Kent together with Marlboro and coffee which was not imported anymore were indeed used as payments especially to doctors (bribes, cause they were already payed, but poorly, by state, health care being officially free) but can't remember seeing it being sold in stores, except a few for tourists, in hard currency, rest was all smuggled.

But lately Marlboro started to be manufactured under license in Poland and lots of Polish tourists were bringing it and it was not so much different from the original one.

Westerners who read this will never understand how important this was.

I think if Ceaușescu allowed buying of a license for Kent or Marlboro or an equivalent and/or allowed the import of coffee, blue jeans, video players, he would have never been so much hated by Romanians. And he also exported all meat, cheese, butter, we had big processing factories and farms, but could not find anything in stores. Bread, vegetable oil and sugar were rationalized, all per reason of paying off external debts.

Many people were getting around with relatives who worked on state farms and had around their houses a few animals. In late 80s food also became means of payment and bribery.

The only things widely available was liquor and beer and poor quality wine. Cause the good one, you guessed it. All for export.

Local cigarettes were terrible also because they used very old recipes and poor packaging and now i see, low quality, cheap tobacco.

10:15 As time goes into the night i can confirm. There was an event yesterday, washing dog clothes or clothes contaminated with dog smell in a machine that is defective or broken like mine was. The smell from the dryer's vents under the windows blowing towards ground got into the walls. Walls were heated by the high temperature of the day, some of the smell got inside.

Nausea never stopped for me though i had an ozone generator that is turned to the maximum. Today i can't even feel the smell of ozone that yesterday was overwhelming. As i wrote this paragraph like all the others today the robot upstairs got very agitated. No normal person could have survived the smell upstairs.

11:35 Ceaușescu și nimeni nu putea să facă ce a făcut fără să câștige încrederea mereu naivilor naționaliști români din care mulți l-au ascultat inclusiv în perioada plății "datoriilor externe".

Noi am făcut foame și am fost umiliți 7 ani pentru "10 miliarde de dolari", fază din care nu ne-am mai revenit niciodată, 8 milioane lucrează acum în străinătate, anul acesta numai misteriosul minister al dezvoltării a avut la dispoziție 19 miliarde de euro, iar România a plătit prin Ministerul Finanțelor dobânzi de 5 și s-a împrumutat încă 5.

Și de ce Ecaterina când în limba română avem și Cătălina. Nu ar fi fost convingător.

Acum unii români care se cred naționaliști speră uitându-se la AUR și la George Simion. Treaba lor. Un lucru nu vor putea face. Nu vor putea spune că nu li s-a spus.

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

August 2nd

6:30 2.3 mL of undiluted Bulgarian rose oil is 56 bucks on Amazon, 44 on their own site. One gram of gold today is 63 dollars.

6:56 New hope for cancer treatment.

7:49 It started like this around April 1st  (picture taken April 7)Then it became like this (picture taken April 21)That day when i took  the picture above i panicked and went to an Urgent Care clinic and they sent me to the ER (mostly due to raised bloor pressure due to stress and lack of lab that was closed at 3). A whole story happened at ER were i waited 4 hours and was about to leave when i asked them for some bandage and they saw the wound (not the woman at triage who was a Hungarian actress and told me to wait).

After more hours of waiting for blood test results in the room they gave me a very bad smelling antibiotic that gave me nausea every time i took it and sent me to a dermatologist who gave me a local antibiotic (Mupirocin). I saw the dermatologist last time on May 11 when the wound was finally healing.

But the healing started only after i open and sprinkled Amoxicillin capsules (leftovers from the dentist) directly on the wound and adjacent areas like seen in pictures that were first covered in a layer of Mupirocin so the Amoxicilin dust would stick and that happened in a couple of days and then it took some time until that hole filled with scar tissue. As soon as i sprinkled Amoxicilin the terrible itch started to subside and there was no more yellow puss in that hole.

Should i have listen to doctors, i don't know where i would be today.

I don't know exactly what happened. Was it a spider bite? They were times and even today i think it happened because i angered the Sun God and this was his signature.

That day when i first fixed the airbag issue there was a big wind that blew some leaves from some of the garages with flat top that were rotting there since last fall. I went to pick those and started to have similar lessons at the left hand, but i did not scratch those and treated them really carefully and those subsided.

But one thing the dermatologist gave me and that helped with the itch was Dove rose soap bar. Soap with a strong smell of rose that is.

Yesterday or Monday i tried to clean that hose of the washer with a snake brush and some detergent and then i poured chlorine in it and let it for about half hour, and today the apartment was smelling like vomit. I figure the bacteria from the slime entered the pores of the PVC hose and then it mixed with chlorine and stuff and spilled some of the slime on the floor and then i washed the floor using some of the rose soap and then i ordered some rose essential oil (diluted or non distilled) from Amazon just to see what it is.

8:16 Am scris toată povestea de mai sus (și mi-am amintit că nu am pus pozele astea niciodată, fiindcă nu știam cum se va termina) din cauza săpunului de trandafiri. Vă mai amintiți de Rexona care pentru noi era mirosul binefacerilor capitalismului, care nu au mai venit niciodată la noi?

Mulți ani în urmă am cumpărat niște săpun Rexona de la un magazin de aici însă nu era nimic din ce știam eu odată. Am gugălit și am aflat că brand-ul original a fost Australian, după care a fost cumpărat de britanici în 1930 bla bla.

Însă au schimbat rețeta anilor 80, așa cum ne-o amintim noi sau poate nu am cumpărat eu tipul respectiv. Nu am găsit nimic în legătură cu acea rețetă dar sunt sigur că săpunul, deodorantul de atunci aveau în ele ulei de trandafir și încă un ingredient, probabil mosc.

La fel ca și țigările Kent sau Marlboro, nu mai au gustul de altă dată, au schimbat aditivii, poate erau cancerigeni (cineva mi-a spus că foloseau miere), cine știe (nu vorbesc de cele din România, care cel puțin în 2004 când am fost acolo erau toate falsificate) iar cele din Europa (Franța) erau mult mai tari ca cele din SUA. Trăgeam un fum, să cad jos. Însă așa țigări aromate ca și Kent sau Marlboro de pe vremea aceea sau chiar BT (Bulgar Tabac) nu am mai fumat niciodată.

11:36 Smoke de flori pe subțiori... Iliescu-apare Soarele răsare.

11:58 BTW after i installed the new clutch in the washer yesterday morning i saw it was vibrating really bad when spinning. I looked again and saw one part that was out of place, but that only after i saw another video (without those i would have never made it). Some DIY-er had to reset the plate after normal functioning (not laying).

It would have never crossed my mind that an assembled machine would have a free moving part that would fall out of place if laid on the floor. After that i done the first load of laundry in 7 years that was actually clean.

The machine has leaked grease on the clutch before i moved and would not agitate or spin at full speed but i would have never known that until after the clutch broke completely and i replaced it. However it was a big step ahead from Lake Oswego because when i moved here the clothes were smelling so bad like smoke from a leak from a fireplace at Apt 7 below i had to wash them like 5 times.

But after that the flexible pipe from dryer's exhaust in the basement filled with condensed water and had to build the contraption with the window AC as a dehumidifier that BTW works better than with exhaust because it recirculates air instead of pushing it outside, dries cleaner with less energy. Here are the pipes of an unusual mine was unused after i made the recirculating device.

The triangular part in the middle (suspension plate) is free when the machine is not in vertical position and has to be aligned before raising it.

And the answer to my picture above. A guy looking like NeckU Ceaușescu with his hands raised up. Also the shooting hoax was an answer to the earlier pictures with my wound. You guys live in a psychosis and they play you like toys. The Capitol(ism) or whatever that is is just a symbol populated with actors. The real power is in Tokyo Japan. And not even there. The emperor himself is an actor. Probably in some Buddhist monastery somewhere.  

5:45 The same routine since they moved. They drag furniture around when i eat. For the first week or so i thought maybe they just moved and the timing is a coincidence. I hosed the building after the kami blowers passed. Earlier i slept with sliding door open and now the hose is broken and got all wet when i hosed after them. They got a window AC upstairs in the bedroom but i still believe it's weird a woman like her in her prime stays here (and stomps) all day long.

6:53 Gaura din buget. Toate ministerele, al doilea link dreapta sus la blog.

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

August 1st

7:20 Reverse psychology, with a twist.

7:28 Aud_umbla.

2:35 Internal Afaris. Do you stress out when you think?

Ok i lost a few paragraphs while typing. I must have typed too fast and touched a number of keys i wasn't supposed to in fast sequence. Now i will try and re-write those.

I knew it. That's why i googled it. Thinking and stressing don't mix. Why would your thoughts follow a different path than the one thought in family or school. Why would you try to end up doing things differently when everything is ready for you in this life, if you make the right choices.

Talking like Fred Mercury. I made a few mistakes and wrong choices, always encouraged by others, but i still pay way too much for those. Or like David Gilmour. I don't need their thought control.

I believe you start developing this thinking pattern when you feel something's wrong. It's a natural response. I always felt something was wrong in my life and never knew why. By example i had no idea the math teacher in school was Liz Taylor and made every effort to understand. Only she wasn't teaching, she always had this book she was reading from. As a result, i always had trouble with math and in college i failed the exam several times and i almost got kicked out.

How much stress i put in when i found myself alone in a room in building A of A.I.Cuza University of Iași, in front of a green computer monitor compiling my first programs in Fortran 4 or 77 whatever. Not knowing how to use the libraries, i build from scratch subroutines for multiplying, adding, whatever matrices. I spent many hours alone in front of that terminal until i got it somehow. It was all based on stress.

Pretty much like everything i ever done after. It payed out cause before i left Romania i was making money with programming. Not knowing of course who i was working for. Like the accountant of my last customer was Malin Berggren from Ace of Base.

They know very well that. The enemies who raised me up and brought me all the way here. So they developed this system trying to prevent me thinking. Under the pretext that thinking under stress is not healthy but also maybe because i'm polluting the Universe with my stress thinking or who knows what else pretext, maybe linked to Scientology, they put this feedback on me.

They record and analyze every of my thoughts or maybe just stress level with some sort of wireless e-meter and every time i'm stressing out they start making some noise. And of course, they wouldn't have to use humans for that, if only for precision. They just bring in some stepping robots, maybe from Corvallis, maybe from something else.

I woke up at 5, was feeling sleepy at 8. Exactly when i went to bed he started his morning routine. I fell asleep maybe 5 times until 9:20 when i got out of bed. He left but then she started.

When i went out the first time, under a pretext, i went and looked from the yard in the upstairs apartment. For the first in months the blinds were cracked and i could see a silhouette of woman, looking like a world class actress. Now what would a woman like that do in a place like this, squeaking and stomping for hours.

The temperature outside is 92 degrees and upstairs or under the roof is probably the same but she was doing it for at least 4 hours today or until i wrote the first time (and lost those paragraphs). And then stay all day inside in that inferno with no AC with no car in the spot to move around. My guess is she only showed when i looked, otherwise she goes around the corner or in the next apartment through the attic and the robots are doing the job.

I remember when i first moved here. Upstairs there was a guy resembling Pacepa and maybe Cornel Patrichi, and one day i had an idea and tied a super-magnet to a wire and did rotate it real fast in circles almost touching the ceiling and then i heard a big commotion and i was noise free for two weeks. I guess it was an early version with some magnetic sensors and must have knocked those out.

So i just left, thinking for a walk, buying some stuff from WinCo (had a list). Second thing waiting for me in the alley (will skip the first, too complicated).
Yeah i know the alley is at an angle. The reason they call it Rolling Hills (maybe). A Penske truck flashing yellow lights with a trailer behind. It will be there for several hours, blocking one way of the alley. Penske for pansy. It's really easy to rent one of those and then abuse others with the name of the brand. Whenever wherever is handy.

So i passed it. However in the parking lot at the street. There was this tall enough guy with white hair reminding from behind of Biden. He was patrolling in the lot, i only saw him from behind. So i went on 65 then on Nyberg. But the park's parking lot was full because of the urban camp and i went further to the Community Center.

However just before i reached it i realized i forgot to look at the sign at the door (a couple of empty plastic bottles that set every time i close the door in a different position). So i came back only to see the man again patrolling, like preventing me to get in that parking lot though i never had the intention. But this time i saw him from front. It wasn't Biden.

So i just went back, entered inside, verified a couple of things, in the deafening noise of squeaks and stomps from upstairs and left again.

At the community center there was a guy in the street with a didgeridoo (blower) making a big noise and dust that made me sneeze. After i passed the man, on the wide concrete "trail" i felt quite ok under the shade of the big trees on the bank of the river until i saw the praying mantis. The praying mantis is a tall woman with thin legs and arms i see sometimes in the park. So thin i am afraid she is going to fall at every moment.

With shorts and stuff, her legs are a couple of inches thick at the thighs. As tall as me, she was talking very loud at the phone. "I love you"! "I will see you tomorrow!" she said when i passed her. It is not the first time i thought she was the wife of Henry Kissinger. Only this time i was committed to write and remembered when i got in front of the laptop.
It is .5 miles concrete trail.

Near the other end i met with a guy with a whitish middle size curly hair. He went the other way and i caught up with him when his dog pooped and he didn't pick. Right from behind came the mantis, like to spoil the moment. Later in the parking lot at Fred Meyer (Kroger) i parked next to a blue car that has this SPOILER KING sticker on a side, with LPN PDG something.

WinCo quit years ago to bring spring water. So i have to buy it from somewhere else. Today i went at Fred Meyer and bought 6 gallons of Crystal Geiger with red and blue labels. But the bottles have a different shape. They are long and narrow, figuring a newborn baby. They used to have pieces of tapes figuring handles but those are gone either so you can only grab them by the neck where the lid is. Never would have thought of that but at the Fred Meyer at the check-stand did not want to take them from the cart one by one.

So i called the captain attendant and he said he cannot do the magic thing of multiplying the scanned item by 6. So he took one of them in his arms like one would take a baby and scanned it 5 more times, doing moves like rocking the baby and stuff.

Ok so i left for WinCo. On I5, the show. A guy with again a blue car with the word JeDUN on it. Romanian word Jidan deriving from the Hungarian word Zsido is offensive in Romanian but not in Hungarian. While i was taking the picture the guy with a van saying Student driver on it moved from the lane on the left in front of me and then they all slowed suddenly. I honked and from the right came this big semi, overloaded with something that came half foot into my lane, but i already put the camera away getting ready to exit.
On 72 right before WinCo. First i saw again for the 1000 time the logo. Then i got behind this guy. Pick something brown? But look at the LPN of the guy next to him.
Yeah i know. If you take any of the scenes above separately it wouldn't mean nothing. But when they happen one after other, in sequence, starting with the lack of sleep, they all come in the same pattern.

5:45 Angela told me last night they walked for one hour in the bedroom, after midnight. Back and forth, with no apparent reason.

7:10 I am psychologically dependent on cigarettes. Back in the day i used to take the edge of stress with a cigarette. Since i can't anymore i drink instead. But the effect of drinking is not so immediate and instead lasts for hours.

7:12 About the washer. It works with the new clutch and stuff but the rpm for spinning is much higher and the thing is out of balance, maybe the springs, i just don't know what else to do, it vibrates like crazy.

Should have asked them to replace it which in the end i would do since the thing is 20 years old.

However i learned important things about those. The hose inside and outside was full of slime. As soon as i get behind it i start having chills. I removed the slime, a little bit fell on the floor and now the whole apartment stinks. That stuff is grease and dirt from laundry that escaped detergent and got stock in the plies of the hose and is so virulent it gets you sick right away. I remember at Fox Pointe in Vancouver when i went crazy the first time the apartment was next to the laundry room, at Sussex the same.

This things, no matter the brand, after about one year of using or less got slime in the evacuation hoses and in between the walls of the basket assembly and are a health hazard, even if you keep them in the garage.

7:44 So they stopped upstairs, now there is a big base coming from outside. Can't record it the frequency is too low.

11:22 I was ready to go to bed. I put some earplugs when he climbed the stairs. Now "he" stomps heavily, maybe 2 or 3 times i would with my weight.

11:32 I also noticed he climbed and started when i closed the sliding door so i opened it again and he stopped. It may be the door keeps the noise inside so it can't be heard by others. However now there's some dust in the air. A very loud base started in a car outside.