5:24 Aceeași aroganță sfidătoare cu care ne-au obișnuit de decenii. Au găsit o față necunoscută până acum, cea mai aproape de figura lui Nicu dintr-o poză (care nu seamănă cu toate celelalte) pentru a o supraimprima peste cea postată de mine. Prilejul. Discuția zilei.
Apropo nu vrea nimeni să se uite la buget. Am pus link-ul de atâta timp pe blog. Nimic. (Singura chestie e că dacă alegeți un minister din link, suma va apărea doar pe pagina a 2-a, prima sau a doua cifră dintr-un tabel, au știut ei cum să prezinte ca să facă pe omul obișnuit, necontabil, să renunțe să cerceteze).
Ministerul Dezvoltării (ce o fi aia, nu am văzut nici o dezvoltare până acum) are un buget astronomic pe anul ăsta de până la 94 miliarde de lei. 19 miliarde de euro. Ministerul Transporturilor. Până la 59 de miliarde sau 12 miliarde de euro. Să ne arate ce fac cu banii înainte de a ne cere alții. Sau mai bine nu. Vedem noi cu ochiul liber.
Agricultură, 28. Ăsta e cu subvențiile la fermieri (ca să avem mâncare ieftină LOL), dar chiar așa? 5 miliarde de euro? Alimentele nu vin gratuit din aceste subvenții, deși la suma repectivă așa ar trebui, le mai și plătim!
5:46 Am pus ieri două link-uri cu medicamente experimentale pentru cancer, cu rate de succes 100% dar va mai trece un secol sau un mileniu probabil până când FDA le va aproba. Posibile efecte secundare. Și ce. Chimioterapia cu medicamente aprobate de 50 de ani are efectele secundare cele mai devastatoare din toate medicamentele.
Și au venit ei cu o contră. Până mai ieri de Ozempic nu am auzit decât de bine. Acum, dintr-o dată, s-a scrântit. Și apropo. Dacă vomiți atât de mult, le mai iei? Și cum dreq poți să-ți pierzi dinții dacă vomiți?
5:54 Reacție la Crystal Geizer.
6:46 AM PDT După ce am citit știrile și m-am enervat și m-am zbârlit puțin aici m-am dus să-mi încălzesc pizza de ieri seară și mă tot gândeam la ce am citit și am ajuns la concluzia că și faza asta probabil complet regizată pare o contra la ce am postat acum două zile, tot din frustrare.
Concluzie. Ăștia cu media lor super profesionistă vă îmbârligă mințile de nu mai știți ce e cu voi. Iar politicienii crează show-urile pe care media le exploatează în timp ce grosul banilor dvs. din taxe se scurg undeva, poate chiar pe apa sâmbetei.
La fel cum faraonii, rasa supărată, whatever în Egipt i-au dus cu preșul pe ăia să construiască niște munți în deșert, așa ne
7:04 Sau cum banii de la buget pentru programul rabla se scurg de fapt la alianța Renault Nissan Metsubushi, alții.
9:22 Still have the old pan under the water heater that is contaminated (or got re-contaminated, i have reasons to believe they have been in here when i was not home) that stinks. So this morning after i ate i got nauseated and i lost the bottle with charcoal caps so i decided to go to Walmart to get some. At the first intersection a blond gypsy lady coming from the opposite direction almost ran into me, had to pull right to avoid.
At Walmart they had none on the shelf though the site said they had two. So i moved forward to Grocery Outlet in Tigard some 5 miles away. A nice day to drive on Hwy 99. Only trouble was i had to pass twice through two red light cameras. And on the streets they come in hordes and they lay all kinda traps and distractions for me and all traffic is loaded with symbolism and directed by AI so they can easily trap me in all kinda situations.
Going downhill in another intersection with no camera doing 45 i saw yellow and thought i can't stop safely but red came too fast and i think i saw red before or right when i entered the intersection.
When i was coming back there was this younger guy with a long blond pony tail under is German war helmet on his Harley who first distracted me with his noise from behind when a Japanese driver in a van got a bit into my lane and then he squeezed between me and that van and had to slow down to let him pass.
Right at the last camera he took his German war helmet off, shook his long hair, i looked for a second and now i can't remember how i passed through that light though i saw after cars before and after me. That was the elaborate retaliation for the red light with no camera.
Don't know how many accidents and lives they saved with those but i know they are illegal. In fact it was when i wrote that post that i realized many things could be illegal around here. I mean, what can be more illegal than having as the chief of State Police an actor from Hungary?
9:48 I added a bit of garlic in the pizza last night now they flooded this whole part of the complex with garlic.
2:00 Sleepy and nauseated, i gathered all my will and went for a walk. Not before i realized something. The pan under the water heater was stinking again, though it wasn't yesterday and i think i know the reason. Last night i felt for hours the very pungent alchol like deodorant of drying laundry. But it was probably not washed enough.
Maybe the washer is like mine was, with a slippery clutch. Then outside i found a black one, stepped upon. Was thinking to pick it up but then i remembered about the UPS van on the road. And i forgot to turn on the ozone on the ozone generator which i just did.
Literally stumbling for the first 2 miles. Then i got a bit better. At the park, a woman, tall, with yellow T-shirt and an attitude got in front of me. Could not or din't want to stop to let her go a bit further. About 100 ft behind her when i passed the alley next to the park's lot that is comming from Stone's Throw. A Police like car, Dodge, white, unmarked, with yellow LPNs and a couple of big antennas was coming from the alley, waiting for me to pass.
Then it took a right and passed me on the street. I had a chance to look at the passenger when they passed, the car was very low for a Police car and there was this good looking Asian woman on the passenger side. Didn't see a number or anything on it.
Further, at the red light at the intersection with 65. There was this red Mazda with a Japanese driver coming from Nyberg ready to make a left turn. The weird part about that intersection is light turns green for that left turn coming from Nyberg before the count down for the cross walk stops. Like 25 seconds before. But i learned my lessons from the past, looked at him (dejavu) and he didn't start until i was like 6 ft away from my sidewalk.
As i crossed the bridge near the complex the big "sexy" woman slowed down (she was moving always in the same direction where i was going) as two Japanese gypsies, one holding a pizza, passed me.
2:15 This article from the Oregonian is contradicting self. Read this and this paragraph.
2:34 More garlic smell coming from somewhere that made me hungry. As i was thinking to warm up some pizza, the Japanese child actors came to camp in the yard.
2:43 Adevărat conflict de interes! Își votează păstrarea propriilor pensii.
5:47 In the opinion. Discretionary.
6:14 Doing some research on why cigarettes taste changed so dramatically since the 80s and so far i found some very interesting facts.
Kent believe this! Kent together with Marlboro and coffee which was not imported anymore were indeed used as payments especially to doctors (bribes, cause they were already payed, but poorly, by state, health care being officially free) but can't remember seeing it being sold in stores, except a few for tourists, in hard currency, rest was all smuggled.
But lately Marlboro started to be manufactured under license in Poland and lots of Polish tourists were bringing it and it was not so much different from the original one.
Westerners who read this will never understand how important this was.
I think if Ceaușescu allowed buying of a license for Kent or Marlboro or an equivalent and/or allowed the import of coffee, blue jeans, video players, he would have never been so much hated by Romanians. And he also exported all meat, cheese, butter, we had big processing factories and farms, but could not find anything in stores. Bread, vegetable oil and sugar were rationalized, all per reason of paying off external debts.
Many people were getting around with relatives who worked on state farms and had around their houses a few animals. In late 80s food also became means of payment and bribery.
The only things widely available was liquor and beer and poor quality wine. Cause the good one, you guessed it. All for export.
Local cigarettes were terrible also because they used very old recipes and poor packaging and now i see, low quality, cheap tobacco.
10:15 As time goes into the night i can confirm. There was an event yesterday, washing dog clothes or clothes contaminated with dog smell in a machine that is defective or broken like mine was. The smell from the dryer's vents under the windows blowing towards ground got into the walls. Walls were heated by the high temperature of the day, some of the smell got inside.
Nausea never stopped for me though i had an ozone generator that is turned to the maximum. Today i can't even feel the smell of ozone that yesterday was overwhelming. As i wrote this paragraph like all the others today the robot upstairs got very agitated. No normal person could have survived the smell upstairs.
11:35 Ceaușescu și nimeni nu putea să facă ce a făcut fără să câștige încrederea mereu naivilor naționaliști români din care mulți l-au ascultat inclusiv în perioada plății "datoriilor externe".
Noi am făcut foame și am fost umiliți 7 ani pentru "10 miliarde de dolari", fază din care nu ne-am mai revenit niciodată, 8 milioane lucrează acum în străinătate, anul acesta numai misteriosul minister al dezvoltării a avut la dispoziție 19 miliarde de euro, iar România a plătit prin Ministerul Finanțelor dobânzi de 5 și s-a împrumutat încă 5.
Și de ce Ecaterina când în limba română avem și Cătălina. Nu ar fi fost convingător.
Acum unii români care se cred naționaliști speră uitându-se la AUR și la George Simion. Treaba lor. Un lucru nu vor putea face. Nu vor putea spune că nu li s-a spus.
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