Thursday, December 15, 2011

Russia's Afghanistan

Counting 0, 1, 2,...

I was reading somewhere, maybe in, that during pre December period, they were in Romania tens of thousands of Russian tourists. All by 4 in a Lada (Жигули), according to the budget. That they must have been Soviet citizens that knew Romanian language and they were pulling the strings of the revolution...

I'm asking myself, how the Russian military where justifying the missing of those soldiers from bases and what were they telling to their families? Were they officially sent by any chance in a conflict area where nobody could have counted them?

And after that, applying the same rule, i'm asking myself, even before, in the seventies, while the Russians were supposedly in Afganistan, where a part of them really were? Could they have possibly have been in Romania, in Iaşi (pronounced Yashy) county, then bordered with USSR, county led back then by the Emanated One (Ion Iliescu), while i was in High School, preparing us all for the future?

Afghanistan, the country of no one. Where all the heroine comes from. Where you can wage a war with no one cause no one can report or confirm anything. While you are somewhere else.

Re-edited 04-21-2014.


George Ion said...

Jiguli in Russian, reminds of щеголь - The car brand Jiguli. щеголь is another word for elegant in Russian. In Romanian Lada is a word for a type of coffin. In English, just another clunker.

George Ion said...

Russians where in Afghanistan between December 24, 1979 – February 15, 1989. Iliescu was prime secretary at Iaşi until 1977. Iaşi is very close to the former border with Soviet Union. I was a student in Iaşi between 1974 and 1986 (High School and College with one year mandatory military stage at Galaţi in between). My best friend in High School was from Ştefăneşti, very close to where the dam on the Prut river was being built in that period in collaboration with the Soviets and they were rumors of smuggling gasoline across the border through the construction site.

George Ion said...

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