Monday, January 30, 2012

Please help

In January 1990 i was in Bucharest with old man Lache (pronounced Laqae) for a few days. At night he was kinda dragging me to charge the armored police. One morning we were in a bar in downtown Bucharest, it could have been near or at the Intercontinental Hotel, and he introduced me to a guy who spoke perfect Romanian, with gray hair, about my height, about 40, in great shape, tanned, who had a short name and said he's coming from America. Being curious i asked him the usual for a Romanian back then, "how it's there" or something like that, and he told me a couple of things. First, "if you don't know anybody, don't have the right connections, you can be Michelangelo himself, nobody is going to pay attention to you". the second was "with a pack of marijuana you can ███ a whole city block".

Every once in while i think of what he said and still doesn't make sense to me.

Lache is dead for more than ten years now, after a stroke, in Bacău. Anybody can tell me who the hell the other guy was?

1 comment:

George Ion said...

Mi-am mai adus aminte, atunci am fost cred la prima conferinţă a PNL la primul sediu când domnul Dan Amedeo Lăzărescu a zis o frază care m-a răcit puţin din entuziasmul meu nou, liberal, aprox: ”Intelectualul nu e un om cu o diplomă cum sunt atâţia în România ci o persoană cu memorie bună, care ştie să manipuleze ideile”

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