I was spending all my evenings at the Mancaş family, half mile down the street. Mother and three daughters. Mrs.Mancaş (born Gătej) was from Câmpulung and owned that piece of property with a cottage, across the street from where Liviu Strugariu, my ex grade school class mate lived. In fact, he introduced me to them. Daughters, Elena, Tatiana and Gabi. Tatiana, the cutest, "had to give up ballet because of a heart murmur". Tatiana and Elena "just got admitted to college", as myself.
(Years later Gabi told me Tatiana became a physics teacher and married in Piatra Neamţ).
One day my three Tehnoton HS ex class mates, Mareş Mirel of Buhuşi, now Montreal, Canada, Valentin Gheorghiţă of Focşani, Romania, Gabriel Ringhiliescu of Iaşi, Ştefăneşti - Botoşani, France, came with Gabi's brand new car, (Dacia) for a trip to Ardeal. My father didn't want me to leave the job so they went alone. In a couple of weeks they came back and we went on a Saturday on a trip to Rarău, a blessed place on the face of the Earth. (No i don't believe anymore he is the guy on the right).
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Mareş Mirel, left, Valentin Gheorghiţă, right, Gabi Ringhilescu, next to him. Click to enlarge. |
I went to Mancaş sisters which i visited all summer and they agreed to come with us. We bought some food and a bottle of 1 litre of brandy. Mirel, V.Gheorghiţă and myself went by foot, some 9 miles, and the rest with Gabi in the car.
We raised a tent and rain came. We used the pump from the mat to blow in a fire. Made a trip around the lodge. Weather and angle of view of the lodge from where we had the tent was similar to this one.
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Click to enlarge |
Night came. The six of them slept in the tent. There was not enough room in the tent and i was left to sleep in the parked car but couldn't sleep and played with car's radio's dial on the short waves. I think i drank, alone, most of the brandy. I caught some music at Free Europe. I remember they were playing ABBA's song Give me Give me Give Me a Man at the Midnight. (Now i know that song was officially released months later, don't know). And i was singing along replacing the word man with girl. And then something really weird happened. I saw through the windshield a guy coming down the lodge from the roof using a climbing rope. Dressed in a completely black suite, tight on the body, like for divers. He went inside on a window.
I was too drunk to think. I thought maybe he was playing a prank to somebody. I don't know.
The next day i think i told them the story but nobody paid attention. We went back to Câmpulung the same way we came. Sun came up. Beautiful day. I had a hangover. Monday went back to work.
From time to time i remember the episode. Don't know what to think anymore. Could it have been...a ninja?
Just read in Wikipedia, the song Give me give me give me by ABBA was recorded in August that year and released in October. But i remember quite vividly i heard it that night on short waves at that car's radio. I have no explanation for it.
Unele din persoanele din fotografia de mai sus sunt persoane publice. Valentin Gheorghiţă este directorul Ateneului Pasti nu mai ştiu cum din Focşani. Mi s-a spus că pe tipul cu cravată roşie nu-l cheamă Korillof şi nu este directorul liceului Negruzzi din Iaşi ci că ar fi Iosif Bodea. Diriginta nu este Carmen Ionică, cu care am fost 4 ani la şcoală, ci o cântăreaţă de operă, Marina Krilovici, care a emigrat în Germania în 1971 ş a primit cetăţenia în 1973 iar acum e în Grecia. Dar ea era în România între 1975 şi 1979 şi am mai văzut-o de vreo 2-3 ori şi după aceea. Mirel Mareş care acum e în Canada şi am vb de mai multe ori cu el la telefon, cu care am stat un trimestru în gazdă la o nebună în cartierul CFR în Iaşi seamănă cu Ştefan Hruşcă. Gabriel Ringhilescu, colegul meu de gazdă, bancă, yoga şi mentorul meu seamănă cu alţi doi etc. şi ar fi mai în vârstă şi nici măcar român. Ori toţi mint ori eu. Dar cel mai bine ştie Iliescu, care în perioada aceea a fost secretar general la Iaşi. Sunt foarte multe lucruri ciudate pe care mi le amintesc din perioada respectivă, şi de mai târziu. Probabil multe din ele nu se vor mai afla niciodată. Dar am impresia că Ceauşescu a fost mult mai nebun decât ştim noi şi mulţi au făcut naveta şi mendrele prin Românica lui până am ajuns în situaţia de acum. http://georgesblogforfriends.blogspot.com/2013/04/mituri-despre-romania-si-ceausescu.html
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