Showing posts with label weird. Show all posts
Showing posts with label weird. Show all posts
Monday, May 27, 2013
Rezonanţă, Kundalini
Piciorul de la masa rotundă care am primit-o cadou de la familia Cazacu din Vancouver WA cunoscuţi prin Dan Laurenţiu Costan tot de acolo când m-am mutat în Vancouver. Masa am tăiat-o şi am făcut-o rectangulară când m-am mutat aici unde stau acum în 2010 şi mai recent am demontat-o, fiindcă am avut o bănuială.
Lungimea piciorului acestei mese, ca şi multe alte obiecte ce le am prin apartament este aprox 25 inci, comparabilă cu lungimea coloanei mele vertebrale. Greutatea lemnului este de 1960 gr. iar a metalului 402 gr. În perioada când am strâns toate aceste obiecte din apartament, cam la începutul anului, m-am dus până la cabinetul chiropractorului care cred că m-a scăpat de dureri de stomac în 2006, din 8118 SW Hall Blvd Beaverton, OR 97008-6446. Dar el nu mai era acolo şi ceilalţi nu au vrut să-mi dea radiografia coloanei mele făcută în picioare, lateral, care avea toate dimensiunile aşa că nu pot să spun exact cât de lungă este coloana şi cu care dimensiune din coloană corespunde lungimea acestui picior de masă. Dar ca să scurtez povestea, acu vreo săptămână mi-a venit o idee, şi am bătut de câteva ori cu o bucată mare de metal în piciorul de masă îl ţineam în aer într-o mână. Am avut imediat o senzaţie de căldură în coloană, urmată de o slăbiciune, după care am stat în pat jumătate de zi. Ameţeli, probleme de echilibru.
Am scris asta fiindcă azi dimineaţă după ce m-am trezit în jur de zece (este sărbătoare, am adormit foarte târziu), au început muncile. Vecinul de jos, atletul negru, a izbit toate prin casă până când am început să mă preocup de piciorul mesei. Maşina de reciclate funcţiona de zor pe stradă, a fost audibilă la greu timp de cel puţin jumătate de oră. Rezultatul este o senzaţie de slăbiciune şi căldură în coloană (dar acum sunt foarte odihnit, nu e aşa de rău). Suspiciunea mea este că pereţii şi podelele şi alte obiecte din apartament vibrează la diferite frecvenţe dăunătoare. Mai mult decât atât, prin intervenţie exterioară ca maşini, avioane sau izbituri în vecini se pot declanşa selectiv anumite frecvenţe (vecina de alături izbeşte uşa de la intrare cât poate câteodată chiar de zeci de ori pe zi de ani de zile dar ăsta e numai un exemplu) (Chiar şi în Bacău podeaua de la bucătărie începuse să se mişte în ultimul timp înainte de a pleca în 95 când călcam în anumite locuri, iar aici podeaua este ceva ca şi când ai traversa o punte suspendată pe cabluri.)
Nu ştiu câte bilioane de axoni trec prin coloană. Dar îmi imaginez că vibrând aceşti axoni se pot provoca semnale false şi supraîncărcarea lor precum şi dezechilibru de neurotransmiţători şi cine ştie ce alte fenomene. Poate are vreo legătură şi cu faptul că de multe ori am citit (acu e scris cu litere din ce în ce mai mici pe maşini sau bare la maşini) cuvintele WAG MORE. În orice caz cred că m-am grăbit când am scris postarea aceasta
Saturday, May 11, 2013
For those who keep asking themselves what's going on with the world, why there are two popes in Rome and especially why the music has gone so bad, here is a possible answer, the COMCAST XFINITI logo. Everybody knows that in west people say X-mass instead of Christmas. Xfinity is a Comcast logo. Comcast itself contains a crescent in it and the X from Xfinity in this logo is depicted as a falling cross. I'm not such a devoted christian but this is scary to me because of the means they use and because i know who these guys are. (Don't ask me what com or cast stand for.) You can find the same symbols, the crescent and the cross combined in the communist logo masquerading a sickle and a hammer.
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Statistically Incorrect
Finally and sadly an opportunity to use this title i had in my mind for a long time. Things that are happening and impossible to prove trough normal means having the need to turn to statistical analysis. Very empirically, based on memory alone.
I mean, how can you prove that you are being stalked while driving on the streets by a large number of people without tracking devices or other means that could show others what's happening?
In an urban area with 2 million cars, i started to remember license plates numbers that i see in difficult or critical situation on the road. Is that proof enough?
Today i went to Fry's, again, because yesterday i when i been in there i couldn't even concentrate to remember what i had to buy. And i did not drink, eat, smoked or inhaled anything. I mean drugs. But i felt like i was high on something to the point of passing out. I spoke weird things to people. I could not locate what i was looking for before i left the store.
So today i went again to buy a pouch for my new 30 dollars ATT go phone that i bought several weeks ago in the same place. The thing has an 8 GB extension card (room for up to 32) and a decent camera. I mean look at the picture i took on my way back on a van that was smoking badly. I caught him when abruptly changing lanes towards the 205 exit. It drove in front of me for miles until i reached him from behind. Indistinguishable license plate number.
Or these three right in the parking lot at Fry's.
Did i mention the best sound i ever heard from a player using wav, uncompressed files, better than the CD player itself?
So i took the Wilsonville Rd exit then first left on SW Town Center Lp towards Fry's. Before Town Center Loop (second right) right in the curb i saw this big silver pick-up with license plate 311 GEX in the right lane (i was in the left). While staring at the number i pronounced it in my mind then i said to myself: Oh, geeks, we're in Wilsonville, damn! (i didn't get a brand for the truck but there's no doubt in my mind it was a Ford) and in that moment he passed the line between lanes into my lane about two inches while signalling in the other direction (or maybe not at all) only to make a right on Town Center Loop. I gently pressed the brake, i was near, i was really squeezed between him and the left curb, but nothing happened, then he disappeared and i continued my trip towards Fry's (next right). Not before i could see the guy, a young blonde one, almost with a smile on his face.
Geeks. Can't live with them can't live without. I assume they're really hard working people since they know so many tricks. I mean you can't learn anything if you don't do anything. Working day long until tired then start over. All work no play. Dead serious.
Can't hate them. Always with a sweet smile on their face, even when they screw you. If you are realizing you are being screwed they screw you again so you get confused so you don't know what to complain about or over and over until you get tired. But then they smile and you forget and all you remember is the smile and the polite tone. But if you accept being screwed right from the start, they can even get nice to you, is the most you can get. Got to keep them satisfied. Win something, loose something.
With their synchronized, animatronics-like, computer coordinated game, they're masters of the roads. One or two pops at every corner with a license plate that offends you. If you look at somebody walking on the street, another looks at you back. Then if you feel you don't get enough, you can also read what's written on the bumper sticker or on the window on the car in front of you or on the truck or wherever. If you want some more, you can look at them and see how they always raise their hands to their face or suck from a jug. Always, again and again.
At Fry's, dancing among isles, with a guy throwing really hard stacks of copy machine paper exactly near the place were you're looking for something. Every time one shows from one direction, another shows from the other looking at you. Towards the end of the buying visits, usually babies show up or hear them crying in the other end of the store. (Like at Best Buy earlier, when i was surrounded right before leaving the cell phone department by mothers, fathers, babies and children, while waiting for two guys to find cell phone pouches that have been "moved around on them" in their department.)
Then you're back "home", tired and wishing to forget everything, with your instructions from your newly bought gadget on you hand or checking your email or hearing yet another brain wave synchronized stump or slam, shaking the dust from the walls and gases from inside the walls.
Then reviewing in my head what happened during my trip there, i remembered. I saw that license plate in the exact same place in an exact similar situation at least one more time not long ago. Deja vu.
I mean, how can you prove that you are being stalked while driving on the streets by a large number of people without tracking devices or other means that could show others what's happening?
In an urban area with 2 million cars, i started to remember license plates numbers that i see in difficult or critical situation on the road. Is that proof enough?
Today i went to Fry's, again, because yesterday i when i been in there i couldn't even concentrate to remember what i had to buy. And i did not drink, eat, smoked or inhaled anything. I mean drugs. But i felt like i was high on something to the point of passing out. I spoke weird things to people. I could not locate what i was looking for before i left the store.
So today i went again to buy a pouch for my new 30 dollars ATT go phone that i bought several weeks ago in the same place. The thing has an 8 GB extension card (room for up to 32) and a decent camera. I mean look at the picture i took on my way back on a van that was smoking badly. I caught him when abruptly changing lanes towards the 205 exit. It drove in front of me for miles until i reached him from behind. Indistinguishable license plate number.
05/01/2013 12:20:32 PM I5 NB, @205 exit
Or these three right in the parking lot at Fry's.
Did i mention the best sound i ever heard from a player using wav, uncompressed files, better than the CD player itself?
So i took the Wilsonville Rd exit then first left on SW Town Center Lp towards Fry's. Before Town Center Loop (second right) right in the curb i saw this big silver pick-up with license plate 311 GEX in the right lane (i was in the left). While staring at the number i pronounced it in my mind then i said to myself: Oh, geeks, we're in Wilsonville, damn! (i didn't get a brand for the truck but there's no doubt in my mind it was a Ford) and in that moment he passed the line between lanes into my lane about two inches while signalling in the other direction (or maybe not at all) only to make a right on Town Center Loop. I gently pressed the brake, i was near, i was really squeezed between him and the left curb, but nothing happened, then he disappeared and i continued my trip towards Fry's (next right). Not before i could see the guy, a young blonde one, almost with a smile on his face.
Geeks. Can't live with them can't live without. I assume they're really hard working people since they know so many tricks. I mean you can't learn anything if you don't do anything. Working day long until tired then start over. All work no play. Dead serious.
Can't hate them. Always with a sweet smile on their face, even when they screw you. If you are realizing you are being screwed they screw you again so you get confused so you don't know what to complain about or over and over until you get tired. But then they smile and you forget and all you remember is the smile and the polite tone. But if you accept being screwed right from the start, they can even get nice to you, is the most you can get. Got to keep them satisfied. Win something, loose something.
With their synchronized, animatronics-like, computer coordinated game, they're masters of the roads. One or two pops at every corner with a license plate that offends you. If you look at somebody walking on the street, another looks at you back. Then if you feel you don't get enough, you can also read what's written on the bumper sticker or on the window on the car in front of you or on the truck or wherever. If you want some more, you can look at them and see how they always raise their hands to their face or suck from a jug. Always, again and again.
At Fry's, dancing among isles, with a guy throwing really hard stacks of copy machine paper exactly near the place were you're looking for something. Every time one shows from one direction, another shows from the other looking at you. Towards the end of the buying visits, usually babies show up or hear them crying in the other end of the store. (Like at Best Buy earlier, when i was surrounded right before leaving the cell phone department by mothers, fathers, babies and children, while waiting for two guys to find cell phone pouches that have been "moved around on them" in their department.)
Then you're back "home", tired and wishing to forget everything, with your instructions from your newly bought gadget on you hand or checking your email or hearing yet another brain wave synchronized stump or slam, shaking the dust from the walls and gases from inside the walls.
Then reviewing in my head what happened during my trip there, i remembered. I saw that license plate in the exact same place in an exact similar situation at least one more time not long ago. Deja vu.
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Be-Belu or Be-Bela?
"There's a sucker born every minute"
It's been a long time since i saw the title of this publication that belongs to
I wanted to signal the reality of the fact that in US a lot of people still strongly associate the name Bela with the name of the actor who first incarnated Dracula about a century ago then maintained in the public's conscience throughout decades through movies and media.
Even right now there is an ongoing commercial on networks about a ... lip-o-suction local company named... Sono Bello!
For Romanians, there are no such associations as the movies about Dracula entered in their conscience only recently and they do not realize the consequences of these associations and the fact they are actually in the middle of it all.
I suspected for a longtime now that there is quite a long list of words in modern Romanian that have been introduced, tolerated by bribed scholars, used by some as little trendy "language endearments - alintări" (actually more in sarcastic phrases which denotes the non-fully acceptance of the terms) and slowly promoted in the mainstream of our culture mostly within advertisement without the majority realizing how damaging this may be.
The word bébé is borrowed from French alright. But why add a diminutive suffix to it then contract it under the pretext of familiar use to get it to this final shape and add it to the title of a well financed and advertised magazine for babies' stuff?
Is it again a coincidence that the name of the most important cemetery in Bucharest is again, Bellu?
As for the name Bela, it started with the ex and current trainers of our Olympics Gymnastics Team. Painstakingly, right under the ignorant nose of the ex-regime they probably made great efforts to get those two chosen, but through what lengths did they have to go to do it again with the new ones? Bitang, Bellu, Bitman. I remember the first time i said something about, within the next few days Octavian Bellu got a decoration from the President of Romania, Mr. Băsescu.
Don't get me wrong, they might be meritorious people, but this is how the bigger picture looks.
How many others words, names, people and instances of this sort, fruits of the decades of efforts to undermine our languages are they and will they ever be exposed and/or stopped?
It's been a long time since i saw the title of this publication that belongs to
I wanted to signal the reality of the fact that in US a lot of people still strongly associate the name Bela with the name of the actor who first incarnated Dracula about a century ago then maintained in the public's conscience throughout decades through movies and media.
Even right now there is an ongoing commercial on networks about a ... lip-o-suction local company named... Sono Bello!
For Romanians, there are no such associations as the movies about Dracula entered in their conscience only recently and they do not realize the consequences of these associations and the fact they are actually in the middle of it all.
I suspected for a longtime now that there is quite a long list of words in modern Romanian that have been introduced, tolerated by bribed scholars, used by some as little trendy "language endearments - alintări" (actually more in sarcastic phrases which denotes the non-fully acceptance of the terms) and slowly promoted in the mainstream of our culture mostly within advertisement without the majority realizing how damaging this may be.
The word bébé is borrowed from French alright. But why add a diminutive suffix to it then contract it under the pretext of familiar use to get it to this final shape and add it to the title of a well financed and advertised magazine for babies' stuff?
Is it again a coincidence that the name of the most important cemetery in Bucharest is again, Bellu?
As for the name Bela, it started with the ex and current trainers of our Olympics Gymnastics Team. Painstakingly, right under the ignorant nose of the ex-regime they probably made great efforts to get those two chosen, but through what lengths did they have to go to do it again with the new ones? Bitang, Bellu, Bitman. I remember the first time i said something about, within the next few days Octavian Bellu got a decoration from the President of Romania, Mr. Băsescu.
Don't get me wrong, they might be meritorious people, but this is how the bigger picture looks.
How many others words, names, people and instances of this sort, fruits of the decades of efforts to undermine our languages are they and will they ever be exposed and/or stopped?
Sunday, February 10, 2013
Planetary Alignement
I've always said astrology was/is a waste of time. And maybe it is for the most part. But today after viewing a short video with Gelu Voican Voiculescu presenting some stuff about planetary alignments and talking almost like a scientist, i was curious and opened Stellarium and set it on December 89. After all, 89 was the year of great and peaceful transformations in Eastern Europe. But while playing with the time wheel of the mouse back and forth it was not 89 that caught my eye but early January 1990. Take a look for yourself. I couldn't catch all planets in a single screenshot so i put two successive ones, one with the outer planets and one with the inner ones. They were pretty aligned allright. I'll keep on googling about until i can find some more info. But i don't think it happens very often. For those who asked themselves why i keep adding all kind of things from so many different areas. In college, i actually had to learn pages full of differential equations that i totally forgot describing the motion of planets when we had a whole chapter of Celestial Mechanics within the semester or year of the mandatory Theory of Mechanics course. It was enough to raise my curiosity about stars and planets and stuff. Then the Sci-Fi movies like Star Trek and Star Wars i love to watch. There was also a legend transmitted from generation to generation of students at the Mechanics Faculty within the Technical University in Iaşi about then retired prof.Mangeron saying that when NASA asked scientists from the whole world to help them with recalculating the trajectory of Apollo 13 after the accident actually he sent them the best calculations, and they actually used those to bring the astronauts back to Earth. (You can click on the pictures to enlarge them.)
Robots Bill Needed
Maybe they should consider a bill for robots too, starting from this model:
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
"Rendezvous on Champs-Elysees"
Or proof that subliminality was not invented only a few years ago.
However, someone still has to explain to me who is screwing who. But my guess is nobody really knows.
Or proof that subliminality was not invented only a few years ago.
However, someone still has to explain to me who is screwing who. But my guess is nobody really knows.
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Lodge Climbing, 1979
Summer 1979. End of High School. During vacation before college (actually before the mandatory nine month military stage before college) i was working at the local furniture factory across the street from where i was living in Câmpulung, Suceava. 7 November St, now they changed it to Calea Transilvaniei, don't know why.
I was spending all my evenings at the Mancaş family, half mile down the street. Mother and three daughters. Mrs.Mancaş (born Gătej) was from Câmpulung and owned that piece of property with a cottage, across the street from where Liviu Strugariu, my ex grade school class mate lived. In fact, he introduced me to them. Daughters, Elena, Tatiana and Gabi. Tatiana, the cutest, "had to give up ballet because of a heart murmur". Tatiana and Elena "just got admitted to college", as myself.
(Years later Gabi told me Tatiana became a physics teacher and married in Piatra Neamţ).
One day my three Tehnoton HS ex class mates, Mareş Mirel of Buhuşi, now Montreal, Canada, Valentin Gheorghiţă of Focşani, Romania, Gabriel Ringhiliescu of Iaşi, Ştefăneşti - Botoşani, France, came with Gabi's brand new car, (Dacia) for a trip to Ardeal. My father didn't want me to leave the job so they went alone. In a couple of weeks they came back and we went on a Saturday on a trip to Rarău, a blessed place on the face of the Earth. (No i don't believe anymore he is the guy on the right).
I went to Mancaş sisters which i visited all summer and they agreed to come with us. We bought some food and a bottle of 1 litre of brandy. Mirel, V.Gheorghiţă and myself went by foot, some 9 miles, and the rest with Gabi in the car.
We raised a tent and rain came. We used the pump from the mat to blow in a fire. Made a trip around the lodge. Weather and angle of view of the lodge from where we had the tent was similar to this one.
Night came. The six of them slept in the tent. There was not enough room in the tent and i was left to sleep in the parked car but couldn't sleep and played with car's radio's dial on the short waves. I think i drank, alone, most of the brandy. I caught some music at Free Europe. I remember they were playing ABBA's song Give me Give me Give Me a Man at the Midnight. (Now i know that song was officially released months later, don't know). And i was singing along replacing the word man with girl. And then something really weird happened. I saw through the windshield a guy coming down the lodge from the roof using a climbing rope. Dressed in a completely black suite, tight on the body, like for divers. He went inside on a window.
I was too drunk to think. I thought maybe he was playing a prank to somebody. I don't know.
The next day i think i told them the story but nobody paid attention. We went back to Câmpulung the same way we came. Sun came up. Beautiful day. I had a hangover. Monday went back to work.
From time to time i remember the episode. Don't know what to think anymore. Could it have been...a ninja?
I was spending all my evenings at the Mancaş family, half mile down the street. Mother and three daughters. Mrs.Mancaş (born Gătej) was from Câmpulung and owned that piece of property with a cottage, across the street from where Liviu Strugariu, my ex grade school class mate lived. In fact, he introduced me to them. Daughters, Elena, Tatiana and Gabi. Tatiana, the cutest, "had to give up ballet because of a heart murmur". Tatiana and Elena "just got admitted to college", as myself.
(Years later Gabi told me Tatiana became a physics teacher and married in Piatra Neamţ).
One day my three Tehnoton HS ex class mates, Mareş Mirel of Buhuşi, now Montreal, Canada, Valentin Gheorghiţă of Focşani, Romania, Gabriel Ringhiliescu of Iaşi, Ştefăneşti - Botoşani, France, came with Gabi's brand new car, (Dacia) for a trip to Ardeal. My father didn't want me to leave the job so they went alone. In a couple of weeks they came back and we went on a Saturday on a trip to Rarău, a blessed place on the face of the Earth. (No i don't believe anymore he is the guy on the right).
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Mareş Mirel, left, Valentin Gheorghiţă, right, Gabi Ringhilescu, next to him. Click to enlarge. |
I went to Mancaş sisters which i visited all summer and they agreed to come with us. We bought some food and a bottle of 1 litre of brandy. Mirel, V.Gheorghiţă and myself went by foot, some 9 miles, and the rest with Gabi in the car.
We raised a tent and rain came. We used the pump from the mat to blow in a fire. Made a trip around the lodge. Weather and angle of view of the lodge from where we had the tent was similar to this one.
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Click to enlarge |
Night came. The six of them slept in the tent. There was not enough room in the tent and i was left to sleep in the parked car but couldn't sleep and played with car's radio's dial on the short waves. I think i drank, alone, most of the brandy. I caught some music at Free Europe. I remember they were playing ABBA's song Give me Give me Give Me a Man at the Midnight. (Now i know that song was officially released months later, don't know). And i was singing along replacing the word man with girl. And then something really weird happened. I saw through the windshield a guy coming down the lodge from the roof using a climbing rope. Dressed in a completely black suite, tight on the body, like for divers. He went inside on a window.
I was too drunk to think. I thought maybe he was playing a prank to somebody. I don't know.
The next day i think i told them the story but nobody paid attention. We went back to Câmpulung the same way we came. Sun came up. Beautiful day. I had a hangover. Monday went back to work.
From time to time i remember the episode. Don't know what to think anymore. Could it have been...a ninja?
Friday, November 16, 2012
Can't Get Weirder Than That
Something really weird happened on Veterans Day in Texas. It's been in the news for a week now. And obviously, we don't know what really happened yet and probably never will. I looked on Google News a minute ago and they are as right now over 1400 news articles on this "story"so far. By the time you are reading this post they will be more. Until one day when this news is going to die.
What we know so far. "speed limit through Midland was increased last year from 40 mph to 60 mph in order to facilitate not blocking traffic. Also the eyewitness says the crossing gate came down right on the people, so clearly that was functioning". From a comment taken from here. It's been a week and yes, the Police ID'd the victims so far. No word on the guilty. While we assume attempts are being made to "re-conciliate" everybody involved until they go quiet.
The crossing gate came down on the people. And there is no sensor to show that and attempt to stop the train. Also probably no sensor to pick any car that by technical reasons have been caught on the rail while crossing gates are coming down.
So far i was saying to myself this is the weirdest damn thing i've read in the news lately. Then i went and opened the first link given by Google. This one. "Texas had 822 railroad crossing accidents during the three years ending in December 2011".
Lately i've been browsing job offers. For the better paying state jobs and not only, there usually are long descriptions impossible to read and understand. So many requirements i've never heard of that discourage me from even finishing reading the description. Sometimes i'm wondering if those requirements can be matched by a single individual.
But somehow i started to believe the longer the description the better is that job being "protected" from outsiders so it can be given to whoever. There is no other explanation for what is happening there. A lot of people working for the state of Texas are not doing their jobs. I'm just curious, how many rail crossing accidents that had not made "the news" happened there since this one?
And then i realized. They shouldn't even call those "the news". They should call them... i don't know, the bait?
What we know so far. "speed limit through Midland was increased last year from 40 mph to 60 mph in order to facilitate not blocking traffic. Also the eyewitness says the crossing gate came down right on the people, so clearly that was functioning". From a comment taken from here. It's been a week and yes, the Police ID'd the victims so far. No word on the guilty. While we assume attempts are being made to "re-conciliate" everybody involved until they go quiet.
The crossing gate came down on the people. And there is no sensor to show that and attempt to stop the train. Also probably no sensor to pick any car that by technical reasons have been caught on the rail while crossing gates are coming down.
So far i was saying to myself this is the weirdest damn thing i've read in the news lately. Then i went and opened the first link given by Google. This one. "Texas had 822 railroad crossing accidents during the three years ending in December 2011".
Lately i've been browsing job offers. For the better paying state jobs and not only, there usually are long descriptions impossible to read and understand. So many requirements i've never heard of that discourage me from even finishing reading the description. Sometimes i'm wondering if those requirements can be matched by a single individual.
But somehow i started to believe the longer the description the better is that job being "protected" from outsiders so it can be given to whoever. There is no other explanation for what is happening there. A lot of people working for the state of Texas are not doing their jobs. I'm just curious, how many rail crossing accidents that had not made "the news" happened there since this one?
And then i realized. They shouldn't even call those "the news". They should call them... i don't know, the bait?
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Shawn Robert Parker
In January-June 1997 i worked at Epson Portland Incorporated assembling printers. I remembered one night on the line we did 521 printers in a 25 people team, an Epson world record. I remember the name of the supervisor, a Mexican guy. Her wife was a QA auditor and many times she was spending minutes next to me trying to figure out how i do it without making one mistake. I was at the station 4 i guess and i put 9 parts on the printer, including gears and 4 screws with an electric screwdriver. In June one day i became sick. I went home and started not to be able to sleep, eat or drink. At night i was driving my car around on the streets. I went several times to different ER rooms. After about a week or so i went to the Beaverton Police, told them some of the story. They called an ambulance that took me first to the Tuality Medical Center in Hilsboro, then to Emanuel in down town Portland and they called a cab and sent me to Pacific Gateway Hospital in Sellwood, the one who lost its license and closed after Police shot an out of control Mexican inside. It was a mental facility that treated both mental and drug related conditions. I never used drugs in my entire life. Here is my picture after being released from there
One of the symptoms was chocking. I only wish i knew back then where that was coming from. It was a simple nose congestion due to some allergies and was preventing me from sleeping. The other symptom was severe stomach pain. It lasted from 96 to 06. No doctor ever explained to me why but now i suspect i might be related to spine alignment because it went away after going to the chiropractor. But the pain was real and was alleviated by antacids or acid blockers that i took for many years constantly increasing the dosage.
Many weird things happened in the hospital maybe one day i will tell the stories. But let's concentrate now on something else. A couple of weeks after coming from the hospital one day i was walking on Hall Blvd and talking to my wife and thinking about going to a Romanian church. But then i changed my mind, crossed the street and went into BNC (Beaverton Church of the Nazarene). A church in the shape of an UFO.
I was well received in there. Like they were expecting me. They prayed for me laying hands on each other's shoulder. I met pastor Dennis Swift and others.
The next day a guy shows up at our door. He asked us, me and my wife if we wanted to go for a ride in a boat. I looked over his shoulder and there was a big boat in the parking lot hooked to an old green Ford SUV. He insisted a lot and then i said yes. In the car they were his three daughters. I remember only the name of the younger one, Trinity.
He took us on the Willamette river that day. Accompanied by my usual stomach pain and thirsty all the time, i didn't drink anything in the morning and Shawn only had a few cans of soda i couldn't drink because of my stomach pain. Still on Prozac. I think we started in St.John area and went all the way to Willamette Falls and back. We stopped on a channel near an island. I think we ended the day back at the Nazarene church.
I had this 83 Fairmont sitting in the parking lot for almost a year. He came one day with a 20 dollar bill and asked mE to sell it to him. The manager at the apartment already told me several times to get rid of that car so i sold it to him.
In April 98 i was working at Quadramed. I was teaching my wife how to drive. She took the computer test and had a permit. I think i spent hundreds of hours on the right seat on Nimbus St. in Beaverton teaching her. I remember at first she was terrified by the cars that were coming on the other side of the road from the opposite direction. But in spring 98 she was driving OK and she drove all the way from Portland to Tillamook, some 70 miles. Then from Tillamook to the beach near Tillamook bay there is a narrow winding road and i kinda pushed her because i was impatient to get there but she was tired and driving under speed limit and in a sharp left curve she went with the right wheels on the gravel near the road. I think we were in legal speed limit. Quickly and gently i grabed the wheel with my left hand and corrected in time. But she reacted too after, and over corrected. Unbelievable, we went to the... left, inside the curve, we missed the bay, the huge truck parked on the right on the gravel, the incoming car from the opposite direction, made an 180 degree turn and rolled in slow motion in a ditch full of ... mud, that was soft. It is very hard to describe in words the trajectory of the car.
It took me about a minute to figure out which way was up, untigthen her seat belt and roll the driver's door down cause mine was in mud and with the broken window while she was kicking me in the head with her legs. Finally she made it outside and i followed. The only thing that happened to us was me having some scratches on my right arm from the broken passenger window.
The guy with the truck parked outside the curve, kinda illegal i think, on the right, that was kinda like waiting for us in there, with the cell in his hand. Minutes later five cop cars showed but no ambulance. But we didn't need one either. One of the cops cited my wife for careless driving with 180 dollars. Then they called a towing truck and they put our car back on the wheels and i started the engine and it was working.
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Then guess what? Shawn Parker with the girls unexpectedly showed up in a green van with windows also old i haven't seen before or after coming from the beach. He insisted we went with him back to Portland, but i was too attached to that 89 Escort GT to leave it there with the towing guys and i drove with no problems all the way to Portland. (I was also paranoid about that being a recognition of my part we've been somewhat hurt in the accident which we weren't. 04/26/2014).
Did i mentioned the prayers at BNC that morning for each of our country? Dennis repeatedly asked and we both went to the altar, me accompanied by Ron Boger and my wife by his wife. Than we had lunch at Old Country Buffet in Beaverton and i also saw a bunch of people from the church in there. Then we decided to go to the Ocean. Those days we didn't need much to take that decision because we were still young and full of energy.
This post needs to be extended. I will dig into my records to put in more data and pictures.
In front of what used to be Pacific Gateway Hospital, Sellwood, OR, July 1997 (Prozac Head, can still click me!) |
One of the symptoms was chocking. I only wish i knew back then where that was coming from. It was a simple nose congestion due to some allergies and was preventing me from sleeping. The other symptom was severe stomach pain. It lasted from 96 to 06. No doctor ever explained to me why but now i suspect i might be related to spine alignment because it went away after going to the chiropractor. But the pain was real and was alleviated by antacids or acid blockers that i took for many years constantly increasing the dosage.
Many weird things happened in the hospital maybe one day i will tell the stories. But let's concentrate now on something else. A couple of weeks after coming from the hospital one day i was walking on Hall Blvd and talking to my wife and thinking about going to a Romanian church. But then i changed my mind, crossed the street and went into BNC (Beaverton Church of the Nazarene). A church in the shape of an UFO.
I was well received in there. Like they were expecting me. They prayed for me laying hands on each other's shoulder. I met pastor Dennis Swift and others.
Beaverton Church of the Nazarene |
Shawn Robert Parker with "his girls", near Cannon Beach, OR, summer 1997 |
I had this 83 Fairmont sitting in the parking lot for almost a year. He came one day with a 20 dollar bill and asked mE to sell it to him. The manager at the apartment already told me several times to get rid of that car so i sold it to him.
My ex 83 Ford Fairmont, at Sussex Village Apts, Beaverton, Oregon, 1997 |
It took me about a minute to figure out which way was up, untigthen her seat belt and roll the driver's door down cause mine was in mud and with the broken window while she was kicking me in the head with her legs. Finally she made it outside and i followed. The only thing that happened to us was me having some scratches on my right arm from the broken passenger window.
The guy with the truck parked outside the curve, kinda illegal i think, on the right, that was kinda like waiting for us in there, with the cell in his hand. Minutes later five cop cars showed but no ambulance. But we didn't need one either. One of the cops cited my wife for careless driving with 180 dollars. Then they called a towing truck and they put our car back on the wheels and i started the engine and it was working.
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Then guess what? Shawn Parker with the girls unexpectedly showed up in a green van with windows also old i haven't seen before or after coming from the beach. He insisted we went with him back to Portland, but i was too attached to that 89 Escort GT to leave it there with the towing guys and i drove with no problems all the way to Portland. (I was also paranoid about that being a recognition of my part we've been somewhat hurt in the accident which we weren't. 04/26/2014).
Did i mentioned the prayers at BNC that morning for each of our country? Dennis repeatedly asked and we both went to the altar, me accompanied by Ron Boger and my wife by his wife. Than we had lunch at Old Country Buffet in Beaverton and i also saw a bunch of people from the church in there. Then we decided to go to the Ocean. Those days we didn't need much to take that decision because we were still young and full of energy.
This post needs to be extended. I will dig into my records to put in more data and pictures.
Saturday, November 10, 2012
June 25 2009. I went to Gotta picture to prove. It was one day before my birthday. At the site near the entrance under a roof in the open air they were a bunch of military guys or firefighters celebrating something or having a meal and a meeting or something like that.
Next day afternoon i had my usual "anxiety attack". I knew by then that if i get out of that appartment and go anyware is going to be more bearable. (And after my wife was coming home). Now i know the cause. The same as here. All kind of smokes from burning in purpose all kind of materials in or around the building. And of course synchronized noise from different sources.
So i decided to go to my wife's work place at GE Security at 12345 SW Leveton dr. Tualatin, OR. But i didn't park in her parking lot but in the street next to it i can't remember why. Truck was facing North and i opened the truck's bed's door and sat on it enjoying the Sun and trying to calm down. At around 3:15 PM i started to hear a noise like a waterfall. At first it was smaller and then it grew constantly bigger then i thought an earthquake is going to hit then i thought the whole Niagara falls is coming in that parking lot. But none of this happened. When the noise was right before its peak i saw an elegant gray big bird like silhouette coming from above the building from the South. Then another two. Then another one. Here they were. 4 F22s flying in V formation really slow at about 100-200 ft. I thought i saw pilot's helmets in the cockpits. I was staring at the bay doors under their bellies waiting to see what was going to happen next. They went above and passed towards North. I turned and saw their tails gently balancing just above the horizon with the stabilizers moving discretely. The whole show lasted about 30 seconds. Then they disappeared over horizon with the same speed and altitude. I didn't hear any noise like increasing speed ever after. They must have flown at that altitude over the whole area in that direction, many miles of urban area. Thousands of people might have seen and hear them.
I thought i was really lucky for not peeing in my pants. I went inside the truck trying to think. Then a guy passed by. I asked him if i just saw 4 F22s flying above my head. He said smiling: Something like that, something like that...
My wife showed up. She confirmed the noise. Then i went to the liquor store. I bought some grain alcohol to mix with the blueberries we picked at a upick place, a few days earlier.
At home two guys showed in the parking lot. One was holding a device in his hands like measuring something in the air. By that time i had a filter in the bedroom's door that was pushing filtered air and building a little pressure inside so no other things can get in. Not that they didn't. My wife said i should go and talk to them but i though i had enough emotions for one day.
I was joking with my wife, "we're broke but i just saw 1 billion dollars flying above our heads!"
click me! |
Next day afternoon i had my usual "anxiety attack". I knew by then that if i get out of that appartment and go anyware is going to be more bearable. (And after my wife was coming home). Now i know the cause. The same as here. All kind of smokes from burning in purpose all kind of materials in or around the building. And of course synchronized noise from different sources.
So i decided to go to my wife's work place at GE Security at 12345 SW Leveton dr. Tualatin, OR. But i didn't park in her parking lot but in the street next to it i can't remember why. Truck was facing North and i opened the truck's bed's door and sat on it enjoying the Sun and trying to calm down. At around 3:15 PM i started to hear a noise like a waterfall. At first it was smaller and then it grew constantly bigger then i thought an earthquake is going to hit then i thought the whole Niagara falls is coming in that parking lot. But none of this happened. When the noise was right before its peak i saw an elegant gray big bird like silhouette coming from above the building from the South. Then another two. Then another one. Here they were. 4 F22s flying in V formation really slow at about 100-200 ft. I thought i saw pilot's helmets in the cockpits. I was staring at the bay doors under their bellies waiting to see what was going to happen next. They went above and passed towards North. I turned and saw their tails gently balancing just above the horizon with the stabilizers moving discretely. The whole show lasted about 30 seconds. Then they disappeared over horizon with the same speed and altitude. I didn't hear any noise like increasing speed ever after. They must have flown at that altitude over the whole area in that direction, many miles of urban area. Thousands of people might have seen and hear them.
I thought i was really lucky for not peeing in my pants. I went inside the truck trying to think. Then a guy passed by. I asked him if i just saw 4 F22s flying above my head. He said smiling: Something like that, something like that...
My wife showed up. She confirmed the noise. Then i went to the liquor store. I bought some grain alcohol to mix with the blueberries we picked at a upick place, a few days earlier.
At home two guys showed in the parking lot. One was holding a device in his hands like measuring something in the air. By that time i had a filter in the bedroom's door that was pushing filtered air and building a little pressure inside so no other things can get in. Not that they didn't. My wife said i should go and talk to them but i though i had enough emotions for one day.
I was joking with my wife, "we're broke but i just saw 1 billion dollars flying above our heads!"
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Brake Job
My brakes were done 2 years ago at Les Schwab Tires Center in Tigard. Sunday i drove to Vancouver to talk to some guys i knew at a church over there. None of them were actually there. When i left here i found this 1/2x1/2 inch by 2 mm piece of magnet glued to one my shoes. When i pulled it it came out with the top layer of the leather from the right shoe in the rear on the outside. When i came back my brake pedal was making this farting sound. When i looked there was no brake fluid in the front reservoir. Monday i went to one of the Les Schwab stores in Aloha, Oregon. They did the brakes in warranty but did not machine (resurface) the rotors. The brakes aren't working well. They pull right. Today i was looking to take a picture to prove to them they did not machine the rotors and i found the left caliper was leaking again by the line, exactly in the same spot as before. Today at 2 PM i have appointment at the Lake Oswego Les Schwab store. By the way every time i go in the parking lot to take a picture of some part of my car a plane or two show up.
Maybe that's why they did this back in 2008. Can't distinguish tire size but i will try to enhance contrast on this one. Maybe i'm going to download Gimp after all.
When i was returning from Wilsonville Les Schwab... I wrote in the comment then i added the picture...
47 Eagle Crest dr, Lake Oswego, OR. Post date. Click to enlarge. |
47 Eagle Crest dr, Lake Oswego, OR. Post date. Click to enlarge. |
47 Eagle Crest dr, Lake Oswego, OR. Post date. Click to enlarge. |
47 Eagle Crest dr, Lake Oswego, OR. Post date. Click to enlarge. |
47 Eagle Crest dr, Lake Oswego, OR. Post date. Click to enlarge. |
47 Eagle Crest dr, Lake Oswego, OR. Post date. Click to enlarge. |
47 Eagle Crest dr, Lake Oswego, OR. Post date. Click to enlarge. |
Maybe that's why they did this back in 2008. Can't distinguish tire size but i will try to enhance contrast on this one. Maybe i'm going to download Gimp after all.
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6810 SW Hall Blvd, Beaverton, OR |
When i was returning from Wilsonville Les Schwab... I wrote in the comment then i added the picture...
Wilsonville, OR |
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Fish in the Wind
Mr. Google was lucky that day with the wind with all the fish parallel to the street but didn't quit put the resolution in. I think i will go tomorrow there and do it right for everyone to see.
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OK there it goes, 09-24 12:22 PM.
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OK there it goes, 09-24 12:22 PM.
September 24, 2012, downtwon Tualatin OR |
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Selena Quintanilla
September 1995. Portland, Oregon. Selena and Sade and Alanis Morisette on all radio stations. What a nice music. To me Selena sounded like a cousin of Gloria Estefan. With pretty rich, professional instrumentals too... And then... What i didn't know was that earlier that year, the music died, again.
Today i was looking for her songs and i stumbled upon yet another memorable piece of music, a cut from a movie. Jennifer Lopez's movie debut. Or what make-up can do to a person.
Today i was looking for her songs and i stumbled upon yet another memorable piece of music, a cut from a movie. Jennifer Lopez's movie debut. Or what make-up can do to a person.
Friday, September 21, 2012
The Real Thing
The good news. Today i finally saw in the news a real political issue of the campaign (Wich by the way comes from the Latin word Campania or the current Italian word campagna with the root campo which in English means field (of battle) and in English the word has the root camp which is often associated with a military campaign). How much Mitt Romney paid in taxes last year. 14 million dollars. Real money. The real deal.
After or in the middle of a campaign that projected on us a different reality, that of politics, which seems to have to have a life and rules of its own, that has nothing to do with the apparent social reality, but maybe the underground of it, since it looks like there's an apparent connection between the delirium of the campaign and the society, that eludes apparent logic but keeps it going on. It has to do with projected images and their feedbacks, the polls, that guides both candidates forward. Or the ghost of it, if nobody believes it anymore.
The other real tangible issue of the campaign that also catches attention is the reality of Barack Obama's birth certificate.
Anything else?
We'll all live and see.
After or in the middle of a campaign that projected on us a different reality, that of politics, which seems to have to have a life and rules of its own, that has nothing to do with the apparent social reality, but maybe the underground of it, since it looks like there's an apparent connection between the delirium of the campaign and the society, that eludes apparent logic but keeps it going on. It has to do with projected images and their feedbacks, the polls, that guides both candidates forward. Or the ghost of it, if nobody believes it anymore.
The other real tangible issue of the campaign that also catches attention is the reality of Barack Obama's birth certificate.
Anything else?
We'll all live and see.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Dan Duncan
On February 9 2010 i moved to Lake Oswego. One month after i lived in both places trying to clean the new one, with no much success. Soon after i finally moved, i saw those devices that count cars on the streets. I can't remember exaclty when right now because i am too tired and have no time to sort things out but i will re-edit this post as soon as i have the time to accurately put all the data in. But what's important to me right now is i remember every time i was driving around especially on Boones Fery Rd i was seeing at least one police car. That didn't necessarily bother me. Then i saw this horrible news. And ever since things are getting rougher and rougher @here. Or it's just me that i can see more. Anyways, it was a bad omen. Police these days are after a misterious killer of a misterious murder descended directly from a movie. But the death of Dan Duncan was ruled from the start of "natural causes". I am just curious, how many people in the force are still from the old team since Dan Duncan's days in LO?
Sunday, September 16, 2012
I Felt It
It's been a while since nobody called me crazy in direct reference to the number of my hospitalizations in psychiatric wards. Maybe because i haven't talked to many people lately... Maybe because there's no one to talk around... Anyways, passing over the peculiarity of me having to quote my own blog, there are two posts directly related that i will try to bring to your attention.
It is probably obvious i would have never have written the two posts above if it didn't happen to me. Usually when i'm alone, i start feeling sick, dizzy, paralyzed, to have palpitations and i usually then have trouble walking to the door and outside. I know if i can make it inside the car, start the engine and drive away then i'm better. I know because i drove so many times to the nearest hospital or urgent care facility only to find out on my way that i was getting better. That after i called the ambulance so many times, but that was many years ago. And then i tried to think. What is really going on? But usually i'm so violently sick that after i get better i tend to forget everything. Then recently, before i left, i noticed, every time there was some kind of noise outside, usually a car engine or even train humming but not at constant speed. And usually combined with some sort of bad smelling smoke much stronger outside that i didn't even realized inside. And if i paid enough attention, i realized the noise modulation was synchronized either with my breath, my heartbeat or both. And that's why i started thinking that maybe i'm target of some weird sound and physiology based atacks. Why and who? I woundn't try and speculate about it right now. But it is happening, last time, not earlier than today.
Probably based on remote measuring EEG, EKG and breath. Probably by hooking a car's computer or more than one car's computer to a system that's doing this or remotely hacking them through unknown means. One thing i'm 99% sure of. It is happening and probably if not recognized and not reacting it can severely disturb your activity and ultimately make you very sick. Why when you're alone? Probably because it's easy to remotely measure your vital signs.
In the softer version, it can even roughly analyze your EEG and if combined to a huge database containing what you've been doing lately, seriously disturb and influence your thought process, at the price of feeling very uncomfortable most of the time.
In my particular situation the noise is even associated with emissions of toxic substances let's say mineral dust from under the bathtub through a crack in the bathtub caulking i discovered later that comes out when vibrating the whole tub at resonance, or from all the bottles from under the sink with different cleaners and detergents that i found ALL with the cap loose and each having a different resonance frequency thus allowing a remotely controlled release and even controlled mixture of substances that can have a very annoying effect.
And if you are going to the hospital or doctor he's not going to find anything through conventional means. It is not detectable let's say after one hour after it's happening. And even when it's happening, it's just a disturbance of breath and heart rhythm, or electrolyte imbalance. That can be also severe on a short therm. Or you can have a fibrillation on the EKG like i had a couple of times.
Repeated, on long term, it can easily qualify as torture. But these are things worth of another post.
It is probably obvious i would have never have written the two posts above if it didn't happen to me. Usually when i'm alone, i start feeling sick, dizzy, paralyzed, to have palpitations and i usually then have trouble walking to the door and outside. I know if i can make it inside the car, start the engine and drive away then i'm better. I know because i drove so many times to the nearest hospital or urgent care facility only to find out on my way that i was getting better. That after i called the ambulance so many times, but that was many years ago. And then i tried to think. What is really going on? But usually i'm so violently sick that after i get better i tend to forget everything. Then recently, before i left, i noticed, every time there was some kind of noise outside, usually a car engine or even train humming but not at constant speed. And usually combined with some sort of bad smelling smoke much stronger outside that i didn't even realized inside. And if i paid enough attention, i realized the noise modulation was synchronized either with my breath, my heartbeat or both. And that's why i started thinking that maybe i'm target of some weird sound and physiology based atacks. Why and who? I woundn't try and speculate about it right now. But it is happening, last time, not earlier than today.
Probably based on remote measuring EEG, EKG and breath. Probably by hooking a car's computer or more than one car's computer to a system that's doing this or remotely hacking them through unknown means. One thing i'm 99% sure of. It is happening and probably if not recognized and not reacting it can severely disturb your activity and ultimately make you very sick. Why when you're alone? Probably because it's easy to remotely measure your vital signs.
In the softer version, it can even roughly analyze your EEG and if combined to a huge database containing what you've been doing lately, seriously disturb and influence your thought process, at the price of feeling very uncomfortable most of the time.
In my particular situation the noise is even associated with emissions of toxic substances let's say mineral dust from under the bathtub through a crack in the bathtub caulking i discovered later that comes out when vibrating the whole tub at resonance, or from all the bottles from under the sink with different cleaners and detergents that i found ALL with the cap loose and each having a different resonance frequency thus allowing a remotely controlled release and even controlled mixture of substances that can have a very annoying effect.
And if you are going to the hospital or doctor he's not going to find anything through conventional means. It is not detectable let's say after one hour after it's happening. And even when it's happening, it's just a disturbance of breath and heart rhythm, or electrolyte imbalance. That can be also severe on a short therm. Or you can have a fibrillation on the EKG like i had a couple of times.
Repeated, on long term, it can easily qualify as torture. But these are things worth of another post.
My place, under the bath tube, before |
My place, under the bath tube, after |
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Computer Age Auto Service
Ran By David Diggins of now Texas?, who i met at Beaverton Church of the Nazarene (he had a breathing problem, he was wheezing) in 98 then we went together to a Bible study at Ron Boger in Beaverton, now in Vancouver, WA. Wally Johnston, chaplain of Beaverton Police, Robert (Shawn) Parker of Beaverton, OR, Carlton Smith of Aloha, OR and of course pastor dr.Dennis Swift now of Portland, Oregon. And many others. Can't remember when i last saw David, in 2002? He fixed my noisy truck (found a loose rocker arm bolt) and created a coolant leak that stayed there for many years without the coolant level to go down... Actually i found out about a year ago, it was an engine imbalance due to a spark plug or wire... And my wife's car many times... With his Mexican helper...
I remember David kept asking me "What for did you go to school so many years, George?" and now i think i can answer him, so i can now write this blog, David...
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Now i have to confess, i wrote this because of a picture i found on the internet and a voice in a video that looks/sounds exactly like David's. Part of the reason is i don't have cable and don't go to the movies at least since 2004. One day maybe @2009 the apartment manager at the other place in Beaverton (Sussex Village Apartments) came to our door and told us to remove the satellite dish from the kitchen window. And that was it we didn't get cable because back then the non HD cable had 240 lines, half of NTSC resolution then we got used to the antenna and now we have HD on the antenna and spend too much time and money on the internet anyways. A graphic artist from New York put a number of photoshop altered pictures of artists as how would they look those men/women if they never became celebrities but lived a normal life. This one below taken from there is supposed to be Tom Cruise, fatter, perspired and dressed casaually.
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David Diggins? |