5:38 Variants of concern
5:43 False color. Electron microscope images cannot have colors because they represent objects that are several times smaller than the shortest light wavelength, which is color violet, 400 nm, while coronavirus has a 100 nm diameter (without spike proteins). What i don't understand is why the spike proteins, that are different for each variant of the virus but should be all the same for one virion, look all different from each other in this colorized image. Or could it be that the spike proteins have been cut by the microtome used to prepare the frozen sample randomly all in different places, and then we see some further away from the plane of cutting. What i also don't understand is the poor resolution of this image. The resolution of an electron microscope can go all the way to 0.2 nm, here he have something in the range of 1nm. And the grains. Where the grains come from?
10:22 Current technology that can break the light half wavelength barrier.
10:45 A different story here, with longer spike proteins.
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