Monday, April 3, 2023

April 3rd

12:12 My favorite kind of news. When they contradict selves.

12:15 Today Angela again had a 10 dollars food coupon at 10 Barrels inside Spirit Mt.. So in our way to Lincoln City, we stopped there. The Genie of course was not at the bar anymore. However scores of actors from Hungary where everywhere, performing. One woman next table was wiping her table with napkins for 10 minutes. Another dropped the ketchup and not trying to hide it was done on purpose. Etc..

The classic. When passing behind someone, somebody was coming and passing in between. When no one was available, they were simply turning and staring at me, like knowing i was there.

Was thinking. Maybe they shouldn't call it FCSB anymore. They should call it Bec_ial.

1:07 Sun rays on left, rain rays on right, competing. The picture is ok, simply can't compete with my memory of the scene. Yeah i know it's burned (saturated on white) on the left side but could not decrease exposure cause ground was already looking too dark). In time it will look nicer to me.

No spring in sight. At the beach and when i left was... sleeting (learned a new verb from Google Translate). Sleeting. Sleeting. But the ocean never cared.
1:20 One stop at Spirit Mt. and my airbag light went off 30 miles later. Il looks like they reverted whatever it was done on April 1st, now after i ordered the part. Most likely the part is defective, they were messing with the computer though.

10:50 Una din multele probleme ale justiției din România. Faptele se pot prescrie în timpul anchetei sau procesului care trenează și am să aduc iar exemplul SUA (și alte țări cele mai mari europene) cu definiția prescripției (statutes of limitation of prosecution) care este limita timpului în care procuratura (District Attorney, DA) poate face plângere penală. Deci dacă prescripția pentru majoritatea infracțiunilor (crimes) federale (mai puțin cele foarte grave) este 5 ani, asta înseamnă că procuratura poate face o plângere (filing, charging, indicting) până în ultima zi din cei 5 ani.

În România există această ciudățenie gravă care nu a fost semnalată de MCV (de unde deducem că MCV a fost doar o glumă proastă), faptele se prescriu în timpul anchetei.

Cred că problema este modul în care este definită prescripția în Art 121 din Codul Penal. Prescripția înlătură răspunderea penală ceea ce este un truism vag. Se mai spune în Codul Penal în Art 155 că prescripția încetează prin îndeplinirea oricărui act juridic, care poate fi punerea sub acuzare, când termenul de prescriere începe din nou, însă nu există nici o reglementare asupra timpului de anchetă. De aceea a mai apărut... etc.. Mult prea complicat. Cine dreq înțelege ce se spune aici? S-ar părea că dacă ancheta  și/sau procesul durează mai mult de o dată și jumătate din timpul de prescripție, inculpatul scapă de răspunderea penală.

La alții e simplu. Odată începută ancheta prescripția se suspendă și nu se reînoiește.

12:30 How come we never hear about Chicago weekend shootings?

12:50 Just realized what i just witnessed. A guy was dragging a small dog while it was trying to poop. To stress it more in order to squeeze more from the anal sacs. I saw a couple of month ago a similar scene, with a kid.

1:05 Confirmed. Went and found a couple of very oily small ones in that area.

3:00 First i thought it was a mistake. After searching all day long i came back to my first guess. No it's not about Trump, tomorrow and his allies. Or maybe it is but mostly is about her acting as a bartender, serving me a couple of drinks at Chinook (not the first time), pissing me off for giving me apple brandy first time. Though it wasn't all so bad maybe i should try more as a variation from same old CB.

3:52 Very small children are playing unsupervised on our side of the alley in the cold sleet.

4:18 Had no idea of how much could a chimp or gorilla bench press. 4000 pounds, that's a medium size car.

6:40 Australo-Hungary

8:30 Cant tell from a Google search for how many years there's been a drought in California. I know there is a song, It Never Rains in Southern California. As for Northern and neighboring Sierras, i just don't know. I vaguely remember i saw on a site that it's been decades of drought. And when i passed Shasta Lake i saw an unprecedented level of dry shores.

So i will cling to this web site that shows a constant decline in water level (near Hoover dam) in Mead Lake on Colorado River which is the main source of water for the 2 million people Vegas and 4 million in Los Angeles etc..

In the last few months huge amounts of rain and snow fell in California and eastern sides of Sierras that feed Colorado river, its main water supplier. Unseen since 1983 or maybe since it has been recorded. Snow pack in the Sierras is at 230% of multianual average.

However they almost failed to stabilize the level in Lake Mead closed by Hoover Dam on Colorado River. What the heck is going on?

10:05 My pizza dough i made earlier had finally risen. I made two pizzas (have too round cookie sheets now) and was ready to put those in the oven when she moved the car in the spot and made an appearance upstairs (10:00 PM). For the first time i figured why always when i'm about to cook something. To prevent me from attracting the hungry kids from the poor neighborhood, cook, eat them and/or suck the blood out of them whatever comes first.

10:15 iutube. LOL. Se pronunță așa. Fasole galbenă? Pe când o știucă?

10:50 I was cutting the pizza. A thundering exhaust passed by (almost 11) and made me so nervous i dropped a slice on the floor. However i didn't throw it in the garbage (what they would have wanted), i just ate it. (Mopped the floor thoroughly one or two days ago). Then it sounded again and they tricked me into opening the door (to see what kids have gathered outside).

10:53 Now it's back.

10:57 Right and Zelensky be the guardian and empty the bucket every day.

4:01 A trecut ziua dar scriu tot aici pentru că este legat de. Au combinat două chestii pe care le-am scris mai sus și au scos alta, un câine care ciripește (tweet).

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