Thursday, November 2, 2023

November 2nd

12:10 Anybody knows what pizzicato is? It is a way of playing violin like a guitar, by picking chords with a nail, without using the bow. It is used a lot in Chinese and Japanese traditional music and one singer comes to mind... Rimi Natsukawa (not that i know so many), known to us all as Mariah Carey.

Synth pop era started triumphantly in Europe with Modern Talking and ended in the US with Madonna.

In the beginning, as the name clearly states, they were making heavy use of synthesizers and sequencers and stuff that just came on the scene from the labs and specialized companies. Monophonic, polyphonic, midi etc..

Though they were perfected over the years, a few types of sounds stayed to the end. They faded in the 90s and lately they were surpassed by the AI and only retro bands still use them. AI was much more insidious to the point we listen today to music made entirely by AI including voices and we don't even notice it.

Though heavily influenced by the same current in Japan, some of them included Japanese tunes that at times sound like the (what is the name of the three strings instrument she plays in the video above).

Very obvious in many of Madonna's song but i have the feeling that Dieter Bohlen synths imitated a lot the pizzicato sound and far East melodies especially the instrument in the video above though less obvious for the untrained ear (check again the intro here). And after him, the whole cohort.

But that doesn't mean we don't have pure rock music, spiced maybe with a Moog from the beginning of the synth era (yes she lives in a bubble and steals people ('s hearts)).

6:00 Another one... Cum lași site-urile alea, te duci să ștergi toate video-urile sau doar nu mai încarci? Și totuși cred că am văzut-o (ieri) undeva...

6:45 During the 2000s more evolved synths were used in a whole new genre called electronica, based entirely on those with the subgenre house that originated in... Romania (Why Vika Jigulina in this live show looks like Morticia from Adams family).

6:55 Which reminds me. Now i know, the glass balls represent the sun. My woman from Tokyo? BTW, wanted to say this for several days now and keep forgetting. Is the Mercedes logo a solar symbol and Benz stands for Benzaiten? CDs?

1:10 Newsworthy (There's someone in my head and it's not me). A team of 3 female journalists from Business Insider chose to let the whole world know that NYC mayor killed gassed rats on a whole street in New York. But one newyorker begs to differ in a comment titled "It is not new" (second best in the list) in the original article from "Gothamist" (can't share the comment or link in text).

In one of the pictures is shown an obvious German looking guy pumping whatever in the ground next to a BMW parked on the street.

There are contradictions in the article. The real b...h behind it seem to be though...

The reason i resent is it comes after my complaints of gasoline smell, some coming from obvious puddles on the ground, burnt vegetable oil smell after me doing fries yesterday, that i can still feel it as i write now. The symbolism. The main picture in the article shows a rat and a woman that looks like taken from a tiktok twerking post.

1:45 But i bet nobody from Business Insider is going to explain people the "flat high" of the stock market today (official explanation, no FED hiking rates expected) and always under the rising Sun which is bad news for inflation, flat high that comes with a 2.55% hike rate in oil prices.

3:43 Though i was violently sick yesterday, after eating and drinking crazy things for about a month, finally all these got to my guts with a bile and intestinal blockage and ER level pain, but i don't think i'm gonna die right away.

I did not go to ER as pain seemed intermittent. (I think) i cured myself with omeprazole, glasses of water with backing soda, meditating, eating small amounts of bland food and sleeping in my pod (a sleeping bad made of industrial type 99% reflecting insulation). And of course washing my stinking comforter of which i completely forgot lately.

Also today after i figured i was chocking because of the mold smell, went outside and picked about 100 lbs of rotting leaves "forgotten" by the landscapers yesterday that were covering the wet soil after rain and smelling like outdoor mold.

3:51 Ideal for patching holes in the floor of heaven. Color is close to your ceiling paint (indistinguishable). Mix small amounts with water to the consistency of putty (you know how) and push immediately with a suitable size Philips screwdriver in each hole, several times, then wipe the excess. Can use a slightly bigger screwdriver if you can't find the right size. Should take about 5 to 10 minutes for a hole.

When using slightly bigger screwdrivers and that is most of the time, do not push the screwriver all the way through, cause it is so much easier to fill having a narrowing at the other end.

Do not use ready made mud or any store mix cause it shrinks upon curing leaving the hole visible and having to repeat the procedure.

To find holes, use a dental probe in suspected areas. Sometimes older holes are covered over the years by layers of paint that cracked and are not obvious.

The resulting patch using the material linked above is harder and made of the same material as the drywall itself and also fuses with it so it can be used for bigger holes up to a few inches diameter with a piece of cardboard on the other side kept in place with strings or wires.

There are numerous, clumsier and less effective ways to do it.

Another big source of dust in your apartment is your breakers box, which is as big as all plugs combined. To seal the space around it you need either plaster or clear removable silicone which does not work well on drywall.

Also check the space around door frames, AC vents, in wall  heaters. In wall heaters actually have holes in the box that allow "air" from inside wall to be sucked and pushed into the room. They also burn household and wall dust, like bar space heaters. Bar space heaters create an air flow that also sucks and burn dust from inside the wall through the floor to wall space.

It is controversial if to seal the space between walls and floor. Dust is usually heavier than air and does not climb except for the invisible, statically charged dust which may result from prolonged vibrations which flies in your rooms like crazy for hours (if you don't have an ionizer). (Any dust that passes through a fan like of the fridge becomes electrically charged). If air does not penetrate the space in the wall, it becomes even stinkier usually with sulfur dioxide. Use your rich imagination if or what to put in there.

(We'll talk after you're done with your home work).

10:02 Today's smoke comes from yet another fire that's right in wind's direction that apparently started after last rain? Or maybe the wind shifted, can't remember how it was yesterday. Found a site where you can find historical data for precipitations in different Oregon areas, it rained half inch in the area with the fire yesterday. More rain to come tomorrow.

The smoke doesn't help me. From lungs it eliminates in esophagus and then in the stomach (our own body filtration system, all dust and smoke particles we breath end up in your guts for elimination).

12:00 First i thought i heard someone climbing the stairs, after "he came home", but the sound continued beyond stairs length until i went and opened the door... I did not meet with anyone here tonight or anywhere else, ever, since i came in this country in 1995. I also figured another reason for the big work at the sewer...

If someone who can red this is ever invited here, they must know i will never invite anybody and should not come. And this is not a fake disclaimer.

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