11:27 Efectele prafului saharian, vânturile de suprafață se pot vedea în al treilea de jos link din dreapta de la blog, Romania Real Time Particle Pollution. AQAir este o rețea formată din aparatele lor vândute și conectate la internet. Încă una aici, mă gândesc să schimb link-ul de la blog.
Vreți încă o dovadă că guvernul nu face nimic pentru populație? Site-ul lor nu funcționează. La ce ar ajuta? La limitarea deplasărilor. Măștile COVID reduc poluanții din aer cu cel puțin 90%.
Cât ar fi valoarea normală. Pe mine tot ce este peste 30 mă deranjează. De exemplu în acest moment indexul la mine este 2 fiindcă vântul bate dinspre ocean.
Există o aplicație dezvoltată de guvernul SUA care îți arată pe telefon poluarea în funcție de locație, nu știu dacă funcționează și alte țări. Există și alte aplicații. Nu că aș recomanda folosirea telefonului.
Apropo, știați că puteți folosi telefonul pe wi-fi? În funcție de furnizor, această opțiune permite legarea telefonului de wi-fi-ul de acasă în loc de turn, ceea ce micșorează puterea de emisie de cel puțin 10 ori, elimină problema semnalului slab.
1:15 As i said, i have this hobby of following the stock market, trying to corelate it with events and once i put 2000 dollars from a credit card into Ameritrade. But as soon as i started to trade, those stocks were going nuts, like somebody were buying and selling to manipulate the price and throw out my predictions.
So i won't keep this to myself. Statistically improbable variations of indices or patterns, and i am looking more at S&P because S&P is some sort of an average of 500 US companies real time stock price (capitalization) that represent about 80% of the market.
For too long now i noticed in maybe half of the days a decline around 11 Eastern (8 local), with hourly minimums. Here are two screenshots i picked from February. What on Earth is going on? (Note the heavy volume (red and green lines at the bottom) at the beginning and ending of days).
Thursday, February 29, 2024
February 29
Wednesday, February 28, 2024
February 28
11:23 News from Transnistria.
2:40 Diplomație la mintea găinii. De ce le-au impus taxe vamale, în acest moment în care Rusia este pe cai mari de război. Ca să le dea apă la moară.
Tuesday, February 27, 2024
February 27
11:48 Știe toată lumea, Tratatul NATO are un singur articol în care semnatarii (părțile) se obligă la ceva concret. Și anume, să trateze atacul asupra unei țări semnatare ca un atac asupra țării lor.
Nu se spune nicăieri ce să facă țările țările semnatare dacă una din țările semnatare atacă o țară din afara NATO. Dar ce interesant sună Articolul 1.
De ce există o structură de comandă militară și un secretar general pe alte probleme, nu prea înțeleg din Tratat. Cine comandă pe cine? Poate mai sunt anexe? Până acum am văzut destule acțiuni voluntare din partea țărilor ce nu par a fi coordonate de nimeni.
În tratat se mai vorbește de un Security Council. Probabil al ONU (UN). Mai jos se vorbește despre un Council și despre on Comited de Apărare (Defence Committee) care să recomande. Există o versiune în limba română, căutați la început.
Monday, February 26, 2024
February 26
10:35 Nevermind that. Here are some things i can remember. I read early about dogs not being tolerated by a couple of major religions (kaboom kaboom kaboom, upstairs). They probably have their reasons. BTW, is it me or that tree in the parking lot at Lucky Eagle looks like a menora?
10:50 Another banger. The cross of St.Dominic as depicted in Wikipedia is painted asymmetrically black and white. Any of the white or black part resembles an Islamic swastika (yes there is a such thing).
St. Dominic was born near the city of Osma, of which the old Arabic name is... (one huge kaboom upstairs). Swastika has been used by Islam before him. Arabs brought us many things, including the numbers from India. Why not swastika?
7:30 "Biden hopes" there will a cease fire, "Macron thinks" the opposite.
8:50 And here's a possible missing link. I long suspected Caca Cola logo has in it a dog tail (colita in Spanish), a dragon tail, etc.. Dog waste was long (until recently) used as medicine. Buttles?

Sunday, February 25, 2024
February 25
Cât despre Fauci și Wray...
11:38 E ușor să câștigi când ești proprietarul ambelor echipe...
Saturday, February 24, 2024
February 24
6:07 PM I know, it feels like strongly lingering democracy America got addicted to in the last 224 years, to the power of 56, however it is the same old caravan with the same 2 old clowns.
"We" want direct elections!
6:40 You want my opinion? Definetely not native English speaker. Ssstayin'? He is just playfully angry about (or simulates it cause he can't be angry on his own song he played so many times befoore). Soulful rock... what we know for sure is... it's got soul! I'll go with blues.
Thursday, February 22, 2024
February 22
However, this does not reflect in dividends and it breaks the laws of the Universe. You cannot have 22% increase in revenue without that reflecting in profit and/or dividends which are kept symbolic (4 cents for an 800 dollars share). Yeah it is obvious they don't pay dividends, profit from price raising is much greater than that. Reinvesting? That should reflect in the assets.
As for how they pick the time for announcing quarterly revenue, that is an entirely different story. Or maybe the same.
I wouldn't have written this at this hour if i was not awakened @noon and kept awake after 3 hours of sleep (was up all night) by the people upstairs. One person, much lighter than those who generated the stumps left again on an electric bike, in the opposite direction as for the shorter distance to complex entrance, possibly through the park. It had his/her face covered with something black, like in a pretty obvious black face role playing.
3:30 PM. No i did not buy AMD stock last night. I bought a mini PC which was on sale to replace the old Lenovo AIO 300 Celeron i'm struggling with because of low speed.

5:40 As i said in past, i once took 2000 dollars of a credit card and opened an Ameritrade account and after a few days of doing transactions "on paper" that is imaginary, to see how skilled i am, i started buying and selling literally. I believe anybody can open an account with no or little money and do just that. It is exciting to say the least.
According to what i did on paper, i should have made 50-100 dollars a day. The are no fees per transaction, but there is a limit of 3 day trades (buying and selling the same stock within five days for accounts under 10000 dollars). If you had more than that you could do unlimited day trading.
How it works. You sit there, pick a stock and watch the price. When you think it is good for you, you click. You have of course to calculate the number of shares you buy cause they are not shown in dollars, however the software won't let you go over your capital LOL.
Or you can post an offer and the system will buy the stock for you at that price if it ever goes there. Of course you can only buy in the limit of the number of shares offered by a seller. The other way around. You could ask for a price and will be notified when your stock was sold. It is very very simple actually (there are more complicated types of transactions like short selling, etc.).
But of course it did not work out. I was usually picking stocks of dying pharma startups (a patent and a a few studies usually with up to 10 people) which are so many, with 100-200 millions capital which prices were fluctuating a lot, sometimes predictable by using the provided algorithms (free thinkorswim software provided by Ameritrade).
However. My feel was some entities with a bit more money than mine, or simply malevolent were starting to manipulate the price as soon as i got in.
How is that possible. You could open two Ameritrade accounts, make an offer on one and buy it with the other. After you raise the price enough, you reverse the operation. Is that simple. If you own a lot of that stock, the price will go higher and you can sell it all in the end. But that is just an example.
I believe Ameritrade will see what you did and shut your accounts. But you could do it with a friend or a few friends and they will not catch you.
But the big money don't use Ameritrade, they go and buy and sell on the floor or simply with supercomputers hooked on market's computers that use automated algorithms that can do thousands of transaction a second and those obviously are not limited in number of day trades LOL
There is an easy way to detect stock manipulation if you look at the volume of transactions. If the volume is low and the price goes up and down significantly that means there is a possibility of such manipulations.
I was looking today at the volume of trades of NVidia (sells with red, buys with green bars at the bottom of the graph). In the millions of shares, x800, that is a few billion dollars each time, especially at the beginning of the day. Today NVidia went up 277 billions in capital. More than that. Most of the price hike happened overnight during the so called after hours trading (or pre-market, after 4 PM Eastern time), when usually there is a very low trading volume. Capisci?
But does that capital exist or is available for NVidia to buy anything like supply or pay dividends or do anything with it? The only time when they could do this is when they first went public and sold that stock. After that, it caught a life of its own. There is absolutely no link between the corporation and its activity and that market capital, which became a Ponzi scheme. Pretty much like and stock on the stock market.
There is absolutely no link between economic activities of corporations that do not pay dividends and their stock traded at the stock exchanges. For that reason it is wrong to talk about how well the economy is doing based on market indices.
7:55 And yes, you could call your congressman and tell them to make high frequency computer algorithm AI trading illegal, after hours trading illegal, circular ownership illegal, buy back illegal. Bring back the traders on the floor. What it was made for. Make America Great Again.
Tuesday, February 20, 2024
February 20
4:12 PM Microsoft has an intrinsic value of 275 billion and its stock value is over 3 trillion which means 91.66% of it is speculative.
Last year Microsoft payed under 3 dollars dividends per 400 dollar share (as of today). However its share value rose from 250 to 400 within the passed year. So there goes the answer.
Who owns Microsoft? I know Angela has got some on her 401k so i assume it's retirement funds. I did some searches and i ran into the old problem. Vanguard and Black Rock, top shareholders for Microsoft.
Cause if i look at Vanguard, i see they own each other which confuses the heck out of me. That is Microsoft owns 250 billion dollars of Vanguard while Vanguard owns 268 billion dollars of Microsoft.
It is the old problem of circular ownership which on a suspicion i tried to solve during a time internet and sites and my computers were much slower. But i think i could tackle it one of these days, revive an abandoned project and build a spreadsheet with the cross ownership of major corporations which will take some time but i promise the results will be spectacular.
Yes my suspicion is they all own each other to the point there is no real money in the system. So it's not just a bubble, it's a double bubble.
8:50 One more thing aroused in my mind tonight. If Microsoft's intrinsic value (assets - liabilities) is 275 and it owns 250 of Vanguard which are assets, than what is left of Microsoft?
9:10 And of course the extreme form of circular ownership which is own ownership. In other words public companies use their money (wondering what money, profit maybe? hopefully not loans) to buy (back) their own shares, reducing the number of shareholders. There must have been a reason it was not legal until 1982.
11:52 Astea sunt absolventele Academiei de Poliție din România? Și de ce au roșu alb verde pe față și arată toate ca niște modele de tiktok?
Monday, February 19, 2024
February 19

10:20 I recently wrote about the speculations on stock market and the difference between total "value" of a stock and the real or intrinsic value of that stock. I also remember relatively recently there has been an announcement saying Microsoft has passed the three trillion threshold.
Then it came the shocking news of the amount of fining of Trump in a civil lawsuit.
BTW it always puzzled me since the day i came to the US and saw the news about civil case of OJ Simpson. I mean, the family has been awarded a large sum of money based on the claim he killed her though he was acquitted in the parallel criminal trial.
All civil lawsuits give money rewards for the damaged part. In the case of Trump, it was for the intentional super evaluation of his assets in order to get loans, and there is a name for it. Fraud. (though i don't see where the damage was for the State of New York).
Fraud is a crime. How come the prosecutor and the judge and us all can ignore the fact crimes have been committed?
Everybody knows. There is no sign of equality between the intrinsic value of a stock and the sum of the shares of that stock. I am not sure exactly what that intrinsic value means. Ok so it cannot be greater than assets. What is the current value of the assets of Facebook (meat whatever)?
It is about the same value it went 20% up that day. So only 1/5 (or less) of its stock value is covered by assets. Same goes for Apple, google, Amazon, Nvidia, Tesla, Microsoft etc..
As you can see, the difference between assets (minus liabilities whatever) and the market value is what they call a bubble. Only the five the magnificent 7 mentioned above account for a seven trillion or more bubble.
So we can see stock market is no much different than a Ponzi scheme. People buy shares hoping they will go up and one day they could sell them to other people for a profit. It is called speculation. But it is all legal and institutionalized while Ponzi schemes are not.
But if tomorrow for some reason a large enough number of holders would decide to sell all at a time (probably) around 10% of any of the seven, the whole thing will come crumbling down (bubble will burst).
The opposite is happening in Japan. Do you know where the difference is coming from? All of your Toyotas and Hondas and Nissans and Subarus etc. etc. etc......
Sunday, February 18, 2024
Saturday, February 17, 2024
Friday, February 16, 2024
February 16
1:45 So they waited and waited and waited until they found the right moment to put the shocking news with Trump. Mainly because the man looks like... Just to let you know guys again and again who you're dealing with. Alien AI that is. Now searching for Engoron. Am i going to find him fast enough?
And one question. Anybody remembers in this time he was really the judge?
6:21 Haven't heard of Steve Eaton since. But he did it big time this week. Nothing changed, there is a new supervisor, "an old Mexican" however Steve is still doing the scheduling. Which means who is going to work what and with who. A team of @14.
So he again scheduled something for Angela to feel good in weekend.
After working with a deaf-mute and now with a Native American (i assume both fake like anybody else), they working Angela big time. Always working twice as everybody else. The Native American was missing yesterday, Angela worked for two, in the end she wasn't ready, and Steve sent Hao, Angela's best enemy there. Vietnamese, by definition clean as a swamp, in reality a major b...
As i was saying earlier. Vietnamese are saints in the US. Or they are kept that image because so many Americans did for them. So they are untouchable. From time to time they organize a show like this at Eaton just to reinforce that image.
She came and mixed Angela's parts that were sorted. In the morning she did it one more time and Angela got into a verbal fight with her in cafeteria. Which means raising a bit the voice, each, no harsh words, just professional voice raising. The whole team and especially Steve and the Native American started to yell "enough" "go to HR" which Angela did cause she was boiling with that desire since yesterday though i told her not to.
Hao went after her. As expected Angela got her butt kicked and "the supervisor notified". Supposedly Hao too. The supervisor told Angela "i know she did it on purpose but you overreacted. The story of our lives, both of us". How many times i got too at work into ready made scenes like these?
Late in the day Steve came to ask Angela to volunteer for tomorrow. He needed 4 people. But i told Angela early this morning not to go. Lately she did constantly 60 hours a week and at the end of the week she was just melting away, going and loosing in casinos like crazy. BTW the casinos went nuts also. No more winning in many months.
Just another weekend gifted by Steve. But i assume is retaliation also because what i wrote about Japanese, being thieves. I was telling Angela. In the 70s we heard even in Romania about Japanese imitating and selling cheap in the US, and they kept doing that until they reduced car manufacturing in the US to large trucks, 50% of the cars on the street being Japanese, rest Korean, German and a few Americans.
What did they do with the money? They bought everything including real estate media outlets and politicians and nowadays there is nobody left to say anything. So Eaton must be theirs as well.
Thursday, February 15, 2024
February 15
Ok so it is not the same. Scientology works with reactive mind during audit. However the reactive mind influences or can even take control of the conscious mind. However i conclude that Buddhists don't think the way we do. Probably one of the reasons we are in a such a mess these days.
1:40 I said yesterday that ninja steal. They do not steal in the literal sense, for a direct benefit of the value of one object or another. It is much worse. They steal information. And i will give you one example. In the beginning of car manufacturing in Japan they reverse engineered and copied all they could from Europe, for decades.
But they also steal you mind and thoughts literally. Even right now and for many years they deliver all kinda smokes to me. Nowadays they have a whole team of people that take turns upstairs and make noises and don't let me think when i write. I was their slave for a long time and they made a fool out of me.
8:38 Woke up in the smell of dog poop. Went and picked one from the grass but there was one in an open green bag (not knotted) hanging on the rim of the bin. Got nauseated by the smell. I saw two Asian women outside doing whatever and it was not for the first time i realized they were from Philippines. So are the people upstairs, so was the guy with two dogs i saw yesterday.
Then i remembered something. The logo of the management company of the complex is similar to the cross of the Dominican order (chapter, whatever) of the Philippines though combined with Mitsubishi logo type diamonds. I did a search to look and the first thing i saw was the 8 points star on the front of one of many depiction of the Saint Dominic, the founder of the order. The name of the management firm is CTL suggesting catholic.
He id credited with the invention of the rosary within Catholic Church, a Buddhist and Hindu tradition. St.Dominic's head is partly shaven, like of Buddhist monks.
Dominican Order is an organization within the Catholic Church named after St.Dominic which is responsible among other things for the birth of inquisition. Inquisition's punishment for "heresy" was burning at the stake.
Philippines used to be a Spanish colony, hence the name and religion. A small percentage of the population still speaks Spanish.
9:15 It is the first time when i realize four of the corners of the Scientology cross also reminds of shivalingas.
5:30 Is Tesla the most volatile stock ever? Today it went up 6.22% or 40 billions. 20 billion dollars is enough to end homelessness in the US.
9:11 I will go tomorrow again at Trader Joes on Bangy Rd, Lake Oswego, OR 97035 just to see if it's the same team stocking the shelves like half hour ago. The man did Radu Mazăre (peas), a colorful right extremist (no, those are not parodies, are displays in the open) who is supposed to be in jail in Romania like many others (none of them are realy in jail). Not because he was involved in my mother's death and me being tortured in Lake Oswego.
I was looking for some type of bread (they usually keep next to the door, Angela told me but i did not listen) on the area with breads and he cut inches in front of me and started stocking. Then he and his team members kept following me in the store moving unusually fast. One of them kept yelling "watches, wallets...". The place was surrounded with the same type of smoke like some times at the apartment. I was stunned, incapable of reacting.
Tuesday, February 13, 2024
February 14
Half to midnight, i use the new date. Want to know the real history? Listen to real people.
However. Mahabharata was written in Sanskrit (the supposed language of Aryans) which story happened long before 1500, the date mentioned by Aryan invasion theorists.
Arianism (superior race) theories confuse even the people in India however they were always good motivators for some. Most people agree the supposed Arians originated in today's Iran.
11:39 I was looking earlier at a representation of Norse Gods (another realm of Arians, Svarga loka) where Odin with a trident on his head wears Shiva like horizontally flying hair. Shiva also holds a drum in the shape of a hammer that could have been featured on the Soviet flag but also by Norse God Thor. Audumbla who has similarities with Egyptian celestial cow Nut.
Just figured something. The horizontal straight wings of Acura Ahura Mazda (present on Nazi insignia) could also represent the hair of Shiva flying horizontally. Japanese word for woman, Ona, could come from Innana who also has a leg raised and a lion under. And sumo (wrestlers who are said to be from a superior race) may come from Sumer, though the cult of Sun surely from Egypt.
Both Sumer and Egypt where slave labor based societies. Arians started the castes system in India mainly to preserve their genetic makeup (no intercastes marriages). I would assume. If Germany won WWII we would have had something similar in Europe today.
The word "steal" is mentioned 41 times in Bansenshukai, The Book of Ninja. Capisci?
Februarie 13
5:02 How much would cost to...
5:22 Un respect care nu se reflectă (încă) pe site-urile sau posturile TV de informații care comasează știrile cu astrologia, religia, prețul cacao cu în-drago-stiții și afirmațiile politicienilor.
Apropo. Să zicem că în România sunt 4,5 milioane de angajați plătitori de CASS (10% din salariu). Asta ar însemna că 10% din angajați și-au luat un concediu medical de câteva zile dintr-un an. (un posibil răspuns la link-ul meu pentru vitamina C administrată cutanat).
Și o chestie. De ce plătește Guvernul concedii medicale pentru strănutat?
Monday, February 12, 2024
February 12
8:12 Trump is calling (again) for breach by US of Article 5 of NATO treaty, ratified by the Congress in 1949. After ratification, it became part of US law.
Candidate or not i think this may already be a crime in itself. I believe only the Congress may revert (denounce, break out of) a ratified treaty.
There is nothing in the treaty regarding paying for being a member. The only binding part of the Treaty is Article 5 mentioned above.
The US does not have to maintain any number of troops in Europe. According to the treaty all they have to do is react when any member country is under attack as if they were under attack themselves. Yeah i know it's vague. This is how it has worked for 73 years. Though it never happened.
I think NATO started out of fear. The Soviets have been invaded by Germany and then they wanted to invade Germany back and at that time they were allied with Americans and British who also invaded Germany and it was a race to occupy Germany first and they all met at Berlin and broke it in two and a wall has been raised. Germany was never a military power again.
Honestely i do not believe they would have tried to occupy the rest of Europe. At that time everybody was weary of war anyways.

10:28 Nu poate, numai Congresul poate să o facă. Când vă săturați de minciunile astea gogonate din media oficială să-mi spuneți și mie.
Sunday, February 11, 2024
February 11

Yes i would believe the trajectory of the ball could represent an electron falling. However there is a new discussion arising. If the electron is moving on orbit at relativistic speeds, the speed of one level should be different than the at the other thus there will be a slight mass problem. Both at the emission and during the photo-electro effect.
Friday, February 9, 2024
February 9
8:16 Gabriel Resources. 2023 Q3 Statement.
Puțin peste 1 miliard de acțiuni (outstanding shares) la prețul curent, 490 milioane capital.
Acționari principali (Major Holders, mai jos în pagină), sunt trei tipuri, trei taburi, cel mai mult se pare că deține GRAT Holdings. Însă dacă încercați să dați de acționarii reali până la urmă, eu vă doresc mult noroc.
În grafic puteți vedea prețurile pe acțiuni de de la listare pe bursă în 1996, au pierdut 60%, plus pierderile din inflație. Pierderea este de sub un miliard.
Aici puteți urmări cum au crescut acțiunile lor în ultimele zile.
Totul a fost un aventură financiară iar acționarii de cele mai multe ori intră pentru a vinde acțiunile în profit, câștigurile nu sunt numai dividende.
Acțiunile lor au crescut mult în 2010 când totalul capitalului (speculativ, acest capital nu se reflecță în mijlocele fixe, assets, averea companiei) a fost de peste 8 miliarde de dolari, dar au scăzut după protestele din România și acțiunea guvernului de atunci.
Protestele din România nu au fost organizate de guvern, în lumea contractelor financiare intră în categoria "almost acts of God", "caz de forță majoră" pentru care părțile nu pot fi trase la răspundere. În mod ciudat însă, organizația lui Soroș pare a fi fost implicată în organizarea protestelor.
Știu din căutările de pe vremea aceea că Soroș a fost unul din acționarii inițiali (nu mai găsesc nici urmă acum) însă nu știu când a vândut. Posibil în 2010 când o acțiune era 8 dolari? La bursă mai există o metodă de a face bani, prin așa numitele vânzări "short" prin care jucătorul pariază și câștigă pe scăderea prețului. Este exact genul de tunuri pe care le dă el.
Ce daune să ceară, pielea ursului din pădure, pierderile pe bursă? Ei nu au investit nimic în România și asta se vede la mijloacele fixe sau assets din declarația financiară pe trimestrul 3 anul trecut că singura "investiție" mai recentă a fost cheltuielile cu ICSID.
Capitalismul implică riscuri, cu posibilități de mari câștiguri dar și pierderi speculative, asta este. Câștigi, prăpădești, negustor te numești.
În mod curios, data la care Simona Halep a fost audiată în procesul ei de arbitraj se suprapune peste data la care ICSID își face cunoscut verdictul, fără apel pentru România la curțile europene.
Thursday, February 8, 2024
February 8
5:25 The storm in the glass of water. If it's Trump, it's gonna big like that for 4 more years.
This mystery started when i posted about the possibility of literally vertical takeoff/landing of a whole class of fighters without costly modifications. It ended minutes ago when i posted something about California.
But is it real? For God's sake, they track rovers on Moon and Mars and can't find a military helicopter in California? What happened to the GPS, transponder, radars, tracking satellites, pilot to base communications, etc.?
Or when subliminal messages are more important than the embarrassment of a country's whole military.
6:06 Cred că am văzut asta în niște filme cu super-eroi mutanți. Deci e adevărat. Lordul Shiva ne va face pe toți mai buni distrugând tot ce este rău în noi.
6:17 Gaza este un prilej de a aduce în discuție cuvântul gaz ori de câte ori este nevoie o ștergere a anumitor informații din memoria recentă. Pentru asta a rămas acolo de decenii. Ok, și pentru veșnică aluzie.
Apropo am fost afară să calc pe o mică movilă de unde iese fum din pământ, chiar la ușă, ceea ce aduce fumul în interior. În acel moment și numai atunci, ca de fiecare dată când ies noaptea afară din casă, un avion cu reacție (mic, privat) a trecut pe deasupra la foarte mică altitudine. Am alergat să iau recorderul să încerc să înregistrez sunetul, dar a fost prea târziu, zburase.
Teoretic pe direcția unde merg avioanele care mă surprind afară este aeroportul local Aurora, dar nu văd nimic să fi aterizat acolo recent. Văd curse de/la McMinville care este la jumătate de oră de mers cu mașina și nu înțeleg, Aurora e pe câmp, la 25 mile de Portland sau Salem. Zboruri Aurora - Aurora de 10 minute? Alea să fie?
Totuși, o întrebare. Nu a trecut nici un avion de când sunt treaz, adică 4, acum era 6 și un sfert, de unde știu ca să-l aducă exact când mă hotăresc eu să ies eu afară, dacă nu au informații din viitor? Și de ce?
7:12 Una caldă abia venită pe router.
7:15 Bad Jews kill the Wa. If you see a bad character in media or movies or songs and you look closely, you will see they're only Jews. Good characters are always called Carrie or Clark and bad are Anna and Jessica.
7:45 Jurisdiction. Nu dormiți liniștiți, Codruța e pe fir.
7:56 S-a re-deschis campionatul de gafe. Așa naiv cum eram pe vremea aceea, tot mă mai prindeam la niște chestii.
Wednesday, February 7, 2024
Ferbruary 7
Could never quite figure the etymology of the word anchor, as in news anchor. Could be a spelling variant of the French word encore, which means more on. As for Tucker... 1:00 It's been 7 days into February and the white car from upstairs wiht LPN CUF is missing. The black car with WA LPN is missing since early December. Today and aonther day i saw a gray SUV parked on that spot. Three Asian women visiting someone at building D climbed in it.
However there are people coming and leaving on foot. This morning they scrambled my brain while i was doing Tucker to the point i had to leave. On the mulch area facing the alley at the next building there was a poop tucked under a rock. Obviously the rock was moved after.
Tuesday, February 6, 2024
February 6th
2:15 Vladimir Putin. Donald Trump. Emanuel Macron. Xi Jing Ping.
10:48 Știam că am auzit chestia asta, poate când mergeam la biserică (în Oregon City). Nu e din scripturi, e tradiție dar în contextul celor spuse de mine recent înseamnă ceva special.
După cum am văzut la Shinto, fecioara care dansează kagura lângă un templu se transformă în dumnezeu pe durata ritualului.
La fel și politicienii, care de fapt sunt farseuri în sjujba iluzionistului Shiva, distrugătorul, pe durata sjujbei lor împărătești se transformă în dumnezei. Dacă nu mă credeți, priviți aici.
Monday, February 5, 2024
Sunday, February 4, 2024
February 4th
With modern fly by wire systems a software could be designed to do the job of landing again vertically (like Musk's rocket that can land vertically).
But they don't even have to land on the bridge. All they need is to fly like this for a few seconds under a capturing crane.
But think of other advantages. You could raise 10 or 20 of these in the same time. That goes for airports as well. No need for bottleneck runways that are vulnerable to rocket attacks. Keep them in holes underground or under ship's deck. Could carry them on platforms on the freeways and launch them from anywhere.
Could even evacuate them if the ship starts to sink.
Da, și România a avut 24 din astea (fără thrust vectoring, nu știu dacă puteau fi modificate - upgraded). Au fost vândute ca piese de schimb la polonezi care le au și acum.
Friday, February 2, 2024
February 2nd
The temple entrance has the shape of a Vimana which i believe at the origin is a delta wing fighter plane (seen on vertical position or from above). Two intake manifolds, compression fans, injection area, two exhausts, weapons on the wings. There are other vimanas with one single engine and even rockets.
I believe this drawing was made after a world conflict that could coincide with the so called Arian invasion, some 500 years before the temple from the link above or 1500 BCE but could have happened before 2000 BCE. Vimanas are also described in Ramayana as belonging to locals.
Other sites indicate a much older age for "Ramayana era". A six engine delta wing jet plane? Concorde was a 4 engine delta wing jet plane.
2:22 C'est la faute à Rousseau...
Thursday, February 1, 2024
February 1st
1:18 Centrul Internațional Pentru Soluționarea Disputelor, Banca Mondială, unde Gabriel Resources s-a plâns de România.
Cum funționează. 153 de state, inclusiv România, au semnat un tratat prin care se obligă să accepte arbitrajele ICSID, oricare ar fi rezultatele. Nu înțeleg totuși o chestie. Ce investiții au făcut Gabriel Resources in România.
De ce nu s-au plâns la o curte din România sau de la UE?
But now i believe this is what bullies do. They eliminate other people's will. It obliterates others. It makes you small and insignificant.
11:00 I think they got it all wrong. There is a message in Shiva's dance (similar with many others from the ancient times) but the message is this.
11:48 Smaller eye?