Tuesday, July 16, 2024

July 16

5:57 AM Was looking for something, found something else and was thinking. They, the meek, are not just a culturally different people. They are something else. Something that is so different from the rest of the world it simply goes unnoticed. Outside perception.

Living there with their Sun God and 8 million kami and with no clear notion of good and evil, they do not understand our moral system as we don't understand theirs. They live by the words or better said continuously sharing with their gods with no regards to anything else. Or us.

How do i know better then anyone else? Because i have been exposed intensively, also because i was "reckless". I look at these sculptures and all i see is the guys i see daily here in the parking lot.

Could this be one of their god-characters they modeled Trump after?

6:53 That is because i mentioned the words fools' gold yesterday. It also tells us these institutions are just manipulating tools, they have no self respect, no moral, no nothing. How would they.

(In the mean time the entry with fools' gold simply disappeared from my blog, will try to re-create it).

Back then they ruled for Romania after i put this match. In the meantime, they replaced her. Now i have to look for the new one as well.

Cât despre firma românească de avocatură care "a câștigat procesul"...

Interesant că toată faza s-a întâmplat pe timpul când Iohannis era pe acolo... A mai negociat Iohannis ceva pentru România?

8:20 Found something here... I know from Seinfeld Americans have wedgies butt this... See what i'm talking about?

NASA OR NAGA. BTW, what to do in a cave on Moon?  
10:40 Thing is. After living 2000 years in a Christian reference frame, to us it is nearly impossible to understand life in an untouched multimillennial polytheistic world where good and evil are just some traits that are more or less prevalent in one god or another. And make no mistake, they are coming for us.

10:05 Fidesz dau din casă, pentru a acoperi faptul că totul este controlat de ei. De fapt nu de ei, ei sunt doar actorii care lucrează sub japonezi. Și pentru cuvântul cheie "japonez" este o știre perpetuă, de fapt un non-sens. elevul care și-a înjunghiat profesoara de japoneză. Nu am știut până acum că în România se studiază limba japoneză. Etc..

Ce mult îmi doresc să nu mai am nevoie să intervin pentru că m-am săturat. Și de minciunile lor, și de inacțiunea publicului. După câte am postat, parcă nu le vine să creadă. Treaba lor. Nu va veni nimeni să le confirme ce pot vedea cu ochii lor în miile de link-uri pe care le-am postat.

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