Showing posts with label freemasons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label freemasons. Show all posts

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Assumptions About Masons

I wrote in the previous briefly about masons. An analogy between a masonic ritual, a song and a building style. The presumptive association was done through the assumption that what i know about them is true. But is also possible, as i suspect in the case of Mr.Jinichi Kawakami, that what is projected in videos on the internet might be especially designed for that purpose and it is not part of their rituals, if they had any. I think the safest analogy is with the wave function collapse in quantum mechanics and probably from here comes their strength. In QM, a wave function is in superposition state until observation, when it is reduced to a measurable state. In other words, while unseen, they can do anything (to us).

They also claim their craft lineage comes from Ancient Egypt which might be true. We know about a vague link with pyramids, as it is stated on the one dollar bill. The all seeing eye on the one dollar bill appears physically separated from the body of the pyramid, although virtually overlapping the same (virtual) geometric space. As it was there only through proxy or virtually. Separated by a huge distance but virtually present though some instantaneous, extraordinary large bandwidth connection.

They are recruiting, as they say, good people (to make them better). Proven successful people that will not raise eyebrows after becoming (much) more successful. Some of them are successful writers and philosophers. However, since they raise in their hierarchy through rituals that appear quite simple and do not require intense intellectual effort, we might assume that a superior intellect is not a condition.

Although the rituals appear designed to change profoundly people's mind. About life and death, social relationships and especially the sense of belonging (to a brotherhood). In other minds, reeducation. That usually requires reevaluation of one's life through a different prospective.

Now we all know this is not possible at an adult age. What is possible is literally stunning certain areas of the brains and favoring others. Through rituals that have fear (of death) a major component and rebirth again and again as a declared finality. "Rebirth on a superior, spiritual state". In other words, temporary rewiring of the brain, artificially made permanent. "There is no coming back", or like the other song says, "they can check out any time they want but they can never leave".

Initiations from one level to another which may gradually more and more intense are probably made to renew the stun that covers certain area of the memory and slow down or stop certain mental processes, linked to the previous life in the profane world. Or all the wrong junk from all the wrong places. That is, emotions.

It is safest to assume they get assignments, according to their area of expertise. They will spend the rest of their lives doing the same thing as before, only amplified by the power of the brotherhood. This way they loose their freedom to change their minds sometimes in life about what they did before. Or ever retiring except for major incapacity.

There are two things that trouble me most about "them". First, their knowledge and highly symbolic and never fully understood even by themselves rituals with the purpose of rewiring of the brain, and the way of accomplishing their worldly assignments may come from here

Secondly, they perform some of their art in public. Recently i had a close encounter of the unknown kind with a gentleman performing some act that might come from their (through analogy, it was not the first time, the first time with the step with feet at 90 degrees while crossing the street at a stop light at a busy intersection, this older gentlemen in the recent case was performing in public a step and a motion of the walking stick). As i was walking behind him for quite a while on a one way alley, i was forced to contemplate his act to the end. In the parking lot, there was another gentleman obviously associated with the first one that was assisting him with similar approaches and make his exit easy.

There was no physical contact, only stunning and changing of the state of mind and generally mind.

Changing one person's mind may lead to changing one person's life and if unwanted, raising the feeling of intrusion that generally qualifies as brainwashing. I think legal authorities (in the case they are not formed by themselves) might need to look into this as a restriction to one's freedom (of thought) that point to freedom of expression that some are taking too far.

Many of the comments and auto declarations i've seen so far point to the fact they are contributing to general progress.

I will not start a whole new discussion about this, but i am convinced of the opposite. Major leaps in human development have been done only through individuals, of which i can only think right now of Watt and Tesla. But the list is long. That's why standard measurement units in physics are given the names of these highly dedicated (to self and human development) individuals.

But one thing is sure. In modern times and just before them they were involved in all popular egalitarian movements that overthrew leaders and created social chaos although followed by apparent large scale social justice. I say apparent thinking also of the numerical results in human loss in the past century due to such social upheavals and overturns.

Rock Paper

I once bought (actually, got it for free) a piece of drywall at Home Depot. I wanted to make an experiment, and that was to see how fast the water was going through it. I put it horizontally and poured water and after an hour i saw it didn't even penetrated the outer paper.  And with this occasion i looked closer to it.

Drywall, that is the material for the panels they build houses with is a sandwich made of two sheets of cardboard with calcium sulfate, aka gypsum in between. Building houses in this style is called building with light building materials. It's an architectural vision meant to build fast and cheap.

Calcium sulfate contains about 19% sulfur and 23% calcium.

Museum specimen2
Synthetic gypsum
Natural gypsum
Cast gypsum
Drywall gypsum
Ideal analysis3
23.0 (0.0)4
19.1 (2.2)
22.4 (0.0)
21.9 (0.2)
0.03 (0.01)
1.35 (0.30)
0.05 (0.00)
0.22 (0.01)
18.7 (0.1)
15.1 (1.2)
19.3 (0.2)
18.1 (0.3)
< 13.1
26.7 (8.7)
9.4 (0.9)
0.4 (0.4)
7.3 (4.5)
< 1
264 (129)
1045 (148)
44 (7)
547 (92)
5.5 (2.3)
14.6 (2.9)
9.1 (0.0)
9.4 (1.6)
16.7 (9.4)
30.6 (7.6)
7.5 (0.3)
51.6 (3.5)

But when i looked at it closer i saw they pushed the "light building material" concept even further. It's not all gypsum, it's porous. Somehow, they created tiny bubbles inside the gypsum. Pretty much like for its cousin, the cellular concrete. Differences are concrete is made of silica and much stronger mechanically, less chemically reactive and water sensitive. (Normal concrete if not disturbed or cut is very stable). One way of creating the bubles is with a foaming agent that probably must be evaporated in the end (proof that the material is porous, with some open cells, is that the foaming agent has been removed).

I once picked from one of the walls in the bathroom a  broken piece that had turned brown. I smelled it and it smelled heavily like smoke. It was penetrated in all its volume by smoke. Now i saw why. Because it's porous. Gasses can pass through, especially when vibrated. (Don't ask me how smoke got in there. Probably, a broken chimney at the next entrance. Actually right now i was awakened by the smell of smoke and sulfur. Yesterday at a certain time there where two big (tall) vehicles with building materials and names on them at both entrances seen from the window. In the distance near another building there was a van with, among other, the word move on it).

"Later air entrainment technology made boards lighter and less brittle, then joint treatment materials and systems also evolved". Don't know why in this Wikipedia page right now the word entrainment is used instead of entrapment.

But the trick is those bubbles can be filled in time with sulfur dioxide which can turn into sulfuric acid through combining with water in our lungs. Sulfuric acid is one of the ingredients of vitriol, the material that can dissolve gold (the other name for sulfuric acid is Oil of vitriol).

The proof sulfur dioxide is in there:

(There are also rumors that aluminum from backing powder under the form of the the residual aluminum hydrate, aluminum being the same material the top of the obelisk in Washington DC, "they put it there because at the time of the erection of that obelisk it was very rare and the most expensive material on Earth", is the main cause of Alzheimer).

I once read on a site about the masonic initiation ritual for the first degree. At a certain moment, the apprentice sits alone, enclosed in a room where among others things there is a glass recipient with pieces of sulfur in it. On one the walls is written the word V.I.T.R.I.O.L..

Years ago they were rumors about a secret society probably associated with masonry (they all are) called Skull and Bones. I read the name comes from the contemplation of those, that reminds them constantly how perishable we all are in this world. The main constituent of bones is calcium. (The guy downstairs just made a noise).

On another occasion i read about a masonic ritual called "burning between columns" and it was described like writing on a piece of paper the name of the undesirable person and burning that piece of paper between the columns, that is probably the brethren of the lodge present at that moment.

So what do we got here? Sulfuric acid - Oil of vitriol, calcium, aluminum, paper with the name Sheetrock written on with huge letters. A fan inside the floor vibrating everything that probably symbolizes the eternal flame (of you know who). And a guy downstairs that moves and makes noises when i get mad and curse in my mind.

(Add to all this the flying at any vibration mineral insulation in the walls and attic known as rock-wool. May come from basaltic lava. May contain silica. And tar, the ingredient the roof shingles are made off, together with sand (mainly silica). Tar is the same ingredient they say it's boiling in the tar bowls in Hell, according to some cultures. According to others, a lake of fiery sulfur. When turned to dust, due to, you guessed, vibration, it also flies around and into your lungs and digestive system.)

Any of the toxins enumerated above in limited amounts, like any toxins, in the beginning, may give you a high and/or addiction.

Why anybody so far didn't think of it this way? Because it's too insane.

And all these things remind me of a song that is on the tops right now.

"Boys only want love if it's torture
Don't say I didn't say I didn't warn you"

"Cause we're young and we're reckless
We'll take this way too far and leave you breathless
Or with a nasty scar
Got a long list of ex-lovers
They'll tell you I'm insane
But I got a blank space baby
And I'll write your name"

Sunday, December 15, 2013

How To Steal Noises

OK got enough from not being able to find posts on g+ or Facebook.

Wrote about this in a post and can't find it right now.

The trick is simple. Somebody can live downstairs or upstairs in identical apartments and imitate the neighbor's noises. Like when the neighbor moves quietly around the place, he can make noises in the same places in his apartment. This way, if somebody is watching the place, when the neighbor is outside the visual fields of the windows, he can make the same noises and suggests the neighbor is cooking, showering, etc. (There is one more frightening possibility here, and that is they can actually project holograms on the windows, but for more realism, they add almost real noises!).

And i have an example that i wanted to add to the post i already wrote but can't find.

Angela was taking a shower. I heard a big, unusual noise and i knew our shower is quiet and i was intrigued. I thought maybe the pressure was different.

But she came out of the shower in the hallway and asked me for something and then the noise stopped. But our shower was stopped maybe 10 seconds earlier.

Then i tried and started our shower and went into the kitchen in the same place i was when i heard the big noise and didn't hear nothing. Our shower is very quiet, the sink faucet is a big louder, but nothing as our down stairs neighbor shower. I can't even imagine how is he doing it. I could make the same amount of noise here when i let the water flowing into the tube.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Others Will Follow

Set an example and others will follow. The slogan of elitists of modern times. Actually not so modern, don't know, i'm an amateur in everything but i think it started with the model of centralized state in France.

It is a type of society that evolved naturally along history as opposed to the ideas of some philosopher or philosophy or collective state of mind of the few that mattered at a certain time.

The main advantage is that is simple. It's a simple idea that doesn't need much argumentation in one's mind in order to be accepted. The simplicity is its main disadvantage as well. The well fed and respected few at top set standards and rules but also experiment and come with new ideas and generally are the only motor of progress in that society.

Since the system was in place for so many years, tradition took place and nothing else can be easily recognized as an alternative. In fact, it almost seems like a stapple in social evolution. Any other types of state models and societies that have tried to replace it had to rely on the old model and change some things here and there.

All states including communist and fascist have a government composed of ministers and some sort of territorial divisions and local authority. They are all more of less tributary to the centralized model.

Unfortunately, because of how the centralized type of state and society evolved, it has to have at the top some sort of leader, emperor, king, sultan, president, dictator or any combination of the above.

As a consequence, scores of people from the elites few developed a taste for gaining king's favors, thus shortcutting and competing with the others at establishing rules, shaking the system and contributing to the dynamics of the organization but also becoming a source of progress in an unwanted direction, that of manipulation and generating inequities.

The biggest challenge to this system came with the appearance of modern communications. We can mention of how important communications are by citing here the very the famous example, that of Rothschild's family in connection to the battle of Waterloo, when they knew one day ahead of everybody the result of the battle. (This is the first time in my life when i realize the true meaning of the ABBA song, Waterloo, by recalling the verse "i feel like i win when i loose".)

For those who read this don't need to mention how much communications evolved to this day. It has become the most important industry in modern society, the new Eldorado, the cornerstone of mankind's evolution, the main tool in learning, keeping in touch, selling, redistributing, the new soft infrastructure of modern times. Large categories suddenly came in contact with unprecedented and unpredictable amounts of information.

But also a place of dirty games, not to say wars, manipulating, impersonating, creating false images and parallel realities sometimes hard to figure and adapt to. Some categories were more prepared for then others. Those who knew it was coming.

Don't know exactly who leads this new informational revolution, but as usual, most interested where those left behind, those that have lost previous fights for king's favors. The distinctiveness of this revolution is it has taught large categories that real favors are not the ones sought for until not long ago. Money will always be money, but health and other favors have gained totally new meanings. For some, work can be a hobby, a sport and a place of gaining fame and/or respect.

I personally think allowing one to work in an acceptable environment can be a favor.

Some categories are satisfied just with the enlightenment in itself brought by the new revolution and do not seek anything more.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Crescents, Everywhere

Anybody can see a crescent in these logos or it's just optical illusions?


Sunday, February 10, 2013

Planetary Alignement

I've always said astrology was/is a waste of time. And maybe it is for the most part. But today after viewing a short video with Gelu Voican Voiculescu presenting some stuff about planetary alignments and talking almost like a scientist, i was curious and opened Stellarium and set it on December 89. After all, 89 was the year of great and peaceful transformations in Eastern Europe. But while playing with the time wheel of the mouse back and forth it was not 89 that caught my eye but early January 1990. Take a look for yourself. I couldn't catch all planets in a single screenshot so i put two successive ones, one with the outer planets and one with the inner ones. They were pretty aligned allright. I'll keep on googling about until i can find some more info. But i don't think it happens very often. For those who asked themselves why i keep adding all kind of things from so many different areas. In college, i actually had to learn pages full of differential equations that i totally forgot describing the motion of planets when we had a whole chapter of Celestial Mechanics within the semester or year of the mandatory Theory of Mechanics course. It was enough to raise my curiosity about stars and planets and stuff. Then the Sci-Fi movies like Star Trek and Star Wars i love to watch. There was also a legend transmitted from generation to generation of students at the Mechanics Faculty within the Technical University in IaÅŸi about then retired prof.Mangeron saying that when NASA asked scientists from the whole world to help them with recalculating the trajectory of Apollo 13 after the accident actually he sent them the best calculations, and they actually used those to bring the astronauts back to Earth. (You can click on the pictures to enlarge them.)

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Real Communists

Those mentioned below had a very important role in the history of communism in Romania. However, they have something else in common. Besides everybody getting goosebumps from fear every time their name was mentioned during their whole existence.

First, Lenin. "Lenin's father, Ilya Nikolayevich Ulyanov (1831–1886), was the fourth child of impoverished tailor Nikolai Vassilievich Ulyanov – born a serf of either Kalmyk or Tatar descent – and a far younger Kalmyk named Anna Alexeevna Smirnova, who lived in Astrakhan." Barely any Russian, if any.

Mother, at least half German.

Petru Groza (sounds a bit like Groschopf, doesn't it?)

Maurer, half Alsatian

Bodnăraş, half German.

Maurer and Bodnăraş did a lot of things against Romanians under the cover of communism, but i want to mention here the crucial role they both played in the naming of Ceauşescu as the conducător of Romania, în 1965. Ceauşescu himself, by name is of Turkish descent. Ceauş (çavuş) în Turkish means sergeant.

Dej, raised in MoineÅŸti by his uncle. His uncle or aunt probably from there.