Monday, May 6, 2013

Others Will Follow

Set an example and others will follow. The slogan of elitists of modern times. Actually not so modern, don't know, i'm an amateur in everything but i think it started with the model of centralized state in France.

It is a type of society that evolved naturally along history as opposed to the ideas of some philosopher or philosophy or collective state of mind of the few that mattered at a certain time.

The main advantage is that is simple. It's a simple idea that doesn't need much argumentation in one's mind in order to be accepted. The simplicity is its main disadvantage as well. The well fed and respected few at top set standards and rules but also experiment and come with new ideas and generally are the only motor of progress in that society.

Since the system was in place for so many years, tradition took place and nothing else can be easily recognized as an alternative. In fact, it almost seems like a stapple in social evolution. Any other types of state models and societies that have tried to replace it had to rely on the old model and change some things here and there.

All states including communist and fascist have a government composed of ministers and some sort of territorial divisions and local authority. They are all more of less tributary to the centralized model.

Unfortunately, because of how the centralized type of state and society evolved, it has to have at the top some sort of leader, emperor, king, sultan, president, dictator or any combination of the above.

As a consequence, scores of people from the elites few developed a taste for gaining king's favors, thus shortcutting and competing with the others at establishing rules, shaking the system and contributing to the dynamics of the organization but also becoming a source of progress in an unwanted direction, that of manipulation and generating inequities.

The biggest challenge to this system came with the appearance of modern communications. We can mention of how important communications are by citing here the very the famous example, that of Rothschild's family in connection to the battle of Waterloo, when they knew one day ahead of everybody the result of the battle. (This is the first time in my life when i realize the true meaning of the ABBA song, Waterloo, by recalling the verse "i feel like i win when i loose".)

For those who read this don't need to mention how much communications evolved to this day. It has become the most important industry in modern society, the new Eldorado, the cornerstone of mankind's evolution, the main tool in learning, keeping in touch, selling, redistributing, the new soft infrastructure of modern times. Large categories suddenly came in contact with unprecedented and unpredictable amounts of information.

But also a place of dirty games, not to say wars, manipulating, impersonating, creating false images and parallel realities sometimes hard to figure and adapt to. Some categories were more prepared for then others. Those who knew it was coming.

Don't know exactly who leads this new informational revolution, but as usual, most interested where those left behind, those that have lost previous fights for king's favors. The distinctiveness of this revolution is it has taught large categories that real favors are not the ones sought for until not long ago. Money will always be money, but health and other favors have gained totally new meanings. For some, work can be a hobby, a sport and a place of gaining fame and/or respect.

I personally think allowing one to work in an acceptable environment can be a favor.

Some categories are satisfied just with the enlightenment in itself brought by the new revolution and do not seek anything more.

1 comment:

George Ion said...

Honestly, when i started this post i had something else in mind, that i can't remember right now, but got mad remembering things and got carried away, then something happened in the environment, as usually that knocked me off. But i think at this time i have an idea what's going on.

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