Wednesday, February 5, 2025

February 5th

12:35 AM Today JP Morgan bank that was founded by Tesla's financier has a swastica (or a whirl) as a logo. So is the city of Portland. Providence, largest non profit health organization in the NW used to have a catholic cross as logo. Not anymore.

1:20 AM Four wings.

1:45 What?

1:50 Shakti, the divine energy.

11:45 A photon is an electron and a positron.

This morning i had several questions on my mind.

1 Can energy be extracted from matter in BEC?

2 What was Tesla doing in that room on top of New Yorker? Was he travelling in different time and or space like i think they were doing with the pyramids?

But then i ran into something (when she was dancing on top of me). Meter to the power of minus one. Reciprocal space. Simply cannot grasp the concept. So now i got one more thing on my mind. Besides polariton, polaron, exciton, phonon, plasmon, name it.

4:10 PM It's happening for such a long time i'm used to. Whether i'm right or not, should they be allowed to perform this kind of subconscious level manipulation? Look at the crosshair. This is obviously about my whirls theory, recent post about Providence logo, who knows what else. To me, it's just annoying, it's your mind they're messing with.

By watching the whole video, you realize in the end they didn't  have to circle together with that boat just to put it in the news.

Another proof is synchronization (with my posts) and repetition. It's happening every time they want to erase from people's conscience something important.

I know from experience. About the whirls, they will do it for a longtime because it's the most important thing i posted.

4:15 Time travel (with reversing entropy) happens all the time. You knowingly do something that affects your future and you meet there with your past actions. Let me give you an example. You organize your room and will benefit about in the future.

4:25 Want to know how many and what executive orders Donald Trump signed so far? Click on the link in the right side of my blog.

4:40 The weirdest thing has happened in the market today. People are starting to move the money out of those trillion dollars black holes somewhere else. But will it last or will they create a new magic trick?

4:44 No matter how fast the hardware or new the version, Windows will be Windows. Every time i do a screenshot i have to wait for about a minute until it shows in the screenshots folder.

BTW. No matter what Bill Gates says, this is a tiny fraction of what he has robbed and still robs from American people which measures in trillions (and in the end Windows uses Chromium, a free software to power its browser).

If what he says about his charities is true, there would be no more homeless or students with debt in the US.

Though i believe some subconsciously choose to live that way. Just to stay out of the unhealthy homes made of sulfur and Pele's hair approved by banks .

5:15 BTW i saw yesterday on TV Portland mayor with a swastika in his office.


8:00 Was N.Tesla sending messages from near future using those pigeons? Time travelling Tesla, coming in and out of the hotel using this tunnel

9:40 Enough to power a time machine. I guess. Was his skinny appearance late in life due to repeated exposure to time travel?

If all these are true it means this is also true. She just hit something upstairs when i cursed THEM in my mind.

9:55 She just hit the floor when i was reading the news.

Tuesday, February 4, 2025


3:25 AM

10:00 Three cons and paraboloid whatever shapes on a single page at Bloomberg, and it's everywhere the same. Every news site i looked contains at least one allusion to what i'm posting recently but i decided not to bother anymore. If nobody cares, why should i?

10:30 What delivery. It hasn't shipped yet. I know what is this for. I keep calling them Amazen.

10:37 I keep talking about Tesla and pyramids and ancient history. But here in the present. Check this one out. Every time i drive towards Lincoln City they mess with the clouds in the sky. Last time it was three pointing down triangular shaped clouds figuring whirls covering the whole western horizon i was driving to. It was in my face for about an hour.

I mean, i understand, they can cause cyclones and rain and wind and stuff. But painting the sky with clouds? What kinda f...up "technology" is this? And then in the last 25 miles or so they dispatch in front of me a 40 years old Nissan pickup, others, doing 40 in a 55, on a continuous line to make it last, feel my cabin with exhaust even after i stop the fan?

Two families with two kids each, one entering and one exiting  Dollar Tree store where i bough water bottles?

And then JD Vance dressed as a cop, tailgating to make me speed, then pulling me over?

Right now a car alarm honking in the parking lot in the tenth of a second i curse them? BTW they started my day with two big engines with modified exhaust shaking dust and stuff for about 15 minutes. And everybody is going about their bureaucratic business pretending not to know about all these?

11:10 Please bow down to the alien person. (Another curse, another honk).

11:45 Sume uriașe, dar numai în procente.

6:50 PM I was intrigued by some images and was curious about Bose-Einstein condensate. What happens when cooling a gas near zero where there is no thermal agitation of atoms sounds and is extremely complicated and hard to explain by quantum mechanics (like any phenomena in quantum mechanics), though not extreme.

If my theory was true, the particles will start to combine into one single whirl, which is equivalent to them basically merging together as stated in quantum. My question is what  happens after re-heating that gas, will the atoms regain their initial coherence or all the information regarding that was lost, by emitting maybe... Hawking radiation?

Cause if the gas (molecules, atoms, particles) cannot be re-created, it means all the particles, or, according to my theory, whirls, would merge into one and by re-heating that thing something else would be created, that might or might not recombine into something recognizable, maybe different particles and atoms or radiation.

It's more like the whirls, loosing their relative motion to each other would start to combine which creates another interesting idea. It's thermal agitation that keeps particles alive or everything apart or together?

However no one could ever prove this since a temperature of zero absolute or total motionless could never be achieved and i guess in the experiments of which last one was done in space, no one thought to check what happened with the condensate after reheating.

But i guess at least some of the whirls would merge into larger ones and some information of the initial state or coherence in quantum would be lost.

BTW wondering how they obtained the space energy distribution images above if the gas was in or close to ground state thus not emitting any radiation (like a black hole) but i'm glad they did.

7:50 Some of the worst deaths in history where suffered under Hungarian (or shall i say Magar) rule of Transylvania. Gyorgy Dosza by name and birth place seem to be Romanized Székely.

I wrote this because today is the anniversary of the execution of the Serbian soldier of fortune Baba Novac who also fought against Hungary rule alongside Michael the Brave, the first who briefly unified the three Romanian principates that currently form Romania in 1600.

Though less known (i vaguely remember i heard something in history class in grade school) Serbian soldier of fortune Baba Novac and his priest confessor execution was equally gruesome. They were burnt not at the stake but partly skinned and then roasted alive on a fire, for hours while sprinkling them with water from time to time to keep them alive for as long as possible. He was @80 years old at the time of  his execution.

Another one is using the more known method, which was in the Austro-Hungarian penal code, breaking at the wheel of three Romanian peasants heads of a great rebellion of the overly exploited peasants in today's Transylvania. The wheel of course had 8 spokes, probably inspired from Dharma wheel they brough over in Europe from Nepal.

This level of cruelty was never heard of not only in Europe but the whole world and history.

Different nationalities because the Austria-Hungary empire was made of many nations, including Székelies, Romanians, Serbians, Czecks, Ukrainians, Italians etc.. and at times they extended their influence all the way to Holland and ; Spain.

In fact WWI which got most of Europe (and Japan and US) involved because a complicated system of alliances that got activated, which resulted in death of... and breaking to pieces of the empire, started with the killing of the crown prince...

At this point i am wondering if Tesla, a Serbo-Croatian, had anything to do with defeating the empire.

7:35 At times, google gives different results depending...

Monday, February 3, 2025

February 3rd

1:10 AM I have to watch it like maybe 10 times to figure it out completely but i think by now some of the moves represent transferring of energy between the 4 components of the photon, maybe other particles further illustrating the principles stated in the shape of the drum.

Message in form of objects, gestures, can transcend languages and millennia and i believe this was the intention. This part here is clearly about strings.

This part is the rotation of Trishul (trident) inside the Damaru (little drum).

2:10 Coincidențe neîntâmplătoare.

Sondă cubică. Motoare de rachetă parabolice.

Cupola Parlamentului, paraboloid. Apropo, de decenii, legea bugetului e cea mai mare fraudă financiară din România.

Toate aceste "reacții" neîntâmplătoare demonstrează un singur lucru. Există o opoziție puternică la aflarea adevărului despre natura luminii, a particulelor și a materiei. Într-un trecut îndepărtat, cunoștințe despre toate acestea au fost introduse în simboluri religioase, sub forma uneltelor rituale, dansurilor rituale.

Aceste cunoștințe ar putea oferi surse de energie inepuizabilă, călătorii spațiale cu nave ieftine și compacte, transport cu ajutorul tunerelor în spațiu-timp, etc..

Nu cred că poate fi vorba despre ceva de dinaintea ultimei ere glaciare, căci zei precum Shiva sunt de dată mult mai recentă, două milenii înainte de Hristos. Buddha, 500 ÎHr. Sute de ani însă după apariția piramidelor, a războiului descris în Mahabharata unde este descrisă printre altele și o călătorie la Lună.

Deci cine pot fi aceștia care se opun? Un lucru e sigur, sunt tot acei care au ajuns să corporatizeze și să controleze lumea, creând o ierarhie birocratică indestructibilă în toate țările. Da, sistemul comunist a fost una din aceste ierarhii.

2:40 Japan hotspot.

2:45 Trădătoare a rasei umane e Diana SOSoaca și tot neamul ei.

3:10 Tesla made a considerable amount of money from royalties from his early inventions like the AC motor that ironically is used in today's... Tesla cars. Then he spent those money experimenting with further inventions in a quest for his dream of obtaining free energy. He then went mad and died poor.

Today at least one way of obtaining free energy is possible as theorized by Leo Szilard and is used in the case of heat pumps through reversing entropy though never acknowledged as such by the official science. But i imagine purely electrical devices (without moving parts) can be designed.

But yes, there are enormous amounts of energy in the surrounding AEther. Whirls in the AEther create particles as strings and those contain a lot of energy, if at least Einstein energy matter equivalence equation is true.

What are those things in Tesla's lab and what happened to them? Alien property        

4:40 Is it possible Tesla abandoned all of his experiments and went mad following a possible exposure to high power high frequency radio waves due to his attempts to transmit wireless power "at very high frequencies"? 10 Mhz is one order of magnitude lower than microwaves that start at 300 Mhz.

Was searching for more information regarding Tesla. After seeing this video, another idea came to me. Do i see on top of the New Yorker hotel where Tesla had a suite and lived for the last ten years of his life free of charge when he was supposedly broke a number of shafts starting with a structure similar to those seen inside the Great Pyramid of Giza which i suspect was used for time travel? Note the hotel itself is built in the shape of a pyramid.    

7:55 What? I have said several times that the pyramids could have been time travel or wormholes portals done with advanced science and rudimentary technology by some aliens technicians that came here in a small ship possibly from a planet in Orion constellation, by creating holes in space-time (AEther).

However, that can be easily achieved with more advanced technology that could not have been transported in that ship.

7:57 Teleforce.

8:10 To make an idea of the force of a particle beam, you have to take a look at the LHC beam dumps.

After being used for hours in different experiments, the particle beams need to be extracted from the 27 km ring circuit and directed towards the so called beam dumps, essentially structures made of steel and graphite so they can introduce new loads of vaporized gold or lead to begin a new cycle.

8:48 Tesla's nephew Sava N. Kosanović. I heard numerous versions of this story which was supposedly told by a Tesla nephew, Peter Savo. Could the two have been the same persons with slight different names?

9:30 What do you search? The light.

Sabrina's search for spotlight is mostly emberassing offending because it was visibly part of the script and has one purpose only. To directly or subliminally point to my numerous attempts about explaining the origin of light. Where are the time when young clueless persons kept a sort of discretion if not respect for truth.

Most of them happened because i still used the old theories about EM induction. Once i completely switched to AEther Swirls Theory, after January 14, i did a few more of versions with vectors and with animated paraboloids and hyperboloids within a week until i figured the message embedded in Shivaism (ritual tools, ritual dance).

Mostly in a very hostile environment. Smoke, stink, synced noises, fake messages. Even right now when i write this they are playing Liar by Jelly Roll.

But i believe some have figured that much earlier and now they are playing us.

Could have kept it for myself until the final version? Maybe, but i was hoping to get help and ideas from others, as i invited everybody to a brainstorm.

It is not easy to guess the truth after 100 years of lies and developing a whole establishment based on fake theories but i least i tried.

There is an obvious resemblance between the Trishul and the emblem of Ukraine (Tryzub) and Ukraine Military emblem, also of their Navy emblem and the Polish hologram.

10:30 Tobe lângă Masa Tăcerii? Trebuia să-mi țin gura? Ce mai contează acum când țara e distrusă oricum.

11:20 Mda, am postat unul din dansurile lui Shiva. De precizat că versurile sunt în sansrită iar dansul nu e nimic din ce se vede în filmele indiene de la Bollywood. Ok m-am prins oamenii au quantificat pe reacția mea știind că marțea deschid Cațavencii să văd noua copertă.

 Ce nu m-am prins încă e de ce eu. De ce trebuie să fiu mereu eu cel care să mă cicleze (motivație-răspălată) ca să mai scoată ceva de la mine?

Sunday, February 2, 2025

4:50 PM Diana, dianetics
5:10 Saint Hubbardus

6:00 This ain't country club either.

How come Trump's tariffs did not hit Japan, and Korea which combined export more goods in US than China, Mexico and Canada?

What? How about all the Toyotas Hondas Nissans Subarus Hyundais etc.. Did Canada export so much milk in the US?

6:45 Shiva's little drum is rumbling again in the alley right after i finished eating. Am i going to keep rotting in here until the last one of them is going to be fully satisfied?

6:30 Queen of Diamonds

6:00 This ain't country club either.

How come Trump's tariffs did not hit Japan, and Korea which combined export more goods in US than China, Mexico and Canada?

What? How about all the Toyotas Hondas Nissans Subarus Hyundais etc.. Did Canada export so much milk in the US?


11:27 It would make sense, since Shiva had to beat the little drum. Done this by mistake and then i liked it. Though it does not satisfy the Polish Hologram, other representations that show a hole in the middle.

It would take more work to make the two halves of the drum of diffwent colors but then what imagination is good for?

11:55 Wait a minute. It has a hole in the middle!

Saturday, February 1, 2025

A Theory About Light and Photon

Years ago i became intrigued with the Sanskrit syntagm pancha skanda that appears in Buddhist mantra hRdaya sUtra (Harvard Kyoto transliteration). Not knowing Sanskrit i attempted to replace each word with the corresponding English word from a dictionary and this is the result, that sounded more like a Physics Theory than a prayer. The title of the sUtra itself can be translated as Science Plan.

I have always been discontent with the current EM theory, fields theory, the existence of 5 fundamental forces, Special Relativity, etc..

One of the reasons is i don't see how the so called EM field can travel alongside the photon since electric field is radial with open lines and magnetic field is toroidal with closed lines and the intensity of both electric and magnetic components decrease with the square root of the distance.

To fix this they came with a patch to the theory, stating the EM field is separated into a near and a far zone, with the far zone being planar, with no more decreasing of intensity with square root which is not possible, not even as an approximation, because it breaks the laws of physics, with a bizarre shape of EM field in the near zone, a combination of the magnetic toroidal field and the electric radial.

However the planar far zone theory implies the photon caries it's own energy and EM fields which i believe it is true.

You can find the animated version of this representation in Wikipedia.

After seeing it though i became interested in the shape of an EM field caused by the decay of one single electron as in photon emission, thinking of it more like a disturbance than a field. Mostly because the electron does not travel through a conductor and cannot create a closed magnetic field because it starts and ends in different points in space.

During the past summer a group of Polish scientists published a few images claiming to be holograms of single photons. Obtain through interference of two photons, one consequence is the photons could not be other than waves.

More recently i ran into an animation showing whirls in a superfluid.

Than hypothesized at that temperature, Helium starts to exhibit the same properties as AEther, mainly due to lack of friction, though at a much higher density, creating inside whirls due to Coriolis force that show properties like repelling each other, breaking, re-combining and most importantly, creating quasi particles as strings, though several orders of magnitude bigger in size than the ones from the Standard Model.

I also hypothesized AEther could be a fluid made of neutrinos, which are much smaller than any particle.

I then proposed the 5 fields are all created by the movement of whirls that create areas of low pressure around them, streams of AEther inside, etc..

Two whirls rotating in the same direction are repelling each other, rotation of whirls create a stream of superfluid in interior that enters at one end and exits the other, producing magnetic field, and pressure of superfluid creating gravity. Strong force could be actual entanglement of whirls organized as strings.

Combining with ancient symbols, N.Tesla's ideas about whirls and AEther, Ezekiel's wheel, etc..

I created this model made of two rotating hyperboloid shape double whirls. The symbol above indicate the rotation direction which is the same for each wheel though opposite for two opposite ones. If you click on the image you can see the 3D simulation on desmos. Low pressure make them attract each other and rotation in the same direction repel, thus becoming stable at a certain distance.

Which representation fits more ancient symbols (Vajra, Buddhist Adamantine - Symbol of power).

Since the image of the vajras from this symbol seems very similar to my model, i don't see why they whirls should not be an internal structure. Made of rotating AEther, a superfluid, they could have all kind of stationary waves inside as they absorb AEther at the surfaces and expel it through the middle, it looks like in two stages.

In most representations i have seen so far it appears there is some sort of outer shell made of probably again stationary waves suggesting a closed circuit of AEther within a bubble. However there are tiny small swirls between the small whirls that form between the 4 main ones, other asymmetries.

Could it be each of the four whirls pump AEther in a closed circuit around them.

I believe it can all be all seen on a simulation on a supercomputer.

Then i looked again at those images created by the Polish scientists. It appears they also caught those structures inside the photon as seen in the Buddhist ritual tools. The indestructible vajra.

We are familiar with standing waves inside fast moving fluids from "diamond shock waves" inside the exhaust of supersonic engines. Vajra in Sanskrit means diamond, among other things.The vajra is represented always outside the hyperboloid bell (to be visible) but i think it's all happening inside. We can see at the end of the bell and area called emptiness which suggests the flow of AEther is on an open circuit.

If these ancient symbols represent light, as it is always suggested by their names, it could mean this ancient knowledge could not have been transmitted to us over millennia except through religion. By a better version of ourselves.

Tripundra represents the stream of AEther entering and exiting every shwirl, that closes (sort of) outside the swhirl of every open ended particle (string).

This version of Trishula reminds me of something i've seen in Egypt. Four disks representing the four swirls (two double drums in India) of the photon.

Einstein knew. His tongue in the shape of a whirl. Question is. Is he taunting us or giving a message to the future?