Tuesday, August 31, 2021

August 31

12:33 Am citit la repezeală un articol în Historia. Multe cuvinte pompoase, nu știu ce să cred. Am căutat totuși și am găsit ceva. Oops! Ce ar trebui acum să mai fac, să-l caut pe Mihalache, Maniu, că pe Coposu îl am.

7:25 Last night before i went to bed i went and inserted a small piece of a blue and white Clorox toilet bowl cleaner inside of the mole holes. This morning there was no smoke (or so i believed), but woke up groggy because of the smoke last night, could not find my keys, opened the door to see if i didn't forget them in the door, there was a guy outside, one of the Police kids. Took Angela to work, when i got back two dogs running crossed my path in an intersection.

After i posted about possible health damaging ultrasound coming from refrigerators, a possible mitigation idea together with a question, why that noisy part is left in a semi-open compartment, today i see on most sites this fantastic news. Now a Hurley is trying to start or something.

Posted about Willy Brandt, Merkel came out.

7:49 Neștirea zilei. Dacă "modernizezi" astfel cu 32 camere video 1000 de gări fiecare cu 2 milioane de lei de la bugetul de stat, ies 2 miliarde de lei, nu de euro, câți a cheltuit Ministerul Transporturilor în primele 6 luni ale anului. Cei patru angajați erau plătiți totuși de CFR, care este o societate comercială, cu venituri și cheltuieli, nu are treabă cu Bugetul de Stat. În rest, toată lumea cunoaște starea căilor ferate din România.

7:56 Din bătrâni, fără nume, fără fețe, cârpești în mare grabă biografia imaginară a unui impostor din miile care populează toate sinecurile din România.

Alte neștiri. Poza asta deși are rezoluția downgraded "pentru bandwidth" ar spune unii, e făcută totuși de un fotograf expert cu o cameră profesională, partea de afară este supraexpusă pentru a nu se vedea unde.

8:37 For the 4th day in a row, with a few exceptions, the man upstairs is here with me, moving when i move, stumping when i think.

8:44 One on one, deja vu. How about the many?

1:19 Tipul de sus a plecat după 9, am dormit vreo 3 ore, m-au trezit niște copii care urlă pe alee, bursa s-a terminat, a apărut fumul. Știți de este "stock photography?" Ați auzit de site-ul flickr? Acum cu atâtea camere digitale de calitate în toată lumea există mulți fotografi amatori wannabe profesionali. Flick este un site de socializare pentru fotografi amatori, dar există niște site-uri numite de stock, unde lumea își încarcă fotografii pe care speră să le vândă. Se duc, fotografiază orice, iar mediaticii când au nevoie se duc acolo, caută pe subiecte și găsesc pe te miri ce fotografii de calitate flickr pe orice subiect. Astfel, nu prea mai angajează nimeni fotografi. Deci în cazul de mai sus, s-au gândit, s-au dus și au cerut permisiune de la o firmă de transport aerian, au intrat într-un avion, îmbrăcați în talibani mă rog, s-au fotografiat, au pus poza pe site la firma respectivă iar unii s-au găsit s-o publice și i-a plătit tipului vreo 100 de euro ceva. Nici măcar vreo conspirație mai ca lumea.

1:37 Aveam niște pastiloaie din alea de toaletă, white and blue, jumătate clor și jumătate deodorant, le-am tăiat bucăți mai mici și am pus ieri noapte într-o gaură de cârtiță, n-a mai venit cârtița să desfunde galeria și nici fum de ninja de acolo, s-a schimbat direcția vântului, a venit fum de la alt sistem de galerii, am fost și am pus și acolo. Spre să ție măcar o săptămână, între timp am comandat de pe Amazon niște chestii din astea de speriat cârtițe. Avion normal când am deschis ușa, avion mic la mică înălțime făcând un zgomot mare, pentru că stau ăștia de la Scietnologie 24 de ore și mă supraveghează și știu chiar ce vreau să fac în orice minut. A urmat un sunet foarte puternic de alarmă de incendiu care era testată în clădirea vecină, iar apoi o ambulanță, când am deschis ușa să aerisesc fumul ce intrase deja. Niște oameni încarcă sau descarcă ceva trântind fiecare item.

4:21 Când am terminat de scris paragraful de mai sus îmi era deja rău, chiar în acest moment am probleme să scriu la tastatură. Am fost la o plimbare de o oră dar nu mi-am revenit complet, după, am plecat s-o aduc pe Angela, am avut probleme cu ambreiajul, mi s-a mutat punctul, am scăpat puțin mașina la vale dar am frânat). Am venit acasă cam de 20-30 minute, fumul acum se elimină din cele două filtre Winnix cu cărbune și hepa din sufragerie, după ce filtrele au fost saturate.

Am fost în parcare cu o cameră de 6 mm diametru pe care am introdus-o în carcasa transmisiei unde se află cilindrul "slave" al ambreiajului hidraulic. Cel de-al treilea, schimbat acum câțiva ani, cu câteva mii de mile pe el. Am încercat să fac niște poze, însă la scara vecină s-au adunat un număr de adolescenți, țigani unguri și japonezi. Nu ar fi o problemă, dar vorbesc așa de tare parcă latră. Înăuntru se simte puțin miros de clor care probabil vine din galerii după ce am pus firimiturile acelea de pastile de clor.

Înăuntru este puțin ulei, dar pare colorat și poate fi de la scurgerea pe care o am la baia de ulei (am șters baia de ulei acum câteva zile, este o scurgere foarte mică undeva în față) care a intrat pe aceeași gaură pe care am introdus camera. Era ulei și pe conducta de lichid de ambreiaj. Nu am putut să mă concentrez din cauza acelor copii, care vorbeau atât de tare, la un moment dat au trecut chiar pe lângă mine care eram întins pe jos sub mașină. Practic nu știu ce am fotografiat.
5:48 I went and bled the clutch with Angela, she pressed the pedal about 4 times. I think it's better but it can be (was) even better, i'll do it tomorrow again, after i read some more.

6:39 The guy at the balcony yells for 2 hours now, laughs every time i open a new face, etc. while the guy upstairs, everybody else is quiet. Looks like i got into big trouble with Willy Brandt, it was not the first guess, i was under the influence of that smoke big time last night, it lasted through the day today, now i'm frantically searching through the very populated list of the 1910 to 1913 of 438 people. 

11:41 After going through that list twice, with about 30 pictures (first screen of the results for each, twice), with dust in my eyes (people are hitting things around the building all the time), i couldn't find Willy Brandt. Lately i saw many opera singers are included in IMDb so i don't worry that much about those. However, when i can't find a guy, i go and look in there too and after so many hours, i think i found something, but simply can't finish it tonight.

11:44 Shame on me (and all that comes with it) for not knowing my hydraulic clutch had a bleeder. In both occasions when i replaced the clutch, it had leaked fluid big time by the hole with the line going into the transmission case, which is way above the bottom of the case. I just ignored the harder to see protuberance coming from another hole above the line hole. The bleeder. It can be seen in the pictures with the slave cylinder, the little brass thing that goes nowhere.

I first went to Macavei, (Specialty Import in Oregon City), now closed who instead replaced... the slave cylinder. Probably tightened the bleeder back, tried to drive back home, got really sick, i called a towing, got back home almost dead) somebody untightened it again and i ended at Steve (actually his father was there too by that time) who gave me an estimate and then he fixed it for 1500 dollars. Same the second time, when i towed the truck from here. I remember days after i called a place i believe it was "Clutch doctors" who gave me a quote for 600 bucks. My ignorance cost me two unnecessary repairs. What can i say, there was this little guy at Steve, Roman, who later i figured he looked like the Emperor of Japan, then Akihito. Steve has his shop in Beaverton next to Toyota service factory.

I think it was after i posted the phrase "They don't call it Space Opera for nothing" when the billionaire space race started. It's so good to write here where i can put all the links i want!

Monday, August 30, 2021

August 30

12:11 It's not the first time when this butterfly flies around my head, it's the first time i can describe this idea in words.

Hiatal hernia seems senseless, why a 4 billion years evolution result like your body will simply give up and start to act so weirdly. Opening the esophageal sphincter (chakra) and let acid vapor to raise though your esophagus and maybe even entering your lungs...

It could actually make sense. While a small amount of acid vapors may destroy the bacteria and mold in the air just before entering your lungs, or lower the amount anyways, it could also create an electrostatic conduit, at body's potential that could attract positively charged dust that is just being aspirated into your lungs, separating it and making it stick to your esophagus. Thus, the dust (some of it anyways) goes directly into your stomach, where it's far less dangerous and bypasses the lungs.

We have in Romania the expression "to swallow dust" while well, in English, we have yet another poorly understood song...

It is no secret to me that ninja use "unnatural" dust for their purpose. There is a Wikipedia entry for that, called Metsubushi. Unnatural, cause natural dust has more random shaped particles, while ninja dust may be sharp. Once it reaches your stomach and intestines, it starts creating inflammation that may propagate to other organs. Ninja are portrayed too oftenly as violent people. They are not, 99% of the time. They mostly gather information and influence and sometimes influence some people to influence others if you know what i mean...

Cooking (and even smoking) may also have other benefits than eating homemade meals or getting high (nico_tine high). The water and grease vapors released in the kitchen, cigarette smoke may actually protect you by clumping dust in the air into heavier particles and making it fall to the ground. Cigarette smoke may be antifungal and antibacterial.

May i remind here the many episodes of dysphagia that happened to me after unknowingly inhaling (ninja) dust and/or by strong, annoying sounds while actually swallowing. Right now, after the man dried one load of laundry upstairs shaking the building, the fridge, at midnight, my stomach is so inflamed it actually raised the diaphragm (muscle) upwards creating much discomfort and some trouble breathing. Anxiety created may have the evolutionary purpose to make you run away from such an area. Since i just can't and i'm so used to it, after so many years, i just ignore it.

12:54 With so many things going through my head, finally remembered to put a wet towel behind the fridge, after the fridge cycled two more times. As for upstairs, it's quiet now for more than half hour.

8:19 Neștirile. Abia am postat chestia asta. O reproduc: 

August 29 8:20  România își menține în continuare "standardul" de 20 milioane de euro pe km de autostradă. Google are altă părere. Conform google, cu 6,3 milioane euro/km, numai cu bugetul pe anul acesta al Ministerului Transporturilor (de până la 5 miliarde euro cu credite de angajament) se puteau face până la 800 km de autostradă. Întrebare. Ce face Drulă cu 5 miliarde de euro, din care 2 a "executat" deja?

Aceste informații reprezintă sinteza a tot ce se întâmplă în România în acest moment.

Și au venit deja cu o neștire pe măsură. Da, este important faptu că un bulgar a primit 10 milioane de euro de la guvern, ceea ce este și incredibil, dar cu acești bani în România se făcea jumătate de km de autostradă. Momentul ales pentru știre, pentru coincidența cu ce am spus eu deasupra este pentru a șterge din memorie ce am spus eu.

8:28 Altă gratuitate, altă contradicție ce nu ne era necesară astăzi. Cîțu s-a opus atunci, Vâlceanu vrea acum. Cui îi pasă? Un om care nu se încurcă cu mărunțișuri gen cât e salariul minim. Organismele mari sunt pasiunea lui.

Ministerul de finanțe gestionează două bugete, al lui însuși, un mărunțiș sub un miliard de euro, 3 miliarde lei adică pentru plata salariilor angajaților care se ocupă de strângerea taxelor de pe fluturii dvs., și partea din buget care se ocupă cu plata dobânzilor (la datoria publică bineînțeles). Ministrul de finanțe chiar dintre toți miniștrii are cel mai puțin de spus în legătură cu orice, este doar un fel de contabil, dacă ar fi. O bancă mai mică sau mai mare nu ne dă bani mai mulți, în acest moment bugetul, banii noștri care dispar, la Transporturi, la Sănătate, la Dezvoltare, la Muncii, prin ce bancă se derulează? Prin ce bancă a rulat Drulă 2 miliarde de euro în 6 luni și unde s-au dus aceștia?

(Îmi place să scriu aici fiindcă pe fb nu puteam să pun link-uri în text, a fost decizie corectă să mă mut).

Se poate, dar ce? Se poate deturna bugetul României la fel de bine ca și cu cei vechi?

1:25 I suspected for a long time that the fridge's hissing "normal operating" sound nobody wants to talk about has a harmful ultrasound component. The cover on top of that area is made of thick sound absorbing cardboard for that reason. If you take that off, it's getting much worse. Maybe it could not damage you directly though i can't rule it out. Among other things, it may cause the so called tinnitus so many people is complaining about, but also generalized inflammation. But what it does obviously is it stirs the finest dust that may be present on kitchen's floor or even on your shoes you walked on the park's fine gravel that slowly turns into dust. Then fridge's fan attracts the raised dust and blows it upwards, in the warm rising air flow behind the fridge.

I knew it's the flow of the cooling fluid through pipes, and it has to be in that semi-open compartment. Today i found out exactly. It's called a capillary tube. Not the one at the thermostat but the one at the output of the "drier/filter". It has the role of "throttling" or "regulating" the flow before it enters the expansion valve which is somewhere inside. However the article i found speaks about frequencies of up to 4800 Hz while my perception tells they're at the end of the spectrum and higher. In the image, the thinnest copper pipe in the left.
What i did is i covered that pipe, the filter and the pipe next to it with soft foam pipe insulator just to see what happens. The perceived noise is smaller.

Woke up this morning with generalized pain which i associate with presence of the dust in the room. Today there is much dust outside too, it's been almost a week since i didn't hose the chips. This year they renewed the red wood chips mixed with dust which contains much tannin and is very irritant. I believe the guy upstairs deals with it by smoking kratom. I saw him the other day walking on the area, then climbing in the car, probably starting the fan. Also walks on the area before climbing the stairs. While the smoke is present, i also feel less pain. BTW, it sounds like a long day ahead with him squeking above. Wanted to go hose the chips, the stairs, but i'm afraid he's going to climb down in the middle of it. Hate to say it, i figured something. Every time i mention "redwood chips" to complain about then i see in the news something about chip shortage for cars. Figure.

8:17 Was asleep for hours. Read the news. Flying cars. New Berlin airport named after Willy Brandt. Started of course to search for his face. It was quiet until that second. Then the man upstairs started his job.

8:40 Here's a preview. It took me a while because my list went down only to 1920. They were 905 celebrities including actors in the IMDb list born in Hungary between 1910 and 1919, can multiply this by 10 and figure how many approximately they are in total. An enormous number, for a country with today's population of 10 million. LOL he was the first on the list. BTW, the place filled with smoke now.

10:07 After i was done with Willy Brandt was feeling kinda dizzy, with a stomach pain, because of the squeaks. Went for a walk in the complex. After first "intersection" there was this red van on a visitor spot with an open door and a rolled carpet inside. A small plane making a big noise outside. Went all the way to the road. A stinky van passed me, a guy with short pants started to walk in front of me, the whole drill. When i got back i saw a strong athletic black woman who first was bending inside the trunk, then she hit the lid so hard it scared me. The red van with the open door was still there. When i got back here, i realized how much smoke was inside and opened a window. The guy upstairs just stopped his loud TV.

10:22 Searching for another face, ran again into a guy who looks like the cop from WSP who did the report for my accident, did not mention hit and run.

11:20 On April 5 i ordered a pack of 2 mole chasers. One came broken, i fixed it, installed one at the bedroom window and one under the main door. As promised, in about 2 weeks mole were gone, and smoke also. It lasted about 3 months and a half. I don't know how to explain this, but if there's mole mounds next to the building then there's smoke inside. More and more, day by day. My guess is someone passes by with a stick and sticks in one gallery some burning pellets made by one of those numerous ninja recipes in ninja book. About 2 weeks ago i went and pulled the chasers from the ground. One was broken beyond repair (electronics). I made one good out of 2 bad, put it back in the ground, at the corner of the building or in between where those two were. However, mole mounds grew just next to those. Tonight i went and pulled it from the ground, again, electronics, frequency has doubled and intensity has halved. Got to order one on Amazon, a different brand.

Sunday, August 29, 2021

August 29

3:24 Just finished a blog post and decided to go and look at the car. Got to pull the left fron wheel off, however, on the stairs came to stare at me one of the ninja kids, the one photographed with Tualatin Police. In the picture, next to chief Steele
4:16 Unnecessarly removed a cotter pin on a nut, saw missing ones on other nuts. Then i looked around and found a couple of loose bolts at the suspension of the truck, on the driver's side. Only one and its symetrical counterpart on the passanger side is visible in the picture. One can see the bolt has moved recently. I tried with a socket on the nut on the other side on the other bold and it moves but i don't know how much i'm supposed to tighten those or if there is a bushing in there that might be damaged. Have to look for it. There is pungent propylene glycol smell outside, like from laundry or room deodorant. When i went back inside it was smelling like mold. I saw earlier a small water bottle tossed on the chips next to the one level building balcony. A guy was listening on loudespecker something in Spanish on the balcony, like guarding the bottle, however i went and picked the bottle, and then he went inside.
6:27 Last test drive. Done it. I believe truck started to do that in 2018 after they slashed one of my tires and went to Les Schwab and put new ones. Then i blamed the drift on the new tires. Ninja are always non nonsense aren't they.

Truck is still sensitive to side wind though. Always been. Though mileage is ok (wait to fill the tank to calculate, somewhere at 25), cat is getting hot again. I can feel it through the floor. Mileage should be 27 for it not to. Could damage itself, the clutch again, though it's not so hot outside anymore. Can't find the bluetooth connector, wanted to get some readings from sensors tonight. I have to admit, after that work accident at Electronic Specialty back in 96 i use 25% of the time when i do something just to look for tools that i always misplace.

All the time i was under the truck the ninja did their regular show though they are really stepping on laterly, to match my posts. At one point i used a mirror to see if a nut is turning when i turn the screw (didn't have a tool to keep it in place, was lucky to have enough so i can tighten those two loose bolts at the control arm). Petra came with her dog promptly so i can see her perfectly shaped childish legs and tight b...t from under the truck. Then when i went for a test drive somebody (other ninja) put a big bedroom mirror next to a black truck on the alley etc.. When i got back from the last test drive they played on the radio a song with the word mirror in it just at the beginning. I forgot. Other people gathered, talked on the phone including unusually sexy girls, so i can see them from under the truck, things like that. For the whole time, guy upstairs played extra-loud TV, made me breath the vapors of his laundry. Finally turned down volume on his TV. Everything i ever did here to cars and generally in parking lots at apartments was three times more difficult because of the company.

Did i mentioned about a leaking brake line?

7:29 After reading the news, a brief search

9:33 Am postat pe Marton Moyses, au venit cu o neștire conținând rectificarea. Pe autoarea articolului o cheamă Mortu?

10:25 Adults and children came to play ball in the dark in the backyard at our windows.

10:35 They left and the man upstairs started again his loud TV

An idea came to me. I'm gonna build from thin aluminum sheet metal maybe from a turkey baking pan an extra heat shield for the cat, so it won't heat the tranny and the floor anymore.

10:44  România își menține în continuare "standardul" de 20 milioane de euro pe km de autostradă. Google are altă părere. Conform google, cu 6,3 milioane euro/km, numai cu bugetul pe anul acesta al Ministerului Transporturilor (de până la 5 miliarde euro cu credite de angajament) se puteau face până la 800 km de autostradă. Întrebare. Ce face Drulă cu 5 miliarde de euro, din care 2 a "executat" deja?

11:36 I'd like to be Under the sea In the octopusse's garden, in the shade...

11:39 I once had this idea, could they build ships with wind turbines installed that would power an electric motor to turn the propeller?

11:52 This is so cool...

11:57 He started the drier after 11, raised some dust or caused dust to fall from ceiling, my face is now burning...

Bow Down

When i'm here i can't wait to get out. When i'm out, i can't wait to get back here.

Left last night, around 10 PM for Chinook Winds. I noticed the problem at the direction of the truck came back. There is a missing rubber boot at a tie rod ball joint at the left wheel. The bolt may be loose as well, i don't know.  There's been to much going on lately with car, truck, simply can't keep up or even remember all the problems. One trip is driving well, in another the problem gets back.

Truck was annoyingly drifting on the road. At some point, right after i passed last red light speed and stop intersection in Sherwood, there was on the road this terrible dog poop smell. Don't know how they did it, for about a mile, i thought somebody threw on the road a load of a ton of dog poop. Smell had a  yeast component. I was nauseated already when i left but now i started to have shortness of breath which lasted until i got there. I was telling Angela. Should re-learn how to drive a manual transmission, just in case if i get sick somewhere and can't drive back home.

After a few hours or around 3 AM Angela lost all of her 200 dollars, (i lost 20 earlier and gave up) while me was nodding in chairs. Almost got hit by a cart with those black cassettes they replace in machines. People where vacuuming everywhere. I saw a guy with a T-shirt on his back that said OBEY. But mostly, just before we left, people bending in front of me. One or two guys dropped a penny, another came to throw something in a garbage bin next to the cash machine and bent to see what's in there, etc.. What was new was these guys were all athletic, fast moving, just in case an idea came to me, like smash their face or something. But i was too tired even to think.

For those who don't know. Currently at the casinos when you are done at one machine, you press a button and they give you ticket with the remainder of your money, that you can insert in a different machine, and when you leave you cash your last ticket it at a cash machine.

They also can give you a card that you insert in a machine that accumulates points. Most machines have a return rate of about 90%, more or less. There are some poker games that give you 102% return, but that is if you don't make any mistake. Which means, you play 100 dollars and the machine will give you back in wins in average 90 dollars. But that is not guaranteed. You could also win more money or loose it all, it's all an average. So basically in one night you cycle much more money that you came with, cause if you play 100 and the machine gives you back 90, you can keep playing until you win or leave or you're out of money. But if  you have a card and inserted the card every time you move to another machine they give you one point for each dollar cycled or something like this. Those points turn to dollars, like for 300 points you get a one dollar award depending on the casino.

So Angela last night had 6 dollars on the card, you have to imagine how many thousand dollars she cycled with those 200 she had originally in 4 hours or 5 hours or something, she was down to those 6 card dollars and she played those and won within 5 minutes back her 200 dollars, while a group of people next to her, me, was watching the whole show.

Similar thing happened the night before night. We theorize that there are hours when they "let the machines loose", Angela wanted to play some more, because she thought she could win more, i was dead tired, i told her, how many times this happened before and she lost again everything so we left.

I was dead tired, could not figure or think of why those guys bent cause this happened so many time before, with the same results. The car was doing a good mileage, however, very hard to steer. I was doing 50, countless guys passed me, people driving nervously, one guy passed me without signaling, many with off road lights, finally made it home, ate something from the fridge (potato salad) and fell asleep.

Can't remember exactly when i woke up with belly pain. It's actually the fat around your peritoneum that hurts. I believe now the bending thing triggers some sort of psychosomatic reaction that lowers both circulation and intestinal transit. If you have an infection in the same time which in this case might be fungal, protozoan or both, by the smell of it, you can get in trouble like i did.

As i said, i figured a remedy. I saw in the news and TV paramedics sometimes wrap people that have been traumatized in metal foil. That is to reflect and conserve heat because when traumatized, circulation may be reduced because of inflamation, other causes. So i started to use the metalized reflective insulation i had left from wrapping the dryer to conserve heat. But this night i could not remember where that was, it is damaged anyways from so much wearing so i just wrapped myself in bubble wrap and fell back asleep (no, a  comforter or something similar does not work especially because you throw it of  you while sleeping). But that didn't work as well so i woke up still with pain this time being worried. Then i tore from the wall a piece of that insulation which in installed many years ago because of the smart meters. There are 6 wireless smart meters on a wall that put out every 2 seconds so much signal they disturb inside any blue tooth device, so i put that on the wall and ground it and blue tooth started to work. I think i will put instead some aluminum foil and hook it to the electric ground of the installation.

Now the pain is almost gone but i am still nauseated. The guy upstairs smokes and plays loud TV and squeaks the floor relentlessly.

And yes in our days they are people who still go by those things, and get away with. And the whole world is led by them. You go somewhere, they play a trick like this one you and you're done, and then you may end in ICU diagnosed with "COVID". But you may not need to go anywhere, just watch a movie or video the news and they will hide something in there for you.

This is not religion. This may be what i call "visual martial arts", "audio martial arts" "biological martial arts" etc..

Could this be a coincidence, the fact that in some cultures, like in Japan, people bow to each other all the time (in the direction of the other guy, not sideways) and wherever they may be, in the direction of the palace of the emperor, on occasions. (In Japan, the emperor is considered god).

2:30 Went for a walk. Within 5 minutes pain came back, partly. When i got back the TV from upstairs can be head from 100 ft around the building.

Had her in the blog, however had to redo the post cause i did choose the best picture.

A siren went off like they always do, when i finish a post, to "scare the demons who inspire me", perhaps, sometimes i'm tempted to drive there at the ER to see if it's a real emergency. But who cares anymore, it's a whole pyramid made of broken laws instead of stones raising around me.

Saturday, August 28, 2021

August 28

I woke up after 5 hours of sleep. +1 in the truck last night.

Last night i went to fetch some coffee for Angela inside the non-smoking area at the Spirit Mountain. There was this incredibly thin and tall woman who spent like 5 minutes at the coffee machine moving very slowly and yawning. All of a sudden i started to feel very sleepy, just by watching her. Half hour later i think i saw the eyes of Șoșoaca, on top of a mask and big body, though shorter, i guess. She was accompanied by a tall, rather thin nervous blond bearded guy who turned his head when i looked even though he had a mask.

Then i felt an irresistible urge to sleep. I went in the truck but the truck was facing the casino and a guy two rows in front of me was bending and executing a dance with the open door on the passenger side until i got so annoyed i turned the truck to face the last row next to street. There, i was nodding, on and off on the cheap, uncomfortable seat when a very noisy truck passed and woke me and i thought i saw a shadow with a fabric on top, like some gray clothes, getting under truck.  I got off, looked under with my phone's flashlight, went back and kept nodding until the noisy truck passed again and then i saw a Japanese guy dressed in a greenish coat that could have been double faced, entering a car on the last row i was facing. A weird looking cat, thin with long rear legs passed by. It was then when i decided to go back inside, i got this diabetic crash hunger, went and ordered some chips and fish. When they called my number i saw an old and bald and short Japanese guy going to the counter, like he didn't understand, real close to my food. Then i didn't feel like eating anymore and asked the woman for a to go box, and she offered me a bag too. Then i realized what was that trick, me walking with the bag with the box in it, after seeing Șoșoaca, and ate the food. Nothing happened.

However i started to feel an itchy sting in my left thigh that in the truck was facing the floor, like bitten by an insect. I went in the bathroom and tried to take a picture of that area, i thought i saw two circles, though not inflamed. Now i can't see any trace of it, still feel the itch and got some chills.

There is a one by two inches rubber gasket right under my seat covering a hole in the floor, by design, i don't know why. Some years ago the truck got flooded with water, for years, i pulled the wet jut and  the plastic cover of the floor. I thought water was getting inside through that gasket and added some silicon around it. Today i put some water in that area waiting to see if it drips under. Nothing so far. While doing so, people started to move in the parking lot, like always when i go outside. Watching them in disbelief from under truck. The bearded nerd started his imaginary endless phone conversation. Good thing i looked cause i saw the pipe on the filter which has a thread on one side and it clips on the other, was not clipped on one side and so it wasn't a pipe line. Looked at the pictures i took that day, i wasn't drunk, in the pictures one may see the connector and pipe wasn't clipped. Where was my mind at? But there was smoke outside and people yelling and distracting me. Clipped those things on.

Still have to figure where the water is coming from, cause the rainy season is going to start soon.

As for mileage. When i left for the 100 miles round trip last night the needle was finally at the full line (was two lines over after last fill, with over 30 miles on the trip odometer). After just changing the 15 years old filter it got like 25% better (preliminary, by the gauge only) since last time or around 20, still have to finish the tank with the additive in. I remember several years ago i poured some Lucas fuel additive in the tank. Mileage got better for one tank and then got worse. Snake oil does work! Somehow. 

Gasoline is not perfectly clean, that's why cars have filters, dirt accumulate at the bottom of the tanks at the gas station and if you get gas when the level is at its lowest, or the mud has been disturbed by refilling, you get the most. What happens is your tank is really dirty and put some injector cleaner additive, the  the additive dissolves first the mud in the tank and then that mud clogs the filter and injectors. I believe it can't be that dirty right now after they changed the fuel pump that is in the tank a few years ago (did they bother to clean it?). Or if the filter is really old and dirty, the additive dissolves some of that dirt that ends on the injectors' microfilters.

No, the fact that the filters are clogged does not means less gas at the injectors. It is lower pressure at the injectors which drip instead of spraying and the liquid gas does not have time to evaporate and burn when it sould and passes in the exhaust and catalytic. Computer by analyzing the parameters, adds more fuel to compensate (opens the injectors longer).

I wish i knew all these sooner, that's why i'm writing it here. Think at the fuel economy done and parts spared just by replacing an old fuel filter and running some additive (At my truck, the cat is next to the tranny where the clutch is, it heats up the slave cylinder inside the clutch, the transmission fluid which one time literally boiled and because of that i replaced 4 cats and 3 clutches already and i'm holding breath for this one.

This Gum_out i bought says it's for "high mileage" and "the whole fuel system". Wait to see.

Yeah, so far got some mild "flue like" symptoms. But those could be just because of getting under truck and laying on the cold asphalt, with only some bubble wrap under. Leg is itching though deeper inside. Wait to see.

I opened the door to go and take some picture of that gasket only to see the guy upstairs at his car. He went upstairs and promptly started the loud TV (punish me for opening the door and looking at him) while the nerd quieted down (it's always only one source of noise). Took some pictures. Per google, after modification to blogger about a year ago. if i upload the pictures at X-large size, like i did, the resolution is poor but the pictures get in slideshow mode with much better resolution if you click on one. If i choose original size, the slideshow is at poor resolution instead. Yes i tried and you could squeeze an object like a pen or small diameter pipe inside the car by that gasket without damaging anything. This truck has been made by GM in cooperation with Isuzu.

3:49 I'm done scrapping and sanding the whole area. Next i'm going to cut a piece of zinc plated sheet metal and apply it with JB Weld on top of that hole. While scrapping with a screwdriver the rust (though wet) the man upstairs showed and passed really close mumbling something. Soon after the place filled with dust (not from me). I plan on covering the rust that i can't possibly scrap (i don't have a wire brush) with paint so rust won't fly away from my truck anymore. Blood is red because of the rust inside hemoglobin. Afte perspiring a lot while working under that rain proof nylong fabric coat i feel better.

4:35 Just applied the patch with the adhesive, went under to see how i've done it, he came and parked next to me while adhesive is still smelling of course and i ran inside. (He only went "to work" this week two days, Thursday and Friday, 8 hours each.

4:42 Ice cream truck is here, while adhesive still smelling. Anybody figures what i'm experiencing and why i keep saying the're best at playing victim?

5:28 I painted the floor and saw it was matching pretty well the color so i just cleaned with alcohol and painted the area of the hood that was peeling off. Far from perfect, much better than before. But if i don't apply some clear coat next it will wear out by this time next year for sure. Forgot to take the "before" picture, now is kinda useless to take the after. For what's worth it. The grill has been sitting in the sun for 23 years, this truck never saw a garage.
LOL was searching for Sirhan Sirhan and found somebody else... 6:57 In the meantime i remembered where the water was coming from... There are some cracks in the floor by the screws that hold the seats. I covered some of them with silicon, now i see new ones. Real interesting, one of the cracks starts next to what it looks like a blow with a pointed tool in the floor. While washing that area so i can take a picture, the hood of the car still vaguelly smelling like paint, next to it came (to talk to a much younger woman) this guy

7:47 Arts are a part of life. When mine started to smell like dog, i knew i had to go to pick the poops. I found several, more than a pound in total, in places slightly off the usual. In the meantime, the whole area of; the complex went silent. It always does when i figure new faces. I don't know, could be they have to pull some of the non "staff" from here, or those who got convinced, first hand, that i'm telling the truth?

5:15 29 I saw the news oh boy. Every time i plant a seed they say kill it before it grows...

Deci au venit și ei cu ceva.  Dacă vă uitați bine, veți vedea că e tăiată cu flacăra de sudură... Da bine într-o poză ca lumea, nu asta făcută cu un telefon de acum 10 ani...