Sunday, August 29, 2021

August 29

3:24 Just finished a blog post and decided to go and look at the car. Got to pull the left fron wheel off, however, on the stairs came to stare at me one of the ninja kids, the one photographed with Tualatin Police. In the picture, next to chief Steele
4:16 Unnecessarly removed a cotter pin on a nut, saw missing ones on other nuts. Then i looked around and found a couple of loose bolts at the suspension of the truck, on the driver's side. Only one and its symetrical counterpart on the passanger side is visible in the picture. One can see the bolt has moved recently. I tried with a socket on the nut on the other side on the other bold and it moves but i don't know how much i'm supposed to tighten those or if there is a bushing in there that might be damaged. Have to look for it. There is pungent propylene glycol smell outside, like from laundry or room deodorant. When i went back inside it was smelling like mold. I saw earlier a small water bottle tossed on the chips next to the one level building balcony. A guy was listening on loudespecker something in Spanish on the balcony, like guarding the bottle, however i went and picked the bottle, and then he went inside.
6:27 Last test drive. Done it. I believe truck started to do that in 2018 after they slashed one of my tires and went to Les Schwab and put new ones. Then i blamed the drift on the new tires. Ninja are always non nonsense aren't they.

Truck is still sensitive to side wind though. Always been. Though mileage is ok (wait to fill the tank to calculate, somewhere at 25), cat is getting hot again. I can feel it through the floor. Mileage should be 27 for it not to. Could damage itself, the clutch again, though it's not so hot outside anymore. Can't find the bluetooth connector, wanted to get some readings from sensors tonight. I have to admit, after that work accident at Electronic Specialty back in 96 i use 25% of the time when i do something just to look for tools that i always misplace.

All the time i was under the truck the ninja did their regular show though they are really stepping on laterly, to match my posts. At one point i used a mirror to see if a nut is turning when i turn the screw (didn't have a tool to keep it in place, was lucky to have enough so i can tighten those two loose bolts at the control arm). Petra came with her dog promptly so i can see her perfectly shaped childish legs and tight b...t from under the truck. Then when i went for a test drive somebody (other ninja) put a big bedroom mirror next to a black truck on the alley etc.. When i got back from the last test drive they played on the radio a song with the word mirror in it just at the beginning. I forgot. Other people gathered, talked on the phone including unusually sexy girls, so i can see them from under the truck, things like that. For the whole time, guy upstairs played extra-loud TV, made me breath the vapors of his laundry. Finally turned down volume on his TV. Everything i ever did here to cars and generally in parking lots at apartments was three times more difficult because of the company.

Did i mentioned about a leaking brake line?

7:29 After reading the news, a brief search

9:33 Am postat pe Marton Moyses, au venit cu o neștire conținând rectificarea. Pe autoarea articolului o cheamă Mortu?

10:25 Adults and children came to play ball in the dark in the backyard at our windows.

10:35 They left and the man upstairs started again his loud TV

An idea came to me. I'm gonna build from thin aluminum sheet metal maybe from a turkey baking pan an extra heat shield for the cat, so it won't heat the tranny and the floor anymore.

10:44  România își menține în continuare "standardul" de 20 milioane de euro pe km de autostradă. Google are altă părere. Conform google, cu 6,3 milioane euro/km, numai cu bugetul pe anul acesta al Ministerului Transporturilor (de până la 5 miliarde euro cu credite de angajament) se puteau face până la 800 km de autostradă. Întrebare. Ce face Drulă cu 5 miliarde de euro, din care 2 a "executat" deja?

11:36 I'd like to be Under the sea In the octopusse's garden, in the shade...

11:39 I once had this idea, could they build ships with wind turbines installed that would power an electric motor to turn the propeller?

11:52 This is so cool...

11:57 He started the drier after 11, raised some dust or caused dust to fall from ceiling, my face is now burning...

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