Monday, August 30, 2021

August 30

12:11 It's not the first time when this butterfly flies around my head, it's the first time i can describe this idea in words.

Hiatal hernia seems senseless, why a 4 billion years evolution result like your body will simply give up and start to act so weirdly. Opening the esophageal sphincter (chakra) and let acid vapor to raise though your esophagus and maybe even entering your lungs...

It could actually make sense. While a small amount of acid vapors may destroy the bacteria and mold in the air just before entering your lungs, or lower the amount anyways, it could also create an electrostatic conduit, at body's potential that could attract positively charged dust that is just being aspirated into your lungs, separating it and making it stick to your esophagus. Thus, the dust (some of it anyways) goes directly into your stomach, where it's far less dangerous and bypasses the lungs.

We have in Romania the expression "to swallow dust" while well, in English, we have yet another poorly understood song...

It is no secret to me that ninja use "unnatural" dust for their purpose. There is a Wikipedia entry for that, called Metsubushi. Unnatural, cause natural dust has more random shaped particles, while ninja dust may be sharp. Once it reaches your stomach and intestines, it starts creating inflammation that may propagate to other organs. Ninja are portrayed too oftenly as violent people. They are not, 99% of the time. They mostly gather information and influence and sometimes influence some people to influence others if you know what i mean...

Cooking (and even smoking) may also have other benefits than eating homemade meals or getting high (nico_tine high). The water and grease vapors released in the kitchen, cigarette smoke may actually protect you by clumping dust in the air into heavier particles and making it fall to the ground. Cigarette smoke may be antifungal and antibacterial.

May i remind here the many episodes of dysphagia that happened to me after unknowingly inhaling (ninja) dust and/or by strong, annoying sounds while actually swallowing. Right now, after the man dried one load of laundry upstairs shaking the building, the fridge, at midnight, my stomach is so inflamed it actually raised the diaphragm (muscle) upwards creating much discomfort and some trouble breathing. Anxiety created may have the evolutionary purpose to make you run away from such an area. Since i just can't and i'm so used to it, after so many years, i just ignore it.

12:54 With so many things going through my head, finally remembered to put a wet towel behind the fridge, after the fridge cycled two more times. As for upstairs, it's quiet now for more than half hour.

8:19 Neștirile. Abia am postat chestia asta. O reproduc: 

August 29 8:20  România își menține în continuare "standardul" de 20 milioane de euro pe km de autostradă. Google are altă părere. Conform google, cu 6,3 milioane euro/km, numai cu bugetul pe anul acesta al Ministerului Transporturilor (de până la 5 miliarde euro cu credite de angajament) se puteau face până la 800 km de autostradă. Întrebare. Ce face Drulă cu 5 miliarde de euro, din care 2 a "executat" deja?

Aceste informații reprezintă sinteza a tot ce se întâmplă în România în acest moment.

Și au venit deja cu o neștire pe măsură. Da, este important faptu că un bulgar a primit 10 milioane de euro de la guvern, ceea ce este și incredibil, dar cu acești bani în România se făcea jumătate de km de autostradă. Momentul ales pentru știre, pentru coincidența cu ce am spus eu deasupra este pentru a șterge din memorie ce am spus eu.

8:28 Altă gratuitate, altă contradicție ce nu ne era necesară astăzi. Cîțu s-a opus atunci, Vâlceanu vrea acum. Cui îi pasă? Un om care nu se încurcă cu mărunțișuri gen cât e salariul minim. Organismele mari sunt pasiunea lui.

Ministerul de finanțe gestionează două bugete, al lui însuși, un mărunțiș sub un miliard de euro, 3 miliarde lei adică pentru plata salariilor angajaților care se ocupă de strângerea taxelor de pe fluturii dvs., și partea din buget care se ocupă cu plata dobânzilor (la datoria publică bineînțeles). Ministrul de finanțe chiar dintre toți miniștrii are cel mai puțin de spus în legătură cu orice, este doar un fel de contabil, dacă ar fi. O bancă mai mică sau mai mare nu ne dă bani mai mulți, în acest moment bugetul, banii noștri care dispar, la Transporturi, la Sănătate, la Dezvoltare, la Muncii, prin ce bancă se derulează? Prin ce bancă a rulat Drulă 2 miliarde de euro în 6 luni și unde s-au dus aceștia?

(Îmi place să scriu aici fiindcă pe fb nu puteam să pun link-uri în text, a fost decizie corectă să mă mut).

Se poate, dar ce? Se poate deturna bugetul României la fel de bine ca și cu cei vechi?

1:25 I suspected for a long time that the fridge's hissing "normal operating" sound nobody wants to talk about has a harmful ultrasound component. The cover on top of that area is made of thick sound absorbing cardboard for that reason. If you take that off, it's getting much worse. Maybe it could not damage you directly though i can't rule it out. Among other things, it may cause the so called tinnitus so many people is complaining about, but also generalized inflammation. But what it does obviously is it stirs the finest dust that may be present on kitchen's floor or even on your shoes you walked on the park's fine gravel that slowly turns into dust. Then fridge's fan attracts the raised dust and blows it upwards, in the warm rising air flow behind the fridge.

I knew it's the flow of the cooling fluid through pipes, and it has to be in that semi-open compartment. Today i found out exactly. It's called a capillary tube. Not the one at the thermostat but the one at the output of the "drier/filter". It has the role of "throttling" or "regulating" the flow before it enters the expansion valve which is somewhere inside. However the article i found speaks about frequencies of up to 4800 Hz while my perception tells they're at the end of the spectrum and higher. In the image, the thinnest copper pipe in the left.
What i did is i covered that pipe, the filter and the pipe next to it with soft foam pipe insulator just to see what happens. The perceived noise is smaller.

Woke up this morning with generalized pain which i associate with presence of the dust in the room. Today there is much dust outside too, it's been almost a week since i didn't hose the chips. This year they renewed the red wood chips mixed with dust which contains much tannin and is very irritant. I believe the guy upstairs deals with it by smoking kratom. I saw him the other day walking on the area, then climbing in the car, probably starting the fan. Also walks on the area before climbing the stairs. While the smoke is present, i also feel less pain. BTW, it sounds like a long day ahead with him squeking above. Wanted to go hose the chips, the stairs, but i'm afraid he's going to climb down in the middle of it. Hate to say it, i figured something. Every time i mention "redwood chips" to complain about then i see in the news something about chip shortage for cars. Figure.

8:17 Was asleep for hours. Read the news. Flying cars. New Berlin airport named after Willy Brandt. Started of course to search for his face. It was quiet until that second. Then the man upstairs started his job.

8:40 Here's a preview. It took me a while because my list went down only to 1920. They were 905 celebrities including actors in the IMDb list born in Hungary between 1910 and 1919, can multiply this by 10 and figure how many approximately they are in total. An enormous number, for a country with today's population of 10 million. LOL he was the first on the list. BTW, the place filled with smoke now.

10:07 After i was done with Willy Brandt was feeling kinda dizzy, with a stomach pain, because of the squeaks. Went for a walk in the complex. After first "intersection" there was this red van on a visitor spot with an open door and a rolled carpet inside. A small plane making a big noise outside. Went all the way to the road. A stinky van passed me, a guy with short pants started to walk in front of me, the whole drill. When i got back i saw a strong athletic black woman who first was bending inside the trunk, then she hit the lid so hard it scared me. The red van with the open door was still there. When i got back here, i realized how much smoke was inside and opened a window. The guy upstairs just stopped his loud TV.

10:22 Searching for another face, ran again into a guy who looks like the cop from WSP who did the report for my accident, did not mention hit and run.

11:20 On April 5 i ordered a pack of 2 mole chasers. One came broken, i fixed it, installed one at the bedroom window and one under the main door. As promised, in about 2 weeks mole were gone, and smoke also. It lasted about 3 months and a half. I don't know how to explain this, but if there's mole mounds next to the building then there's smoke inside. More and more, day by day. My guess is someone passes by with a stick and sticks in one gallery some burning pellets made by one of those numerous ninja recipes in ninja book. About 2 weeks ago i went and pulled the chasers from the ground. One was broken beyond repair (electronics). I made one good out of 2 bad, put it back in the ground, at the corner of the building or in between where those two were. However, mole mounds grew just next to those. Tonight i went and pulled it from the ground, again, electronics, frequency has doubled and intensity has halved. Got to order one on Amazon, a different brand.

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