Thursday, June 30, 2022

June 30

12:50 The reason i was not sobering up after i drank today and slept through the evening was a hole in the ground near the siding at the next apartment. Just a hole, no mound around it. Big enough for the smoke to get here, both through the siding and directly. When i finally felt the smoke, i went outside, poured some borax in it and covered it with soil from a mole mound pretty far away. While searching for the hole, soil, i smelled dog poop but could not find any. Curiously enough, today i thought of how the moles have given up since i pour borax (close to the walls, of course, there are enough further away). I briefly saw some kids, a girl, most likely Japanese, dressed summarily at the entrance of the building across when i looked the door. I looked at the bottles and when i came back i looked again. The bottles were not in the same position which means somebody has gotten inside and out while Angela is sleeping. And upstairs i heard again, after many weeks, a dog running.

1:10 A mall with 1000 people inside, 19 dead and 100 wounded? I only see a few people running around, one person on a stretcher, no cars in the parking lot, one ambulance and one guy with bandages on his head. This can't go on like this, there's got to be some sort of protection for the public from such lies that may lead to serious consequences.

9:54 S-a încheiat președenția Franței, fără nici un efort. Macron a fost foarte ocupat vorbind cu Putin la telefon. Poate intrăm în Schengen odată cu Ucraina.

10:05 Partea din față aduce într-adevăr cu Porsche iar partea din spate aduce cu Citroen DS19 sau cu Tatra 87 (cea mai avansată mașină până spre anii 60) sacrificând puțin look-ul pentru aerodinamică deci consum (Perșu, Porsche?). Hyundai a fost prima firmă care a încercat depus toate eforturile să construiască mașini ieftine cu un consum mic care să aibă formă de mașină și să nu semene cu niște bucăți de săpun rotunde pe la colțuri, ca cele japoneze de până atunci și s-a inspirat de la mărci precum Maserati și Lamborghini, aducând puțină bucurie în ochii posesorilor atunci când și le văd parcate.

1:40 Din păcate și astăzi bursa mi-a dat dreptate după ce s-au lămurit minciunile de dimineață. Dacă totul e pe un edificiu fals și se arată aceasta, ce credeți că se va întâmpla cu acel edificiu? Am plecat în plimbarea mea pentru că aici înnebuneam (fum, mucegai, zgomote) dar abia mă țineam pe picioare, pentru că am băut ieri prea mult (parcă-mi amintesc, vin, bere, coniac, vin, bere, coniac) fiindcă m-am cam săturat de toate. La colț un tip de vreo 20 de ani îmbrăcat în negru a executat niște gesturi obscene care m-au enervat atât de tare încât mi-am revenit, brusc.

Dar la sfârșit. După aproape 5 km cu gantere de 7 pounds (3.5 kg) în fiecare mână și fum în aer eram puțin obosit și visător. Am apăsat butonul (aici pietonii sunt rari) la semafor, s-a făcut verde (adică alb) la prima ocazie și am trecut (trecerea din dreapta). Din spate, adică din nord (de la Naiba), virând stânga a venit un SUV sau van alb cu număr FYD (For Your Death) pe direcție de întâlnire cum mine, călcând legea (nu trebuia să treacă dacă era pieton pe trecere). Pe trotuar o adolescentă brunețică cu coadă împletită la spate, imitație japoneză sau poate chiar americană nativă (indiancă) se uita undeva în spatele meu dar eu mai întorceam oricum capul încă o dată (mult înainte de a deveni șofer, adică timp de 35 de ani, am fost pieton) la care tipa de la volan sau AI-ul care conducea acel vehicul a virat pe banda din mijloc, pe sens invers unde din "fericirea" (de simulare AI) nu era nici o mașină, aia cu săgeată la stânga și m-a ocolit. Tipa (șoferița) zâmbea ușurată deci nu avea nici o treabă, mașina era self driven sau pe remote control.

Anni Frid? Baba Nela? Bjorn. (Baba Nela îi spunea Nuți (șefa de oficiu de la cepele) lui Nela, o operatoare, aba acum m-am prins de ce). Întrebarea e dacă era și Carmen Dan și eu cred că era, fiindcă numele Carmen sugerează muzică, iar împreună Carmen Dan aduce a Madonna (Men Dan, Ma Donna).

Vă rog să nu încercați să mă faceți să înțeleg toate chestiile astea cu asemănările, deși încerc să le pun într-o singură categorie, care se numește Cabala, cuvânt pe care când îl pomenesc îmi îngheață sângele în vine.
5:40 It's much easier to concentrate when doing face searches while laying on the couch with the laptop still in the tray. The man upstairs must be high on something and keep yelling while watching TV. Just before i tried to switch from one side to another (got tired laying on left side) a girl maybe 12 passed twice in front of the glass door, ft away. Nevermind, i'm moving the chromebook back where it was in the tray at the desk. Had to power it down and back up in the new configuration to load the drivers, and that was enough to create in my lap pain that lasted for an hour or so.

8:08 Today i found an app that shows you the cell phone towers on a map and the one you are connected to. A great idea, Beta means still in development, thus buggy. Could not find an app to simply measure the total amount of wi-fi signal in the air, the ones i found only measure one network at the time, and it's supposed to be under 100 something, and i got like 20 with an average of 50 that together make 1000, however i found my old microwave detector made of a diode and a meter, totally passive, and it shows nothing though it moves the needle when i put it next to my cell phone and make a call or next to the oven and start it, about the same.

12:00 Culeg cu stupoare "știrile" în ton cu ultimele mele postări.

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

June 29

9:19 Once a prince, always a prince. Da bine dar cum își beea cafeaua? A ok m-am prins. Își ridica puțin masca într-un colț. O echipă puternică, mandat din 2020. Ok m-am prins iar. COVID-ul (Corona Virus ID) a fost inventat doar pentru a-și acoperi el fața. Dacă nu era COVID-ul îl prindeau din prima.

9:58 Shania. Normal că a deraiat trenul, pe șine era iarbă. Nu vă e rușine să vedeți astfel de poze în Romania anului de grație 2022, cu 32 de ani de la Ceaușescu, 18 ani de NATO și 15 de UE la spate? Și care-i chestia cu Z-ul acela de pe locomativă?

(Read the news, trying to put together a few paragraphs, a helicopter is circling. Can't shoot video, my phone is completely discharged, just plugged it in).

10:12 La summit-ul NATO, Zelensky e superstar pe ecran mare.

10:22 Man, i feel like a woman! Simple ManDoja Cat.
10:26 Naționalismul așa cum îl vedem e iluzia unora mai răsăriți care își deleagă cele mai bune speranțe intenții în mâna dracului.

2:09 Turning my chromebook into a PC with a hub (the gray stick on the floor). All tamed with a cooking tray.

2:45 Mulțumim Rusiei că a renunțat la atitudinea neproductivă de a nu prezenta punctul ei de vedere (her side of the story). Aș dori cu acest prilej să exprim opinia că Rusia ar trebui să considere renunțarea la alfabetul chirilic pentru o mai bună circulație a informațiilor și o scădere a nivelului de izolare față de restul lumii.

5:00 Eram în România și lucram într-un birou înghesuit cu mulți alții înainte de a primi "spațiu" pentru grupa SPAC (Sisteme de Proiectare Asistată de Calculator, după cum am botezat-o), într-un vestiar evacuat.

Într-un an după ce am venit din concediu de la mare, eram epuizat, iar colegii, teoretic toți copii de nomenclaturiști (directori, ingineri, etc..), care știau chestii de vacanță, mi-au zis, din simpatie: Gigi, vrei să te odihnești? Mergi în concediu la munte, nu la mare.

Mulți ani după, am găsit și explicația acelui sfat, o explicație foarte simplă (pe care sunt convins că ei nu o știau). La mare stai în nisip iar vântul ridică din nisip un praf foarte fin de siliciu (care de fapt e tot nisip dar măcinat foarte fin) pe care îl respiri. Acel praf invizibil te irită ușor și îți dă acea senzație de exictație specifică vacanțelor la mare.

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

June 28

2:17 I woke up at 1 AM with digestive pains. Today i installed the AC and forgot to clean the screens from dust and the AC blows (and aspires) through the sliding door screen and i've been breathing the irritant dust (redwood, granite from the screen which of course ends up in stomach when it clears the lungs). I stayed awake for two hours and i had no smoke problems at all. It looks like they have an algorithm, as soon as i started to post, the room filled with cigarette smoke from my neighbor who smokes on the patio of Apt. Nr.2.

I am very satisfied with my Samsung Chromebook. It charges in one hour, lasts up to ten. It is very fast, it loads Chrome browser in one second, plays videos seamlessly, no lag when typing, etc.. However i was complaining of pains in my legs and belly especially after i went at Indian Head casino where they have a very strong wi-fi that can be used from the parking lot. And the signal has to be strong both ways since the laptop sends requests or the text you are typing etc. back to the router.

After my PC went out (power supply) and i didn't want to fix it, i bought a USB hub that allows me to use the chromebook as a PC, by connecting a monitor, keyboard and mouse to it. I was keeping it under desk at my left foot and it is there where i started to have burning pains. Then, i started to have pains in different spots of my legs, belly, etc..

Today i was tuning my guitar with an online in browser tuner from a site and i accidentally put the laptop of top of the guitar and i noticed a weird sound in the amplifier. Yes i know the amplifier cannot amplify those frequencies but sub-harmonics and modulations. Then i tried with the phone but the sound was much less. For now i found a tray (the kind for baking turkeys in the oven) and i use it like that. Thing is the wi-fi which basically uses microwaves at a frequency close to microwave ovens, has automatic settings depending on the distance and if the thing gets hacked the setting can stay permanent at highest. I don't know exactly how much power a wi-fi is supposed to use or what is the hardware limitation though i suspect is specific to brands and manufacturers. Most sites say 100 mW but some go as high as 6 watts. We can fairly assume the emitter in the phone is punctiform.

However the limitations imposed for leaks at microwave ovens go much lower than that. Does that make any sense to anybody who reads this?

4:22 Black face. Still don't know who Frank Farian is. Ran into this picture where i suspect the 4 of them all have fake noses. Until now i only now who Bobby Farrell was, i had an idea about Marcia Barrett (first, left), but there is only one picture. As for color.

5:00 Yeah man. Much better with the tray! Pain in legs is fading, there is still some in the hands, maybe face.

8:08 Bobby. Că nu ieste alta şi mai bună, şi mai eficientă metodă de sucit mințile în toată viiaţa omului decât simbolismul ascuns cu legături peste timp și spațiu.


11:21 Metsubushi. Today after i washed the building with a hose i crashed, due to lack of irritating dust. Sleepy, lethargic. After i reposted the video with the barrels, some crazy with a modified exhaust drove around the building at 11:15 PM until enough mineral fiber dust probably from the attic came inside through open windows.

Earlier i saw the guy with the huge van he parks for years on a compact spot that has INSULATION written on with red letters causally stopping at mailboxes.

11:48 He started back on when i started to type. Ran outside to see who it is, an ambulance siren went off on deserted streets, i think it's the guy with a dark silver Audi with tinted windows who parks at the end of the lower alley. I was ready to write about a very difficult subject, the news with 50 Mexicans dead in a hot truck. This can't be happening, for of a number of reasons, one of them, nobody is that stupid, and i think they could have done something to get out. It's part of the same type of mass killings, when we can't see in the news images with blood on the streets or dead bodies which means it only happens in the media. It looks similar with the recent Ukrainian mall bombing and many other news brought to us by CNN or Fox from Ukraine. Now the guy upstairs started the TV very loud which cancels my thoughts, yelled in Spanish etc., cause i always think of the new paragraph when i write one. Ok i remembered. The reason this popped in the news right now is because of me saying the West Coast of the US is basically occupied by Japanese disguised in Mexicans who by my estimates are in the millions while Mexico itself is kept in a state of terror with the so called drug wars so they can't say nothing (and nobody cares in the US like about Ukraine which is well presented in media).

Monday, June 27, 2022

A Trip to Reno

June 27

1:07 Just came inside after searching for the source of the dung smell. Didn't find anything. Today i intentionally left all windows open at 100 degrees to both dry any trace of water from the carpet (not that there was any left) and also "cook the smells" or let the heat deal with whatever bacteria left behind by washing. The result is it's 81 degrees inside at 1 AM while outside is 75.

I got gas at Grande Ronde (the cheapest) but when i got home i realized i forgot to put the cap on. I called them immediately to ask if i didn't pull the nozzle too, and they first said it doesn't matter, the nozzle are designed so they come apart when pulled hard, preventing someone to drag the hole pump, and when i asked him to look, he went out and then said "nothing out of the ordinary" and then i remembered i had the option to print a receipt which means i put the nozzle back. No receipt came out though.

Two distractions and me being tired (haven't been drinking in several hours) lead to forgetting to put the cap. Some guy dressed in leather on a motorcycle with no muffler started his bike exactly when my pump stopped. The guy on the other side at the other pump coughed loudly and then i looked down and i saw i was standing on a pile of absorbent material, the kind i hate most. Micro-porous calcined silica. So i took of my shoes and put them in a bag and drove barefoot. There is always one of those piles at one pump at that station but tonight i forgot to look. Yes Frank Farian and Boney M where on my mind too (i think it was him, not Jon Andreson i saw tonight at McDonalds),

Tonight i am happy that in Oregon they have attendants at gas stations, with me being distracted and until recently involuntarily high all the time, i would have certainly done it. Drag the nozzle.

In McMinville i caught up with the guy stuntman on the motorcycle, when he did something that made have lead to an accident. He suddenly slowed down while buttoning the screens on his left handle or horn of his motorcycle or whatever is called. But it was the other cars in front of him that slowed down too though not as much. 4 or 5. They always to this. They act in gangs. First one slows and you can't possibly blame him in case of accident, also because he's not going be there anymore. Good thing my low beam is adjusted a bit low and i saw him when he entered the spot, approaching fast into the light. I was telling Angela. Should have been a car, you could realize the distance by the space between lights that appears bigger as you approach it. Also it was the first time in years when i saw a motorcycle on that route at that hour. Then i got mad, i passed him on the right together with several other cars that were going under speed limit, and i sped up, more than usual, following a fast vehicle. He caught up with me half hour later, in the city, right in time for the cameras in down town Tualatin, when he approached from behind and going parallel with my car, but on the right, on the other side where the gas door is, for the show. I didn't like him being on my blind spot so i accelerated and he went on I5.

It's not like the old cars. The newer have some anti-siphoning device (a lid with a spring and the nozzle stays 99% closed and it doesn't smell much expect for the gas that you just poured and is still drying. Just remembered something, i drove by some guy dressed in black, athletic, walking on the right side of the road with something in a bag that could have been an analyzer or gas sampling device but can't remember if it was before or after fill-up.

BTW i want to share something. Since i have this habit of always reading the instant average mpg (average fuel consumption since last reset) i realized something. Tonight right until the stop light at the overpass here on I5 i had a reading of 48 mpg since last fill-up in Grande Ronde. But they were times when on the same route (road quality, elevation difference) i had 40. Most difference is given by tire pressure which i also read constantly. Tonight it was 39 psi at an average of 70 F, but when i did 40 mpg it was 35 psi at 50 F. 20% fuel consumption difference given by 4 psi difference tire pressure and rain.

And yes the cap was hanging next to gas opening and when he approached me on the radio they were playing Keep Me Hanging On with Kim Wilde.

8:08 Bobby