Wednesday, July 5, 2023

July 5

6:20 Cât de mult aș dori să transmit ce urmează la cât mai multe persoane care să o pună în primele rânduri în lista lor de strategii de recunoaștere a realității sociale.

Minciunile au existență limitată în timp, însă ele își îndeplinesc scopul dorit de utilizator dacă rezistă suficient de mult. Chiar dacă ele sunt descoperite și înlăturare, lanțul de evenimente cauzate nu mai poate fi demontat, e deja la timpul trecut, iar scopul lor ultim este de obicei crearea de impresii care conduc la decizii, unele cu efect imediat și ireversibil.

Una din decizii poate fi ștergerea din memorie a unei impresii recente dificile pe un subiect asemănător.

De cele mai multe ori minciuna se poate deduce imediat, prin simpla analiza a faptelor relatate. Însă pentru majoritatea e mai simplu să se lase în voia emoțiilor ca să dea de lucru și emisferei drepte a creierului, cea care ne face să simțim că trăim, decât să trezească cealaltă emisferă care în weekend se odihnește. Fără glumă.

Dacă vă uitați înapoi cu atenție, în SUA de exemplu toate împușcăturile în masă și celelalte evenimente false care cuprind mesaje simbolice ascunse, se desfășoară în weekend când petrecem un timp privat cu familia și suntem cel mai vulnerabili.

Nu am putut reacționa imediat la faza cu căminele de bătrâni, mă gândeam la altceva dar credeți că dacă ei cerșeau goi la poarta căminului de ani de zile chestia ar fi trecut neobservată de media? Sau cei cu afacerea i-ar fi lăsat la poartă să-i vadă lumea? Sau organizațiile caritabile din România nu au observat? Au fost Crăciunuri, Paști, fathers' and mothers' day etc..

Alte fapte relatate în știre sunt însă credibile, ca de exemplu neglijarea, răul tratament, delapidarea etc. și cel mai probabil asta nu se va schimba chiar dacă intervine Corpul de Control al Primului Ministru sau orice altă comiție de-a lor inutil plătită de noi. Însă cea mai mare emoție din știre a fost creată de imaginea imaginară a unor bătrâni goi cerșind la poartă.

Este evident că cei care recurg sistematic de atâția ani la aceste strategii media care prădează mintea noastră nu fac parte din societatea noastră, sunt niște paraziți alieni care trebuie înlăturați. Însă lumea nu-i poate recunoaște, și în general nu își pierde timpul observând că în spatele acestor tulburări de ape în media sunt mereu aceleași nume și fețe umbrite.

Cât despre scopul acestui val de emoție creat deliberat, care deja "și-a făcut efectul", ca un medicament luat forțat, o pilulă amară, puțini ar crede dacă l-aș spune așa că renunț.

7:20 Never realized the name Einstein contains The German word for one, ein, twice. The two languages are pretty close to each other and actually related. However when translated the name means literally One stone which i believe in German as name sounds as weird (Ein Stein) as in English Onestone.

Another interpretation could be eye nein which could tell your subconscious not to look too deep. Another one, ein, ein, or keep counting at one etc.. Ein stays ein. Nine ein ein.

But could also be a coded message for those who under_stood what was all about, that is propagating standing waves of perpendicular alternating electric and magnetic fields.

8:13 After a drier than normal rain season but also a rare summer storm about a week ago, fires erupted in the last weekend in the whole state of Washington. Warning, if you click on the screenshot, this site is very slow.

12:32 Dmitry Medvedev is not heard by the collective west. This news appeared so far in Asia and yahoo news that few read and in neighboring countries like Romania.

In 1945 it was believed Americans had two devices. However, i doubt it, i believe it was all simulated with several hundreds tons maybe thousands of conventional explosives, maybe fertilizer (to hide it from official military) loaded in big wooden planes invisible to radar like the Spruce Goose to simulate the new super weapon. "No other countries was supposed to have them", "there was no fear of retaliation".

Otherwise Japan would have been invaded and their fate would have been different.

It also turned the Japanese into victims though they started the war. It marked the beginning of nuclear peace that lasted to this day. Out of fear people became more obedient to their own governments. There was some compensation. Entertainment. Drugs.

A different situation was in 1908, Tunguska, 3 years after Einstein's first publishing of his theories. That was a much more powerful detonation done by shorting of the ionosphere to the ground, an enormous lightning if you prefer, done remotely with a couple of synced devices or shall i call them antennas, The Eiffel Tower and Wardenclyffe Tower. It cannot be repeated, not right away, without the risk of severely unbalancing the planet's shield to solar and cosmic radiation which is ionosphere. But they didn't know that at first.

After that all hell broke loose in Europe. WWI, Bolshevik revolution, WWII, etc..

Nowadays it is said countries have them in the thousands. People submitted to their governments and accepted secrecy on this subject "so the enemy won't know" however the governments of the world know each other's secrets very well, if not for past mutual verification treaties, is the people who don't know nothing. Unverifiable.

If not for something else, if there is one bit of justice left in this world, Medvedev should be tried for threatening everybody on this planet including Russia, so many times, with oblivion. And that falls in every country's jurisdiction, including Russia, no need for dubious international courts.

1:05 Mulțumesc pentru precizările vage Gheorghe Gheorghiu gay or gay (Cristi). O singură informație utilă în tot interviul?

1:25 Libertatea de a crede orice. Marian Munteanu.

Tuesday, July 4, 2023

July 4th

10:28 The Force of July

10:28 ComoFest, no shooter's face yet, when they will release it it will be too late for erasing the stain on everybody's brain. I mean the false subconscious association. They won't give us a break. The ninja have the Americans' and the whole world's mind tight on their grip and they intend to keep it that way.
10:29 Angela went to wet the plants, buy groceries. Slept few hours, tried to sleep some more, a barking dog woke me 3 times when i was about to fall asleep. I opened the door to see if it was the German Shepard in the balcony next building, i saw a truck i haven't seen around here parked rear first.


10:50 There's a tiny park south of the complex and close to our building (direct line of sight) where every year they do fireworks. We came home and there's so much fireworks smoke outside you can't breath. Inside there's 81 degrees and can't start the AC because the smoke gets in by the leaks. By the noise and height i think they are illegal and after half hour since i came home they start to piss me out.

Monday, July 3, 2023

Travelling EM oscillations

All science describing light is weird. Never knew photons' mass which do not have a resting mass (do they ever rest?) depends on their frequency. According to the formula, when their frequency is zero, their energy is zero and mass is zero.

The EM radiation from a source propagates in all directions and they say is made of two fields, electric and magnetic that constantly recreate each other with each front wave, when any moving electric field creates a magnetic field etc. which fields are said to be perpendicular on each other and on the direction of propagation like in this image.

But the symmetry of propagation is broken as soon as we're away from the equator and at poles we don't have any fields at all. According to this demonstration EM field cannot propagate spherically. Or at least not symmetrically spherically.

The reason we see a light bulb similarly bright when observed from all directions is because we don't see only one front wave, but many, that each has its own (random) direction.

Can't find right now with google a satisfactory answer to the question. Does each photon has its own unique front wave or more than one photon can travel on the same wave front.

The reason we can not have spherical EM fields is EM field is not continuous but quantic in nature. Quantum means is made of discrete values or packets of energy called photons.

In lasers we can have photons traveling in synchronized front waves but they are still discrete. It is only a coincidence of our choice.

I came to believe that light is a collection of photons each with its own front wave that does only exist  around the photons.

I always believed polarization is rather an alignment of the electric and magnetic vectors of many photons rather than an intrinsic property of one photon. However, things have changed and now they are talking about the spin of a photon, that can be left, right, aligned with the direction of propagation and even transverse and the polarization is related to that spin and the spin can carry energy.

Maybe we shall soon come to believe that photon is a magnetically polar particle and its rotation generate the electric and magnetic field associated with it. My head is spinning.

Saleh Theory adds an extra motion to the photon besides linear and spin we know of already again carying extra energy but where is the balance to the centripetal force. Could it be the interaction of a magnetically or electrically polarized photon with its own front wave? If photon had a electric charge, the helical motion would create of course a variable electric field also calling for a magnetic one etc..

Or maybe there's no photon at all but just a (singled out, orphaned) EM disturbance that maintains self, a bubble that propagates on a straight line in vacuum in the same way disturbances propagate in elastic media though like spheres of pressure waves, that have a life of their own after the source ceases to exist.

One single front wave made of an one alternating electric and one alternating magnetic field in motion that recreate each other in time while advancing in space in steps, one after another, with nothing behind and nothing ahead. There is a phase difference between the electric and magnetic field that propel each other through space as both lag to each other at the speed of light and the lag time is the wavelength of the disturbance divided by the speed of light.

All the transfers between electric and magnetic fields within the bubbles that make the quanta of light of the same frequency and same direction in the whole Universe are in phase due to resonance and the space itself is divided in planes of resonance or slices where electric and magnetic field can turn into each other and those would be stationary and at equal distance and time of transfer between fields which is the same at each frequency and that makes for the speed of light being constant and generally greatest in Universe.

Quantum because there is only one value for the intensity of magnetic and one value for the intensity of electric field for the phenomenon to occur when in resonance with the others.

The energy carried by a quantum of light would be E = hc/λ, with h = 6.625 × 10–34 Js (Plank's constant) and c is the velocity of light and is dependent only by frequency. However there is not one single collection of parallel and equidistant planes but separate collections on all frequencies and all directions.

All disturbances on the same frequency (quanta of light) of the same direction resonate across the Universe however there can be as little as a few in one direction and that can be observed as what we call quantum entanglement.

It is not the space that is bent in the vicinity of big masses but the slices that channel light.

Polarization. Yes, a disturbance, depending on how it was created can have a spin without being a particle.

Interference. At short distances planar front waves of many disturbances combine through interference into quasi spherical hence all the classical experiments. Double slit experiment etc..

So far all my ideas are philosophical deductions, 3D geometric enunciations and verbal description. As There are no mathematical formulas, as Einstein used us to, nothing to illustrate those though there are conclusions that satisfy certain experimental knowledge, like the speed of light is constant and the limit to all speeds in Universe, quantum entanglement etc..

So i wanted to take a look at Maxwell's equations to see if i can grab something meaningful to my demonstration and all i could find was counter intuitive integrals, differentials and gradient symbols that tell me nothing. So i had to take a look again at things i haven't seen in more than 40 years and started with the basics of calculus from a video narrated in English,

Though i can cross now easily the language barrier, i ran into the same problem i did so many years ago.

Definitions of a differential starts with an equation using abstract terms, ds and dt, that can be as small as we can imagine. And all of a sudden in the in the comfort of my intuitive mind the left term of the equation flys to zero or infinity whatever comes first when those entities approach zero.

In reality, the term dt that disappears on the right since it can be as small as possible (approaches zero as the narrators states) in the left side becomes a convention within a notation system, it does not have the value of an equation or division term anymore. Too bad considering all the resources that video took to make and all the hopes of those who watch it and generally the head scratching of all students that ever had to go through this ordeal.

Nevermind i just ran into an animation with two simple equations i can understand hopefully deriving from that symbolism that show the two fields are in phase though the em field is continuously fed from behind which is not possible since the "photons" are emitted by single electrons while decaying orbit or changing energy level. But what happens to the traveling photons when we turn off the light, what pushes them from behind in a non elastic medium (air which for this purpose of this mental experiment can be considered vacuum).

Nevermind an idea just came to me. In the animation above the E field is at 180 degrees on the perpendicular B field and vice-versa. And if i think now, i realize this is how they create each other.

However i believe they propagate in a different way than shown in the animation since in the case of a single photon coming out of a single electron there is no spherical front wave to push it from behind since there cannot be spherical magnetic fields and that would be also an enormous waste of energy of a single electron changing level and would not explain the indefinite travel of a "photon" at the same speed of light through space to the infinity and that field would cease to exist anyways after the electron has changed level.

The whole energy is carried in one in a traveling complete oscillation of both fields instead or EM pulsating quantum instead of being potentially dissipated on a sphere with the radius of the distance the photon travels and i bet that is the mass of the moving photon per Einstein's fundamental equation.

I also believe the best way to describe those in words would be "traveling standing waves". One electric standing wave transfers all of its energy to a magnetic one and then disappears while the bubble or EM pulsating quantum travels 180 degrees on y as time axis while it turns 90 degrees on y as direction axis like a corkscrew for the sake of symmetry.

This is what the electric (or magnetic) component of the cycle should look like for one electric period only. The magnetic component would oscillate in similar ways but in horizontal plane (unseen in the video) and at 180 degrees in the direction of moving of the EM field. During the next period the first component will be moved in space a full 360 degrees etc..

Moving mass of a photon. It's simply the oscillating energy of a fast moving EM quantum transferred through a collision with a "solid" surface or particle. Same for photoelectric effect. An "electron" gets knocked out of orbit by a "photon" that was created by an electron decaying to a lower orbit.

Gravity. They have been talking so much of it, after Tesla, Einstein, others. Whole mathematics have been invented for trying to explain those (string theory in the 11th dimensions space) but so far no one has come (in public) with a verifiable solution.

I will try to make a few steps over the normal ones on such a complex theory and state that gravity may be simply a (dynamic) residual attraction between EM pulsating stationary quanta of energy, or disturbances that do not travel or resonate like light quanta, but instead are caught, due to interaction with others, figuring dynamic dipoles that happen to be in phase or close to, naturally reorienting for or close to attraction.

By not travelling, through analogy with light those could generate their own space and time.

Mass (inertial) in general would be the resistance of moving the stationary EM quanta through the resonance planes of light. In the case of fast constant speed moving quanta like "photons" if you add energy to the photon you change only frequency, in the case of slow moving or stationary disturbances (quanta), like "heavier particles", if you add energy to those you will change speed.

Once acquired a certain amount of energy (speed) they will simply jump through the planes at constant speed, the resistance will appear only when adding speed.

No electrons do not create EM dipoles by moving around. Smaller particles EM pulsating quanta have mass and interact with gravity.

It is said Einstein didn't like the name photon. I submit the whole class of particles we know today as bosons should be called gozons.

July 3rd

11:54 I have been breathing harder and harder and suddenly got violently sick, mainly shortness of breath, dizziness and the feeling i am about to pass out, and had to leave. Part of it was the ES medium filter that can catch airborne mold spores and bacteria had been inadvertently stopped since yesterday and also because of this. Yes it compares to waterboarding which is a form o torture. Almost daily for almost 28 years.
1:15 As the big fat lady passed the breathing spadce is filled with dog smell and that cannot be filtered fats enough before it fills my lungs and then it passes to the digestive system.

5:35 So far all my ideas i the previous post are philosophical and 3D geometric enunciations and deduction. As Einstein used us to, there are no mathematical formulas, nothing to illustrate those tough there are conclusions that satisfy certain experimental knowledge, like the speed of light is constant and the limit to all speeds in Universe, quantum entanglement etc,,

So i wanted to take a look at Maxwell's equations and all i could find was counter intuitive integrals, differentials and gradient symbols that tell me nothing, So i had to take a look again at things i haven't seen in more than 40 years and started with the basics of calculus from a video narrated in English,

Though i can cross now easily the language barrier, i ran into the same problem i did so many years ago. Though now i can solve that problem, i cannot embedded in my mental processes related to calculus and make it kick start those when i see the symbols. My brain has been wired in a different way back then and stays the same.

And here's the problem. Definitions of a differential starts with an equation though using abstract terms, ds and dt, that can be as small as we can imagine. And all of a sudden in the in the comfort of my  intuitive mind the left term of the equation flys to zero or infinity whatever comes first.

In reality, the term dt that disappears on the right since it can be as small as possible (approaches zero as the narrators states) while in the left side becomes a convention within a notation system, it does not have the value of an equation term anymore. Too bad considering all the resources that video took to make and all the hopes of those who watch it and generally the head scratching of all students that ever had to go through this ordeal.

9:10 Their children are  back in the yard yelling in Japanese. Almost in my balcony and outside is almost dark and i made some fried bread.

9:20 It was silence for a while. Now they came back to the balcony as i'm eating.

Saturday, July 1, 2023

July 1st

9:05 Last night i was driving from Lincoln City and while trying to beat the boredom (when not struggling to keep on the road while being blinded by the numerous vehicles with off specs headlights) i thought of the question the cop Boston Draper asked during the night of 20/21 2021. "What happened at the moment of impact?"

My answer was "i sped up an he slowed down".  That was what i saw and it is explained by the transfer of momentum by the equation m1v1=m2v2. Actually, should be m1deltav1 equals m2deltav2 whatever where delta is the difference of speed before and after impact.

Was that a rhetoric question during a staged, allegoric incident, or maybe an opportunistic rhetoric question after the main purpose of the staged accident was not achieved, suggesting exactly the problem i talked about yesterday. When hitting a reflecting surface a photon turns back at the same speed of light, though in the opposite direction and the speed component of the momentum changes sign. It appears though there is a changes sign the above equation is satisfied.

Ok now i woke up after 4 hours with the same questions in mind and i asked google a few things just to clarify.

What i found out. According to  Saleh Theory Photons do not travel straight but on a 3D helical trajectory. The straight line in the middle of that helix is the direction of light. Though they have no electric charge, apparently they ride on the electric/magnetic field or the other component of their dual nature, fields that constantly (re)create each other as the EM wave progresses. (BTW can there be an EM wave without a photon or more riding it). Attached to that motion there is the frequency of both field and photon or the wave length or pitch of the helix or color of the photon in case of visible light.

If the projection of the speed of the photon to the line in the center of the helix stays the same (the speed of light), on an intrinsic coordinate system or tangent to its helical trajectory the speed of the photon should be greater than the speed of light.

It appears the momentum transfer during a reflection event applies to that helical speed only since the speed of light or its projection on a straight line in the middle of the helix cannot be changed and there is a shift in frequency together with a reduction of photon's momentum and energy in the intrinsic coordinate system due to the transfer.

Now i got puzzled again but on a different level an need to take a break.

1:40 For those who ask themselves what i have done all morning under the car, is i removed the failing clips for the panels and installed zip ties instead because the panels were vibrating like crazy making a sinister sound. For some i had to drill extra holes ("return" holes) so i can close the zip tie loop. I had some before since last few days, when i ran out of big ones, put small ones instead, today i replaced those, i have in total maybe ten of them.

Yesterday when i drove to Lincoln City after first variant at Nyberg and almost an accident. A big red Dodge SUV with a woman at the wheel pushing, i made me stayed a few seconds longer at the intersection for the second variant, from forward was coming speeding a small car, i miscalculated the distance and almost got hit by it while making the left turn.

After that i found myself behind a cistern, unmarked and had to drive behind it, speeding, no chance to pass until Sheridan when it pulled right. The i stopped at Grand Ronde and saw it pass, like 15 minutes behind me,

1:50 I went to take this picture and the guy that had his car next to ours last night and this morning came and started the car then he waited for his wife in the middle of the alley who came from building D, again looking Japanese pretending Latina. So i waited a couple of minutes for them to go and went and took several pictures when i saw a white unmarked Police car (most likely Washington County where i'm residing (not to be confused with Washington State, another name coincidence i forgot to write about)) passed by

It was dark under car and had to use the flash and almost flashed the camera in his face when he passed. First pictures did not come right so i had to go and take some more.

Yesterday morning. I knew there was going to be some retaliation after i hosed the building Thursday night and they got in my jet's direction, on purpose. Yesterday morning after i went to WinCo to buy aspirin (yest it works as patch) because of pain from dust, i left for a walk and they were these guys ready to apply herbicide on the mulch areas. Three of them with manual pumps in their backs figuring ninja turtles. I saw them in the past, but only one at a time, around the building.

The wind was blowing towards me from their direction and they were just starting so they were at the edge of the parking lot, at a distance from each other, next to the children's playground and caught all three of them one after another, spraying. At the last one i felt something getting in my eyes, maybe drops that dried out and aerosolized, i looked at them, they weren't wearing any protection like google or gloves. they were cars around, so i said to myself, most likely is not toxic.

However when i fell asleep in the evening and woke up my eyes were hurting and dripping a bit but did not realized what it was and then i went to Lincoln City with the same jeans a T-shirt bla bla. When i came back my eyes were hurting and had enough time to think while driving and remembered the three sprayers of Friday morning.

Things like these, like with the cistern, the sprayers, etc. always happen before holidays like 4th of July. Today as i was under the car i saw a classic car putting much exhaust, others, there was this irritating smell coming from a laundry exhaust, etc.. Wondering what lies ahead, getting ready to go near Olympia, WA.