Saturday, November 4, 2023

November 4th

12:00 Hostile. We just came home and i opened the sliding glass door to air cause there is a mixture of ozone and dog s...t smell in here. Or Dimethyl sulfide the same. Within seconds an exhaust started to purr, just to shake dust from walls and attic. Like they always do lately. I remember the Thule Roof Box on the truck that passed me on 125 when we left.

Basically all the people around, in the complex, on the roads are involved. But i won't try to remember and write down everything that happened on the road on my way to Spirit Mountain. We left early under Angela's protest cause at those hours the machines were very tight. Had some fish and chips and in there i have to mention a few people that were making noises to the point i almost chocked. A short episode of dysphagia though it's hard with freshly deep fried fish and chips. Then we spent all the money and left.

But about half hour before that. We went back to the old non smoking area (now the whole casino is non smoking) and tonight wildfire smoke entered the heating and cooling system and there was a live band made of three people on the podium there. A Black guy with some Asian was singing Green Green Grass of Home. At which point i "half sat on a chair" and fell together with the chair on the floor in slow motion.

I thought it was the same old reflex from practicing Judo falls learned from a book when i was a kid. I think i stopped at the throws when i fell from a tree and tried to do a fall and hit a rock with my left elbow and that got me into two surgeries, a screw attached and only 60% percent mobility left in that elbow which i believe was done in purpose by the surgeon so when i sit or even sometimes when i walk i keep my hand bent and sort of like in front of my pants if you know what i mean.

And yes we were practicing the falls (me and other kids and even a couple of mature people) in the grass on top of soft soil. Without much confidence because we didn't know if we got it right just by using that book. I remembered that right before i hit the floor however it came out more like an Aikido half roll, unextended right arm first. Something i learned subcontiously while watching a video? Nothing broken, despite my age and weight (over 200 lbs).

Within seconds an Asian guy with blue shirt came and aggressively offered to call medical help which i declined until i got so pissed i forgot to look closer at that chair.

I know those chairs well (i've been there for years, remember) and i sat on them in every imaginable way. A few minutes later i went to look but that particular chair was taken and no matter how much i tried with another similar one, i could not loose balance or "tip the center of gravity".

When about to leave, Angela stopped at the restroom next to smoker's room entrance and i was waiting and saw a group of about 1000 people passing on that hall coming from the hotel towards the casino. Of which some of them i saw earlier inside the playing area.

Somehow Angela got outside and didn't see her and we met there. But then when i tried to leave, the warning sign for the lights came back on (it was on this morning when Angela went to work, then off when she came back and when i drive in there), so she bought a bulb from NAPA on her way home.

When we left the casino i was feeling "stoned" and i remember i felt earlier vaping smell in the main non smoking area and i wonder if that smoke present inside was not mixed with something.

So tried to replace the bulb it in the parking lot (and security came promptly offering a jump start) but when i tried to pull the old bulb from the connector, the light came on (yes it was on).

Trying to drive back home. Had trouble seeing the lane marks under the rain, both of us. Even on newly paved areas. In the two intersections in McMinville near the hospital he lights are always red though there is no traffic in the crossing direction. Trying to get used of the car's new way of shifting after i added 200 ml fluid in the transmission (after let all the surplus flow out last summer).

Getting better while closer but in Tualatin there is an area on Tualatin Sherwood near downtown where there are no lane lines or reflecting pads or nothing) and now i'm almost cleared of whatever i drank (soda from the soda machines) and breathed (wildfire smoke mixed with something). Nothing hurts in the orthopedics line. Congested nose like most of the times, trying to breath on mouth.

1:24 I know what happened. It was not the chair, it was the floor. When i sit on a chair in the casino many times the chair moves under me on the soft floor when people pass buy. Must have been an irregularity or weakening of the floor. But given the synchronization with what the band was playing, i don't believe it was random.

First or second row of machines on the left after passing the new women's restroom after coming from main entrance.

I remember minutes earlier i sat at a machine, got up and did not set the chair back in position (because of being tired, high and a bit confused). They were two attendants that ran at the chair and put it right, again within seconds.

2:00 I was sipping some tea (after i ate) and a door got slammed in the distance and i chocked... on tea, and now can't stop coughing.

It's 1:25 AM and the robot upstairs is squeaking in the rhythm of my thoughts when i curse the Jeeps in my mind.

Friday, November 3, 2023

November 3rd

12:25 Asta ar trebui introdus pentru vot pe agenda (ordinea de zi) a Consiliului plin (de șefi de state), sau configurația JAI (a miniștrilor de interne) care agendă este făcută de configurația GAC (al miniștrilor europeni) care... nu se va întâmpla, ca să nu se vadă cine se împotrivește cu veto (este nevoie de unanimitate pentru a se renunța la unanimitate).

Și noi știm cine, Austria și Ungaria, fostele mari puteri europene care pot folosi acest veto ca să controleze toată Uniunea cu exemplul, lamentarea Germaniei care nu poate face nimic din ce vrea, de atâția ani.

Este ușor de înțeles că o țară ca România poate fi ușor bully de aceste două țări, dar nu înțeleg de ce Germania nu blochează pur și simplu la schimb anumite decizii dragi austro-ungarilor pentru a negocia renunțarea la unanimitate.

De fapt orice țară din Consiliu inclusiv România poate începe un protest prin blocarea prin veto a oricăror decizii până la rezolvarea acestei probleme.

Căci din comportamentul Austriei față de România oricine poate înțelege că ei nu cred decât în argumente forte.

Iată agenda ultimei întâlniri și următoarele. Cum ar fi dacă România ar bloca prin veto toate aceste rezoluții la care participă câte unul din miniștrii noștri în funcție de configurație, fiecare cu drept de veto? Însă vedeți dvs.. Agenda (ordinea de zi) apare doar cu o săptămână înainte.

6:00 Got to get one of these. No! Not Emilia Clarke! Can't you all see? Sara looks like Seri. And Alexa.

6:56 I just started to think. About half hour ago, not long after i posted the entry above somebody from upstairs made some noises and then i heard a car starting and then it went all quiet.

7:52 What a dramatic tenor voice and what an awkward video.

11:00 Și mi-ai lăsat jurnalul dar aștept semnalul...

2:41 Just got rid of the last small bottles and sprays in here because they stank and don't want to tolerate any unwanted smells and found out about this. DMDS which is used as food additive, also to give gasoline the easy to spot unpleasant smell that passes to motor oil during normal operation (otherwise gasoline is odorless), is also a sex attractant.

2:55 În 28 de ani de cânt trăiesc în SUA nu am plătit niciodată comision la vreo bancă iar cash am folosit arareori (în afară de păcănele, mai recent)..

Thursday, November 2, 2023

November 2nd

12:10 Anybody knows what pizzicato is? It is a way of playing violin like a guitar, by picking chords with a nail, without using the bow. It is used a lot in Chinese and Japanese traditional music and one singer comes to mind... Rimi Natsukawa (not that i know so many), known to us all as Mariah Carey.

Synth pop era started triumphantly in Europe with Modern Talking and ended in the US with Madonna.

In the beginning, as the name clearly states, they were making heavy use of synthesizers and sequencers and stuff that just came on the scene from the labs and specialized companies. Monophonic, polyphonic, midi etc..

Though they were perfected over the years, a few types of sounds stayed to the end. They faded in the 90s and lately they were surpassed by the AI and only retro bands still use them. AI was much more insidious to the point we listen today to music made entirely by AI including voices and we don't even notice it.

Though heavily influenced by the same current in Japan, some of them included Japanese tunes that at times sound like the (what is the name of the three strings instrument she plays in the video above).

Very obvious in many of Madonna's song but i have the feeling that Dieter Bohlen synths imitated a lot the pizzicato sound and far East melodies especially the instrument in the video above though less obvious for the untrained ear (check again the intro here). And after him, the whole cohort.

But that doesn't mean we don't have pure rock music, spiced maybe with a Moog from the beginning of the synth era (yes she lives in a bubble and steals people ('s hearts)).

6:00 Another one... Cum lași site-urile alea, te duci să ștergi toate video-urile sau doar nu mai încarci? Și totuși cred că am văzut-o (ieri) undeva...

6:45 During the 2000s more evolved synths were used in a whole new genre called electronica, based entirely on those with the subgenre house that originated in... Romania (Why Vika Jigulina in this live show looks like Morticia from Adams family).

6:55 Which reminds me. Now i know, the glass balls represent the sun. My woman from Tokyo? BTW, wanted to say this for several days now and keep forgetting. Is the Mercedes logo a solar symbol and Benz stands for Benzaiten? CDs?

1:10 Newsworthy (There's someone in my head and it's not me). A team of 3 female journalists from Business Insider chose to let the whole world know that NYC mayor killed gassed rats on a whole street in New York. But one newyorker begs to differ in a comment titled "It is not new" (second best in the list) in the original article from "Gothamist" (can't share the comment or link in text).

In one of the pictures is shown an obvious German looking guy pumping whatever in the ground next to a BMW parked on the street.

There are contradictions in the article. The real b...h behind it seem to be though...

The reason i resent is it comes after my complaints of gasoline smell, some coming from obvious puddles on the ground, burnt vegetable oil smell after me doing fries yesterday, that i can still feel it as i write now. The symbolism. The main picture in the article shows a rat and a woman that looks like taken from a tiktok twerking post.

1:45 But i bet nobody from Business Insider is going to explain people the "flat high" of the stock market today (official explanation, no FED hiking rates expected) and always under the rising Sun which is bad news for inflation, flat high that comes with a 2.55% hike rate in oil prices.

3:43 Though i was violently sick yesterday, after eating and drinking crazy things for about a month, finally all these got to my guts with a bile and intestinal blockage and ER level pain, but i don't think i'm gonna die right away.

I did not go to ER as pain seemed intermittent. (I think) i cured myself with omeprazole, glasses of water with backing soda, meditating, eating small amounts of bland food and sleeping in my pod (a sleeping bad made of industrial type 99% reflecting insulation). And of course washing my stinking comforter of which i completely forgot lately.

Also today after i figured i was chocking because of the mold smell, went outside and picked about 100 lbs of rotting leaves "forgotten" by the landscapers yesterday that were covering the wet soil after rain and smelling like outdoor mold.

3:51 Ideal for patching holes in the floor of heaven. Color is close to your ceiling paint (indistinguishable). Mix small amounts with water to the consistency of putty (you know how) and push immediately with a suitable size Philips screwdriver in each hole, several times, then wipe the excess. Can use a slightly bigger screwdriver if you can't find the right size. Should take about 5 to 10 minutes for a hole.

When using slightly bigger screwdrivers and that is most of the time, do not push the screwriver all the way through, cause it is so much easier to fill having a narrowing at the other end.

Do not use ready made mud or any store mix cause it shrinks upon curing leaving the hole visible and having to repeat the procedure.

To find holes, use a dental probe in suspected areas. Sometimes older holes are covered over the years by layers of paint that cracked and are not obvious.

The resulting patch using the material linked above is harder and made of the same material as the drywall itself and also fuses with it so it can be used for bigger holes up to a few inches diameter with a piece of cardboard on the other side kept in place with strings or wires.

There are numerous, clumsier and less effective ways to do it.

Another big source of dust in your apartment is your breakers box, which is as big as all plugs combined. To seal the space around it you need either plaster or clear removable silicone which does not work well on drywall.

Also check the space around door frames, AC vents, in wall  heaters. In wall heaters actually have holes in the box that allow "air" from inside wall to be sucked and pushed into the room. They also burn household and wall dust, like bar space heaters. Bar space heaters create an air flow that also sucks and burn dust from inside the wall through the floor to wall space.

It is controversial if to seal the space between walls and floor. Dust is usually heavier than air and does not climb except for the invisible, statically charged dust which may result from prolonged vibrations which flies in your rooms like crazy for hours (if you don't have an ionizer). (Any dust that passes through a fan like of the fridge becomes electrically charged). If air does not penetrate the space in the wall, it becomes even stinkier usually with sulfur dioxide. Use your rich imagination if or what to put in there.

(We'll talk after you're done with your home work).

10:02 Today's smoke comes from yet another fire that's right in wind's direction that apparently started after last rain? Or maybe the wind shifted, can't remember how it was yesterday. Found a site where you can find historical data for precipitations in different Oregon areas, it rained half inch in the area with the fire yesterday. More rain to come tomorrow.

The smoke doesn't help me. From lungs it eliminates in esophagus and then in the stomach (our own body filtration system, all dust and smoke particles we breath end up in your guts for elimination).

12:00 First i thought i heard someone climbing the stairs, after "he came home", but the sound continued beyond stairs length until i went and opened the door... I did not meet with anyone here tonight or anywhere else, ever, since i came in this country in 1995. I also figured another reason for the big work at the sewer...

If someone who can red this is ever invited here, they must know i will never invite anybody and should not come. And this is not a fake disclaimer.

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Schengen Forever

Ok deci am scrântit-o rău cu Schengen-ul. M-am aventurat pe vastele site-uri ale UE, am răsfoit tratate și de fiecare dată când vedeam ceva mi s-a părut că găsesc câte o greșeală enormă în birocrația lor.

Dar nu a fost așa, treburile au fost gândite bine, poate prea bine pentru scopul de a ține afară două țărișoare mai proaspăt aderate adică în 2005, cu aplicare în 2007, Croația semnând tratatul de aderare în 2011 cu aplicare în 2013.

Deși tratatul Schengen care a demarat separat de Uniunea Europeană în 1985 a devenit până la urmă un protocol din Tratatul UE, toată lumea recunoaște că este o parte importantă din UE (în afară de Iohannis al nostru).

De fapt ce înseamnă UE? Libertatea de mișcare a mărfurilor, capitalurilor și a persoanelor. Cu alte cuvinte fără Schengen "doar cu UE" mărfuri și capitaluri pot veni și pleca din România, dar românii să lucreze la negru în UE.

După ce am citit și eu în sfârșit Tratatul de Aderare al României din 2005, am înțeles că principala grijă a fost scoaterea României în afara cadrului legal al Tratatului privind acquis-ul Schengen, ceea ce s-a manifestat chiar în Articolul 4 din Tratat care spune că această dispoziție majoră, anume acquis-ul Schengen, nu se aplică României până la o verificare aprobată unanim de Consiliu (din care România urma să facă parte), (deci urma să-și voteze sie însăși verificarea acestor condiții).

Însă nu mai putem vorbi în termeni ca "aderarea României la Schengen". Aderarea s-a produs la 1 ianuarie 2007 odată cu intrarea în forță a Tratatului de Aderare la UE citat mai sus. Mai trebuia o verificare a condițiilor, făcută în mod ciudat de Consiliu și în unanimitate. Ca și când Consiliul nu a votat odată în unanimitate aderarea României la UE care pe atunci deja cuprindea Schengen.

Și mai jos în Articolul 4 paragraful (2), marea contradicție. "Dispoziţiile acquis-ului Schengen... deşi sunt obligatorii pentru Bulgaria şi România de la data aderării, se aplică pe teritoriul fiecăruia dintre aceste state membre numai în temeiul unei decizii adoptate de Consiliu în acest sens". Obligatorii de la data aderării, dar numai în temeiul unei decizii.

Ce se întâmplă în cazul în care, după 16 ani (2023-2007) Consiliul nu "aprobă verificarea", și nu se întrevede nici o posibilitate reală ca el să o facă într-un timp previzibil?

Câte rezoluții legislative și ne-legislative în cadrul Consiliului JHA (Justice and Home Affairs) JAI (Justiție și Afaceri Interne) în românește au fost votate unanim, deci inclusiv de către România, începând de la 1 ianuarie 2007? Din ce am văzut, JAI se întrunește cel puțin de 2 ori pe an și votează mai multe rezoluții de fiecare dată.

Inclusiv "aprobarea verificării dispozițiilor" Croației de către Consiliu anul trecut.

Dar să nu uităm declarația preliminară a Tratatului de Aderare care spune că Tratatul este în vigoare până la apariția Constituției EU.

Ok deci m-am dus să caut când a fost votată și ratificată de statele membre o Constituție a UE și am aflat că a fost înlocuită de Tratatul de la Lisabona din 2007. Deci nu există o Constituție a UE, ci doar tratate.

Da, m-am mirat foarte mult, pentru că nu era posibil să existe o Constituție care să stipuleze că 3 țări semnatare nu sunt membre al unei părți importante din UE, anume acquis-ul Schengen.

Această clauză exclusivistă (în sensul rău) s-a păstrat deci în Tratatul de la Lisabona din 2007. Dar Băsescu putea să nu semneze Tratatul de la Lisabona iar România, care devenise membru UE la 1 ianuarie 2007, după ratificarea Tratatului de Aderare din 2005 de către toate țările, adică Parlamentul, putea să nu-l ratifice și rămânea pe acel tratat din 2005 în continuare membru UE, al Consiliului, etc.. deci nu avea nimic de pierdut.

Iar Tratatul de la Lisabona pica, fiindcă era nevoie de o unanimitate a ratificărilor, la fel ca și Constituția mai devreme prin votul negativ al Franței și Olandei iar UE nu se dărâma. Pentru că EI vor UE. Pentru controlul deplin și lejer al Europei. Bineînțeles că dacă România avea reprezentanți reali (pe bune) se putea negocia și sunt sigur că ar fi cedat, de dragul Tratatului de la Lisabona.

Cu alte cuvine România și-a aprobat singură ne-aplicarea acquis-ului Schengen prin aprobarea Tratatului de la Lisabona cu păstrarea dreptului de vot în unanimitate al Consiliului în această problemă înscrisă la loc de cinste în tratat. Prima dată de Ministrul de Externe, apoi în Consiliu, semnat apoi de Băsescu și în final ratificat în Parlament.

Ce a adus nou Tratatul de la Lisabona și de ce era nevoie de el. Mai multă putere Parlamentului UE? Parlamentul UE nu are nici o putere, singura putere în UE este Consiliul. Rolul Tratatului a fost să înlocuiască o Constituție.

Dar cine înțelegea pe atunci toate astea, în afară de EI, pe vremea când internetul încă era pe dial-up iar google avea doar câțiva anișori?

Stau și mă întreb dacă România nu poate încă să denunțe adică să renunțe la acel tratat, și să rămână pe cel din 2005 care are aceeași valoare juridică (ratificat de toate țările membre).

November 1st


3:00 WT...

8:30 I went for my walk in the rain after Angela came. I like walking in the rain with an umbrella. I always do the same route, no variations. From around a corner here comes this tall guy with a large hat who could have been Martin... Or an opera singer from Romania... Haven't seen him in a while. At his age people evolve quickly, sometimes from one month to another... And he said, sarcastically, "What a wonderful day for a walk..." and then he walks by and i couldn't help but answer... "Wonderful...".

Everywhere i go people create scenes, more intense than ever, trying to catch me in, to get reactions, etc... I went to WinCo and i saw many people trying to emulate her, and saw someone with a type of makeup i saw before, sort of like monochromatic brown, i think it works best for CGI . She came outside with her cart in the same time with me. She left in a white Mercedes parked next to my car, a minute before me.

Earlier i felt again the gasoline smell, even a few minutes ago, went outside and the smell was only at our door. Could not be from Nr.1 which is empty cause it's raining and rain would have washed the gasoline... Would had? Or someone creates the smell intermittently...

9:10 Earlier i made some fries in a deep fryer on the patio and now it smells outside like everybody on a one mile radius is doing the same...