Ran By David Diggins of now Texas?, who i met at Beaverton Church of the Nazarene (he had a breathing problem, he was wheezing) in 98 then we went together to a Bible study at Ron Boger in Beaverton, now in Vancouver, WA. Wally Johnston, chaplain of Beaverton Police, Robert (Shawn) Parker of Beaverton, OR, Carlton Smith of Aloha, OR and of course pastor dr.Dennis Swift now of Portland, Oregon. And many others. Can't remember when i last saw David, in 2002? He fixed my noisy truck (found a loose rocker arm bolt) and created a coolant leak that stayed there for many years without the coolant level to go down... Actually i found out about a year ago, it was an engine imbalance due to a spark plug or wire... And my wife's car many times... With his Mexican helper...
I remember David kept asking me "What for did you go to school so many years, George?" and now i think i can answer him, so i can now write this blog, David...
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Now i have to confess, i wrote this because of a picture i found on the internet and a voice in a video that looks/sounds exactly like David's. Part of the reason is i don't have cable and don't go to the movies at least since 2004. One day maybe @2009 the apartment manager at the other place in Beaverton (Sussex Village Apartments) came to our door and told us to remove the satellite dish from the kitchen window. And that was it we didn't get cable because back then the non HD cable had 240 lines, half of NTSC resolution then we got used to the antenna and now we have HD on the antenna and spend too much time and money on the internet anyways. A graphic artist from New York put a number of photoshop altered pictures of artists as how would they look those men/women if they never became celebrities but lived a normal life. This one below taken from there is supposed to be Tom Cruise, fatter, perspired and dressed casaually.
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David Diggins? |
I remember one day David invited me to have dinner with his friend, a Hungarian and i don't know why, but i refused. Maybe because David never invited me to have a meal together before. But we once had lunch at Best Teriyaki in Beaverton and that was my invitation... He had a chicken Teryiaki bowl, i remember, i had the full serving, he was modest, now i understand why, he didn't want to gain more weight... It is one of the best fast foods in Portland area, however David was very shy and hesitating and it looked to me like to him it was a very big sacrifice to eat there...
Today my brake pedal was making a weird farting noise when first touched with the foot. When i checked there was no more fluid in the front side of the reservoir. I barely made it home with my foot above the e-brake pedal at the left side of the clutch pedal. I had some fluid in a bottle and added it. Then i went for a test drive and then looked under and saw no leaks so far. This solves a bit the mystery about why it was pulling left when hitting the brakes hard in the last few months. After i added fluid, brakes started working again but better than before with no pull. This saves me the trip to Les Schwab i had planned for this week. I think, i will see tomorrow how it works. Cause the night is getting longer in October in the parking lot. The other part of the mystery is ... why? or who?
BTW could never fix that coolant leak, although i replaced the thermostat housing with the pipe and the leaking joint three times... Every time it was working until the warranty for the parts expired. I once paid 180 dollars at the dealer for an original assembly... However that leak was not big enough to explain an accumulation in my body... the source probably was somewhere else... Like eating a cake or like today some crackers made outside US and EU. Or maybe they are saying i was driving around with a coolant leak on purpose... My first Ford had a bad coolant leak and had to add coolant all the time... Once Angela's car was leaking and added coolant for months or maybe a full year until i discovered a hose that was obviously punctured... And today i might have an answer to it.
"Xenu was about to be deposed from power, so he devised a plot to eliminate the excess population from his dominions. With the assistance of psychiatrists, he gathered billions[4][5] of his citizens under the pretense of income tax inspections, then paralyzed them and froze them in a mixture of alcohol and glycol to capture their souls."
Tom Cruise' initials are TC. But on his signature they appear more like JC.
Cser Tibor
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