Thursday, September 6, 2012

Smart Meters

Reedited 09/07/2015

How are the damn smart meters affecting your privacy. Nobody i heard so far got it right.

Don't get me wrong. They save a lot of human work and (real) inconvenience for everybody by not needing to manually read them. But they shouldn't be wireless. Why?

Anybody within a few miles with a receiver and encryption cracking device could get your meter's data stream. What that means? Every few seconds or on interrogation the meters send the very instant power consumption. With a little bit of software the privacy intruder can figure out what you are doing in your house with seconds delay. Each appliance and device has it's own unique power consumption. When you turn on your TV, your computer, how much you use the fridge (by how many times you open the door, the more you open it the more it has to work), water heater, when you turn your bedroom's or bathroom's light on, when you when you take a shower (the heater will start working about a minute after cold water flows in to replaced the used hot water) and when not and so on.

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