Friday, June 16, 2023

June 16

3:06 Nighttime paving on Hwy 18 at 99 Jct after McMinville. UFO gay city USA. But let's not forget. I was hesitating to write anything about for several reasons. It will dilute what i wrote recently. I don't know exactly why and what really happened. Spent most day trying to figure who Remy Drabkin really is but i failed. However i figured Drabkin is a Russian name but also reminds of course of Dracula.

5:22 Slept only 4 hours last night. Tried all afternoon to sleep but i can't. I know it usually happens when people throw things on the red mulch. Some kind of invisible pungent mold grows under. I saw last night when i came or yesterday when i left a car's wheel next to the stairs wheel wall. I initially wanted to take it next to the garbage bin but first i tried to look to see if it belongs to any car in the lot. I saw it belonged to the car next to it and when i looked the other side, i saw a spare, now flat and another flat one.

I remember i saw and heard him about 2 weeks ago talking literally over my head with a supposed work colleague  from the other building in the same direction where i was saying "When are we get payed?".

Then i went to take the garbage thinking that could have been the problem however the problem lays in the bin. The bin stinks really badly and there's no wind. Somebody threw some pieces of what it looked like coming from a couch.

However they messed with my car yesterday. I drove for 1200 miles and the voltage did not change at the digital voltmeter from the 12 volts adapter.

Here i have to repeat what i wrote before. Most people including myself until recently think they might have "smart charging systems" on the newer vehicle. Which means if they stick a digital voltmeter in the plug which is connected actually to the wires that lead to the battery or measure the voltage at the battery (on the wires) it should be anywhere between 12.7 "when the alternator is not charging" and 15 volts when it does. Or at least me i get these readings, on both Elantras i owned or own.

But if i go ahead and fiddle with the connectors (clean with alcohol, tight them to the specs) the situation changes. The voltage stays constant or better said it varies only with outside temperature. At 75 degrees outside the voltage is 14.4. At 60 is 14.5. At 50 is 14.6. Above 85 is 14.3. I believe the variations are due to change in temperature but hard to say of which component. Could be battery. Could be alternator or even the cable.

The reason for the alternator (not so smart) intermittent charging process are the badly designed contacts (not enough contact pressure, contaminants). When the voltage difference between the wires and the terminal gets high enough the contact resistance is broken and the battery starts charging, When it's not charging, the pulsating 15 volts from the alternator goes to all the systems in the car and especially the fuel pump is malfunctioning (pulsating pressure i guess) but also the EPS (Electric Power Steering system). When there are good contacts, the pulses get smoothened by the battery that acts as a capacitor.

So i had the above temperature dependent readings for the whole 1200 miles trip. But after i got home, or better said the next day, i started to get anything between 12 and 15. So while driving towards what i thought was going to be the Ocean, i stopped three times. The voltage got back to normal only after i wiped with alcohol wipes all connecting metal surfaces and the plastic parts around the alternator connector. It was like it was contaminated with something invisible that was trickling back from plastic parts to metal joining parts as soon as i was wiping only those.

After first night on the road at Comfort Inn in Yreka, or Tuesday night, i woke early (freeway noise) and went to check the manifold bolt. (I got a bolt on the manifold which sticks outside the heat shield that likes to get loose). So i torqued it by ear with a 6 inch ratchet at about 20. Then i went back in the room. At nine when i left i had a hunch and dried it one more time and it was loose again. One our later we went to check the small casino (i believe Red Rock) and drove a couple of miles there and when we left i tried again and the bolt was loose again but i believe i torqued it less cause i don't know what happened.

We went to another one (yes we tried to tour the casinos along the way), called... Rolling Hills and checked it again and it was a bit loose because i did not tightened it enough at Rain Rock. Then it stayed like that for the rest of the trip. I guess cause i was just following some scratches i done with a file on the nut. However, i realized later the rotation of that scratch was too small to be seen with the naked eye.

Last night in the parking lot at Spirit Mountain i finally took the small torque wrench (got two, one big and one small, it's another story) and torqued the nut at 20+ but less than 25. When i got home last night i finally read in the service manual. The torque there should be between 25 and 30 lbft but i'm afraid to go there with the 8 mm studs, sorry. So i left it just under 25.

Unlike any other time, there was a security van moving around, and i was getting very nervous because they once told me not to work on car in the parking lot, in similar circumstances, that is like tightening a nut or something. Just when i was about done she came and in the dark thought i recognized her from somewhere. Could be the last match. She asked if i needed help.

Soon after that i got what people call an anxiety attack. Since i've been so many times through those (not in recent years) i now have an idea what they really are. It starts with breathing on the nose that is partly congested and in the same time your heart being stimulated, mostly with substances like coffee, alcohol, T gondii, etc. It may take hours to fully develop. You breathe harder through the congested nose without realizing.

Yesterday was topped by driving through fresh asphalt smell, others. Though i used a decongestant in the morning.

There is a partial vacuum in the chest because of obstructed nose and your diaphragm muscle is raised. Retained intestinal gas pushes it upwards from the other side. Heart doesn't have enough room to get filled by the low pressure of venous blood. The lack of oxygen also gives you a high and you don't realize what's happening. It's the perfect storm.

Your heart does not get enough oxygen but works harder because lungs do not get filled enough. In the end it's the lack of enough oxygen in the heart muscle that triggers the sensation. Or the fact the heart does not get filled enough. Nothing related to a mental condition except the highs before that could have been signs and avoided.

Yes it was done on purpose. Because i dared to post this. And this. They might pretend they are magically gassing you but they are not really.

However the result is very similar. After you finally realize what's happening and finally open your mouth, you need to hyperventilate sometimes for hours for your heart to get really oxygenated to the point you are not aware or do not have shortness of breath anymore.  Which is the sensation of not having enough air that may last for hours.

If it's torture. They only provide the extra conditions. Most people would be okay if they get through a cloud of asphalt smell. However if you are in a certain high condition and already breathing harder on your nose, it will push you beyond limit. I think they call it "breaking". However i the end it's not real but simulated (except for my symptoms which are real). The ninja try to simulate what right extremists would do, to entrain more of those.

Rage can create that condition. Your nose mucous gets inflamed and swollen. Breathing harder gets you a high and an unprecedented alertness. Your body goes on adrenaline mode with less oxygen to the muscles which go in anaerobic metabolism for faster response but it should not last long (until your rage passes) and you start breathing normally. It is an emergency physiological mechanism that need to stop in time and should not be abused. If they knew. Yes they did, they created the problems with the car and made me fix it on the side of the road with much traffic and then the unscheduled, unannounced paving.

Black asphalt is another symbolism. I know i wrote about this several times before but it takes me less time to write it again than search, evaluate and link to. I will try to write a named post about buck breaking.

Soon after i got stopped behind other vehicles in a line on top of the fresh asphalt and waiting there not knowing what happened, for half hour. No car was going in neither direction. I remember when we got back i saw a panel saying "paving work". And then a "pilot vehicle" guided the few cars. But not when i went when i saw people turning around and taking voluntary detours. I remember how many times they were detours on 18 always in that area but it was always signaled or announced.

This time i tried to figure using the gps map and got back to McMinville, took a left and another one and driving parallel with 18 where i saw cars were finally moving got back in the street on the point where there was a flagger that stopped us. A Japanese guy trying to look Latino looking at us with disgust.

We waited for 10 minutes for all the cars in the line we've been into and more to pass and then we went after those. I don't know exactly how may miles they paved and when they started. Still trying to figure that out but could not find anything with google.

8:03 The car alternator terminal was contaminated again. At the liquor store one very old man looking terminally ill went in the store and came back and insisted if i wanted some help with the car while i was trying to deal with the connectors. I tightened the alternator connector but it again needs alcohol. But i won't fix until i leave cause until tomorrow it will get loose again. I think i will carry from now on a small bottle with alcohol in the car.

9:06 Lăsați vrăjeala cu chatboții. M-am urcat în mașină și am mers până la liquor store (în statele vecine tăria se vinde la supermarket, asta e numai în Oregon). Când am oprit la semafor la prima intersecție (cu exit-ul de pe I5) a apărut un TIR (semi) cu reclamă la cartofi prăjți (potato chips) văluriți (wavy), culoarea exact ca în link, mare cât toată remorca și mi-a defilat prin față, sub camerele video de pe stâlpi. Asta pentru că am scris despre curentul pulsatoriu nefiltrat care iese din alternator din cauza contactelor slabe de la baterie și afectează pompa de benzină deci consumul.

O problemă cronică chiar și la mașini noi fiindcă acel contact de la alternator se contaminează cu vapori de ulei cu praf foarte fin, invizibil de la mașinile din față.

Budiștii din Japonia și dominicanii (domonkos) din Ungaria (controlați tot de budiști) care s-au unit și vor să încălzească planeta din motive religioase nu au nici un interes în a reduce consumul de carburanți, dimpotrivă. Ei folosesc deci această metodă de combatere prin suprapunerea informațiilor.

Apropo de dominicani, după ce m-am plâns că Reno a fost inundat cu metamfetamină, când m-am dat jos din mașină la liquor store mirosea la fel ca în parcare când am plecat de acasă, adică kk de câine care a stat vreo zi două la soare. Deci toată zona e la fel. Nașpa că mă ține treaz, nu pot dormi, am intrat într-o fază din alea de insomnie care m-au condus în trecut la spitalul de nebuni.

Încă zece sau o sută de faze la fel până la liquor store și înapoi pe care nici nu am timp să le memorez din moment ce totuși trebuie să fiu atent fiindcă eu conduc pe bune în timp ce alte mașini sunt conduse de IA. Culmea, ei pretind invers ca să justifice faptul că nu m avut niciodată accident din vina mea în 28 de ani, în afară de 2 în parcare când am atins stâlpi, unul când am dat înapoi și o tipă care venea cu viteză (și lucra în asigurări) mi-a luat spatele. Cel puțin în Oregon, tot ce mișcă, persoane, mașini sunt coordonate de inteligența artificială, de zeci de ani, dar totul devine din ce în ce mai sofisticat.

Bineînțeles asta înseamnă înlocuirea tuturor locuitorilor cu actorii și figuranții (extra) lor. Sute de mii în total (informație luată de la cineva din România).

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