Saturday, June 24, 2023

June 24

9:37 From time to time we read articles about new wonder technologies and the heroes behind those. However let's analyze the metaphor in the title. The "electric vehicle of cement making".

Electric vehicles are great from the point of view of convenience. Maintenance or operating cost (other than fuel) is lowered dramatically thus the cost of owning. Time wasted with mechanic's appointments. Energy cost is lowered again to less than half.

However. The carbon emissions though moved away from the car to the power plants though lowered are still there. You need a source of energy to move a car and that energy still comes from burning fossil fuels.

So is with the concrete. High or low temperature, you need to add energy in making the concrete through a series of endothermic chemical reactions which is then partly released as heat during the curing process, and the bill for electricity of a cement power plant should be comparable to that for fuels burnt in a kiln.

They say about 8% of total global carbon emissions are due to cement making. But i believe it is the best 8% used of the whole amount. One concrete building has the potential to last indefinitely and it is ideal from the point of view of sanitation as opposed to empty walls filled with volcanic insulation made with wood frames and calcium sulfate indoor panels etc..

Drying clothes in the US counts for 10% of household energy usage which is about 20% of total. Drying could be done naturally, with no need for any new technology.

Residential buildings however count for a small percentage of total concrete usage yet in the US there are no plans whatsoever into switching to it. Mostly because the whole industry was geared up in that direction, for decades. Or maybe they are just imitating the Japanese building style instead of European. It makes sense cause in the US all banks that finance new homes are secretly owned by them.

A few years ago i heard for the first time about 3D concrete printing but still have to see it at a site near me. "Printing" of a regular size house could take weeks and cost less than "traditionally" built houses in the same area.

Did i mention they can withstand hurricanes and tornadoes?

12:37 Visual martial arts. What tool or weapon can be more convenient than one that it is not recognized, leaves no traces and generally works at a distance?

Bending forward, or doing the square facing the other way where the target is contributes to blockage of breathing, inflammation of nose mucous, blockage of bile and intestinal transit, raising of diaphragm muscle. The perfect storm for generating if not shortness of breath (in very healthy persons) to palpitations and even cardiac arrest.

By analyzing the last encounters (which i can remember right now) i figured there are a few factors that need to be present before, during or immediately after the event.

You have to be a bit tired, and relaxed, like at the end of a difficult day.

A strong smell and noise. Two days ago i went to OReillys i parked next to a blue classic with little exhaust which started right after i parked.

Sexual arousal. Next to the driver was a woman in shorts with one of the legs raised above the other, visible from my point of view. She did not seem happy like an American woman in a hot sunny day in classic but sad and embarrassed (of her role).

The color blue or black. When i got out from there was this man dressed in black with black beard looking of middle eastern descent, that was next to a car with the hood open and bent again the other way, for a long time. Then he raised and gave me an angry look.

30 minutes later at home i had a couple of strong palpitations. Chest discomfort lasted until next day morning when i ate some tofu (contains lots of magnesium) and took some potassium pills.

Today in the park towards the end of my 3 miles i crossed an area with strong dog poop smell. Then i sat on a bench in the shade. A woman i crossed paths with her earlier on the narrow trail in the wooded area came and executed a pantomime with her dog in front of me. In the end she bent over with straight long legs showing me her sexy but, for a long time. She was all dressed in black, had a black cap and sunglasses.

When i got home at the first bin at the complex entrance a woman with blue shorts with a dog again bent over. Etc.. Don't feel nothing unusual so far. Nausea but not sure of the source. Maybe because i recognized and rejected all of these in my mind right at every occurrence.

12:53 Today they don't yell. They came and got aligned right some 50 ft away before Angela entered before it's the time when i cook or handle food. I pulled the blinds but i can still hear them.

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