Monday, March 11, 2024

March 11

3:20 AM Gigi Becali a început iar să fie zilnic în topul știrilor.

5:00 Despre cum funcționează adevarata manipulare, cu care vă țin în frâu de atâția ani de zile. La câteva minute după postarea mea cu Bill Cleanton a apărut "știrea" asta. O fantomă la Bran. Însă cine știe de când a fost fotografiată. Doar un mic exemplu, știrile sunt pline de astfel de intervenții, câte una la orice postez.

5:15 PM When i last posted this video, i forgot so say one thing. The obvious. They simulated the invasion of the Northern Ukraine too, but it was a just a hopeless convoy of tanks that got surrounded and they retreated immediately. I think the effort, coordinated with "Ukrainian Army" that did not destroy them all, had one purpose only.

To created the illusion it is possible the war to be won by Ukraine (which can even happen in the end), so it can last "frozen" for years, time in which they might attract others in the conflict, to keep the whole of Europe preoccupated by it which they did. It has been one year and a half the front line did not changed substantially, like in the first month, except for Kharkov region occupation which lasted till November 2022.

Deja vu.

Time in which i guess both countries sent to die in the "war" the potential enemies of the system.

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