Tuesday, March 25, 2025
March 25
6:00 PM The reason Russians needed the war in Ukraine is they don't have any coolers either. So they lost one million people to inspire (a different type of) awe to Europeans.
Saturday, March 22, 2025
March 22
8:47 Nu știu ce să spun, omul are o față sculptată cu multe detalii și toate se schimbă odată cu direcția luminii, unghiul de fotogafiere, distanța focală, vârstă, expresie, etc.. Negul de la mustață. Sunt prea multe coincidențe ca să nu fie el. Sandor e coreograf și are o trupă de balet cu multe gagici tinere în Ungaria.
9:01 Dacă Venus a fost populată poate până acum vreo sută de mii de ani și au intrat în efect de seră galopant și au pierdut toată apa și au fost o civilizație poate ca a noastră, poate un pic înainte, mi se pare normal să fi lăsat un satelit, o baliză ceva care a funcționat.
Primul care a construit un radio funcțional a fost Nicolae Tesla și el povestea tot timpul că a recepționat semnale de pe alte planete. După ce a început poluarea cu unde radio a planetei, cu mii de stații de emisie, a devenit imposibil. Mai mult ca sigur că semnalele ritmice erau modulate, gen cum erau primele modemuri, sau poate pe mai multe nivele, azi sunt doar foarte puțini cei care pot afla chestiile astea.
Friday, March 21, 2025
March 21
5:17 Mult așteptatul echinox de primăvară. Ziua când ziua e egală cu noaptea (gender affirmation). Mai știe cineva?
Apropo de astronomie. Oare așa au făcut EI cu cei de pe Venus, i-au păcălit de la distanță să-și facă o rețea de 32000 de sateliți care au deschis un canal în spațiu-timp (wormhole) și le-au tras toată apa, săracii?
We're heading for Venus
And still we stand tall
Or maybe THEY've seen us
And welcome us ALL (all 8 billions)
Sau EI vor colecta din spațiu apa pe care o fierbem noi acum, urmând visul mamei Sfântului Dominic dominicanul.
I was still a student. We bought some furniture only for the bedroom, a TV and a fridge. A small black and white CRT TV was the only thing we could find (by that time, the stores were empty due to Ceuașescu exporting everything to make it for the external balance of the country, which was paid in full days before he got killed by the "revolutionaries").
Ok but i could not find a cable for the antenna. We had an acquaintance living in the same building who was working in the local prosecutor office. She went to the appliances store with me and yelled a bit at the seller who gave us the needed coaxial cable.
So i went on top of the building (our apartment was at the last floor), installed the antenna and started the TV and the first thing i saw was a test pattern from the... Swedish Television (black and white only) of which closest station was 850 miles (1350 km) away, probably reflected through a rare ionosphere configuration all the way to Bacău, Romania.
I remembered i got a bit scared cause i did not know at the time what Sverige meant or what language was that. However, it soon disappeared and never happened again.

12:30 And i still hear the echoes (the echoes)
1:20 More echoes (echoes)
This is what saved the stock market from another fall today. Generally market HAS TO end positive on Fridays so they always come up with something. Also an echo for...

10:50 Oh brother where art thou? (yes i had a couple of drinks). Romanian prosecutors. Private jets.
Thursday, March 20, 2025
March 20
Thinking of starting a new blog, called just like that, echoes, only for the replies from media to my posts and entries. But i'm afraid i will confuse lots of people for whom the three i already have are a bit too much already.
5:00 Mutând firele dintr-o cameră în alta se produc și îndoiri ale firelor, care oricât de cristaline ar fi, cedează la un număr de cicluri. Apar frecări între fire și "mosoarele" care le mișcă și tensionează/detensionează. În articol nu se spune despre numărul de cicluri la care aceste fire rezistă.
Chestia îmi amintește despre transmisiile continue, cu un fel de curea ca un lanț care transmite mișcare între două perechi de conuri, prin frecare, producând și zgomot, însă e vorba de puteri mult mai mari. O parte a "curelei" este tensionată, alta detensionată.
Apare aceeași întrebare și acum știu de ce a apărut articolul acum. Singura chestie e că eu nu am atacat pe nimeni, în afară de vechea ordine ierarhică centralizată, corporatist stagnantă și care nu poate funcționa fără corupție. (Da știu articolul e un exemplu de progres, împreună cu roboții de la Mercedes însă și acolo câștigă corporațiile, oamenii pierzându-și și mai mult independența financiară prin pierderea job-urilor (corporatiste)).
(Apropo nu cred că mai e mult timp până când roboții vor deveni suficient de ieftini și inteligenți și produși în masă ca să ocupe toate muncile manuale).
Deci între bare. Dacă la o pompă de căldură cu refrigerant eficiența este 3-3.5 căldură produsă (mă rog, mutată dintr-o cameră în alta) vs energie electrică folosită, numai la partea caldă și la acestea noi aici pur mecanice este de până la 5, prin absorbția și mutarea căldurii în spațiu dintr-un loc în altul apare o inversare locală a entropiei (demonul lui Maxwell) iar diferența de temperatură dintre camera caldă și cea rece teoretic poate alimenta un motor Stirling (cuplat cu un generator) a cărui eficiență este de până la 50% care motor captează această diferență de temperatură și o transformă în energie, de (5 + 5)/2 ori mai multă decât cea cu care se alimentează motorul care mișcă firele sau compresorul. Greșesc?

Wait a minute. Was this episode with a cat pooping under my door an allegory of what i said numerous times about Maxwell's demon? So it was all just a scientific argument? With who, the (Filipino) Inquisition? The KKK and the CIA? Karl Nehammer?
So James Maxwell was all good and then suddenly got mad and proposed the thought experiment? I believe he used the word demon because at that time he could not say a small intelligent being.
7:05 James Maxwell was good for his time. I know i criticized numerous times his EM field theory. He was not insane or possessed, just erroneous (heretic), like all others after him. However he was right about the demon!
Yeah i did a little search on Inquisition. Amazing how a little grammar error brings more complete answers with google. Anyways. Inquisition is not totally dead. I mean, it is no longer a tribunal. And the KKK conical hats. Inquisition were burning witches and KKK crosses. Is this an edelweiss, baby Kal-El ship? Ok i got it the cones represent the petals of the edelweiss. Or lotus whatever.
Wait a minute. Edelweiss looks so much like a lotus!

8:20 I wanted to go outside and take another picture of the door upstairs but i remembered i already took one. There is catnip, an iron heart and a little nazi skull on top of that beware sign. Catnip disappeared after i put the picture, but i know she feeds the cat or cats with catnip cause they run like crazy from one room to another.

3:05 US Schengen Visa Waiver
3:30 KKK
3:35 I climbed the stairs which are common areas and took a better photo. I can't remember how many times i swept or hosed the stairs in the years i have lived here, can't remember if during the last occupant, but i do know they fixed them after my complaint during the current occupant. The middle deck leaned because of the hits of numerous unauthorized heavy vehicles passing through the complex in great numbers.
There is a black and white skull on the welcoming sign at the door and a tiny cross on a piece of wood.
It reminds me of the head of the X president of Romania. Could had be involved, i once saw him at Red Winds casino, just before i nearly got into another accident on I5.
I believe the wood itself is a symbol of beheading. There is a piece of forged iron reminding of...
Could it have anything to do with this post? After all, the main street in Tualatin is called Martinazzi.
I remember not until far ago, she was visited by a guy in a gigantic white truck that always has a chainsaw and a few one meter diameter three trunks in the bed though with different drivers. Some looked blond, some Asians. At one time i saw a woman pretending to be her though much younger, with short blond hair.
Over the last year, they have been several persons upstairs using the same car, pretending to be the same person. This has happened with previous occupants. Lately the car has changed several times. The current one, a black Hyundai is similar to the one i had before the accident. Black to contrast with mine, to give a message.
3:45 There must be at least one hundred complaints i made here on my blogs about bullying noise upstairs. Somehow they can pick the infrared signature of my head and body and to it when my brain activity and temperature of the skull increases. The sound level of on single stomp is usually above 60 db and they are doing in for hours.
But it's not only the noise. The commotion caused by the big woman usually comes with gas pumped from the space between floor and my ceiling and dust raised from every bit of undusted area that create nose congestion that may give choking symptoms.
There was a large chunk of solid deodorant buried in the wood dust under the door and a constant number of cat poops i gradually found buried in the dust and removed within the last few days. Can't tell how much better i started to feel after.
There is a growing mountain of gravel and a huge hole i can see from the door and windows.
Continuous construction noise.
4:00 PM To make things worse, Cynthia Kantner, daugher of Grace Slick, moved here accross the alley early last year and she has a lot more (opposite) symbols at the door, but i can't go there to take a picture, there is a day care at that entrance and too many people can see me on the alley.
Almost every time scores of different people are pouring out of that entrance usually when i step outside.
4:15 Can't remember how many times i've been bullied while walking in the white neighborhood between Borland and Nyberg by a pickup with the sign Rev'it (suggesting Leave it). One of the last times i went to Fred Meyer (that is now owned by Kroger, a spelling variant for warrior in German) some guy came and parked next to me in a mostly empty lot. When he left (German looking, thin, brunet with glasses) he gave me a clueless look.
5:18 Just because i have spoken of tree trunks... There is a bucket with offensive rotting materials next to a tree in direct view from my patio. Probably the reason i have been sick today... Swollen legs and face. Two jets, one after another, flying at very low altitude when i took this picture.
Catholics, Grand Wizard?
Wednesday, March 19, 2025
March 19
3:50 Previously unseen documents about the deaths of JFK and MLK.
8:43 A Hungarian nabob ahead of his time.
9:10 PM Uranium (highly enriched) critical mass is about 50 kg. In the Hiroshima device they supposedly had 64 kg, separated in two subcritical pieces that in the end were put together to form over critical mass. What i do not understand is how they keep a similar device on the shelf for decades with no cooling systems since U235 in a piece heavier that one kilogram heats up by itself.
9:45 I had a professor in college who kept telling these things but nobody would listen (at the time i believed he was a little nuts). He about 20 years ago disappeared, never to be found.
Tuesday, March 18, 2025
March 18
Was considering searching for a match for this guy. But when i tried like usually to first find a suitable recent decent picture for the left side, all i could find was emotion. Not a residual expression as i defined it earlier (an expression like impression on someone's face even when they do not want to express nothing).
The man doesn't seem capable to contain the compassionate reassurance written all over his face.
Even for a Venezuelan gang. (Intentionally) cherry picked by Trump Team?
Ok maybe this one but it needs a subscription. To perfectly simulate freedom and independence of
Monday, March 17, 2025
March 17
12:25 And i believe... Claus/Claws
Probabil tipul chiar știe karate fiindcă prea se bagă la mine. Nu mai spun de tipul care fumează la tomberon, din gașca lui Teodosie, cred că era tipul ăsta.
7:45 MAGA 2.0 (as we have not seen it before though that Trump picture is 100 years old), post Biden American Conservative apocalypse starts in Romania as America's vision of the world has shifted (in the opposite direction).
No one needs to explain all these, it's all retaliation related to what i just wrote about MAGA. As for the Kogâlniceanu base, too many Russian drones have been flying (and falling) right next to it (during Biden) with no concerns whatsoever.
The only reason for the existence of that base is fast transporting with supersonic, midair refueled jets (two seated, self piloting, bare configuration) of Romanian celebs to US back and forth as needed on the set here.
11:35 Honestely. Do you believe this guy is a thinker (tanker), Greek (philosopher), maker of policies and paradigms shifter of our common future or is just another big chinner charismatic guy (used to) who during his past has s...d all the
BTW Today like yesterday when she came from work Angela told me about problems she's having, this time with colleagues, and on the radio they in that moment they played... BTW on youtube they are playing for me only one commercial, the one with "everything i'm wearing is from my boot camp".
Sunday, March 16, 2025
Saturday, March 15, 2025
March 15
11:35 AM After that life changing (ruining) experience with Electronic Specialty, after about 6 months of coming to US, there is something good left.
Back then i was trying to figure the hazards of trichloroethane and how much could had affected me and i found about about MSDSs. (Trichloroethane itself was banned by WHO in that year, but that ban did not reach Electronic Specialty, a manufacturing firm working then and now for Defense).
Each product sold in the US containing hazardous materials has to have a so called Material Safety Data Sheet.
Since most products contain hazardous chemicals it results most products should have one.
The trick is by looking at those you can have an idea what they are made of. And yes they can be used by competition too but it's not such a great deal cause within each industry there are engineers who know that stuff anyways. For confirmation maybe?
Today i did some more searches trying to figure if there are materials like those i used for my dentures which are custom trays making materials (that are supposedly safe enough to stick in your mouth) to make an imprint, made specifically for dentures and not for trays and i started with those for trays that i knew of.
Acrylic acid, methacrylate, urethane methacrylate, stuff like these are hazardous chemical substances.
First, i could not find one for the specific product i used (a cheap, generic one made in China). Then i tried with brands and again could not find one. Finally i found some for products not available to buy (not on Amazon anyway, the convenience to order, get delivered etc.).
Some of them are 95% acrylate. Some have glass and silica as fillers (to increase durability, reduce shrinking and cost) and up to 50-60 percent resin. I remember when i cut those with scissors, i heard that crackling sound like cutting through tiny pieces of glass caught in a putty.
I'd say it wouldn't bother me since...
Only trouble is i used a rotary tool to make small adjustments and though i used a mask (not all the time), i got to breath some. Then i got tired of rinsing them every time i made an adjustment, and rinsed my mouth in the end. Now i feel the touch of glass around my mouth and eyes.
However. I remember they were better days when you could find an SDS no matter what through a google search. They were (still are) specialized (competing) sites with databases loaded with SDSs for most materials. But for those i searched, they did not come up (on google).
Home Depot had a link to one on each product page. They don't have them anymore or they are not easy to find.
But then the giant Amazon. Again not readily available and they pass responsibility to seller. But when i went to the sellers sites, i found none. Amazon is not a seller but is it a distributor?
Friday, March 14, 2025
March 14
3:25 I've been reading the news, not one single explanation for the 2% jump in the stock market today, stil down .75 for the week, almost 8% for the month.
Then i remembered. Every time i mentioned aliens might be involved in everything leading the humans to who knows where, the market jumps the next day at least 1%. When considering the 7 samurai are all Ponzi schemes, with market capital hundreds of times bigger than assets (real value), it is not a good thing. But i keep forgetting.
Should refrain from saying this in the future, especially because i said so much about Shiva lately. It can be either gods or aliens. Or maybe they are the same?
3:25 I've been reading the news, not one single explanation for the 2% jump in the stock market today, stil down .75 for the week, almost 8% for the month.
Then i remembered. Every time i mentioned aliens might be involved in everything leading the humans to who knows where, the market jumps the next day at least 1%. When considering the 7 samurai are all Ponzi schemes, with market capital hundreds of times bigger than assets (real value), it is not a good thing. But i keep forgetting.
Should refrain from saying this in the future, especially because i said so much about Shiva lately. It can be either gods or aliens. Or maybe they are the same?
Thursday, March 13, 2025
March 13
4:25 AM I saw the news. Musk is wielding the chainsaw. Again. Or they reiterate it. Only this time i know why.
6:20 In that evening i heard those jets roaring really loud and that was in Beaverton, not downtown Portland.
Cindy Dunster (possibly Mary Slick) the manager at Sussex at the time was living in the building next to ours. Her partner, a short guy with a big round head reminding of Ron Hubbard ran into the parking lot and tried to get into his green van when one of those jets passed at maybe 200 feet altitude and then put the afterburner on and gained altitude, i could see the blue flames with circles. F14s are much bigger than F16 and very noisy.
However i did not get very scared because i was used to. In Romania i lived in an area some ten km away in the direction of the airport near that fighter plane maintenance and repair company and they were days i was seeing dozens of those taking of, one after another, right above our condo building.
This is wrong. He could not have directed a 2000 movie.
Could have been a connection. The name of her first band was Jefferson Airplane, lately turned to Starship. The initials of San Francisco are SF.
In September 1996 while living at Sussex i drove the 700 miles (in one day) for a job interview for a startup of the brother of founder of Credence (who was killed in plane accident as his brother said and that was the reason i drove), in a car that was also totaled with a steering problem but they offered too little money for the importance of the job and the prices in the most expensive city on planet Earth.
So i drove back to Portland (Beaverton) and got a job at InFocus (auditor, projectors). I was intrigued by the fact that the most important part of the projector, the LCD little screen inside was made by Epson. Back then they were plenty of jobs in the tech area available and i moved to Epson, probably one of the biggest mistakes of my life.
2:40 PM Am deschis știrile și ca de obicei mă împiedic în titluri și subiecte legate de ce postez eu.
L-au adus în prim plan pe Lukașenco după ce am demonstrat că cei doi protagoniști responsabili pentru moartea a sute de mii, dezrădăcinarea a milioane, distrugeri pe scară largă, sunt fake. Nu numai acum, ci și în celelalte războaie din Europa secolului trecut în care au murit un număr estimat de o sută de milioane liderii au fost fake. Toți politicienii sunt fake, în toată lumea. Noi toți trăim într-o simulare.
Sabrina Carpenter. Ochi albaștri sau verzi.
Un scandal mic pentru a a acoperi o mie de alte scandaluri despre care scriu mereu.KK de raccoon sub ușă, șantier la 100 de metri, basuri și eșapamente în parcare, pungi deschise de kk de câine peste tot (chiar acum a început un bas, pedeapsă pentru link-urile de mai sus, de câte ori postez ceva nașpa de Japonia).
Pe EI nimic nu îi poate atinge, nici când comit cele mai mari gafe, ca de exemplu apologia lui Georgescu, care a început imediat după primul tur al primelor alegeri.
În ultimele zile am postat de mai multe ori link-uri cu video-uri cu George Clue-ney și iată a apărut în prim-plan.
Halucinant. Democratic, civilizat, lucid, pregătit, unde ați văzut toate astea? După cum spuneam, povești de adormit copii.
Am postat ceva cu ochi.
În general apar la 2-3 zile distanță, așteaptă ca lumea să uite postările mele și atunci atacă ideile rămase, abia formate. Media, unealta lor principală.
3:50 Horațiu. Găina cu pui vii.
Wednesday, March 12, 2025
March 12
Because the man is "dead" in Hungary since 1998 (33 years old) there are not a lot of pictures on the web. He's even got a tombstone for God's sake. (click on right picture here). I also believe he had some sort of chin surgery to make it look more "Ukrainian".
Putin - Bujko, also a "dead (assassinated" in London, face destroyed with acid and stabbed multiple times).
It takes two to tango.
Both "dead" long time ago so nobody from Hungary could ever be blamed.
No, they personally don't have any saying, they a bit more than extras. In fact, "Zelenskyy" is officially an actor by trade.
3:10 Am dormit și am citit știrile. Impresia generală e că în România știrile sunt ca pentru copii, în SUA ca pentru adolescenți și doar în Marea Britanie sunt puțin ca pentru adulți deși tot mincinoase într-o bună parte.
No i did not open X or TikTok to see how how the awkward AI is doing or what has she posted this morning. Had enough of that and a terrible back pain by just looking yesterday. (Yes, some free smoke from outside just filled the room to brighten up may day).
5:28 It's ok for beautiful women to have small chins. That gives them a submissive type of charisma (as seen from above).
Tuesday, March 11, 2025
March 11
This also reminds me of a very special girl with an apetite but boy did she loose lots of weight recently?
12:20 Argumentele sunt două. Două lebede, 22. Pe care nu au apucat să le mănânce țiganii în Viena, mânca-le-aș. Plușu, Pippidi, Patapeeivici și Poneiul roz.
Monday, March 10, 2025
March 10
7:30 AM I am not ready for this one yet i have to deal with it.
Is Nietzsche's (why does it have to be so hard to write) overman the precursor of superman (as in superior race?). Nietzsche states it is a self induced process, the Nazis say you have to be born that way like lady Gaga (German not a) and need to liberate selves from Jewish opression.
As for the suppression of ego, i also heard about that one in a Cristian church and also from Sabrina Carpenter, though not very explicitly.
7:55 Gazele din Marea Neagră, un alt truc de psihologie inversă din arsenalul de înșelătorii ale lui Shiva.
9:05 Nimic din ce scriu nu scapă neatins semantic.
Sunday, March 9, 2025
March 9
Shiva the Destroyer. Orientalism in Europe
Götzen-Dämmerung" by Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche.
Götterdämmerung by Richard Wagner
Swastika and Shiva
Renewal of the world
Shivalinga in Budapest. Magyars.
Hammer and Sickle represents a Shiva trident, with the little drum representing the hammer. So are the electric guitars with two "horns" with pickups representing the hammer (little drum).
Sanskrit, the language of devas
Friday, March 7, 2025
March 7
What can i say? All previously unheard songs, probably not even by her. What does that mean? It is full AI, i've been listening. Flawless that is with new accents on the same old voice. Some violins mixed in maybe?
As for the cover, i know what they're aiming at.
10:15 PM Anca Alexandrescu prin susținerea lui Georgescu a devenit parte a statului paralel. Mă miră că și Coldea nu e băgat și el în gașca lui Georgescu. Pe când arestarea celor care susțin trădătorii (complicii)?

Thursday, March 6, 2025
March 6th

No suit, just some ninja pants...
6:25 Can you see my friend how the fan is pulling Pele's hair (fire) from the wall and hurting the people? Poppy seems the only cure...
In this one the cure is vodka...
And no, it does not go away with a shower. In fact, shower makes it worse cause it washes the oils that somehow protect the skin from the stingy nano dust.
1:35 PM Arestați-i pe (mumia lui) Iliescu, care a regizat revoluția și ce a urmat după și pe Băsescu, care "a scris" tot ce s-a întâmplat până în zilele noastre când iată s-a întors printre noi din plictis și retragerea din Brunei. Vorbesc retoric, asta nu se poate întâmpla dacă nu o scrie dumnealui însuși în ordinea de zi.
4:30 I see Trump is having legal troubles. The executive orders he signs are being blocked by judges. This would not happen if Trump was a lawyer so he could have an idea of what is signing. Which brings me to the same issue i wrote about in the past several times.
I believe presidents, congresspeople should all be lawyers because they... of course issue and sign the laws judges are acting upon ♻. Cause i cannot imagine they would make promises during campaigns they know they cannot fulfill due to legal issues.
4:31 It looks like, following a long time trend, they brought in the park the man who is doing the Shiva dance in the video above. I met with a guy looking like him and also scared at the bridge
Wednesday, March 5, 2025
March 5th
1:22 AM Suveranist față de occident, dar nu de Rusia. Apropo, nișa suveranistă din România a fost ocupată înainte de alegeri sau înainte de a auzi noi de G.
5:15 Lasconi face și ea salutul cu mâna sus pentru a-l desingulariza pe Georgescu, gest care în nazism de fapt vine de la Shiva, zeul distrugerii din treimea Hindu Creație, Prezervare, Distrugere.
5:14 Voi nici nu știți...
Tuesday, March 4, 2025
March 4th
Orice șofer dacă este prins cu viteză excesivă plătește o amendă.
Georgescu când a folosit salutul nazist chiar la ușa procuraturii nu. E destul de clar cred pentru toată lumea că toată media, tot aparatul de stat îl protejează. Ascensiunea lui fulminantă la alegeri este realizată cu complicitatea BEC și a lui Ciolacu.
Ei în schimb se fac că vor să-l oprească și blochează alegerile. Rezultatul? Un scandal continuu ce va ține până la următoarele alegeri.
O specie cu amnezie. Tinerii de azi nu mai știu ce înseamnă naziști, de aceea Putin când a început războiul a spus că vrea să denazifice Ucraina, comparând războiul de acum cu cel împotriva naziștilor din anii 40 (acum 125 de ani) care iată, acum sunt putiniști și nu se prinde nimeni.
11:05 Soroș e doar o acoperire. Toată Ungaria este implicată în aceste acțiuni. Până acum, Ucraina a fost o șa de bătut ca să priceapă România. Acum, ungurii prin agenții lor demenți ne amenință pe față.
Totul se întâmplă din cauza dezvăluirilor de pe blogurile mele. Ei nu vor, nu pot să piardă controlul ca o menghină (Rusia + SUA) asupra întregii lumi.
Și fiindcă rușii nu pot să se atingă de noi atâta timp cât suntem în NATO, Trump amenință că va desființa NATO sau retrage din NATO. Fără SUA NATO e doar...
Pe plan intern se urmărește înlocuirea "democrației" din România cu o dictatură.
Da, să înarmăm Europa. Însă cine va conduce acea armată?
Aproximativ 120 de ani în urmă, Tesla și-a construit turnul... A urmat fenomenul Tunguska care a fost creat prin ocsilații induse în ionosferă, asasinarea familiei imperiale, revoluția bolșevică, primul război mondial. Apoi și-a construit hotelul The New Yorker și a urmat restul.