Saturday, May 19, 2012

I Am Radical

by Adrian Păunescu - Aug, 1, 1988

I am radical
more precisely
i am for keeping
of a right balance
between lie and truth,
between heroes and heroes
between plus and minus,
i am radical,
more precisely,
i am getting sick of the socialist demagogy
more than
of the bourgeois demagogy
because i feel it
pressing from much closer.

I am radical,
i think it is not good, the law
that punishes you more severely
if you kill a bear
than if you kill a man,
and even more,
punishes you more severely
if you speak,
if you have opinions,
than if you kill.

I am radical,
that is i imagine
if the equation
"the people have chosen us
we speak in the name of the people,
we govern in the name of the people,
we build the socialism
with the people and for the people,"
is true,
it is not right
to destroy of the man
his house, his town or village,
without asking the man;
ten students have declared at school,
when the teacher asked them
what good deeds have they done,

in that day,
they helped an old woman
cross the street
but why so many,
the teacher wondered
because the old woman
didn't want to cross the street
they answered.

About this would be the situation
i am radical
and i look in the face,
if the old woman doesn't want to cross the street
it is difficult
to sell yourself
best among others
because you force her to cross,
and things are just like this
the old woman doesn't want
to cross the street.
the old woman is not on the street,
there isn't even a street,
and the old woman isn't even old
but just a nervous country
that would have to cross.

I am radical,
that is i am terrified
by the remorses
that can not save anything anymore
especially the life
that stubborns anyway
for the past few generations
to go to hell.

I am radical
i like prunes, peaches,
summer apples, freedom,
the woman, the historical frontiers,
and incense flavored grapes.

I am radical,
i could dictate a poem
even from a public phone,
but i am radical also
if i mention that
i could do this
only if the one
to whom i dictate
would have a phone.

I am radical,
i believe that Marshall Ion Antonescu
if he would be re-judged
by an impartial tribunal
would be declared
without hesitation,
hero post mortem of Romania
and universal martyr
at least after the reading
of the Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact.

I am radical,
i believe in the value of cabbage leaf
applied in painful areas
of the body.

I am radical
i don't believe it exists
a more ugly angel
and a more beautiful demon
than man
and, even more that that,
i don't believe it exists
a more fruitful accident
and a more contradictory law
than man.

From myself
and from the others
i extract the square root
and i realize it is only water,
water in a state of thought,
water with soul and whirls,
water, in an incurable
chemical formula.

I am radical,
when it rains
and when it snows
and when they talk about me,
about the water that i am,
about the water that i am.
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