8:23/6:23 Google nu poate sau nu vrea să sorteze rezultatele căutărilor. Cu puțină răbdare însă se poate urmări cronologia evenimentelor în legătură cu plata gazului în ruble.
8:36/6:36 În 2021, EU a importat energie din Rusia în valoare de 99 miliarde de euro sau 40% din totalul consumului. Pentru comparație, bugetul Germaniei de exemplu este de 5 ori mai mare. Bugetul Rusiei în 2021 a fost 200 miliarde de dolari, de 22 de ori mai mic decât cel al Statelor Unite.
Tears for Fears. Chestia cu cumpăratul gazelor în ruble pur și simplu nu o înțeleg. Rusia ar câștiga mai mult dacă ar fi plătită în euro. Sau poate doar așa, un moft aiuritor (alienant) al lui Putin? A ok, cred că nu prea are ce face cu euro din cauza sancțiunilor. Dar asta nu va ține la infinit. Războiul se va termina și peste un an toată lumea va uita la fel ca în 2014. Vom uita cu toții sperietura, însă în timpul sperieturii se vor face niște schimbări în mintea noastră care vor rămâne, pentru că ăsta a fost scopul. Un efect similar cu cel produs asupra spectatorilor la show-ul cu Gheorghe Doja sau Horia și Cloșca.
10:41/8:41 Cât costă insulina în SUA.
11:06 I tried to ask google but could not find an answer. Why don't they add mercaptan in your car's AC freon (mercaptan i a very smelly substance they add in car's oil, gasoline, propane, etc., to make a leak obvious).
I believe one of the reason would be, well, it may be confused with something else as listed above. One other reason could be your car would stink all the time, cause AC leaks are probably more common than thought.
1:20 More on how naive is to think Trump could have used a so called "burner phone". Phones never connect just like that to each other, even if they're only ft apart, for obvious reasons (metering for one, though i can't think of a reason they wouldn't allow it, in case of two phones closer than to tower). Though technically possible, the cell phones are intentionally designed in such ways they won't do it except for using one of these apps. But using a phone in a mesh network that is larger than two phones has its drawbacks. The phone could be used sometimes more than for two calls but as a relay (guessed it, like a tower), with more power used and of course more radiation generated right in your pocket.
The way the connection between two phones with paying plans is done is very complicated and easy to intercept by a concerned agency, in many ways, starting with intercepting the radio signals cell phones functioning is based upon (and that can be done by anybody though much harder for now 5G phones), and ending with tapping in any of the numerous switches and servers of the "fixed part" of a mobile network.
1:34 Cross your... fingers.
6:16 Ok bill passed. Thank you.
The story of the water heater. It's been three years "since they haven't seen it". I have seen it every day but to no use. I'm going to try to explain why. Within the last few years, the water heater is leaking but in a smart way. If you take that lid of the distribution enclosure (where outside wires meet the inside ones) there is enough ventilation for the water to evaporate. As soon as you put it back on, the water accumulates and shortens the wires but the water never goes over the lid when the lid is on so it's not visible to a casual observer.But how can i explain it to them? If you tell them there is water in the enclosure, the're going to ask me "how do you know". And the only way to know is if you take it off.
Can't remember why i didn't call them the first time it happened? Was i high? Was i in a hurry and needed a shower? I just pulled the water with some paper towels, switched the breaker back on and neglected to put back the lid. But later when i did, with the same result so i took it off permanently. At times, i had to tighten those caps back on because they were getting loose? and it stopped working or working intermittently. Should i just called them back then? Anyways. It's been seven years since. And then i forgot, having bigger worries.
Just put the lid back together when the inspection came (BTW it was lost and resurfaced in a place unexpected cause if it didn't i would have probably not put it back and they would have looked and seen). As the water raised, it again shorted the wires (don't know exactly when), the breaker went off (sort of..., not all the way, it looked closed, had to cycle it, hoping it will work). Probably before it did generated detectable amounts of hydrogen combined with oxygen through electrolysis.
The circuit beaker box. The lid is not sealed and so is the box. It communicates through large wire passages with the wall, with all the goodies in there. Years ago i added some silicon around the lid, until my face wasn't stinging anymore. Again, yesterday could not let it like this so i removed all the removable silicon.
Lid was off for about 12 hours and in the evening i remembered why i put silicon around that lid (and it's a deja vu, it happened several times, every time i say to myself, no, i'm crazy, why should i put silicon in there).
Probably wouldn't happen if not for the bumper outside the building (twice the size of all others in the complex though here it's close to corner so they slow down anyways) or other noises and vibrations including the walk upstairs. Every time the building shakes (and it does when a car passes) the wall "breathes" and pumps outside most likely tiny pieces of paper (from drywall) soaked with sulfur dioxide from the decomposing calcium sulfate "drywall" and/or mineral glass insulation, but that is too heavy to float in the air, except if it gets (grinds, breaks) so fine it does.This morning after finally vacuuming i tried to take a shower and the water was too cold already. So i just went and pulled the lid, sucked the water tightened the caps and went for a walk. But when i came back, the water was still cold so again cut through the silicon from the breaker box, cycled the water heater breaker, but still would not work. Then i checked the 4 screws at the thermostat, the were all lose with one half turn loose. I tightened those, it started, but after i took a shower my face started to sting again, big time. So i remembered and aided again some silicon around the breaker box lid. It's been 2 hours since and the sting in my face subsided.
Thing is 25 years old
11:19 On February 17 i wrote about some of Angela's numerous troubles at Eaton, complaining about relatives and other types of non work related relations at work. The next day, the girl or boyfriend (transgender couple) from Mexico who did shipping-receiving with an American guy, whom i saw once and thought she was Japanese, got promoted ("people were talking, the Mexican manager from Mexico was the reason", this factory of Eaton is subordinated to a Mexico subsidiary). About two weeks ago the woman who did SMT left (she had notice on file) and Angela asked to do her job. When the American guy who did the hard work of shipping-receiving for one year heard about the Mexican's promotion, also gave notice, effective yesterday. Angela was not chosen for SMT, but another guy. The hyper woman from Hawaii (working too fast, did lots of mistakes in the past) (i think also a Japanese) who for a longtime said she wanted to "leave the floor" went to shipping-receiving, where there is a lot of physical work (Angela didn't work there since her hernia surgery or 2019) replacing the guy who quit, but she realized she can't do it because she doesn't have much computer skills and today the supervisor, after one week of overtime and stress, asked Angela, to her surprise, at the end of the day is she wanted to do shipping receiving with the Hawaiian woman and Angela refused on grounds of lifting limitation and possible problems with the other woman (she likes to complain while making mistakes) (Angela has a paper from her March 1st appointment with the doctor for 20 lbs, appointment which was scheduled since last year and there are heavy packages coming and leaving there all the time. Angela's job title there is assembler.