12:10 Auguri.
1:47 Upstairs. They entered in full service yesterday with squeaks and stomps. While people do enter and leave the apartment and probably pass through the attic in the other and go for their business, inside they have heavy stepping robots. "So you know it's got soul". After more than a month break, after they left me for dead, they brought upgraded ones with quicker reaction time (if possible) and upgraded artificial intelligence. What they do is they drive me nuts for hours and nothing else. Trying to prevent me from thinking that is.
With a feedback on my bio-readings, they start making crisper and quicker squeaks and now heavier stumps indiscriminately when they detect certain brain waves. The result is they interrupt all my thinking processes.
I read not long ago about Michael Jackson not being able to sleep. That is having REM sleep because he was basically sleeping on anesthetics that literally stop your brain. In a way it is similar, they simply don't let me think.
Combined with the dog smell that comes in waves, dust from compressors and blowers and noise from modified exhausts, can this be qualified as torture. SOS from Tualatin, Oregon.
2:00 I attempted one more time do go and pick a smelly one but this time it was a man who came with a bio hazard generating mutant symbiont tied to himself.
2:10 Went and picked 2. A fresh one that may have come from the Buddha like looking short guy who passed about an hour ago and one that was turning white, from the same dog or person.
There was this purring modified exhaust that was also driving me nuts. Could there be a new one from the man i just saw when i wanted to go before this.
After a brief silence, shy, short squeaks are coming back. So i get used, slowly and don't complain about.
I already forgot what i wanted to type here, and what i had in mind during my walk yesterday, when i stopped after i realized the stupidity with closed electric fields. Ok, i remembered.
2:10 Went and picked 2. A fresh one that may have come from the Buddha like looking short guy who passed about an hour ago and one that was turning white, from the same dog or person.
There was this purring modified exhaust that was also driving me nuts. Could there be a new one from the man i just saw when i wanted to go before this.
After a brief silence, shy, short squeaks are coming back. So i get used, slowly and don't complain about.
I already forgot what i wanted to type here, and what i had in mind during my walk yesterday, when i stopped after i realized the stupidity with closed electric fields. Ok, i remembered.
2:48 Am scris odată, poate acum 10 ani, despre avantajele unui grup etnic care trăiește la altitudini mari și apoi migrează la șes. Șerpașii din Nepal de exemplu au capacitate pulmonară, piept mărit, sânge mai subțire dar și alte adaptări fiziologice dobândite prin selecție care le-ar da un avantaj dacă se mută în zone de șes, ca rezistență la efort mărită dar poate și inteligență superioară. Ce am scris s-a dus, poate cu dispariția g+.
Am scris în repetate rânduri că maghiarii, penultimul val de imigranți cu afinitate pentru Panonia, ultimul fiind poate mongolii lui Gingis Han, provin dintr-o populație nepaleză, magarii, cunoscuți în antichitate ca războinici (poate angajați ca mercenari la drumul mătăsii), un grup etnic important și în ziua de azi în Nepal, împreună cu Shakia, clanul lui Buddha, posibili ascendenți ai secuilor de azi din România.
Vine acum Raphael Faiss, un cercetător elvețian care spune că efectul antrenării la altitudine sau altitudine simulată este similar cu cel al Roxadust și ar fi ilegal.
Ce te faci dacă sportivul/sportiva provine dintr-o populație care are gene nepaleze?
3:10 Apropo mi-am amintit de o fază. Întotdeauna am fost fascinat de aparența unor egipteni în pictogramele lor. În afară de faraoni degenerați ca Tut care a ajuns așa din cauza încrucișărilor excesive co-sangvine (statuia e standard), ei în general au pieptul foarte mare (lat). Oare să fie invers și anume egiptenii să fi ajuns acolo din Australia după un ocol prin Nepal?
Sau poate nungarii din Australia au venit din Nepal în căutarea aurului și s-au răspândit apoi în toată Australia după care au venit în Egipt și Panonia, în mai multe valuri cu ultimul val direct din Nepal, motiv pentru care și-au schimbat numele țării din Ungaria în Magyarország?

(Nu mi-am schimbat cu nimic opinia despre legalitatea testării sportivilor de către instituții neautorizate de statele în care au loc.).
6:12 How radio really works? The oscilating dipoles create a multitude of in phase or simultaneosuly created puslating charges in B plane as a reaction to moving charges in the dipole, we used to call photons, that travel individually at the speed of light while pulsating in time from minus to plus and between E and B plane, creating static spheres of charge figuring front waves even after the source has ceased to emit. Sort of like in this image but with shorter and spining "snake like" tails with other spheres following or left behind for the whole time of emission.
We can assimilate an electron lowering orbit with an oscilating dipole for half period only and we get the higher frequencies, including light where "photons" each coming from a different electron at a different time from the same soure object are not necesarily in phase or with the same polarization with others coming from the same source (generally heated materials) but they can be in resonance with others accross the universe or triggered when ready by crossing a plane of resonance.
More energetic orbit lowering electrons can triger bigger disturbances with faster reaction in time thus higher frequencies?
Though dipoles are simterical, wave length sized conductors, the in phase polarized disturbances depart in all directions suggesting repelling each and having charges at least at moment of "birth" when they all occupy the same place.
They will start to break apart from the original charge that appears in the center of the dipole when it reaches certain values, according to frequency and Plank's constant, thus the quanta. Since the charges get transferred back and forth between E and B field and plus and minus there is no net average electric charge for the disturbance formerly called photon and this is the reason they do not repel each other in lasers.
8:20 Could have missed the reason but in the moment i started to (re)search for a link between the Egyptian ankh and the tennis racquet i felt the smell of some weird smoke coming from outside and kids that seem overly excited invaded the yard making much noise. I found something but they are not talking about the ankh and racquet.
It makes sense because the official theory says it comes from a game invented in France in the 11 century called Jeu de paume (palm) that resembles more of today's volley. If they say racquet may have evolved from rahat than it is very possible Halep may have evolved from Apep. It goes well for a country already branded with...
8:46 Upstairs constantly interfering through stumps with my thought processes. Heavy stomps triggered this time falling of dust from the paint on the ceiling.
8:51 The JBQ floating van made again its appearance in line of sight from my living. Could it be they are the ones who collect the feedback signal for the robots upstairs?
I am not really sure, more i am guessing, the people that "moved" upstairs (they are only climbing the stairs up and down several time a day), so far i saw three of them and no furniture, are actors from the most popular Romanian serial TV show. With a huge popularity in Romania, they cannot be wrong for the millions who watch this show so they can do justice in here, after approval from "authorities" for some, and for others providing entertainment for me depending on beliefs.
10:15 Acțiune și reacțiune. Tenis, Câmpulung.
10:25 Viktor Orban și furtuna promisă.
10:34 Action and reaction.
8:15 The person climbing the stairs was gone for a while and i thought it will be for the rest of the day but he/she came back in less than an hour anciticpating me reading the news after eating and then trying to get some more sleep on top of the four hours and now the robots are stomping, heavily on top of me, releasing dust, to complete my meal and making a point at every title i read. I will try to move in the bedroom to see what happens.
Now draging a table on the hard floor.
9:30 By the strength of the stomps aparently he is the one doing night shift and coming in the morning to sleep. As he moved in the bedroom i moved in the living, but he changed his mind and went two times at the car that woke me when i was about to fall asleep and got me mad enough not to be able to anymore.
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