Friday, July 21, 2023

July 21

12:40 Don't know what just happened with my last paragraph. I wanted to say, i would have to write a whole chapter of a book just to describe what happened after i left for a walk. Got mad by the guy upstairs, could not sleep, also because of the smell of several dog poops, some very fresh, on the other side of the building were the wind was blowing from. Enough to say i met with this guy and with this one, both playing roles, and that was just the first minutes of it. If you want to know more, read Shogun by Clavel or Castle by Kafka.

1:33 Not written in the best way for sure but i just wanted it out of my head as fast as i could so many others could get the idea.

7:23 Finally fell asleep a little after the last mods i've done at the post linked above and when i woke up i wanted to know how much i slept by looking at the history of my browser (like i always do), however nothing has been recorded after 3:09 PM or for almost 3 hours when i worked only at that post and this is the first time it ever happened to me. Link for history for Chrome here. Then i looked with this Chrome extension and i got the same result.

10:34 I am not sure but it looks like the "photons" coming from a single radio antenna during a period of the frequency are all entangled. If so, the applications for surveillance and hidden, undetectable faster than light communications are endless. All you have to do is place a receiver in an area where "photons" come from the same oscillations or same "burst of photons" of a radio antenna or at exact same distance from antenna with the target or manipulating/receiving (of entangled photons) communicating devices again forming a triangle with two equal sides. Undetectable faster than light full duplex communications and undetectable passive surveillance that is.

Radio communications are barbaric when we look at the resources unveiled by my blog post. But they are necessary for different reasons like maybe the one above and also as sources of physical and mental degradation in case or cell phones. Cause we don't have to think or live a happy healthy life but work and drive to fulfill Buddha's sermon or St.Dominic mother's dream.

But there could be others as well i can't think of right now. Free energy. Wormholes. Shielded bubble space drives. Reason is the pain.

Earlier we went to our garden bed which is inside of a yard of a local church that got a cell phone tower on the roof top "to help pay the bills" and like any cell phone towers it puts some microwave (a type of radio) radiation around which is normal operation as being the carrier for voice and sound.

That is the reason i only go there with my friend "the beeper" which is a microwave meter with alarm that beeps slow when radiation is above 1 mW or what i think i the danger level and fast when it's above 10 which to me is painful with only one minute of exposure. That is because i probably reached the exposure limit for a lifetime which exposure is cumulative because it permanently destroys the capillaries in tissues and now i got what they call "radio-sensitivity".

Every time i went with the meter i found the signal is strong or above 10 in the parking lot and then it almost disappears near the bed and i figured it was because of a tree in between, and never got any pain.

Tonight, i forgot the meter also due to my brain being scrambled by the new neighbors with their fast steps slow moving, the pain is present, hours later, in areas most exposed in the past, like eyes, around eyes, ears, hands, mandible, thyroid from cell phone and wi-fi and legs, pelvic and colon from wi-fi from laptop, with some paralysis of some sciatic nerves from keeping my phone on in jeans' pockets.

But the exposure must have been bad tonight, the pain is at a level of 4-5 on a 10 scale on large areas of the body many hours after.

The exposure to immediate areas during a phone call like head and hands can be up to 3000 mW or 3W or 0.3% of total power used inside of a 1000 W microwave oven, on max (automated) setting level for the phone when the relaying or connecting tower is distant.

So be advised.

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