Tuesday, April 9, 2019

2017 ORS 163.732 Stalking

Probably because of what i wrote about Sunday on 213 in Oregon City a State Police car pulling everybody to the right than possibly going to the shopping center near Molalla Ave (i also wrote it could had been an illusion, could had been another car). Also because what i wrote about the name Washington (和神道), architect Minoru etc. BTW, one more idea from seeing the ubiquitous NW on a sign on the road, Pacific NW could stand for Pacific NOW, another, Cobain for Kobe Japan, still thinking about Boeing which reminds me of the name of Chinese martial artist Bolo Yeung, who after he lost all the muscles now looks like the President of China. AM, for Amaterasu? (Main Japanese Shinto Goddess).
Japanese language or Google Translate in relationship with it are realy weird. When i typed the word bo with latin characters it came with a kanji for the word grave. But when i pasted that kanji it came with a transliteration like haka which again means grave (remembering Elvis singing in a karate inspired suit, "hunk a hunk a burning love", Both Elvis and his daughter Priscilla had black belts).

Before i learned more English i always thought he was singing haka haka. Now that i look at the video i see his face looking serious but his body language is almost obscene.

Syllables bo 薄 in Chinese means flimsy and yong 用 use, together meaning 薄用 surge. Nothing obvious further here (but i don't speak Chinese).

I'm going to change the order of what happened because i need to say something first (something that came to mind on trails when i'm finally alone and noise free). I knew a couple of engineers who worked at Boeing one through Mart family. Dragoș Mărgineanțu and his wife Daciana who now to me look like the Romanian blogger Simona Tache (i could be wrong though, i never met Simona Tache and even if i did last time i saw Daciana was i think Christmas 1999 when i also met (by chance, in the same Pacific resort next to Depoe Bay, with Mary, the wife or Ron Bogger, who looked like Priscilla ...Presley), and the other one is Cristi Aniței, who now to me look like Romanian actor Tudor Aaron Istodor, son of Maya Morgenstern, with his wife Cecilia who looked like Iulia... Vântur (she used to work for the City of Seattle), Vânt means wind in Romanian.

Last night around 10 i went to McDonalds after i ate and had a beer. On the upper alley (go there because of inclination that possibly pushes oil on the PCV at the Hiunday on the other alley) two Tualatin Police SUVs. A guy on a bicycle from from the same direction passing me on the right in the same time with last SUV passed me on left. That because i was going really really slow listening to the tick. The guy on the bicycle looked very intrigued at the officer in the last SUV. His face was showing like "now what"? Cop was blond, in his late thirties, blue eyes, looking mean. Bicycle guy in his twenties, brunete, thin.

Today i left for a walk. Just from the start here in the parking lot a Hyundai Elantra four door, about the same age as ours, possibly bigger engine, like 2 liter. Passed me and i could hear no tick.

An old man with a crooked stick like of the counter revolutionary miners in the last picture i posted last night was next to a car right behind my truck smoking acting like ignoring everything. I waited a while and he wouldn't move. He looked very frail so i chose not to tell him to move aside so i backed in the spot next to that car but then had to accelerate. My after market cat especially when cold doesn't work very well so they made their first point of the day on me.

Bad luck in the park. Was raining and got all wet so i went at Tryon through Lake Oswego. Right at the beginning in the parking lot maybe up to 10 small children, a girl dressed with a colored skirt reminding of gypsies, a woman looking like a gypsy, etc.. Did they restart the Waldorf kindergarten in the park again?

While driving there again the parade with weird LPT numbers. About 25% had 2 of the letters from KGB. (They gave us at Mountain Park DMV about one year ago a LPT with JKB which was next in the stack).
While walking at Tryon i was thinking all the time at Angela's surgery ten days from now (suture hernia repair with mesh). Can't get out of my mind how the guy (Physician Assistant Miller, second most common name in the US), who in the third day after open heart surgery came in her room and clipped the 4 temporary pacemaking wires connected to the heart during surgery instead of removing them). He came, he said he was present with the doctor in the operating room. Angela almost pulled those wire while on oxycodone thinking they were remaining suture wires.

And then something weird happened. On a boardwalk that used to be slippery they installed a chicken wire mesh sort of thing.
At Tryon i also met with a woman who looked like Hungarian actress Egri Marta.

... will continue...

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