Saturday, July 30, 2022

July 30

1:26 Ori la Bálványos ori la... De 32 de ani Viktor Orban vine să-i învețe pe români cum să relaxeze tensiunile interetnice dar anul acesta românii s-au enervat pentru că el a început să-i învețe și pe europeni iar românii au devenit geloși și au început să comenteze.

1:55 Wa Shinto
Keep calm, you're George Washington

2:16 Rip City.

George Washington

7:32 I read in the news today of a bill was passed on the House Floor on Friday. However there was nothing scheduled for that day in the House of Representatives, according to their own site. Engrossment?

8:14 Is that a Shiva Lingam standing on a lotus flower in the middle of Buda_pest?

11:48 They blame everything on Jews, their only possible opponents. Actors with Jewish names in promiscuous Jewish roles. Everything that's sex in Hollywood it's them.

11:50 The guy who was trimming the grass's edge on Wednesday was raising clouds of redwood dust mixed with soil to the sky. When he approached this corner where BTW grass is dried anyways (just poured some water on it) because i think the sprinkler has been stepped upon (not by me i always been careful) i yelled at him but too late. Bedroom's window was opened and a cloud of dust was going that way. But he stopped in front of the living. Then he went in the back next to the south garages and i saw clearly, the dust was raising twice the height of the garages. That night i threw a few gallons of water on the patio thinking i'll be fine until Thursday when we leave. We left after getting very irritated because of dust and fogot to double check things and came back the next day. However today couldn't take it no more (could not sleep more than a few hours) because the AC has to run all time so i went outside to hose everything and then here came this guy with a black hound or lab or a cross mumbling... Sir, can i ask you a question and i said no, but he kept mumbling anyways something about his daughter. I saw him previously but i think he was a different actor in the same role, but younger. This one seemed under 30. Blond, skinny and showing lots of frustration, he walked his dog several times around almost until i was finished. I could see the water, especially in front, came down the building whitish or milk like. That kinda dust settled on the car too and was still there after 200 miles and went and washed the car as well. Wanted to back vacuum the filter, but there was no room at the vacuums before the wash (one was broke) and after i forgot.

For one, he is lighter, can barely squeak. Now trying to compensate. Equally annoying but clearly lighter.

12:15 Like the little man upstairs. Overnight, he grew muscles and now that they know i'm irritated, he left his trunk open as an opportunity to come outside, and i wanted to get car's mats inside to wash them too. I know since Lake Oswego, they switch actors sometimes, like they switched Lindsey Lohan with Kelly Clarkson in the apartment next door (same name, occupation, clothes, car).

What else you shouldn't miss in Budapest or... Nagy_kanizsa. Both snakes are placed in front of schools since 81 and 82. There could be more i'm not aware of...

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