Tuesday, November 29, 2022

November 29

6:10 It started. The terror with modified exhausts. People with sometimes new cars and trucks start their engine to warm it up 10 minutes or more before leaving. There are two right now and will continue until after 9.

6:12. Unio trio gasorum? Pandemia, războiul din Ucraina, niște alegorii pentru ca lumea să uite? Un exemplu. Am scris această postare pe 1 Noiembrie 2019. Am continuat ideea pe 31 Decembrie 2020.

2:00 Better than nothing. 2.2 billion down, 997.8 to go.

3:45 Today i realized the first time that the description of nagas in Hindu scriptures (not conspiracy sites) as shape-shifting (between humans and snakes) creatures correspond to the matches i found between Hungarian actors and other categories of artists and even scholars from Hungary and Japan and the people in charge of different countries, as in my Similarities blog.

6:15 Talking about conspiracy sites. There are many sites that say the Aztecs are the descendents of Astika, the sage boy snake that convinced king Janamejaya to stop the Sarpa Satra, and the remaining of the snakes emigrated in today's Mexico and called themselves Aztecs. However today i ran into something really weird. A bass relief from India that seems to depict a couple of warriors looking much like Aztec warriors, with masks/helmets, rounded feathers crest (like of the Romans), other specific garments to wear on shoulder.

More than that, one of the main Aztec deities, Tlaltecuhtli is always portrayed with a portruding tongue, pretty much like Indian goddess of suspected Australian origin, Kaly (Kyle).

6:40 Today i also found out for the first time of the special relationship of Buddha with snakes.

7:02 I think we should stop seeing history, that sometimes hides in mythology, as local, eurocentric whatever as we were thought in schools and think of the numerous links and encounters of people even from different continents in the past.

7:13 This guy that reminds of a a pharaoh came out at a search for Aztec figures.

12:00 And what's up with the garment hanging by their belt, like of the Egyptians?

Războiul ca alegorie. The burning of Khandava forest. Every time i write something, something similar happens in the war. From now on i will keep count.

BTW i took this morning a screenshot with Oregon "hot points", just before the 1.5 inch announced rain began, to compare. On the site, if  you click on any of those it will tell you the time the satellite passed, and the power generated in MW. However they are not sure? if it's a fire. Right now the're way more than in California.

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