Monday, December 25, 2023

December 25

11:50 This Christmas i gave you my heart i solved the mystery of the extraordinary nerve and impunity of the guy upstairs. He also charged my card yesterday at the car wash.

People don't really want to pay attention to my similarities blog.

12:00 Bill G Gates

12:22 De fiecare dată când văd astfel de știre mă mir. Datele informatice nu se fură, se copie cel mult. Am văzut multe alftel de știri de-a lungul timpului, dar nu am auzit să fie avut vreodată vreo consecință în afară de psihoza momentului.

De unde știu ăia de la IT că a fost copiat un fișier? Pot să știe că cineva cu un anume IP sau un IP ascuns a intrat (s-a logat fiindcă au avut o parolă slabă) și nimic mai mult. A, se gândesc ei că poate le-au copiat fișierele dar dacă hacker-ul e bun, nu rămâne nici o dovadă.

Împreună cu știrea asta și asta, pare a fi dintr-o serie concertate pe justificarea ne-acordării Schengen.

1:20 A modified, in trend version of heart mudra?

8:50 In diabetes it is more important how you breath than how you eat. Before i had diabetes my SPO2 level was always 98, then it went down little by little and now is what, 95 when at the computer? It is all very very simple, if you don't have enough oxygen to burn the carbs in your cells, sugar is going to build up in blood and tissues in  your body. The reason it can't go down immediately when a change occurs.

I've done this experiment for a week after i realized my nose is really really congested and used decongestant every day. SPO2 is back to 98. Not only palpitations are gone but blood sugar never went over 300, in fact is around 250 no matter what i eat or drink. But can't use decongestant all the time.

In the meantime i figured one more thing. The garbage disposal was full deep inside the mechanism with decaying stuff, though i constantly cleaned all the visible and reachable parts, after using it more than it should have (didn't want to throw food in the garbage for some reasons) and after some "good guys" threw some microwaves in the garbage, it got contaminated with nasty bacteria and mold. I guess i never knew how bad it can get.

One day i came home from my walk and felt the smell and figured all these and tried the first remedy i saw online. Backing soda and vinegar. I thought it worked at first but then the smell came back after a new mw was thrown in the garbage. So i finally got to the second one, or what Angela told me a while ago and i ignored. Lemon peels.

They turn into pieces big enough to scrub the space in the disposal from inside, actually removing the bad stuff. I hope cause i really don't want to take it apart. I had in the fridge one drying lemon, but today i never got out of my permanent frustration enough to go to the store. Cause all i can see in there are again actors and extras and (fake)volunteers crossing my path. BTW got to order a lid on Amazon for the black hole just in case.

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