Thursday, December 28, 2023

December 28

7:24 A parallel Universe or an alternate Universe obtained by changing something in the past of the current one wouldn't be all that bad. People would find themselves in a different world but would not know it is different, for them it would have been always like that. That's why travelling back in time to make changes like in Asimov's book is only halfway effective.

Because the current one would still exist unchanged and they will not aware of each other. In fact the theory says there are an infinity of parallel Universes. If so, it means a parallel Universe is created every time someone makes a conscious decision, creating a new Universe, dragging everyone else in it and you could exist in one's Universe or be dead or never existed in another.

But i believe there are reactions to it, by the law of action-reaction to creating new Universes.

One of them is caught in the "come together over me" theory which is just a logical consequence (reaction) of the many worlds theory. That's why sometimes by some sort of subconsciously motivated desire people gather in religious or totalitarist or hierarchical societies (or tribes centered around a shaman or clans around a patriarch etc.) Where nobody makes individual decisions and that would spare them of that burden also creating less Universes also avoiding the risk of disappearing in a parallel Universe made by someone's wish.

A sort of utopian Nirvana if you want.

According to this theory seeking Nirvana (extinguishment) would make sense. Being one with the creator (of the branch you came into existence) in all the parallel Universes you exist in would eliminate the need for creating new Universes.

If one person dies he still continue to exist in an infinity of Universes minus one. But if one person is killed by the agreement between one million people, he would exist only in an infinity minus one million Universes, like in the case of death penalty.

I think people are trying by instinct to avoid being dragged into Universes of those who hate them because they could end up dead or re-incarnate as an animal or even a rock in one of those.

There are a whole lot of consequences of the existence of the Multiverse and i think some of them can be used to prove it. But the conscious part of my brain goes blank from time to time because of  how much i drank last night.

Ok i remembered one. The nightmare (or hell whatever). It is possible to keep avoiding death by always moving to an Universe where you are still alive but it will be weirder and weirder. You may end up walking around like a skeleton that stays together only by one million wishes or universes created every second and one day or another you will end wishing for Nirvana.

But there maybe some who study all the laws and consequences of time travel and are doing it with keeping the same or approximately the same one Universe to their own benefit in the future where they reside, like some sort of business, exactly like in Asimov's book, The end of Eternity.

Of course one can change everybody's multiverse by putting out unwanted information, like the real theory of everything and exposing them and help people converge on reality.

Nobody study these laws (of time travel) in the present because it all seemed to improbable not worthy of the trouble bla bla but seeing all in a new light like the pyramids, sphinx and generally the geometry of the creation, it now start to make sense of looking into these possibilities.

12:45  This real story by example is so weird it seems caused by time travelers mentioned above. Purpose? To draw attention from the real story that keep changing their own controlled time line.

1:25 În SUA detectoarele de fum sunt obligatorii prin lege. Mai ales fiindcă marea majoritate a locuințelor sunt din lemn. Sunt atât de  bune încât uneori se declanșează dacă arzi ceva pe aragaz.

Nu vor mai fi situații să auzim că cineva în Botoșani a adormit cu țigara aprinsă și a murit în incendiul declanșat.

2:02 Done that. Am încercat pe vremuri o chestie asemănătoare. Pe baze statistice, am făcut un program pe calc (mini, Independent, clonă de PDP-11) lucrând în orele de după servici care putea să asigure întodeauna 11 rezultate din 13 la pronosport (meciurile de fotbal din Italia). Vasile știe.

Chiar făcusem un încă un progrămel care asigura și tipărirea pe imprimantă. Aliniam formularele, le băgam în imprimanta matriceală și nu trebuia să mai pierd timpul să le completez de mână.

Însă nu prindeam niciodată "surprizele" și numai acelea ar fi asigurat un câștig substanțial. Nu mai țin minte de ce am renunțat însă acum stau și mă gândesc. Dacă prindeam 11 rezultate și mai plăteam ceva și puneam câte unul la întâmplare pe mai multe bilete... A da cred că am făcut și asta dar la un moment dat m-am plictisit...

3:50 Ok here goes one experiment that tries to prove that time travel do exist (and everything that goes with it). Let's say you have one device configured for time travel, like a time machine and stuff. One person goes in in and voila... It disappears in a cloud of fog. No trace and by that you can not know if it's dead or alive. By going in the past it makes a change and alter your current timeline but there is no way to know cause it would have happened thousands of years ago.

The only way to know is if he would build a device there (by coercing or brainwashing or convincing the locals he is a god) and come back. However the locals decided, after, to build a monument with his face and now we all know.

5:00 Cali

7:15 Nakedness is a homage to Buddha. Short sword presented as a cross. Point of convergence. All together.

Pyramid. Crossed arms (Pharaoh). Cross sign (Christ). Four components (we know from the cover) of light quanta that start to rotate (hard to see, not so precise, but suggestive, could not have been done more in a music video). Time generation, splitting quanta and many strings in the end. Could be more details i overlooked. Or don't understand. Jump back (in time)?

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