Friday, December 1, 2023

December 1st

3:36 Până la urmă s-au constituit Statele Unite ale Austriei, fiindcă iată, Austria controlează prin veto-ul său această Uniune Europeană din care noi suntem pe post de vasali și ăsta nu e decât începutul. A și chestia cu elitele. Stalin a avut grijă, acum nu mai avem nici o elită iar liderii fac liniștiți pe proștii.

10:05 În SUA asta este o crimă (infracțiune pe românește) în sine și se pedepsește începând de la 3 luni la 3 ani și (depinde de stat, împrejurări etc.). În Germania, până la 3 ani. (click dreapta, traducere).

10:16 Aceeași chestie și la ruși. După ce am încercat să arăt că mai mulți lideri ai lor, dictatori care au cauzat/cauzează dezastre inimaginabile la ei și în lume au fost/sunt actori unguri, apare o știre cu teatru, pentru a distrage atenția. Ultima dată când am abordat subiectul a fost un incendiu la acoperișul unui teatru la ei etc..

Apropo știți ce legătură este între cuvintele țar și kaiser? Amândouă vin din latinul caesar. Primii țari ruși au fost din dinastia... Romanov! Și imperiul rus dar și cel sfânt roman s-au considerat continuatoare ale imperiului roman.

11:17 Eu când de exemplu sunt în bucătărie să gătesc ceva nu mă gândesc la ceea ce fac. Adică merg pe automat. Capul îmi stă doar la ce postez. Așa s-a întâmplat și acum. Au rămas bucăți și bucățele din jambonul cumpărat de Thanksgiving cu cuponul Angelei de la servici așa că am pus nișe fasole de ieri la muiat și acum am fost să le dau foc (cu zeama scursă după un clocot, nu știu cât de eficientă e chestia).

(Astfel m-am conformat cu noua tradiție post revoluționară, una din puținele, fără să plănuiesc).

A venit cel de sus și a început să izbească în zona bucătăriei în niște moduri inimaginabile, ca și cum ar sări cineva de pe un scaun pe podea (un exemplu). Bineînțeles ca să nu mă pot gândi la ce să mai scriu. Se sparie creierul. Mă simt ca și cum mi-a tras cineva cu o măciucă în tâmpla din dreapta sau parcă am făcut hernie de creier.

Ok deci am venit iar la calc și am încercat să caut data cu incendiul de la teatrul muzical parcă din Moscova și ce am găsit. Apropo de dezastre cauzate de lideri absoluți. Da știu Putin a venit ca o salvare după un bețiv destrăbălat). Și totuși parcă era mai funny cu Elțin. Ваше здоровье!

11:35 Falsh. Falco. Falcon.

1:03 Vigilenți sau vigilante?

3:13 It is true. I have been recently suggested by an American patriot ninja that i should try not to face the scanner. The trained ninja who know how to read minds. Because of the gate that has something to do with pineal gland central anterior cortex which is close to your forehead.

I remembered that last night when i was out of options with the very aggressive one that has been transplanted upstairs so i tried to move my head away from where i thought they were upstairs and voila. They stopped every time.

Again it's not the clowns that climb the stairs. The real ninja descend from the roof comming from the Apt.4.

This news should be very exciting for everybody. While ninjutsu is available for everyone and you could learn it from books and scrolls, very few have access to those. But scientists now have an opportunity to study it.

I know when i covered most of the ceiling with aluminum foil they stopped for a while (a week) and they came back slowly, within a month. That's how long it took to explore and train to go with those. And even then, they have tp use the "narrow" lane left uncovered to get to me.

So it's electric in nature. A form of communication probably ancestral, written in our genes, built in our brains, but something that is not immediately available to our conscious mind.

The possibilities. The savvy savages that are the ninja only use it for extracting information, sometimes applying instant karma, trying to hush or influence back the source. The most amazing (ancient) tool for espionage and influencing.

3:25 This is most annoying, that i have to write this i mean. What happened since the moment i left the apartment and came back from the stores. But i have to do it cause it's as important as the above.

I experienced with electric brooms like an alternative between two vacuuming. I produce lots of crumbles in the area in front of the couch. It's the only alternative to vacuuming on the carpet and it works on hardwood floor too.

I head a Shark for years and then it broke. Weak point: The swivel. And i ordered on Amazon one that i thought it was better. Black and Decker, with lithium battery. But it was not as good as the Shark. Higher RPM but smaller brushes, it needed more passes and was easily blocked by hair. But i broke that one too when i tried to clean it with water. One drop of water on the fragile PCB and it won't charge no more.

Then i said ok, let's try one with no battery and electric motor. The old "manual" type. It's got rubber wheels that turn the brushes. Even more passes needed than the B&D, was pushing some of the stuff in front of it and would not work on margins and ends. And if there was some serious stuff like yesterday a very fine layer of corn meal in kitchen area (from a punctured bag), the rubber wheels wont turn no more (not making contact with the floor).

Ok so i looked and found at Walmart one cheaper then on Amazon. Available in store. They were two options, one like the one i head and the 12 inches one. My place is not so big so i fixed my mind on the regular one.

3:32 Boom boom boom. He sneaked on my left and got in front of me and started to stomp really hard on his floor (which happens to be my ceiling).

Ok so i left and first think i noticed again smoke, probably cocaine outside and a hole very hard to see except right from above. As i got to my truck, i saw the religious figure holding a conference to three other people, some with badges. I looked back and i saw upstairs the blinds were removed from the front of the glass sliding doors, a bed pulled next to those and something like a pillow and two hands raised with a phone.

So i left. At Walmart, the same feeling, like i stepped in a giant live theater with one thousands cameras on the ceiling and everybody acting up. I made my way to the vaccuums area which BTW has moved again. Got a few other items and went at the check stands. In the same time with me to women dressed in blue blocked the exit of the self checking area.

I first scanned the Shark and surprise. It was the more expensive 12 inch Shark. So i put it back in my cart and left while the two women came right at the stand to cancel my items. Though i know it cancels itself after a number of seconds. I immediately started to think. On cameras it all looked like they prevented me from taking off with the merchandise.

On the bay the item was under the wrong label. They were only 3 more of the same type. A small XL probably stands for 12 inches, no other indication. So i went back to checkstands. A guy with a T-shirt saying Security Officer started to follow me. I stopped and let if pass ahead.

A whole different type of show was ready for me but i will only mention one thing. A woman came with a cart and there was a handbag open with all consent visible a few inches behind my back for the whole period of time.

They were hundreds of people who intentionally performed a live show the whole period i was there. Basically all the people in there. Same at WinCo i was after that. Today theme was me shoplifting, stealing, subliminal only. The level of coordination between those indicate AI scripting and synchronization. All of the must have had something in their ear to tell them wat to do.

Same on the streets with meaningful LPN, brands chosen for the sequence and logos and slogans and everything. Where is the reality, people?

5:00 La vie en rose. Let the weekend begin!

10:07 Wanna listen to and see TheRealCher (without the silly makeup and "clothes"?) Have a nice weekend everybody!

How about Sonny Bono in 2015? (lipsinking, the voice track is decades old). Yes in Romanian copii means children. It's a Sanskrit word, gopya. Numai copii, only children. A world of children, this what we have become.

10:33 Pour les Roumains. (O explicație).

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