5:32 Cândva am scris o postare numită "Mic eseu despre țigani". Nu prea aveam experiență, postarea e prea stufoasă pentru a fi prezentată acum. Am să scriu câteva cuvinte încercând să rezolv misterul, dar cu prețul introducerii altui mister.
Oricine din România a auzit de cuvântul mameluc. Însă nu oricine știe ce înseamnă. Mamelucii au fost reali. În limba arabă mameluc înseamnă sclav.
În Imperiul Otoman sclavii puteau avea statut social ridicat, să fie bogați, să facă parte din organizarea militară. Educația lor era similară cu a spartanilor, fiind separați de familie de la o vârstă fragedă și locuind în barăci militare.
La un moment dat, un număr de sclavi musulmani s-au desprins din Imperiu și au format propriul lor sultanat, dar atenție, simultan în India și Egipt (și Irak), introducând religia musulmană în India, unde în prezent 14% din populație sunt musulmani. Un (alt) mister al istoriei.
Untouchables - de neatins - sau daliții, sunt indienii din afara celor 4 caste, intelectuali, militari, comercianți și lucrători. Ei făceau/fac job-uri de curățenie, lucrau în abatoare, etc..
Sultanatul mameluc din Egipt s-a terminat în 1517, la începutul unui secol cu multe evenimente și schimbări de direcție în istoria lumii (reîntoarcerea păsării Phoenix, cu un ciclu complet de 500 de ani).
Sclavii indieni, daliții, s-a răspândit în tot Imperiul Otoman iar unii au scăpat în Europa. Restul îl știți din articol.
Nu de la țigani avem fondul sanscrit în limba Română, deși ei unele cuvinte importante, ca șucar (care nu a intrat în fondul lexical al limbii române) sau mișto (intrat recent). Aceste cuvinte sunt mult mai vechi, ne vin de la daci. În Bucovina de exemplu, au existat puțini robi țigani iar limba (așa cum o vorbeau bunicii noștri) este similară celei din alte zone ale țării.
Însă nu putem nega o anumită influență, uneori în bine, a acestei comunități, din care destui s-au integrat în mainstream-ul românesc.
O minoritate care trăia izolată, uneori în sate întregi (din care unele se păstrează până astăzi), controlată de boieri, legată de glie, apărută (conform acestei teorii) masiv abia după 1517 (cu o întârziere necesară migrării) nu aveau cum să schimbe fondul lexical al unei limbi, așa cum o știm de la Dosoftei sau Cantemir.
Însă eu personal cred că majoritatea țiganilor din România provine din veșnica lor rătăcire de-a lungul și de-a latul Europei, nu din robii țigani eliberați de Cuza. Un număr la fel de mare de țigani există și în Ungaria, cu o populație totală de jumătate din cea a României iar în Turcia sunt de două ori mai mulți decât în România, etc..
Amplasarea lângă Dalles, Oregon a muzeului de la Maryhill, o construcție dedicată Reginei Maria a României este la fel ca și acest articol capcană și multe multe altele, parte dintr-o lungă și încăpățânată campanie anti-românească și noi știm cine se află în spatele ei, o forță care este din păcate acum la apogeul său și controlează practic întreaga lume.
Apropo, eu prima dată când am venit în SUA și Oregon am stat la un fost coleg de birou, Iulian Mârț, care locuia într-o căsuță închiriată în Dallas, Oregon (lângă Salem, capitala, a nu se confunda cu Dallas, Texas, ori Salem, Massachusetts, legat de film).
9:15 Gafa de care spuneam că Georgescu o va face și îl va face ineligibil cedând locul candidatului sistemului a venit mult mai devreme decât mă așteptam (un indicator al noii dinamici în scena politică românească). Însă el va continua să polueze peisajul politic românesc mai mult decât toți ceilalți la un loc până la "alegeri".
9:46 Market level is kept high by a daily permutation of three of the seven trillion magnificent samurai. Apple, Nvidia and Tesla.
2:10 PM Patru
Friday, January 31, 2025
January 31
Thursday, January 30, 2025
January 30
1:25 AM Vectors v6 turned paraboloids. This version allowing two full whirls in existence at at time would better explain pair production. Should now try and build a version with hyperbolae instead of parables because hyperbola is asymptotic and would explain better transfer between whirls.
9:50 Am văzut o dare de seamă pe buget pe anul trecut. În unele locuri pensionarii sunt numiți în continuare asistați sociali.
Pensiile sunt acoperite aproape integral din contribuții CAS de pe fluturași.
Investiții, 120 +57 miliarde de lei, adică 35 miliarde de euro? cu 35 miliarde euro faci 1750 km autostradă la 20 milioane pe km. Un spital mare costă sub un miliard de euro.
Vrem lista cheltuieli investiții pe ministere și proiecte.
11:38 Rusia discută cu Trump, nu cu paraziții europeni.
11:55 After one hour in full swing, she left about 15 minutes ago. A monstrous bass started outside.
8:45 Four travelling hyperboloids.
Wednesday, January 29, 2025
January 29
7:02 All the math i could remember flashed in front of my eyes last night, but i've done it (the basis for my final model). In the meantime, i realized the model could be something else i haven't thought of it yet.
Got a question. How people could understand math in the past without desmos (or something similar like Geogebra, etc..)
7:50 It moves on slider l on z axis for now but it works. It's slow and jittery even on my octo core mini PC because there are a lot of calculations to be done. I believe it could be optimized by reusing some of the calculations but that is not my purpose today.
12:10 PM But again this version does not allow any asymmetry for polarization.
Also the real hologram on the left suggests there is a phase difference between the whirls. Could be advancement with rotation? (Coming (maybe not so) soon, have to move it in cylindrical coordinates).
Electric fields of electron and positron whirls whirls is given by the AEther pressure gradient caused by the enormous speed of the whirls and magnetic field would be a stream of AEther attracted at periphery and expelled through the middle. Being frictionless, there is no transfer of energy on a closed circuit AEther stream.
AEther pressure holds the 4 components of the photon together.
Gravity would stand for lower pressure inside every whirls that make up the Universe.
Whirls rotating in opposite directions attract each other and those rotating in the same direction repel however, when they rotate at 90 degrees, it's either way.
If i the photon enters a magnetic field (a stream of neutrinos or AEther) it will start to rotate until it breaks in the components with them merging from 4 into 2 swirls that start rotating in opposite directions creating the so called pair production. AEther itself is polarized which means it has a pressure. Due to this, electron whirls pump less AEther than positron ones hence an asymmetry for explaining polarization.
So yeah, instead of having one million crazy theories, formulas and interpretations (and approximations) each to explain anomalies in the pervious as it is in quantum physics right now, you would have one crazy interpretation and the rest is our classic (super)fluid mechanics...
12:20 Whirls in the news.
5:45 when i added this to that entry a very loud exhaust started to rumble outside. As the engine heated a little, the rpm went lower and the sound diminished. However it's still there and i think is the black GMW. It left after i wrote.
Though there is no left hand rule for magnetic field, in this image Tesla seems to point the thumb to himself and wrap his fingers, with hairdo figuring the asymmetrical pair production which is proof of the existence of positive pressure (polarized) AEther.
Tuesday, January 28, 2025
January 28

3:50 AM One more version. v6. How about this one (v7)
11:30 Oh... My... God... Version 6 is getting really close to this. Or this.
10:00 PM Was searching for examples in desmos, particularly a 3 d spiral which i can't find and i ran into what i believe is closest to a close string made of a whirl. Just for visualization of an idea.
3:35 It looks easy with Rhino Grasshopper but i have to buy it.
Sunday, January 26, 2025
January 27
Traveling photon (v2)model with opposite whirls oscillating in different directions transferring energy from one axis to another. Red and blue represents two turning directions The arrows represent the conic whirls however the other way around (could not find an easy way in desmos).
One more version (v4) to explain polarization. Another (v5) one. And another (v1) one.
In a way, is similar to a yo-yo or a Maxwell pendulum but the two ends of the yo-yo cylinder rotate in different directions. Another analogy would be four cups, touching at the bottom, with each red cup pouring into a blue one next to it and the other way around.
Whirls grow by extracting energy from the ones on the previous axis until their outer axial pressure equates the AEther pressure and then bounce back, bump into each other and cede their energy to the next axis.
Pick one my friend, it's your Universe!
I personal would go with the jumping because there is no axial movement, and this explains why the speed of light is greatest. More than that, the whirls could be absolute stationary, this explaining, in a way why the speed of light is seen the same by any non relativistic observer.
It also explain why the light accelerates suddenly back at c when exiting a medium that slows it down to like 70% .
There is one more possibility. Tomorrow.
Why transferring in the direction of propagation? I think there could be a shockwave in the AEther that creates an area of preferential low pressure ahead (jumping photon). In the case of travelling, could be simply inertia. No, there is no transfer of energy both in bouncing and the shockwave.
AEther is frictionless.
10:00 I remember to this day how my whole world crumbled when the physics teacher in college made this enunciation.
According to that, accelerating protons at the LHC ("close to the speed of light") would not make sense. No matter how close to the speed of light a proton is moving, the speed of a proton would still be at c=300000 kms/s away from it.
That moment i knew i was screwed because i could never learn something without understanding it. And they were so many other crazy formulas coming, for a whole year!
Also according to this same formula, relativistic speeds start at 0 or every time that ratio starts to have any none zero value. Typically considered? That is not exactly rocket science!
5:20 Black is the next white.

Saturday, January 25, 2025
January 26
4:35 AM According to standard model the smallest known particle is the muon neutrino, with a mass of 0.17 eV. All the other masses are measured in either MeV (mega electron volts) or GeV (giga electron volts) which is million or billion times bigger. At this point i propose AEther is made of neutrinos. They have a tiny mass, millions of times smaller than next bigger particle, no charge and a 1/2 spin. Ideal candidate.
A stream of neutrino could stand for a magnetic field where their spins could be aligned.
When a high energy photon enters a stream of neutrinos, it will get knocked out in its components, an electron and a positron which are whirls rotating in opposite directions and will start circling in opposite directions when in vacuum and spiraling in the cloud chamber.
From what i saw, the positron is bigger than the electron resulted in pair production and that cold as well be caused by the spin of neutrinos.
Don't know yet if the photon is made of one or two hourglass shaped pair of particles in a cross pattern and if they oscillate, transferring AEther from one another but is the only way it could happen if they move on a direction perpendicular on the hourglasses axis because otherwise the photon will start spiraling. As for what makes them oscillate, could be fluid mechanics laws applied for frictionless AEther and it could appear as they are dynamically attracted by their own past selves.
9:47 Yeah should have avoided any exotic ideas like past selves, creating time, things like this. As i went to bed last night i finally got the idea, however was too tired to come back at the computer and write it down.
I don't believe anymore they oscillate or pulsate or anything. The Polish hologram seem to be accurate.
What is holding those four funnels together preventing them from growing to infinity is the pressure of the AEther, made of neutrinos. Which then could mean the AEther fills uniformly the whole known space. Photons cannot exist without it. This goes against the Big Bang theory.
So in a way the were right talking about luminiferous AEther. However i feel a bit nervous about countless neutrinos and muouns passing through my body all the time. But i believe other cosmic rays are doing more damage then those, giving me this terrible headache this morning.
Let's read one more time what the Bible says about Ezekiel's wheel.
Perpendicular Scalar Compression? Photons do not travel? This comes close to my first representation however those vectors are pulsating funnels and the "hologram" caught an image covering a whole period with all 4 funnels at their peak.
Two funnels in existence at any moment. The photon could be split into an electron and a positron when the funnels are equal enters the magnetic field. The positron gets bigger by accumulating more neutrinos that turn in opposite direction as whirl of opposite spin attract?
I don't see any negative spin in the standard model table though.
BTW the table is big and the number of particles we figured so far is small (Art is long and time is short).
3:10 I thought i saw that before! (Too late in Paris)
4:55 A boundary condition may occur when AEther pressure meets whilrs, like in the case of photons. Here is a more complex or maybe hypothetic particle.
Friday, January 24, 2025
January 24
I am considering the hypothesis that inside the vortex an electron is made of there is a quantum singularity or void (no AEther) where AEther can fall into and the main energy of the whirl is not created but only its spin is oriented by a Coriolis force. The energy of the whirl is created by AEther falling into that void which means the Universe is trying to heal itself from that careless disturbance.
However the whirl can be shook by thermal agitation or knocked by other particles around and thus emits photons which are smaller whirls. So yeah, i believe the photon emission can be used as a source of energy.
The analogous whirls in superfluids can't create a singularity because they're moving to slow for that.
Theoretically an isolated electron cannot emit photons. Do we see here photons emitted by electrons in motion inside the tube or by electrons hitting the glass? What do you think? Which reminds me. Could the four discs represent the KLMN shells, the djed (pillar, base) a whirl, the ank a lobe and the serpent, a photon?
Which photon is presented as a snake, suggesting a wave. Probably where all physicist took from at the beginning of past century.

5:25 So far o have identified the magnetic field as a stream of AEther, coming out of whirls in similar way air is coming out of cyclones, possible residual from Aether entering a singularity in the middle of a particle (whirl) moving at relatively slow speeds.
If one photon is made of two whirls in the shape of an hourglass, one negative and one positive, possibly oscillating between the two (too small to have a singularity), when entering a stream of AEther, the two will separate and start circling in that stream of AEther following mechanic fluid laws like in pair production.
Because of air and alcohol particles in cloud chamber, the two will start loosing energy and their trajectory will turn into a spiral.
What i do not understand in classical pair production is how come the positron does not disappear when in contact with the cloud components. Could it be because it's too small and too fast rotating?
Thursday, January 23, 2025
January 23
Superfluid vortexes are a only a few orders of magnitude bigger than hypothesized particle AEther vortexes, possible at a different quantum level (quasi particles quantum level), mirroring the particle level. Or it could simply be superfluid frictionless helium behave exactly like AEther at a different scale due to different densities or atom "inclusions".
Or maybe at near zero K AEther combined with Helium behaves like a denser frictionless AEther.
Superfluid vortices also connect and reconnect and can form quasi-particles. This is similar with electrons connecting to form strings thus bigger particles like photons.
But there is something else interesting in this animation. Vortexes seem aligned in strings and all seem to move in one direction kinda perpendicular to the movement of the fluid, possibly by expelling superfluid pretty much like a jet engine does. It would not violate conservation of energy since they do that since the beginning of
They are kept apart and quite uniformly distributed due to repelling forces between vortexes of the same direction of rotation. But i believe at longer distance they attract each other due to lower pressure (Bernoulli). They seem to attract and sometimes repel each other at the extremities because of streams of superfluid getting in at one end and out at the other. More study needed here.

All particles are made of Eather whirls. The stable ones which can exist in certain sizes and rotation speeds (quantum) move by inertia in the frictionless AEther and can live indefinitely.
Its quantum size is dictated by the initial pressure of the AEther and the maximum speed reached before a quantum void is created in the middle.
Strong force could be explained by entangling of two whirls.

Since i suspect that inside a low pressure whirl the pressure inside can get so low it creates a void in the AEther, possibly tunneling it to a nearby high pressure which leaks AEther and increase pressure around it. But it could be they simply couple with each other due to the fact they cannot combine due to quantum size.
In weather, due to existence of a positive pressure atmosphere, the cyclones would be more frequent and anticyclone cannot exist without an anticyclone which feeds it.
4:10 First where created galaxies, as single whirl. As the pressure of the AEther started to get lower, all the other objects started to be created.
Could it be most matter like hydrogen is created by the whirls in AEther created by Coriolis effect and not the Big Bang (what a choice of words)? Like cyclones on Earth and they are mostly low pressure spinning little things so that would be the reason there is more matter than antimatter around us?
The creation process will continue until enough AEther is converted to matter and then its density will be too low and the process stops.
By this reasoning the (hypothetical) black hole at the center of the Galaxy could at lease initially be creating by thinning EAther, pulling the slower rotating matter in that void until it saturates?
Since this was my first draft on this idea and did not know where was going to take me while kept doing searches, i have to re-write for eliminating apparent contradictions, readability all after giving it so more thought.
11:13 However before i do that i have to add a few things here.
I looks like for all particle, big or small which have a charge which stand for negative pressure, that pressure is indeed a constant of several. We can have 1/3, -1, 1/2 or zero.
So yeah, if you stack a number of electrons to make a what, bigger particle, donut like closed string you will have the same charge, possibly making a muon. I don't know if the sum of masses is equal to its mass or there is a "defect" due to differences in relativistic speeds of AEther to which i stick for now cause i don't know if it's right or wrong because if divide the two masses, i get a fractional number.
11:51 I think i was wrong when i said this particle cannot have spin or charge. Though is made obviously of spinning electrons aligned with their spinning axis on a circle, there is a "captive" stream of AEther inside, which would actually have to spin in opposite direction. The spinning electrons that make the ring would also create a stream along the axis of the donut which may count for this.
Wednesday, January 22, 2025
January 22
Nu știu de unde am avut percepția greșită că Masa Tăcerii a lui Brâncuși (inspirată probabil dintr-un set-up antic) are scăunelele de mărimi diferite. Cel mai probabil o veche poză imprimată pe o hârtie zgrunțuroasă-lustruită trecută printr-o rotativă puțin dezaliniată pe culori din revista Cutezătorii. Whatever.
Ce rămâne din teoria cuantică dacă stăm și ne gândim că cel puțin fotonii și electronii pot avea mărimi diferite, (sau energii diferite sau lungimi de undă diferite)? Sau câmpul electromagnetic e format dintr-un câmp electric radial și unul magnetic toroidal, care însoțește fotonul la infinit deși intensitatea lui scade cu pătratul distanței?

În 1896 Henri Becquerel a pus niște pietroaie într-un sertar peste niște plăci fotografice care s-au voalat și la developat a apărut pe ele forma pietroaielor.
De atunci lumea a învățat că dacă adună o grămadă de pietroaie din alea ele se încălzesc și poți fierbe apă și învârti o turbină (după care trebuie să sapi o groapă mare sau să le pui undeva într-un fund de mină pentru 10000 de ani.
Adică. Asta o puteau face și oamenii din Neandertal.
Au venit și cu o formulă E=mc2 care încă se testează (de unde a știut Einstein?). În rest, totul e MITh.
2:55 Și mai sfinte decât conceptele din fizica modernă sunt sumele defalcate pe sume și proiecte din bugetul trecut, prezent sau viitor. Orice (e posibil) în afară de o discuție publică pe acele sume și proiecte viitoare care de-acum se cunosc deoarece toate cheltuielile bugetare sunt prevăzute în mai multe legi care se dezbat chiar acum în Parlament.
10:41 नविद्य
This may be true cause NVidia's assets, not show in this snapshot are 96 billions. Think about. 3.5 trilion market capital and 96 billion assets. Than how M/B is 52? (What happened to M/B, i googled for it the other day and it was there now it's gone).
Compare to Intel which has twice the assets and 35 times less market capital!
11:47 Am mai văzut. Au încercat să atace sistemul din interior și nu le-a ieșit niciodată. Nu poți să te prinzi de fund și să te ridici singur în sus. Ca să atace sistemul, Georgescu are nevoie de sistem și iată-l, a pus botul la sistem.
11:52 Din noianul de pagini citite zilele trecute într-una scria că cea mai mare realizare a Rusiei este a doua venire a lui Trump. Dar Trump s-a supărat după ultima mea asemănare cu Melania pe care am pus-o negreșit din cauza lui Ponta. Sau Daciana. Whatever. (De ce au ales-o pe ea pentru această misiune imposibilă? Numele ei. aluzie la Tesla, sârbul, dacii cei dreptaci, etc.).
Deci Ponta a făcut ceva și în marea politică.
9:30 PM As i said before, there are only two types of discernable activity upstairs and they are both triggered by my activities and mostly thoughts. Walking and laundry. For the last few days including today, not going nowhere, they were doing laundry almost all the time. It is very disruptive, cannot think to finish an entry i was working on.
Tuesday, January 21, 2025
January 21
Monday, January 20, 2025
January 20

I would think the size of the donut depends of individual electrons' energy. Big or small?
1:07 Right. Yet another name for AEther.
1:20 CERN built the biggest and most expensive machine on Earth to find Higg's boson. Their idea is very simple. Since protons are the biggest charged available particles, by smashing them by accelerating and colliding them coming from two opposite directions many smaller particles will emerge from that collision. But i believe many that are not in there will be created by destroying the original ones.
2:35 I think i've nailed it. There are two types of whirls in the whole Universe and those are funnel like ones. One of positive and one of negative pressure. You can put several of these together and build any particle. They can be closed like the one in the picture above or open ended with a positive swirl allowing the venting of AEther absorbed by the first one creating a stream that enters and exits the particle called a magnetic line.
Earthworms? Uroboros?
So yeah, i believe the guys who made all these interpretations possible deserve a Nobel prize. Look at that, the first ever picture (holograph whatever) of the smallest building blocks of the Universe!

3:17 Yeah i know the image obtained by those Polish guys resembles the German Iron Cross, first issued by the Prussian King Friedrich Wilhelm III. But the design is much older, since 1191, year of the beginning of the Teutonic Order, some 25 years earlier than the of the Dominican Order. Too tired now, have to go to sleep.
Spirala energetică. Those four cars have lots of iron in them right?
11:41 Question. Do you think ninja can manipulate bio-photons through Kuji Kiri?
2:05 PM Patru
10:10 How about a closed string in the shape of infinity (the edges are only to visualize rotation). That one would not sift any outside EAther whatsoever. Would be a better candidate for Higg's Boson?
I believe best candidate would be a really tangled closed one which would not pump AEther in or from the outside world.
Saturday, January 18, 2025
January 18
However the low pressure funnels of the photon constantly absorb Aether while the high pressure ones are constantly expelling it creating two opposite direction inward flows and two perpendicular outwards or what some might describe as a travelling EM field. No conservation energy or momentum law is broken.
If polarized light hits a highly polished wall like of an octahedral pyramid at a very low angle, or near parallel, at a certain time of day, with the electron "funnel" of the photons facing the wall, slightly changing direction to parallel, the electron axis will get unbalanced and the funnel facing the wall will absorb more residual antimatter or black matter or AEther from one direction, to compensate. The energy is taken from changing direction of photon with the photon shifting to red.
If that AEther vacuum comming from two opposite walls is maintained and focused through sophisticated geometry like chambers and shafts (of which some lead nowhere or are closed though aligned with known stars) and amplifying corridor walls inside a focal point within the pyramid will appear a vacuum absolute, voided of AEther, recreating the conditions before the Big Bang, where space and time has no meaning, which void could be in that instant connected to any other similar in the Universe, making possible transfer of objects made of ordinary matter.
12:50 Yeah i know it even scares myself a bit, what i just wrote above.
10:05 Do you want to know the real reason for Trump's inauguration being inside? Because it would have been too embarrassing to see the images with the front of the Capitol building reminding of Trump's insurrection.
BTW 11:22 Tonight on my way to Warm Springs despite all distractions on the road i was thinking at one thing only. If photons are sifting Eather (could not be otherwise sine they are whirls in the 3D space) it probably means all "particles" created after big bang from the positive pressure antimatter that spread around filling al space caught in negative pressure whirls, it may be all particles that have a magnetic field do just like that. Create AEther streams.
Then i recalled the Dacian shield. Could it be what we see as scales are actually whirls which i thought the first time, feeding Eather from one another and accelerating it and the octostar on top is where the photon is expelled?
Whirls on top of whirls means they cannot be bigger or smaller than a certain size which means quantified since the beginning of all this mess.

Friday, January 17, 2025
January 17
11:27 Vă mai amintiți de epoca de aur? Cred că a fost numită așa la mișto de scribii intangibili și superumani din vremea respectivă. Izvorâtorii invizibili ai cântării României și a mult iubitului. Ei știau că orice va urma pentru România nu va mai fi la acel nivel, așa cum a fost el.
8:25 Din care cel dintâi sunt eu. O poveste dintr-un lung șir care construiesc în Europa Maya sau lumea iluziilor. Totul bazat pe o interpretare greșită a unor idei budiste, care a creat atâta suferință în lume în secolul 20, care a urmat pe cel al luminilor, 19, alt concept budist prost înțeles.
Viktor Orban există doar fiindcă lumea se uită la el (se bagă în seamă). Dacă lumea nu s-ar mai uita, el și toată gașca lui ar dispărea.
Apropo, încă nu mă pot hotărî asupra simbolismului acestei clădiri "post moderniste". Ruinele Colosseum-ului, o construcție neterminată încă, un vârtej în eter?

9:33 Talking about whirls in the AEther. Article written by Vidya Ramakrishnan. Make no mistake. This woman is not Indian, she is a ninja. No, it's not a buy, none of the 7 (deadly) magnificent are. Its

We say rubbish all.
10:40 "Ready to finish the job" (while you're in town). Bye, then.
It seems there is more matter than antimatter in the Universe. This should happen because positive pressure whirls evaporated right after the big bang by leaking into the AEther or possibly creating it. So it must be the net pressure of the AEther is positive.
It could be the whole Universe is filled with broken positive pressure whirls that never die, AEther being frictionless which means mass and energy meaning AEather is basically the much sought for so called dark matter.
Thursday, January 16, 2025
January 16
1:25 Dulce Bucovină... La fel ca în cazul desenelor din nisip ale călugărilor tibetani, în cazul ouălor din Bucovina după milenii a intervenit fantezia pictorilor... Dar unele motive sunt constante și de asemenea sugestive.
2:00 AM Just unpublished and will re-write entirely my Theory of Everything based on this statement.
A photon is made of 4 conic AEther whirls rotating in opposite directions next to each other on two axis perpendicular on each other and transversal to direction of movement, moving through space frictionless, in a way similar to a smoke ring.
2:25 În urma elucidării adevăratelor circumstanțe ale semnării de către Ciolacu a falsului tratat de la Budapesta (Ciolacu nu are calitatea constituțională de a semna tratate externe, asta este un atribut al Președintelui României, semnare urmată de ratificarea Parlamentului), ei au rescris din volei alegerile și au făcut loc acestui personaj, Georgescu (care printre altele imită numele meu).
El va lătra până la vară, comentând la mișto sau apărând în alegorii, menite să creeze confuzie asupra tot ce scriu eu sau în general tot ce se întâmplă, când se va sătura toată lumea și va fi retras probabil printr-o gafă irecuperabilă și pe veci memorabilă, ca multele din istoria post 89, pentru a face loc clovnilor (des)prăfuiți ai sistemului.
2:40 One question to which google did not know the answer. Could shock waves add energy to matter, creating excitation and a peak in spontaneous decay.
9:40 In this version of my theory mass could be created by the speed of aether. When only rotating, not moving linearly or at relativistic speeds, mass would appear stationary and constant. When moving, would follow the special relativity equation, suggesting there is some resistance of aether to movement of the whirls.
Or it could be aether has mass or only relativistic mass and the whirls create areas of depression, concentrating aether. The faster they move linearly, the more aether they absorb and their size and mass grows.
Again inertia could be explained by growth of mass at non-relativistic speed.
Photons would exist at a point of equilibrium between attraction of the four components due to low pressure, rotation speed and linear speed.
[I postponed the research in this direction for a few days needed to catch my breath, however i am forced to do it because some threat and punish me for this, can't really talk about (one revolution a day, wouldn't that be enough for them?)
So i did not have enough time to come with any proof of the above, other than "it must be that way" which is equivalent to the reasoning behind Special Relativity which is only an enunciation, a datum or a dogma with no explanations behind period.]
So the low pressure whirls would act like an aether vacuum, and then transferring its surplus to the high pressure one, in the case of light. In case of "ordinary matter" we only have low pressure whirls, cause antimatter or high pressure whirls is rare in this Universe.
Being made of matter and antimatter in the same time (the pair production is the proof) make light not absorb aether and thus moving faster than anything.
Electrostatic force would be repelling of two whirls with opposite rotation direction and gravity attraction of all negative pressure whirls towards AEther.
11:54 Nu știu dacă
12:00 Așa cum am scris de mai multe ori, când scriu și eu ceva mai de Doamne-ajută, avioanele se ridică de la sol.
Wednesday, January 15, 2025
January 15
Yes turning mass into energy on a massive scale could spell trouble. By destroying and harnessing the infinitesimal whirls moving at prodigious velocities you could create ripples in space time continumm with unpredictable results.
But this is already happening in the current reactors, though harnessing only the so called mass deffect, with lesser efficiency and greater risks to environment. As for why the lobes in Schrodinger's theory do not look exactly like swirls, well, their equations are not those of swirls and nobody took their holograms yet. Until now, they thought they were something else.
12:45 PM Today markets are rejoicing at 1.83 percent on "inflation data". My guess is more about oil and the fact ever time i mention aliens in one of my posts on a serious note the market is up more than 1% the next day. Or my mentions about the selling of new vehicles in the US.
I tried to explain in the past and i see it in the market movements. People are driven by emotions that soon turn into beliefs. How else could we explain the long grief of a good looking president that others think it was the worst?
Here is another attempt to plot a correlation between inflation and stock market. It's hard cause i cannot find easily inflation charts. I believe one can see easily the market is leading or is a bit ahead.
From that hole or near zero in early 2020 inflation rose to a max on this chart of maybe 3.8% while the stock market doubled to about 100% on the same period which means the rate of correlation is 3.8/100.
So if the market went up 1.8% today it means inflation went up 1.8*3.8/100=0.068% while the average per day CPI increase for the month of December was 0.3/22 = 0.014 1:30 I was staring at the charts above wondering what have possibly brought inflation up from that "hole" in the middle of the chart when it was near 0 when i saw the words "Fed's target goal 2%". Why Fed's goal would be 2% and not 0%?
Then on a hunch i went to search for a Fed's rate chart and guess what. With Fed Interest left to 0 the inflation first dropped to 0 went way up above the "target rate" of 2% and started to go down only after massive Fed interest ("Fund rate") increases.
It looks to me like (implying they are benevolent) that they are guessing and don't understand how this works as well.

6:35 Trouble is the correlation ended by the time those charts end. Which could mean one thing. They changed the way the calculate CPI or they put it temporarily on hold by using artificial means since they control everything. Especially since that time period i wrote about that.
Also. Do you believe stock market follows the inflation or is the other way around? CPI is calculated by the end of each month and there is no way the traders know it daily as the charts above suggest. I believe is (was) a purely automated link not controlled by anybody and the market was driving it not the other way around.
So yeah, could they have had knowledge that was slowly diluting over millennia, following some civilization extinction event, like the great flood, etc..
Lobes are closed because they were attracted by the central charge. There are numerous other symbols on the shield, of which some could represent pair production. The "umbilical chord" in the middle of the lobes could represent some structure inside the fast rotating lobe?
The scale could they represent individual whirls like (1/4 parts of) photons?
Other structures like pair production but maybe protons, also like whirls, inside the circle under the lobes. A whole factory made of strings made of whirls that reminds of... cells inside our bodies.
In other words, a wealth of information. Something we could not have been able to pull together for another 1000 years or most likely, never.

Compare with Tibetan sand madalas

7:52 What else we have from Dacians? I heard froms school but never saw the thing or an HD image of it. This is way above Egyptian technology, Roman technology at the time or any other technology until modern days.

10:56 Anything but the truth.
Got tired of searching the original Greek text where Herodotus said Dacians where the most righteous and brave of the Thracians, but i believe the original text said dextrous not righteous which is also their name. In Sanskrit so they must have spoken Sanskrit.