Saturday, June 4, 2022

Hypnosis, Suggestion, Bullyism

Human mind can be hacked, and that is because there are backdoors. Probably acquired through evolution, through a common ancestor.

The term evolutionary bottleneck is not generally used in the sense i thought of. But if evolution of species theory is true, there is no other way than at certain times they should appear common ancestors, whose newly acquired mutations would give them such advantages that they would literally become fathers/mothers of all succeeding generations. The descendants who inherit the mutation would have the advantages and prevail, until the mutation would propagate through the whole population.

What would be a backdoor for the human brain to be hacked?

Everybody knows that possums play dead in certain circumstances. I believe it is not done at will but a reflex.

Through observation we know that under extreme stress, that first must have occurred mostly "naturally" or in totally random unplanned situations, humans, since childhood, give in or cave and become open to suggestions from the other humans that would help them survive. That behavior must have proved so beneficial at a certain point in evolution it again propagated through the entire species. Could have happened before humans were a species and totally inherited it since the creation of it. (Like the gene that encodes the alcohol dehydrogenase, the enzyme that enables us to survive drinking ethanol, that is thought to be inherited from worms).

When the levels of stress reached through cascading or escalating the stress levels, often unconsciously, with releasing of certain chemicals in the brain that are at high enough levels, the suggestion may transcend the "higher functions" of the subject's brain, and the subject may not even consciously know that his/her mind has been reprogrammed.

But some members of the species, and possible from a population that lived separately from tens of thousands of years like the aboriginal Australians could have acquired a combination of genes that would enable them to naturally exploit the power of suggestion of human mind. Thus they "know" how to induce a person into what i call a cascade or escalation of stress until the subject becomes so distracted it submits to perpetrator and becomes open to suggestion. But think of it. If an entire population that acquired such "powers" enters in contact with the larger population, wouldn't they, and also the "normal" population start to believe the first have superpowers, and they are a super race?

I always believed hypnosis had a dark side attached to it and is not a kosher practice and is done through escalation of stress that could not even be perceived as such, until shutting down of the conscious part of the brain. And some of the hypnotic suggestions may go so deep they can start interfering with your body to function and even start harming self, through repeating abuse of an emergency mechanisms, like straining by example.

It happened to me recently. When i last came in contact with a person whom i believe is the artist known as Art Garfunkel (assisted by Hungarian actress Ilus Vay), my mind has been reprogrammed into creating a hernia. I mean, the person himself pretended to have one, that he would go through surgery the next day, making me, under certain conditions, to empathize and my body and mind started acting in such ways and creating one for my self, which almost happened (some of the early symptoms were present.) Unfortunately not the first time when steps into this direction have been taken, it started in 2007 with me hearing the phrase "silence cause i wanna poop" from downstairs bathroom.

It is in a way, the same way as snakes do when they hypnotize (see the contradiction in the google answer) their pray into immobility. I do believe in those moments the snake through its evolutionary appearance and behavior first convince the prey (the small but way more evolved brain like mammals, which may already have in place the mechanism to self anesthetize, like mice) there is no escape and second, give it some time, let it be flooded with endorphins which makes life of both easier for those last instants of the prey.

Could this corresponding snake like human new ability to exploit others' mind not genetic at all and only a learned, cultural behavior, acquired collectively by imitating snakes? Could very well be.

Since prehistoric aboriginals had not notion of psychology, they must had have to encode their abilities in order to preserve them into a mnemonic system, and what mnemonic system was better throughout history if not the cult of a deity and that deity must have been the goddess Kyle or its Australian initial form and name, who is oftenly represented in Indian mythology like Kali with a cobra next to her head and with protruding tongue who has by example, the ability to choke its enemies, at both ends. Cause if your intestinal transit is going to be impaired at one end (done psychologically, again through extreme stress), that impairment would eventually propagate until it reaches the other end with the episodes of dysphagia described here earlier on numerous occasions.

But there are softer or lighter ways to propagate suggestions throughout the population like art in general and particularly music. Music of any kind starting with classical and continuing with rock, techno, etc. with its combined functionality starting with cult of artists and ending with sounds and rhythm that may imitate the sounds heard in mother's womb, like walking, breathing, heart beat, has the ability to induce various levels of light trance and submission and through the words to reprogram your brain and here it one example (With the classical example, VERDI).

One way or the other, after centuries, that population is still separated from the majority (in one or two countries, with agents in all the others), still uses its abilities and is still poised on submitting the entire humankind into obedience, with last examples, the pandemic and the war. Those situations, which were created mostly artificially by the means of already controlled states and media through fake statistics and overly exaggerated and distorted reports, create enough stress into the general population so they would again succumb to the general lie we live in, since, i don't know, creation of states in Europe, great geographic discoveries, Hun conquering of Roman empire or even Kurukshetra wad described in Mahabharata in India, which is over one thousand years.

I suggest to those who find some value in this post to save it in a file cause i don't know if it's not going to be again, suspended by google, the publisher of this blog, by reasons of being "dangerous misleading conspiracy theory".

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