12:20 So you think you know what crazy is... (Warnin...)
12:50 3 + 1. 3 Transferuri.
12:04 În retragere. (Ana are mere).
12:09 Situația la 12 ore după paragraful de sub coșul (lui) Boris. Comportamentul de copii de grădiniță al liderilor care parcă ar vrea, copilărește, să contrazică ce am spus nu arată prostie din partea lor. Ei se poartă așa fiindcă așa li se scrie rolurile, mișcările și intervențiile, iar scriitorii scriu istoria viitorului după cum au ajuns să gândească milioanele pe care îi păstoresc. Sau poate așa au fost dintotdeauna. Da știu majoritatea nu au timp să gândească și îi votează și îi plătesc pe alții să facă asta pentru ei (Boris, coș-mărul lui Putin). Dar scriitorii lor au!
12:30 I'm going to sunny Reno next week because of weather and the weather here finally gets better! (or so they say, remains to be seen).
12:50 Inginer, muncitor și soț de cântăreață, mort.
12:51 Ultima reprezentație a lui Bobby Farrell.
1:00 Bursa s-a închis. De acum pot să scriu ce vreau. Securismul SRI (se reia). SIC.
1:07 O veste bună pentru americani. Ca întodeauna, război sau pace, prețul petrolului scade înainte de 4th of July când toată lumea se deplasează cu mașina.
2:30 Din bube mucegaiuri... Time has come to explore the link between the words cup and kapala. Kapala is a skull cup and the word in English could have come through benign routes. When i left for the vital walk i was already chocking. But in a different way than last night when i had a reflux episode. Two hours after "the man" upstairs hit once the floor he awoke me from my first sleep that started at 11 i fell asleep and woke up with some of the content of my stomach in respiratory airways. Slept three more hours or 4 in total. But i fell asleep in the morning and slept through most of it. And he let me since the market was calm.
But as soon as i gradually woke up and started to write, he started back on. This week he's been at work for 2 days, Monday and Tuesday and at home ever since.
I was chocking because of a plastic ...how should i say it... glass... no, better clear plastic cup that was sitting there under the bush, on the sequoia mulch, with some mold at the bottom. Next to it, some red balled fruit about 1 cm in diameter. I looked at the bush and didn't see any other so i figured they were brought there. Further, a soda can half empty. As i said, they bring in stuff matching what i eat or drink. So i threw them all and went for the vital walk, dizzy and counting each breath, but on Borland, right when i finally caught my breath, i ran into dense smoke, like someone was just starting a fire in a fireplace, and turned around, didn't want to end like in the other day. Here i found one more cigarette but under the door. Inside, the combined smell of cigarette smoke and molds generated by those objects described above.
4:07 Vladimir Solovyov's worthless creature represents the will and influencer of many Brits while Putin represents the will and influencer of many Russians. A lethal combination when they're both played by malevolent actors.
5:34 Finally figured out. Last night i was kinda drunk and went to bed without doing dishes. This morning i forgot and the objects thrown scientifically outside on the red mulch started some very nasty stinking strains that resonated in my kitchen sink that contributed to make me choke. I done that, finished doing the salad (two more, and Angela has finished her supply of lettuce from her garden bed), sat at the laptop to do a search whatever with the salad in front of me with patio sliding door opened and saw a deja vu. A guy with a pump pumping herbicides right in front of that door, speaking Spanish, looking Japanese.
8:20 There was this weird smell yesterday, like freshly broken rocks i forgotten what it was. It was used litter dust i haven't had in a long time (basically after the two Ladies of December with their cat left). A couple of weeks ago i heard a dog running upstairs but after i wrote about it stopped. The effects are showing today, but started last night with the reflux episode. Today it was shortness of breath (combined with the smells from kitchen sink and outside garbage) It's deja vu, even back then they were doing mostly after i was vacuum and cleaning the kitchen floor, filters and fridge's coil.
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