Thursday, June 16, 2022

June 16

12:55 They say that narrowing your focus while running or walking will help you run faster, which i believe it is true, but not by reasons of psychology. It's simply because you use less brain power that can range from 25 watts when brain is idling to several times more at peak which is comparable to all your muscle use in that moment. That would count in the balance of using body resources like oxygen and nutrients from bloodstream, liver and gut.

As i'm getting older and as i have been so stressed out and under influence of pollutants and alcohol lately i can feel my brain power is sleeping away. Narrowing arteries, reduced pulmonary capacity, name it. As i walk i have options. Walk very slow minding nothing. This help your brain rest and oxygenate. Walk fast and not think much. As you walk fast, your brain is slowing down, for the same reasons again loading slowly with oxygen.

But when they start with the weird LPN number and scenes all around me i get mad and that's when my brain accelerates. The rush. In a way, is an exercise, pushing myself to physiological limits and that helps for new ideas to set in as soon as the wave of adrenaline slows down, etc..

It's a matter of choice. You can choose to not think much and live happily ever after. If you can afford it. People with a very solid education and discipline need to think less to survive. But what to do when new and exciting technologies like internet and everything that comes with it are starting to challenge what you've learned during your very educated youth? Or when you discover your life has been the exact opposite of what you thought it was? Or what if you lived half of your life in a country where everything has been upside down?

3:23 Ministrul Apărării halucinează. Avioanele F35 sunt invizibile pe radar. Au alte tipuri de armament, radare, comandă a focului. Un singur F35 face cât 20 de F16 chiar dacă nu e integrat cu nimic. O dovedește prezența celor două F35 americane în România. Bani au fost și sunt la buget, cu o mică parte din bugetul pe un singur an al MAPN s-ar putea cumpăra tot necesarul de F35. Banii însă dispar pe tăcute iar la anul se alocă din nou ca într-un deja-vu film sci-fi prost. Anul acesta de exemplu ministerul a avut peste 7 miliarde de euro, din care doar unul și ceva cheltuieli cu salariile (de personal). Un F35 în funcție de opțiuni e maximum 120 milioane, iar noi luăm F16 expirate de la norvegieni, din alea conduse de o bătrână la piață o dată pe săptămână, "nu bate nu troncăne motorul trage foarte bine nu scoate fum", 32 de bucăți cu 450 milioane total, când o mai fi și aia, pentru asta se așteaptă o lege, nu se putea da o ordonanță de urgență ca de obicei.

Guvernul va adopta legea?

Și dacă tot m-am uitat la bugetul MAPN. Ce bunuri și servicii cumpără ei într-un an de 3 miliarde lei? Dar ce știu mai bine miniștrii noștri decât să spună că nu se poate și să se plângă că nu au bani? 4 miliarde asistență socială? Militarii au alt fel de pensii, separate, plătite din bugetul de stat și nu cel de asigurări sociale?

5:05 Tenori, mușchetari, cum vreți. Cu Iohannis, coada lungă de la trident, 4.

9:59 Thomas McNight

10:50 Went to bed at 5 when Angela went to work. The man upstairs has yelled all night. Woke at 10 after five hours. Stomach was hurting from the cheap wine i drank last night. One or two glasses. I think it's better this way. I'm gonna drink less. All i did in one hour was this. The man upstairs woke too. While i was finishing, a girl about the age of the girls supposedly killed by Dincă passed one ft away from my patio with open door, with a dog and a leash entangled around her body and a martyr expression on her face. Thinking the whole case was made up. Need to go to Walmart to return the high mileage oil i bought by mistake last night and buy another type, need to change oil before i go in the 1000 mile trip next week but first i got to get some breakfast. Bone broth, last health craze, with noodles, maybe some eggs. Gotta keep the recording app on, otherwise the man in the balcony, the man upstairs start acting. Thinking at the show they will put at returns at Walmart last time. Thinking if i will find a place for my truck when i get back.

2:10 Teenager day. Today everywhere i went, thin or thick bodied teenagers, at Walmart, when i got back here by example at one time they were like ten of them in two-three groups where i parked. No major events when i walked the 3 miles, or can't remember (my brain was asleep, need more sleep). But some ideas again did come to me. First one.

Dincă, Dîncu, Dinescu.

4:03 Titi Pasnicu?

7:22 Mahabone

Could never figured in any other way were the incredible exotic attractiveness of Boney M music comes from. For the most of this timeless happy song, the "picking" synth that does the job of a rhythm guitar played in the air by the bass singer Bobby Farrell done in black face by a Hungarian opera bass singer is tuned to sound like a didgeridoo. Yes, from were women glow and man thunder plunder.

Everybody knows. "Bobby Farrell" "died" in a hotel in Sankt Petersburg probably after performing this act one last time.

7:49 By chance just saw one more time the face of this guy who looks like the owner of a shop in Beaverton called All Automotive. I used to hang in there for maybe up to a year because again i was choking at home. During winter time he was heating the shop with an (car used) oil burner that looked like a barrel and was somewhere under the roof. There was this Taco Bell right behind the shop where i was buying food during lunch time. However in the summer they tried to set me on fire.

A bit earlier. A number of teens came in the backyard. Two of them, one with a backpack went this side of the building and made some noises like climbing the 7 rungs and touching the rail of the stairs.

8:07 Thou shalt love thyself.

8:18 Ice cream van was here, the teens now are back in the yard where i can see them while working on laptop on the edge of the couch.

10:17 Da viața ar fi ușoară dacă ăștia s-ar lăsa dar continuă să scrie istoria, nestingeriți.

Brain power reaction. Counting down neurons. Am fost la plimbare și m-am focusat cu privirea înainte și nu am văzut nici un neuron pierdut pe stradă. Professor my a...s.

tryadha vyavasthita

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