Saturday, March 4, 2023

March 4

12:00 Greierușa

10:00 Avatar

11:20 Ate, grabbed myself togther and went for a walk. Didn't go very far. At the end of the building, many pieces of garbage in the grass. Thinking of the smell of mold and shortness of breath in the last few days. Threw those in the garbage but next to the garages there were these piles of needles from the trees that first fell on the garages, then about two weeks ago or more one day the handywoman came and pulled them on the ground (and left them there).

Piles and piles, i counted maybe ten laundry baskets. I saw back then and thought i would end up throwing those but i said i should leave them for a week, maybe they will or maybe the Wednesday blowers. But they didn't than freezing and snow came and it was ok because they froze too but when they thawed and been rained upon they started to stink big time. Like in the case of leaves under the bushes that i picked in January, there was black mold at the bottom of those and wind was blowing from that direction, everything inside smelling like that kinda mold.

12:50 Food for weekend thought. Many think the religions are pretty much all the same. One god and many saints (or one god and many deities, in Hinduism, Buddhism), sins which usually mean breaking the rules of gods, repentance, life after etc..

Then let me show you the major differences between Christianity and Buddhism by example. First. View of world and relativity of truth.

In Christianity truth is one of the most important values. It comes from the ten Commandments of Old Testament, "Though should not bring false testimony", and New Testament, John 14:6. Truth is at the center of Western Philosophy and everyday thinking.

Buddhism teaches that we are not capable of distinguishing truth from illusion in the surrounding reality thus we can never operate in the space of logical truth. How they function though. Never questioned social hierarchy (employment in Japan is for life bye example).

But we for our own sake we have to realize that after a couple of thousands of years of buddhism or even before that, and buddhism was a consequence, their brain is wired differently and there is no mutual understanding of the way of thinking.

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