Thursday, May 25, 2023

May 25

8:07 NVIDIA of Taiwan's miracle. 1/4 trillion dollars out of nowhere, somehow attributed to AI, after i said yesterday that some of the songs created with AI may deliberately induce fibrillation. But let's not forget, THEY also own all major trading firms, that are also coordinated by AI. Read the slogan of my blog.

8:22 Suceala și învârteala. Ca pe sticlă. Ca pe gheață. Motivul. Postarea mea de ieri.

12:21 Se numește psihologie inversă, ungurii sunt experți în asta. Blocajul și l-au făcut singuri, ca să demonstreze că ei nu controlează nimic deși EI controlează totul.

12:44 After unsuccessfully searching for more than one hour for this guy (area with Hungarian actors born around 1960 is very "rich", with over one hundred per year) i started to hear noises upstairs, but was too lazy to go at the window. Maintenance, i said to myself. The ritual. After someone moves out, they come and clean and fix things. But the apartment upstairs is newly remodeled.

Then i saw through the sliding door a guy (Larry the cable guy) opening the cable box and sticking his head in the open frame, with his butt at a higher level then head and stood like that for at least one hour. Finally found him. Did not realize something was weird until after i shut the blinds and saw the market jumping. Then i opened the blinds and started to get dress to go for my walk. But could not find the wallet and phone (i still take it with me everywhere, shut down, for emergencies only).

Searched those for half hour or so, and when i was getting ready to go and drive to Angela's work parking lot to look in the car he came and i finally looked and saw a big Xfinity truck parked in my spot and a guy very similar looking to the one i was searching for.

Now i remember the sequence of events yesterday that led to me first pulling out of pocket and then forgetting those in the car. All AI coordinated.

1:33 Încă un motiv pentru care rotativa nu e bună e o mare tâmpenie. Predarea ștafetei depinde de o bună înțelegere între partide și de buna credință a Președintelui LOL. Bine dacă totul e fake și scris din mers din goana calului, cu cât nu se înțeleg mai mult cu atât e mai realist și mai "democratic", dacă nimic nu funcționează în România totul e cu atât mai realist și mai "demcratic".

2:00 I started to believe that some of the newest AI generated music, especially by the brand Weaknd may induce not only fibrillation but also depression.

5:50 Sprinklers season started. Unsupervised Japanese children shower under those having an opportunity to make a great noise.

10:40 It was yesterday before or after i took the picture. Tree Chocked by Wild Roses, i said to myself. I was pressing the power off button of my camera and the camera started and stopped filming. There is a separate button for filming next to it. I ended up removing the batteries. In the meantime a woman passed by looking at me with horror, all composure but pro. Camera was pointed down though while i kept trying. At the end of the alley i saw a woman dressed in black with a zoom lens, but thin, not the kind used for wildlife.

It is true. I said the other day to myself i will take a picture, at least from behind, of the praying mantis as i call her. The thinnest woman in the world. She comes many times in the same time with me. I used to know her name, a Hungarian socialite from New York but i forgot. She is so thin that i'm afraid if the wind blows, she will be blown away. Kinda tall though. Her legs have one inch diameter above knees. And others who come in the park or the streets for show. 

11:00 We went to WinCo together, something we haven't done in a long time. Angela doesn't want to go with me because i drive her nuts with the comments about the shows. At every bay we went somebody got there just before us, thought the store was kinda empty. People just walking without a cart. When we got back, a horde of impolite drivers bullying with large trucks and SUVs. But here. In front of the apartment was smelling like from inside the wall, in the back like fresh stinky poop. I went and found a wet soil area in front and nothing in the rear. In the meantime a guy passed in the dark, twice.

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