Monday, May 29, 2023

May 29

10:28 Just got home and had to move the truck because Saturday i found another warning ticket saying that it will be towed Tuesday.

In this complex we only have one designated parking spot. There are a number of visitors spots, about 15% of the total that people are competing over, to park their second car. However from time to time, if the car is parked for too long on a visitor spot, they will put a warning sticker on your car. My truck was on the same visitor spot since last Thursday, when i last used it, or for two days, however it was in that spot before Thursday as i could not find. Some people don't move their vehicles from visitors spots for weeks. Some just exchange spots with others also on visitor spots.

I write this because tonight the spot next to ours, belonging upstairs was empty (it was used by other people in the last few days) because nobody lives upstairs nowadays and i parked my truck there, for a few hours, or until 4:30 Tuesday morning. I used that spot in the past when that apartment upstairs was vacated and once i was told not to use it anymore.

The alternative is to move it at the Meridian parking lot at the street until morning when i can park it here after Angela leaves, but there i had a number of problems, including a stolen wheel and catalytic. So i have no emotions free alternative tonight.

Earlier. Yesterday and today i avoided a number of ready made accidents (highest on a 24 hours period so far). They all would have been my fault of course. But maybe the most interesting was in Florence Oregon. I came out of a street onto a boulevard. There was this gray older van possibly a VW but second generation (bigger, more solid, square at corners, maybe 80s) coming from the left, at least 300 ft away.

Until i accelerated to speed limit +10 it caught up with me, must have been speeding big time, as i saw it on the mirror only ft away, though the mirror was on night mode since earlier (a long story, somebody with an RV was annoying me when in a parking lot and turned not to see him anymore). In that moment i accelerated more and narrowly escaped. Would have been my fault (going too slow, getting in front of her).

At the intersection i was waiting for green (didn't make a right turn on red or couldn't because of traffic) and it caught up with me on the other lane and looked and guess who it was. It was the artist known as Lady Gaga though i didn't recognized her at first and gave her the finger in frustration and she tried to keep her cool and smile large at me as only she could, making a gesture with her hands claiming ignorance. "What?". I was telling Angela. No cop in his right mind would arrest Lady Gaga for trying to create an accident.

The combined crimes that describe what she did including conspiracy with others to commit those would total probably life in prison. However there is a possibility she was behind the wheel of a retrofitted self driving vehicle (the gesture with her hands above the wheel).

I now remember that yesterday when i left i got behind an SUV with a vine Oregon LP saying GAGAS.Also the car was messed with since i last drove it. All electrical connections to battery and alternator were weakened and contaminated. Had to tighten the battery connectors one by one, and stopped several times, and also cleaned the alternator connector with alcohol (did it only this morning) to make it work back at 44 mpg on a highway (without having to stop, a stop and/or idling would affect that).

Two weeks ago i took a picture of the left front brakes, and though i had at least two more mm or 20k miles to go until that angled part ends but today the plates look much more thinner, like i have to replace them right away. Amazing how far the original ceramic plate went (102kmiles). However last 30k were done by me mostly on highways (outside city) when brakes are not used as much per mile. No sound from the indicator. I'll see tomorrow.

Also, for months now, any vehicle that gets behind me comes too close. When i try to stop and let them pass and restart (that cost me on mpg), others come right away and do the same as they were organized (criminals).

We made a reservation a while ago at a hotel for the week June 11-27, Angela made a vacation request at the same time, however no response yet.

This morning Angela started the phone in the bathroom at the hotel in the same that i was with the meter in my hand next to the door trying to keep away from the oven while heating water for tea and noodles (that was much more leaky than others before). But i noticed the meter was not beeping or showing anything during startup of her phone, or one meter away.

I attributed that to the fact the tower was less than a quarter of mile away and phone was on lowest emitting setting.

I decided to use it myself (her phone not mine) to modify something on the blog on the post with... cell phones radiation (remembered about the polar lipid bylayer i once wrote in a post about). However when i started it (Angela stopped it as per our new rules) the beeper went crazy (never saw readings so high from a phone before, even from 3-4 meters away), probably got connected to another more distant tower and i had to refuge in the other corner of the room still getting high readings until startup and initial protocol with tower ended and then when i tried to approach it the emission power was still too high and i just shut it down.

The hotel room was reasonably clean except for the windows. There was a thick layer of pickled smoke algae on the outside. I think it happens only in building D. I tried to clean it but could only picked some of it. There was smoke coming from fires on the beach. A number of people on the beach but only in front of our room, and they all seemed Japanese. After eating and having a few drinks i fell asleep and woke up in an hour or so very sick, probably because of nose congestion. I almost could not walk to the casino to find Angela.

Gradually got better inside the casino where there was no smoke and after breathing on my mouth for an hour or so. Went to sleep at 2:30. In the morning the exaggerated, unexplained, most likely intentional noises from 5 surrounding rooms woke me a number of times. Could not sleep between 5:30 and 7:30 because my right eye was itching badly from cleaning the windows and because i was thinking of the polar lipid bylayer of my poor cells that have been exposed for so long. Slept maybe 6 hours in about 10 fragments. After that i drove for about 220 miles.

Won a little, for the first time maybe since Easter which confirms my theory. They set the machines loose on holidays.

12:25 Gaga, Giga (Hertz). It totally makes sense.

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