Tuesday, May 30, 2023

May 30

8:57 Psihologie inversă. O elită secretă din Ungaria controlată de o elită srecretă din Japonia controlează totul inclusiv UE, Parlamentul și Comisia. Și arestarea Evei Kaili este tot un exemplu de psihologie inversă.

9:18 Woke up in mold smell. Last night at 1:30 i had to go and pick items from the redwood mulch. Amazing how much mold smell can cause inisde a can of soda with some soda left in it, thrown on that. But who will throw soda and beer cans with soda and beer left in it? Besides, all the people here look civilized, i'm supposed to be the only villain.

However it takes hours until the mold smell subsides, after removing those. So i started the filters and ozone generators and the smell is so bad you can't even feel the smell of ozone.

9:35 Un canal din media oficială preia din volei această idee, bineînțeles cu o greșeală. Ca și cum nu ar fi de partea utilizatorilor, ci a fabricanților care îi sponsorizează. Puterea de emisie nu depinde de brand sau sistemul de operare (iPhone, Android) ci de distanța până la turn sau câte bare de semnal sunt la telefon.

Într-un bloc din beton armat telefonul trebuie să folosească mai multă putere, din cauza efectului de cușcă Faraday a armăturii și a betonului în general, care blochează semnalul. Telefonul are setări automate pentru putere la emisie, invizibile pentru utilizator. Când avem bare puține telefonul emite la putere maximă. Semantică, psihologie inversă.

Friars. Multă lume se gândește probabil că radiația de la un telefon celular este un efect secundar. Nu, radiația este efectul principal, este vocea dumneavoastă, digitalizată și modulată pe acest semnal. Cu alte cuvinte, este o ilustrare a proberbului românesc "Pasărea pe limba ei piere". Tot ce vorbiți (uneori cu păcate) vă trece la propriu din nou prin creier. Este foarte posibil să fie un sistem realizat deliberat tot de acești dominicani.

9:51 A van from a cabinets firm from Seattle came to do the cabinets upstairs. It will be one hellofaday. If started with most likely intentional dropping and rolling of a heavy object. Should have left earlier but i didn't have a chance to eat.

Didn't catch that. Vibration was so intense it induced a shock wave into my spine, like going to the chiropractor. Here a sample of hammering.

12:20 They blew the leaves from eastern garages (relative to this building) as they said they will. I took a picture but it did not come right. The piles of leaves blown from the roof are about twice the size of what i picked in five laundry baskets after the wind. By handling those leaves i got more hives on the left arm. I think i can feel the stink right now, as mold resembling smoke.

12:30 There is a "floating" old white van in the neighborhood with LPN JBQ i wrote about before. Right now is parked not on a spot but on the narrow space next to the garbage bin across. But before the warning tickets it was staying for weeks in the same spot behind a bush where my truck is now next to south garages. It had visibility to the apartment upstairs. I think they wrote the whole scenario of the "guy" upstairs moving around this story. Right after he left they piled appliances at the sliding doors that cut visibility. One of the guys i saw near the van was... and another one...

12:40 I feel a presence... I bet the shy skinny white guy who officially does now the cabinets upstairs can't and won't do this kinda of noises. I think it's her again and again.

1:28 I thought i was privileged to drive alongside iconic Hwy 101 on a gorgeous day sometimes among a myriad of American flags during a holiday that is sacred to most Americans. Memorial Day, commemorating the loss of so many young pure lives who knows what for and thought to myself, this must come with a price that i will pay someday. The pay time came sooner than expected, with that near accident in Florence. I am also happy that many TV encores gave up the pronunciation "mmorial" and nowadays all vowels are heard.

The empty restaurant symbolizes the missing ones.
5:50 They came. 3 kids in bathing suits that yell almost continously, for hours. The same way they made noise at the hotel or this morning upstairs, with almost no pause bertween knocks. Where from do they have that kinda energy?

8:28 There was a 50 dollars difference for the brake pads if i ordered them with normal or expedite shipping. With normal shipping they would not come here before our vacation. So i went outside to check the right wheel as well. As for the left, here is at least 10k till the indicator would start to squeak. So i ordered the parts, which i found at an online dealer for half the price on ebay and less than on Amazon and they will arrive while i won't be here. Oops, i think they will let them at the door. Need to go back and cancel the order.

8:32 Could not cancel the order, i just sent them an email.

What i wanted to say. While i was outside. First 5 minutes was ok except for the air horns on the freeway, which sounded for 30 seconds at the time. Soon after, they started to pour in. Finally when i was done and torquing the nuts (BTW they were all loose, at all wheels, which explains some sounds i was hearing when turning in the parking lot and some driveability issues) obviously with my butt in the air, a thin read headed guy whit a LPN HET (No in Russian) came, parked rear first and handed ceremoniously a small package, most likely food, to a little girl that came outside.

Yesterday i remembered i had a jump starter which i bought for the other Elantra before i replaced the battery. 40 bucks on Amazon. I only used it a few times. I was sure it was in the car in a pouch that belonged to my old truck but cannot find it anywhere. Could it have remained in the car when i took it to the shop for damage estimation? No cause i remember i put it in that pouch together with a small compressor that broke after.

I went to search for it in the truck, and uphill, next to the one level house, where lives this bearded guy who looks like a bishop from Romania, talking to, possibly trying to convert?... a biker on a Harley.

9:20 Just saw a Progressive commercial on TV. I think the read headed guy earlier in the parking lot was him.

Nu e asta. M-am uitat la televizor în seara asta, ceea ce nu fac de mult timp. Am văzut pe mai multe canale de știri și chiar în show-uri elemente de combatere pe cuvinte cheie, răspunsuri subtile la postările mele recente, știri și evenimente întregi generate pe computer, bineînțeles inexistente în realitate. O știam de mult, am uitat, pentru că procesul de îmbătrânire a creierului meu a avansat. A fost o perioadă când mă simțeam sufocat de aceste practici dar acum le ignor.

Inteligența artificială este la lucru de mult, de decenii, și a ajuns să controleze o mare parte dacă nu tot ce se publică, inclusiv crearea sau generarea citirii știrilor, cu actori care sunt modelați după persoane existente, deși instanța respectivă este creată de un computer. Alegerile sunt un show de la început până la sfârșit. Suntem... departe pe acest drum fără întoarcere.

Tired from Sunday, scrambled from noises this morning. I had a few drinks and fell asleep late afternoon. Woke up with the pleasant sensation of something accomplished. But i was craving fruit and all i had was some dried oranges. So i decided to go to WinCo.

After 10 PM, the beeping sound of forklifts moving through the store. A short guy was looking desperately after somebody and i was in his way and for a good few seconds it looked like he was chasing and yelling at me.

There was only one check stand open but the self ones were opened, surprisingly, after 10. Didn't have many items and went to a self stand. But when i got to the cherries, the system read the barcode but gave me a message. Item not recognized. I was simply too lazy to think as the supervisor was close and he grabbed the bag and simply went through the menu which i could have done it myself.

On my way back after hitting the bumpers here in the parking lot, i heard the noise again, like the nuts for one wheel (left front) were loose again.

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