Saturday, August 19, 2023

August 19

8:48 Acura. Chrysler.

While i built the post above he hit the floor until he made me sick. Tried to open the sliding doors, cause i know he stops when i do that (could be the noise is heard by others, the reason they replaced the windows with more soundproof ones) but i now feel garbage smoke smell from outside).

In Romania they invented a whole story, with a driver that does not exist, trying to cover this, like many others in the last few days. This one just came in with the cable symbolizing the wings of Mazda Ahura. BTW these guys deceive themselves, heavily. In reality the Mazda Ahura figure derives from Onanna/Isthar/Isis.

9:24 More heavy stomps upstairs while i'm reading more "news", so i can't think.

10:20 One second he was stomping upstairs. I opened the door trying to leave, he was in the car with the engine started.

10:47 I was trying to leave but ran into this. One of the sources of my nausea, 25 ft from the door in the dierction of the morning breeze. Next to the front right wheel. Picked many other items left behind intentionally by the child actors.

Amazing how one or two cigarette butts at your door makes the whole place stink also like smoke. BTW there is a wheel behind this car for about a month know everybody is ignoring. Maybe because of the symbolism, covering semantically many of my posts.

BTW last night when i got home at 10:30 the famous tinted window Chrysler with Inanna wings that is parked next to ours came right after me and is not the first time he is syncing with me.

(12:35) Just took a look at his licence plates. They look all wrinkled like coming out of a car that has been in a bad accident, and he does not have a sticker in the back and the one in the front is for year 24, like the one missing from my truck since who knows when for which i've been pulled by a cop in Newberg (ordered one at DMV, waiting for it).

11:37 Ponta, cel mai bun dragoman. 4x4.

11:46 You can't get along with everyone in this world. Believe me, i tried and i'm 63. At some point, having your soul still won't satisfy them.

12:57 Just in case someone ask themselves what was the note on the door. BTW got to go somewhere Wednesday since 6 AM, Thursday and Angela does not have more vacation days she can spare.

3:55 Ok i figured it out. I enjoyed a few days maybe a week of more quiet days regarding the choreography upstairs. I believe is connected with opening the door at the patio or installing the AC with the covering of the door opening with only a thin plastic cover. My conclusion was the newly installed windows/doors are more soundproof and the sound cannot be heard from outside when are closed.

I would assume there are by now people in the houses in sight from here with cameras, ambiental and directional microphones that do just that.

However today it started again in full swing. And then i figured it out.

Yesterday i went several times to the SW bin to throw small things i gather from the grass around here or check for items thrown on the ground.

By example after i went Thursday night in the bin's cage and threw one ft by one by eight worth of garbage items, Friday morning there was a 13 gallons regular black bag (the kind i use) this time right in front, outside the cage, full with something including a cylindrical object like a cooking pot that was just too heavy for me to throw it in the bin with one hand.

One of the times i was there yesterday i saw this huge van with the word Insulation on it parking rear first, and i think the driver was Asian. Over the years, i saw it many times before, parked on an apartment number, way too big for the spot, but it never really bothered me, being right at the cul de sac of the complex, except maybe visually. It could be his permanent "business" spot, i don't know.

Bur i'm pretty positive right now it blocks both visual and audio line of sight between our apartment and those houses, tiny park and small portion of street. This picture has been taken from the opening of the glass sliding door of the balcony (patio).

Then i went closer to see on what type of spot he parked on, and a group of European looking teen girls, dressed according to the 93 degrees temperature outside cut my way back and slowly walked down the grass in the picture, passed our apartment and went to the mailboxes. The balcony on the right in the picture was until yesterday her domain.

Also besides the paving announcement for our apartment they blocked the Meridian parking lot as well, though it was paved 2 or 3 years ago, giving the guy with the truck with Insulation reason to park here, though i'm positive he was parking on the apartment number (not seen, more on the right, behind the one level apartment) most of the times.

4:30 After complaining for hours and writing about the van a real person came upstairs, did laundry and vacuumed again, after one week, which obviously awoke Angela who i think got a couple of hours of sleep after the three hours she since last night.

4:42 Better picture from bedroom window.

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