Monday, August 28, 2023

August 28

12:26 Așa arăta "stația GPL" în 23 iunie când a trecut o mașinuță google pe acolo. Așa cum spunea patronul al cărui ghinion e că avea o față rotundă (și că era puțin tâmpit, nu putea să facă depozit într-o zonă nelocuită), nu e o stație, ci un fel de depozit sau parcare, unde se pare că transferau gaz dintr-o cisternă în alta. Chiar lângă o clădire de locuințe sau birouri ce sunt alea. Aia era firma de deștepți?

A și cisterna cu șuruburi ruginite și unele par vechi cu tot felul de improvizații. Aveau și camere. Poate erau conectate la internet și au rămas imaginile undeva.

1:02 I came back home at @10, he came soon after and now it's one AM he and keeps on making senseless noises upstairs.

1:06 That is my right arm, with a patch with 2x500 mg Amoxicillin, on the right there is a bit of adhesive from a previous patch that stayed there after a shower, above the patch there is the scar that healed months ago.

In the last three days or after they took the blood sample from inside the elbow where the adhesive is, i had all kinda pains starting in that area, moving to the back, right then left shoulder, other arm, but now it's back there under that parch all the way to the hand and only when press against something or let my weight on that hand.

The antibiotic acts also locally inches around the patch through the lymph. I realized that when i first had the wound and was moving the patch around because of inflammation due to adhesive. I expect everything to be over by tomorrow. It all depends on what the real cause is.

1:16 At Indian Head i was staying in line to get fish and chips on my 10 dollars free coupon, and was kinda far from the next person and a guy with a woman got in front of me and he looked like round face Hulk Hogan.

I told him i was in line and he let me back in front of him. Didn't have the chance to take a good look at her but she looked much younger and familiar. I haven't been drinking but was barely awake from the Zyrtec i took the day before and driving one hour through thick smoke.

10:00 Ok i think most of it is gone. However last night i passed again next to that tower and i got things going on in other areas, but that was like before the blood test.

10:03 Toată lumea știe adevărul în afară de miniștri iar poliția trecea pe acolo în fiecare zi.

10:10 Kali. I've been excised by the news, other things, also been stimulated by all kinda noises, been breathing harder because of nose congestion. When noise and excitement stopped i found myself with shortness of breath by exhausting my body limits before that.

11:04 Kali. I ate and i choked (dysphagia). Got out of the breathing thing though.

11:05 The Empire strikes back.

2:28 Before Angela people who did SMT at Eaton were rotating every few days. Because the SMT machine is old with improvised conveyors that sometimes get stuck, there is a lot of walking to be done.

But she had got to do it continuously, alone, for a year and a half, walking on concrete covered with some rubber mats more that 5000 steps a day, she developed plantar fasciitis which means she started to have pain in one heel when she walks. How many steps can you do in a casino, moving from one machine to another.

The lifting limitation appeared after Angela had 3 more surgeries after her heart surgery, two to retrieve the forgotten wires and one to fix the hernia that occurred after the first two.

Ever since she got plantar fasciitis, she did other jobs waiting for her doctor to give her one more limitation "less walking, and more sitting" besides the old one for lifting under 20 pounds and only at chest levels.

Friday, Steve Eaton (coincidence of name with the name of the company) probably intentionally gave her a job that involved lifting over 80 pounds by2 people pounds, which Angela and the other person also with limitations refused, again ruining her weekend one more time and preparing for what came today.

Today the doctor have her the letter, she printed she took it to HR and the HR manager said she need a time limit on it which Angela agreed to ask the doctor again and then told Angela she is going to keep in touch "to do a job evaluation".

Ever since we keep asking ourselves what does that mean. I think it's a form of bureaucratic harassment and threat (bully) because job evaluations by the definition do not refer to people but rather to jobs. We now fear that if they are going to "reevaluate" her job they may find she could be no more fit in there because of her limitations.

There are no job evaluations in there, never been. Everything is done by Steven, the de facto leader and manager of the whole place, informally and that is scheduling (that is which work on which station on a day). HR, supervises (when there have been) listens to him. There was a supervisor, Dee, lesbian, an ex drug addict that was missing half of the time and HR didn't say anything about until i wrote about her, several times, and then they finally fired her. The two Chinese ladies were feeding him, etc..

There is not a single job she did at Eaton. Beside SMT operator (most important job in the team) for one year and a half she did many different "jobs" in there and some of them were easier than others and other people with bigger limitations and older than Angela do those all the time. But there are some easy jobs only for the people older and with more limitations than Angela that she intentionally never got trained to.

Also did not have an opportunity lately to write about Angela's "colon cancer" surgery in 2004 when they removed a part of her colon and also destroyed adjacent organs by wrongly directed radiotherapy leaving her with the impossibility of having a normal life after, contributing to going to casinos and my activities online including blogging cause i have no one to turn to.

4:55 Today they did a big noise with three trimming, that unlike the coat sealing of pavement, was unannounced. The Japanese child actors came to make their show with big yelling at the windows. Though they usually yell in English, today they are breaking a few words in Spanish, with heavy Japanese accent.

6:48 Today, last night i figured something important. The way Kali's (as goddess of time) worshipers act. To them it is ancestral and might come from the timing of the boomerang, which is a slow weapon and needs calculation or intuition to be thrown ahead of target's moving position.

I go to a casino for a free meal, breath some air, lose 50 bucks, they send all kinda screwed ups to come in the same time with me and do little tricks while i'm around. To them it's no crimes, no conspiracies since they act on religious grounds. Some call it "wrong place at the wrong time". Same upstairs or at the stores or everywhere.

The results on cameras for those who fall low enough to start watching this kind of show are disastrous, for all of Kali's enemies.

7:21 Seal coating on August 23 and 24, appointment for drawing blood the next day resulted in yet another infection that may lead to sepsis.

7:20 Today i accidentally ran into her age on a site and then i was finally able to look for her in the list and hopefully get over with. Trying to remember if there was a time for me in the last 20 years or so.

8:03 All these toponyms and my last 28 years of my life tell me that the Japanese, others, may think they have a claim over the western US territories and started working on it a long time ago. Millions of Japanese disguised and/or acting as Mexicans are already here.

9:40 Una e să nu știi alta e să te faci să nu știi. Dacă faci mult timp pe prostul s-ar putea să rămâi așa. Și pompierii treceau pe acolo, fie numai ca persoane private. Eu dacă eram pompier și treceam pe acolo în ultimii 10 ani sau de când au chestia, poate cu mașina și aruncam o privire mi se zbârlea puținul păr pe are îl mai am pe spate.

Dar mai e posibil ca nivelul corupției în România e așa de mare încât nu mai este nimeni în stare să facă o reclamație, toți sunt unii cu alții.

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