Wednesday, August 9, 2023

August 9

1:22 Last thing first. Coming from Hwy 212 towards 205 at ramp near exit 12 i guess, there is a cell phone tower that is very low compared to others. Usually when i pass that one i get the highest reading i get in the whole area from a tower on the microwave meter that i always keep plugged in an adapter in the car.

The meter's alarm beeped fast, which means levels above 10, that were present for more than a minute when i waited at the stop lights with the tower at left and behind me though the signal usually is much lower inside the car. Not the same level earlier when i passed in the other direction when traffic was present. Or maybe the multitude of cars was absorbing some of the energy.

Soon enough i started to feel pain in all sensitive areas. Thinking, should have tried to use a windshield sun blocker on that side of the car cause the pains started on the left side where the tower was, just to see if the signal gets smaller.

Weird enough, i have pains in the back area which i didn't in the past. Chest discomfort and pain deeper in the back where the heart is. Could the finally decided to target my heart with a 5G beam?

2:30 It's hard right now when i'm in pain to talk about the serenity and total detachment i felt last night after the numbness wore out but i have to, just in case. It was like i made a visit to a place where i should have remained. Could it have been a preview or could it be just your body or brain response to seconds of lack of oxygen and possibility of imminent death.

Maybe the nature is helping us in that moment.

But it made me think again. Stephen Hawking said if any organized or structured objects falls into a black hole, when passing the event horizon it puts out some sort of radiation that contains all the information pertaining to the structure of that object that is about to be lost.

But then something else came to mind. They say flash cards are using a quantum effect. Also each cell permanently traps a number of electrons which are quantum particles to perform the memorizing function.

I would go and say any type of memory is quantum because it memorizes zeroes or ones. Any process that manipulates binary digital information manipulates quanta of information.

How about writing a number in a registry over another one. What happens to the information contained initially in that register. Or better if we delete that register altogether using a function of that memory or processor. Or simply unplug a ram card from the computer or power down the whole thing and then we will never be able to find out what number was in there. Will the card in that moment emit Hawking radiation?

When you overwrite only zeroes or ones in a registry or a whole file in a flash memory you actually flush the electrons out of their cells which will mix with others in the metal connectors and become random or meaningless thermal agitation and then there is no way you can retrieve that information.

Is that destroying of quantum information? Will that process emanate Hawking radiation?

More than that, you can copy or duplicate files on a flash card. Is that quantum duplication of information? By deleting all copies except one, will that card emit every time the same Hawking radiation "signature" or whatever and still keep the initial information intact.

It is said each neuron synapse is made of tens of thousand of digital gates which may be mediated by a number of different neurotransmitters.

I think everybody figured where i'm getting at. Do our brains emit at the time of death massive amounts of hypothetical Hawking radiation, given the complexity of our minds and thus our "soul" reunites with the Universe whatever.

8:53 I apologize for editing heavily what i wrote above last night but i simply was too tired to optimize the way i wrote my ideas. BTW still have some pains in hands and center upper back and left shoulder. Chest discomfort due to nose congestion because i slept with an open window.

BTW i remember now i had a number of episodes of sleep apnea, though not as severe as the night before, when i slept in the car in the parking lot at Indian Head casino, and there was pavement work on one area or another in that direction. I think passing through one of those areas and breathing both dust and asphalt vapor does. It all depends on what they are doing in the moment one passes but i was usually passing through massive amounts of dust.

Right now there is a pavement project on 18 towards the ocean that will last for several more months and one on 26 before Zig-Zag so no matter in which direction i go i get to pass through one of those. Earlier this year and before that they were paving in Boring.

9:16 BTW here is the result of one of those projects. Though street was paved ok, they managed to draw the yellow line in a manner that is offending to any driver. Questions that arise in that moment in one's mind. Should i follow the yellow continuous line, the white interrupted, do an average trajectory between the two, and how fast should i maneuver or how close should  i "average" the trajectory.

This in Oregon nowadays is done in the same way in numerous locations on all new projects and in the past on all freeways.

12:25 My internet on the laptop went suddenly and firmly down when i was about to post this suggesting is not an USB contact problem. Posting from Angela's computer.

May i ask why this guy was acting as a security officer at Indian Head last night and other times before.

For the second weekend in a row there was this bearded guy reminding of Weeknd there and also many songs on the interfon were his. He was of course wearing a T-shirt saying Peanuts and the other bearded  younger thinner guy with him was wearing one saying BOOKER suggesting arrest, booking agent or even the same word written with H.

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