Sunday, August 27, 2023

August 27

2:22 AM PDT. Was watching the news with Biden saying this is Trump's best picture and that straw tipped the carriage (yeah just made this one up). This is surreal and don't really want to talk about now. But when i saw the picture the first time i was distracted by other things and didn't realize the obvious.

The picture should not exist as such. The guys in the court should have known how to take a mugshot. An angle with head tilted forward to near 45 degrees distorts the picture and defies the purpose of identification. Yeah of course we all know who Trump is but a mugshot should be a mugshot, if all this is for real.

They (the court, the prosecutor) besides being unprofessional are accomplices to Trump defying the American people. It's all a sham, a fabrication, a stunt (heavily missing English vocabulary in this area, wish i could say what i feel but can't without using certain simple words...) and it illustrates perfectly the surreality of the situation we're all in as nobody said nothing yet.

Or maybe they did on forums or commentaries with limited audience.

3:36 One more time media has pushed a ridiculous accusation and people didn't take a look for themselves. A very long, "consensual" hug followed by a short kiss on the lips whatever and she taps him on the back one more time after that.


Primarul din Caracal. Totul a fost o înscenare. Dacă foloseau stația ca loc de parcare, atunci demisia lui este inutilă, deși spectaculoasă. Totuși, nu cred că e bine să parchezi mai multe din alea la un loc ca idee de bun simț dar poate sunt și ceva norme.

Ce au crezut cei ce au văzut, auzit, până în momentul când s-a lămurit ce a fost.

Cineva totuși a dat foc la cisternele alea, pentru un spectacol pirotehnic vizibil din București.  Sunt acolo camere de supraveghere?

9:05 Can't open a news site without seeing the echoes of my posts anymore. Raiji (Raichu, Pikachu, remember) and the black goddess. What escapee. It has been brought there. Reasons are obvious. They dig deeper convolutions in people's brains to make go away previous ones.

9:09 Conclusion. People with strong multimillennial convictions with no clear delimitation of good and bad, act into implementing their beliefs in today's world and generally we can't perceive what they are doing because of our monotheism and our God is generally a good god though sometimes He gets angry and jealous too and that is why we deserve our fate.

There is a lot more in this world than west and US, a whole lot more.

Polytheism gives a lot of flexibility in a religion as they can be myriad of interactions and collusions between the different gods but i suspect in Japan by example Buddhists are manipulating more simple minded Shintoists to achieve their goal which might be itself a delusion born from misunderstanding Buddha.

Generally, it's all a big confusion.

9:30 Is that a Shiva linga in the middle of the stage? (Cause it can't be an onion).

Yeah i got tired too of posting videos but it's all in there and i bet they are not doing it for fun as some might perceive and it's a lot of hard work on the world's stages going on right now.

11:05 Can accute inflamation due to infection lead to narrowing of blood vessels and cause a heart attack? The inflammation in the tissues adjacent to heart including skeletal muscles that usually accompany a heart attack.

11:55 Prigozhin. Kali.

12:15 Kalima

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