Wednesday, September 13, 2023

September 13

9:10 Colesterolul este un precursor al vitaminei D. Am spus-o acum 11 ani, se confirmă acum prin unele studii. Prin expunerea la soare colesterolul este transformat în piele în pre-vitamina D. Creșterea colesterolului este datorată lipsei acute de vitamina D datorită lipsei de expunere la soare.

Organismul pune mai mult colesterol în sânge pentru a se valorifica urmele de ultraviolete benefice, cu lungime de undă mare (UVB) în cazul persoanelor care trăiesc numai în casă și nu iau suplimente de vitamina D care are numeroase beneficii inclusiv asupra calcifierii oaselor, a sistemului imun și are un rol în prevenirea unor cancere. Surse naturale sunt pește și ouă.

O idee care mi-a venit chiar acum în timp ce scriam aici, căutam și puneam link-uri. Arterele se îngustează nu numai datorită depunerilor de colesterol dar și a celor de calciu a cărui concentrație ridicată în sânge se poate datora tot lipsei de vitamina D care promovează calcifierea oaselor?

Vitamina D se poate acumula în organism vara iar concentrații suficiente se găsesc și la câteva luni după un concediu la mare. Însă după aceea trebuie luate suplimente.

9:32 Nu v-ați săturat de știri ilustrate cu imagini emoționale de pe site-uri de stoc (imagini de vânzare, colțuri de rai pline cu vechituri, România cu fundul în sus).

10:15 Morning rush. Pikachu hit me again this morning with (back)flashes and thunders from above. Electrified dust still flies in the room and i feel it in my throat after he left (males cannot survive in this building because of dog poop and pee smell) and she will still be here to maintain levels throughout the day.

Can synchronization ever be a crime? I am always guilty because he goes to work and i stay here to eat his dust waiting for the weekend when i can leave. But is he really going to work? I think he spends in one hour in the morning all the energy most people use in a one day of work, just to drive me nuts.

Yes i was searching for Kushner's terrible terrible song, one of the worst i ever heard, they are invariably playing it on my radio every time i leave in the weekend, the trend started with Hozier, hope it's not going to last, didn't know the title, when the above popped but was also very interesting... They were released almost simultaneously, two months difference. Coincidence?

Yeah i saw him a few days ago at the self stands at WinCo. Is stalking still a crime in Oregon?  

11:07 Now she left in a rare move, a typical most hypocritical way i am so used coming from these guys. As soon as you point attention to them they start doing the opposite like when you catch a cat rolling your toilet paper...

11:30 Oh... My... God... Is it her? Audra Miller, the singer from Concrete Castles, is her? No she's 22. She joined the band when she was 12?

No she's not cause Audra only posts for us... Differences in teeth, chin. This idea was too wild. However.

12:18 As anyone can see all i did today was responding, searching, adding links, (and the occasional freudian slips), trying to get on with my (damned) morning, didn't say anything of my own, nothing at all.

2:52 Kali (godess of time). Synchronizing one's or a group of people's activities with one person or group or related events provides the best opportunities to commit numerous crimes of abuse against (mostly the image of) that person, without doing nothing else, thus undetected, and even if that person by any chance or sheer number of repeated offences (infinity + 1) or length of that time period when nothing works for him realizes something is happening, though impossible to prove.

Even the target person will dismiss it when given a chance to analyze the activities of others that seem absolutely real, legitimate and daily routine.

More than that. Many of the perpetrators appearing in allegoric scenes don't have any idea what they are doing. They are payed, or coerced. What more perfect crime than this? A guy who doesn't know he commits a crime, who never knows the victim and not even the victim knows he was offended?

3:26 Don't know if this will help Simona but the post "trial" intervention tries to prove one thing. There is no general conspiracy (blat general) because there is injustice and fight for justice. BTW, what do they mean by an independent tribunal? Independent from WTA, from countries' judicial systems? Do they have judges, lawyers, testimonies?

And the fact that her hair sample has 100 times less Roxadust then the treated woman. Reminds of something i just posted.

12:00 Yeah i know i've been hit by a dog kami last night and it started to manifest on the road and it's still inside of me. BTW, the sulfur smell from Kamas WA also represents a kami? Symbolism. Paper, books stink.

Xenu also spelled Xemu. Xenu-Dracula dualism on Mt SylvaniaZamolxesZymase.

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